- This course is an introduction to programming fundamentals, and also lets SE freshmen get their feet wet early with object-oriented programming (OOP), which is the most popular paradigm.
- Instructions written in a language dumb computers can easily decipher: a programming language
- try going to https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
- some are not beginner-friendly
Javasript can run on your browser, so let's learn how to make simple, ugly web pages first
Excited? We won't write programs yet, but learn some of their building blocks: variables and data types
Conditionals: Teach computers how to do things only under certain conditions.
Loops: Teach computers how to do things again and again and again.
Organize your program into objects: Fancy a petshop game? A petshop's objects would be: pets, veterinarians, shelves, customers, pet food, etc.
Learn how to draw 2D graphics on an HTML Canvas.
Build a game from scratch using everything you learned above.
Officially, it says none on your prospectus, but many coding tasks require some algebra on steroids
- all of your first year second sem courses
- SE 1222 co-requires SE 1223, which pre-requires SE 1121
- Failing this course would mean a 1 year delay
- CPU policy: can't take multiple lab subjects in "summer"
- while you can take SE 1121 in second term if you request it
- you can't take both SE 1222 and SE 1223 in one summer
- CPU policy: can't take multiple lab subjects in "summer"