A python script which processes .xls music rank sheets and calculates the top 100, then attaches YouTube links.
A friend of mine at http://spectrumculture.com used to manually email his writers and get them to vote on their top songs for various articles. He would than manually tabulate and calculate all their results in various formats and it would take him days. I wrote this script for him so he could send out a single spreadhseet and get everyone to fill it out in 2 columns with a single header row:
Track, Rank
They rank them up to 50 and it runs all the sheets, calculates the voting based on his formula and then prepares a report including fairly accurate YouTube video results for the songs themsevles which writers can then use to listen in a click for the next stage of the voting.
Hope this helps you in some way. Would love to hear if it does! [email protected]