You will find comparison results for warden with request. Used nock to simulate HTTP server and custom test runner to measure results. You can run same tests by yourself
TS_NODE_FILES=true node -r ts-node/register benchmarks/holder.ts
All modules are disabled on warden.
"name": "Request Module",
"stats": {
"runs": 10000,
"success": 10000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 16827.367216
"name": "Warden",
"stats": {
"runs": 10000,
"success": 10000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 16868.094933
Warden puts 0.24% overhead on request module. Almost nothing.
Only holder module enabled. Running on 500 parallel requests with 1/100 chance of same request. This means only 5 same concurrent requests.
"name": "Request Module",
"stats": {
"runs": 100000,
"success": 100000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 17612.177992
"name": "Warden",
"stats": {
"runs": 100000,
"success": 100000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 17501.875109
Warden wins this one clearly. Results will be better for warden when transferring over real network.
Cache module active. Running with 100 parallelism and 1000 different requests.
"name": "Request Module",
"stats": {
"runs": 1000,
"success": 1000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 1702.591433
"name": "Warden",
"stats": {
"runs": 1000,
"success": 1000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 22.202227
This one is no-brainer. Cached one will be faster all the time. But cache implementation on Warden is amazingly fast.
Retry module active. Nock is configured to simulate a production class server with >0.99 success rate. Running tests 100 parallelism and 1 retry amount.
"name": "Request Module",
"stats": {
"runs": 5000,
"success": 4956,
"errors": 44,
"duration": 4216.685647
"name": "Warden",
"stats": {
"runs": 5000,
"success": 5000,
"errors": 0,
"duration": 4222.504931
request module is barely faster but it resulted with 44 errors. Meanwhile Warden has full success rate.