From c7fdbe416d9dba948ffe339fe8392b9cf845ab0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jane Sandberg Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 13:30:16 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Upgrade dependencies --- Gemfile | 19 +--- Gemfile.lock | 278 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- db/schema.rb | 31 +++--- 3 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-) diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index da3edb3..2524f35 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ source '' # Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails' -gem 'rails', '~> 7.0' +gem 'rails', '~> 7.0.8' # Use SCSS for stylesheets gem 'sass-rails' gem 'terser' @@ -18,14 +18,6 @@ gem 'cancancan', '~> 3.3' gem 'faraday' gem 'faraday_middleware' -# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password -# gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7' - -# Use Unicorn as the app server -# gem 'unicorn' - -# Use Capistrano for deployment -# gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development gem 'devise' gem 'omniauth' gem "omniauth-cas" @@ -47,8 +39,7 @@ group :development, :test do gem 'pry-byebug' gem 'rspec-rails' gem 'rails-controller-testing' - gem 'listen' - gem 'webrick', '~> 1.7' + gem 'webrick' end group :test do @@ -61,11 +52,11 @@ end group :development do # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> in views gem 'web-console' - gem "capistrano", "~> 3.4" + gem 'bcrypt_pbkdf' + gem "capistrano" gem 'capistrano-rails' gem 'capistrano-bundler' gem 'capistrano-passenger' - # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more: - gem 'spring' + gem 'ed25519' end diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index 8250d03..e335da1 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -15,87 +15,89 @@ GIT GEM remote: specs: - actioncable ( - actionpack (= - activesupport (= + actioncable (7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) nio4r (~> 2.0) websocket-driver (>= 0.6.1) - actionmailbox ( - actionpack (= - activejob (= - activerecord (= - activestorage (= - activesupport (= + actionmailbox (7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + activejob (= 7.0.8) + activerecord (= 7.0.8) + activestorage (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) mail (>= 2.7.1) net-imap net-pop net-smtp - actionmailer ( - actionpack (= - actionview (= - activejob (= - activesupport (= + actionmailer (7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + actionview (= 7.0.8) + activejob (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4) net-imap net-pop net-smtp rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) - actionpack ( - actionview (= - activesupport (= - rack (~> 2.0, >= 2.2.0) + actionpack (7.0.8) + actionview (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) + rack (~> 2.0, >= 2.2.4) rack-test (>= 0.6.3) rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.2.0) - actiontext ( - actionpack (= - activerecord (= - activestorage (= - activesupport (= + actiontext (7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + activerecord (= 7.0.8) + activestorage (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) globalid (>= 0.6.0) nokogiri (>= 1.8.5) - actionview ( - activesupport (= + actionview (7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) builder (~> 3.1) erubi (~> 1.4) rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.1, >= 1.2.0) - activejob ( - activesupport (= + activejob (7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) globalid (>= 0.3.6) - activemodel ( - activesupport (= - activerecord ( - activemodel (= - activesupport (= - activestorage ( - actionpack (= - activejob (= - activerecord (= - activesupport (= + activemodel (7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) + activerecord (7.0.8) + activemodel (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) + activestorage (7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + activejob (= 7.0.8) + activerecord (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) marcel (~> 1.0) mini_mime (>= 1.1.0) - activesupport ( + activesupport (7.0.8) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) i18n (>= 1.6, < 2) minitest (>= 5.1) tzinfo (~> 2.0) - addressable (2.8.1) + addressable (2.8.6) public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0) - airbrussh (1.4.1) + airbrussh (1.5.0) sshkit (>= 1.6.1, != 1.7.0) - bcrypt (3.1.18) + bcrypt (3.1.20) + bcrypt_pbkdf (1.1.0) bindex (0.8.1) - bourbon (7.2.0) + bourbon (7.3.0) thor (~> 1.0) - brakeman (5.4.0) + brakeman (6.1.1) + racc breakpoint (2.7.1) sass (~> 3.3) sassy-maps (< 1.0.0) builder (3.2.4) byebug (11.1.3) - cancancan (3.4.0) - capistrano (3.17.1) + cancancan (3.5.0) + capistrano (3.18.0) airbrussh (>= 1.0.0) i18n rake (>= 10.0.0) @@ -104,10 +106,10 @@ GEM capistrano (~> 3.1) capistrano-passenger (0.2.1) capistrano (~> 3.0) - capistrano-rails (1.6.2) + capistrano-rails (1.6.3) capistrano (~> 3.1) capistrano-bundler (>= 1.1, < 3) - capybara (3.38.0) + capybara (3.39.2) addressable matrix mini_mime (>= 0.1.3) @@ -122,20 +124,21 @@ GEM crack (0.4.5) rexml crass (1.0.6) - date (3.3.3) - devise (4.8.1) + date (3.3.4) + devise (4.9.3) bcrypt (~> 3.0) orm_adapter (~> 0.1) railties (>= 4.1.0) responders warden (~> 1.2.3) diff-lcs (1.5.0) + ed25519 (1.3.0) erubi (1.12.0) - execjs (2.8.1) - factory_bot (6.2.1) + execjs (2.9.1) + factory_bot (6.4.4) activesupport (>= 5.0.0) - factory_bot_rails (6.2.0) - factory_bot (~> 6.2.0) + factory_bot_rails (6.4.2) + factory_bot (~> 6.4) railties (>= 5.0.0) faraday (1.10.2) faraday-em_http (~> 1.0) @@ -162,12 +165,12 @@ GEM faraday-retry (1.0.3) faraday_middleware (1.2.0) faraday (~> 1.0) - ffi (1.15.5) - globalid (1.1.0) - activesupport (>= 5.0) - hashdiff (1.0.1) + ffi (1.16.3) + globalid (1.2.1) + activesupport (>= 6.1) + hashdiff (1.1.0) hashie (5.0.0) - i18n (1.12.0) + i18n (1.14.1) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) jbuilder (2.11.5) actionview (>= 5.0.0) @@ -177,18 +180,15 @@ GEM jquery-rails railties (>= 3.1) sass-rails - jquery-rails (4.5.1) + jquery-rails (4.6.0) rails-dom-testing (>= 1, < 3) railties (>= 4.2.0) thor (>= 0.14, < 2.0) jquery-tablesorter (1.27.2) railties (>= 3.2) - listen (3.7.1) - rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3) - rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10) - loofah (2.20.0) + loofah (2.22.0) crass (~> 1.0.2) - nokogiri (>= 1.5.9) + nokogiri (>= 1.12.0) mail (2.8.1) mini_mime (>= 0.1.1) net-imap @@ -197,28 +197,29 @@ GEM marcel (1.0.2) matrix (0.4.2) method_source (1.0.0) - mini_mime (1.1.2) - minitest (5.18.0) + mini_mime (1.1.5) + minitest (5.20.0) modernizr-rails (2.7.1) - multipart-post (2.2.3) - net-imap (0.3.4) + multipart-post (2.3.0) + mutex_m (0.2.0) + net-imap (0.4.9) date net-protocol net-pop (0.1.2) net-protocol - net-protocol (0.2.1) + net-protocol (0.2.2) timeout net-scp (4.0.0) net-ssh (>= 2.6.5, < 8.0.0) - net-smtp (0.3.3) + net-smtp (0.4.0) net-protocol - net-ssh (7.0.1) - nio4r (2.5.9) - nokogiri (1.14.3-arm64-darwin) + net-ssh (7.2.1) + nio4r (2.7.0) + nokogiri (1.16.0-arm64-darwin) racc (~> 1.4) - nokogiri (1.14.3-x86_64-darwin) + nokogiri (1.16.0-x86_64-darwin) racc (~> 1.4) - nokogiri (1.14.3-x86_64-linux) + nokogiri (1.16.0-x86_64-linux) racc (~> 1.4) normalize-rails (3.0.3) omniauth (1.9.2) @@ -229,82 +230,81 @@ GEM nokogiri (~> 1.5) omniauth (~> 1.2) orm_adapter (0.5.0) - pg (1.4.5) + pg (1.5.4) poltergeist (1.18.1) capybara (>= 2.1, < 4) cliver (~> 0.3.1) websocket-driver (>= 0.2.0) - pry (0.14.1) + pry (0.14.2) coderay (~> 1.1) method_source (~> 1.0) pry-byebug (3.10.1) byebug (~> 11.0) pry (>= 0.13, < 0.15) - psych (5.0.1) + psych (5.1.2) stringio public_suffix (5.0.1) - racc (1.6.2) - rack ( + racc (1.7.3) + rack (2.2.8) rack-test (2.1.0) rack (>= 1.3) - rails ( - actioncable (= - actionmailbox (= - actionmailer (= - actionpack (= - actiontext (= - actionview (= - activejob (= - activemodel (= - activerecord (= - activestorage (= - activesupport (= + rails (7.0.8) + actioncable (= 7.0.8) + actionmailbox (= 7.0.8) + actionmailer (= 7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + actiontext (= 7.0.8) + actionview (= 7.0.8) + activejob (= 7.0.8) + activemodel (= 7.0.8) + activerecord (= 7.0.8) + activestorage (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) bundler (>= 1.15.0) - railties (= + railties (= 7.0.8) rails-controller-testing (1.0.5) actionpack (>= 5.0.1.rc1) actionview (>= 5.0.1.rc1) activesupport (>= 5.0.1.rc1) - rails-dom-testing (2.0.3) - activesupport (>= 4.2.0) + rails-dom-testing (2.2.0) + activesupport (>= 5.0.0) + minitest nokogiri (>= 1.6) - rails-html-sanitizer (1.5.0) - loofah (~> 2.19, >= 2.19.1) - railties ( - actionpack (= - activesupport (= + rails-html-sanitizer (1.6.0) + loofah (~> 2.21) + nokogiri (~> 1.14) + railties (7.0.8) + actionpack (= 7.0.8) + activesupport (= 7.0.8) method_source rake (>= 12.2) thor (~> 1.0) zeitwerk (~> 2.5) - rake (13.0.6) - rb-fsevent (0.11.2) - rb-inotify (0.10.1) - ffi (~> 1.0) - rdoc (6.5.0) + rake (13.1.0) + rdoc (6.6.2) psych (>= 4.0.0) - regexp_parser (2.6.1) - responders (3.0.1) - actionpack (>= 5.0) - railties (>= 5.0) - rexml (3.2.5) - rspec-core (3.12.0) + regexp_parser (2.8.3) + responders (3.1.1) + actionpack (>= 5.2) + railties (>= 5.2) + rexml (3.2.6) + rspec-core (3.12.2) rspec-support (~> 3.12.0) - rspec-expectations (3.12.0) + rspec-expectations (3.12.3) diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0) rspec-support (~> 3.12.0) - rspec-mocks (3.12.1) + rspec-mocks (3.12.6) diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0) rspec-support (~> 3.12.0) - rspec-rails (6.0.1) + rspec-rails (6.1.0) actionpack (>= 6.1) activesupport (>= 6.1) railties (>= 6.1) - rspec-core (~> 3.11) - rspec-expectations (~> 3.11) - rspec-mocks (~> 3.11) - rspec-support (~> 3.11) - rspec-support (3.12.0) + rspec-core (~> 3.12) + rspec-expectations (~> 3.12) + rspec-mocks (~> 3.12) + rspec-support (~> 3.12) + rspec-support (3.12.1) ruby2_keywords (0.0.5) sass (3.4.25) sass-rails (6.0.0) @@ -319,50 +319,50 @@ GEM tilt sassy-maps (0.4.0) sass (~> 3.3) - sdoc (2.4.0) + sdoc (2.6.1) rdoc (>= 5.0) - simple_form (5.1.0) + simple_form (5.3.0) actionpack (>= 5.2) activemodel (>= 5.2) - spring (4.1.0) - sprockets (4.1.1) + sprockets (4.2.1) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) - rack (> 1, < 3) + rack (>= 2.2.4, < 4) sprockets-rails (3.4.2) actionpack (>= 5.2) activesupport (>= 5.2) sprockets (>= 3.0.0) - sshkit (1.21.3) + sshkit (1.21.7) + mutex_m net-scp (>= 1.1.2) net-ssh (>= 2.8.0) stringio (3.0.4) susy (2.2.14) sass (>= 3.3.0, < 3.5) - terser (1.1.13) + terser (1.1.20) execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3) - thor (1.2.1) - tilt (2.0.11) - timeout (0.3.2) + thor (1.3.0) + tilt (2.3.0) + timeout (0.4.1) tzinfo (2.0.6) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) warden (1.2.9) rack (>= 2.0.9) - web-console (4.2.0) + web-console (4.2.1) actionview (>= 6.0.0) activemodel (>= 6.0.0) bindex (>= 0.4.0) railties (>= 6.0.0) - webmock (3.18.1) + webmock (3.19.1) addressable (>= 2.8.0) crack (>= 0.3.2) hashdiff (>= 0.4.0, < 2.0.0) - webrick (1.7.0) - websocket-driver (0.7.5) + webrick (1.8.1) + websocket-driver (0.7.6) websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0) websocket-extensions (0.1.5) xpath (3.2.0) nokogiri (~> 1.8) - zeitwerk (2.6.7) + zeitwerk (2.6.12) PLATFORMS arm64-darwin-22 @@ -370,24 +370,25 @@ PLATFORMS x86_64-linux DEPENDENCIES + bcrypt_pbkdf bourbon brakeman breakpoint byebug cancancan (~> 3.3) - capistrano (~> 3.4) + capistrano capistrano-bundler capistrano-passenger capistrano-rails capybara devise + ed25519 factory_bot_rails faraday faraday_middleware jbuilder jquery-rails jquery-tablesorter - listen modernizr-rails nokogiri normalize-rails @@ -397,18 +398,17 @@ DEPENDENCIES poltergeist pry-byebug pul-assets! - rails (~> 7.0) + rails (~> 7.0.8) rails-controller-testing rspec-rails sass-rails sdoc simple_form - spring susy terser web-console webmock - webrick (~> 1.7) + webrick BUNDLED WITH 2.3.26 diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb index 37f3b2e..427f4be 100644 --- a/db/schema.rb +++ b/db/schema.rb @@ -2,16 +2,15 @@ # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # -# This file is the source Rails uses to define your schema when running `rails -# db:schema:load`. When creating a new database, `rails db:schema:load` tends to +# This file is the source Rails uses to define your schema when running `bin/rails +# db:schema:load`. When creating a new database, `bin/rails db:schema:load` tends to # be faster and is potentially less error prone than running all of your # migrations from scratch. Old migrations may fail to apply correctly if those # migrations use external dependencies or application code. # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. -ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2016_03_04_181821) do - +ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2016_03_04_181821) do # These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database enable_extension "plpgsql" @@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ t.string "maintainer_email" t.text "description" t.string "url" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + t.datetime "created_at", precision: nil, null: false + t.datetime "updated_at", precision: nil, null: false end create_table "papers", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| @@ -56,8 +55,8 @@ t.string "keywords" t.boolean "suppress" t.integer "wpid" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + t.datetime "created_at", precision: nil, null: false + t.datetime "updated_at", precision: nil, null: false t.integer "series_id" t.string "url" t.index ["series_id"], name: "index_papers_on_series_id" @@ -75,23 +74,23 @@ t.string "sectionurlid" t.string "base_url" t.string "pri_handle" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + t.datetime "created_at", precision: nil, null: false + t.datetime "updated_at", precision: nil, null: false end create_table "users", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t| t.string "email", default: "", null: false t.string "encrypted_password", default: "", null: false t.string "reset_password_token" - t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at" - t.datetime "remember_created_at" + t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at", precision: nil + t.datetime "remember_created_at", precision: nil t.integer "sign_in_count", default: 0, null: false - t.datetime "current_sign_in_at" - t.datetime "last_sign_in_at" + t.datetime "current_sign_in_at", precision: nil + t.datetime "last_sign_in_at", precision: nil t.string "current_sign_in_ip" t.string "last_sign_in_ip" - t.datetime "created_at", null: false - t.datetime "updated_at", null: false + t.datetime "created_at", precision: nil, null: false + t.datetime "updated_at", precision: nil, null: false t.string "provider" t.string "uid" t.string "username"