- github:https://github.com/0xACB
- twitter: @0xacb
- website: https://pwning.re/
- blog: https://portswigger.net/blog
- github: https://github.com/albinowax
- twitter: @albinowax
- website: www.skeletonscribe.net
- blog: https://www.arneswinnen.net/
- twitter: @arneswinnen
- github:
- twitter: @Beaujeant
- blog: https://brutelogic.com.br/blog/. Excellent blog about XSS.
- twitter: @brutelogic
- github: EdOverflow
- twitter: @EdOverflow
- website: https://edoverflow.com/
- github: https://github.com/evilsocket
- twitter: @evilsocket
- website: https://www.evilsocket.net/
- blog: https://www.geekboy.ninja/blog/
- twitter: @emgeekboy
- twitter: @gynvael
- website: https://gynvael.coldwind.pl/
- youtube: Gynvael
- blog: https://www.jackktutorials.com/blog/
- twitter: @JackkTutorials
- youtube: Jackk
- github: https://github.com/jhaddix
- twitter: @jhaddix
- github: https://github.com/LiveOverflow
- twitter: @LiveOverflow
- website: https://liveoverflow.com/
- youtube: LiveOverflow
- github: https://github.com/nahamsec/
- twitch: nahamsec
- twitter: @NahamSec
- youtube: Nahamsec
- blog: https://ngailong.wordpress.com/
- github: https://github.com/ngalongc
- twitter: @ngalongc
- blog: https://philippeharewood.com/
- twitter: @phwd
- medium: STÖK
- twitter: @stokfredrik
- website: https://www.stokfredrik.com/
- youtube: STÖK
- github:
- twitter: @pentest_swissky
- twitter: @thecybermentor
- youtube: The Cyber Mentor
- twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thecybermentor
- website: https://www.thecybermentor.com/
- book: Yaworski, P. (2017). Web Hacking 101. Leanpub.
- twitter: @yaworsk
- website: https://www.torontowebsitedeveloper.com/
- youtube: Yaworsk
- blog: https://blog.zsec.uk/
- book: Gill, A. (2017). Breaking into Information Security: Learning the Ropes 101. Leanpub.
- github: https://github.com/ZephrFish
- twitter: @ZephrFish
- youtube: ZephrFish
- github: https://github.com/zseano
- medium: @zseano
- twitter: @zseano
- website:
- youtube: Zseano. contains video's with live mentoring sessions for beginners