diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 862162f..f50971b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,31 +8,6 @@ Documentation:
## global variables
-### addDeployLinks
-Adds a link(to another job) for a specific build from the build history of a jenkins job.
-See it's [documentation](vars/addDeployLinks.txt).
-This function is a component of the [Integration Pipeline](doc/Integration-Pipeline.md).
-Source: [vars/addDeployLinks.groovy](vars/addDeployLinks.groovy)
-### cleanBuilds
-Cleans up the build history of the jenkins job. It can differentiate deployments to specific environments.
-See it's [documentation](vars/cleanBuilds.txt).
-This function is a component of the [Integration Pipeline](doc/Integration-Pipeline.md).
-Source: [vars/cleanBuilds.groovy](vars/cleanBuilds.groovy)
-### deployChangedComponents
-This function can be used as a template for deploying a component on a specific environment.
-There is no actual implementation of a deployment but a placeholder with an echo output.
-See it's [documentation](vars/deployChangedComponents.txt).
-This function is a component of the [Integration Pipeline](doc/Integration-Pipeline.md).
-Source: [vars/deployChangedComponents.groovy](vars/deployChangedComponents.groovy)
### executable
Ensures that the given executable is available on the current Jenkins agent, installing it with a Jenkins tool installer
@@ -63,23 +38,6 @@ Requests OpenShift to start build from the specified build config and waits for
Runs the OWASP dependency-check tool.
-### replaceFromVault
-Substitutes variables in a provided String with secrets retrieved from HashiCorp Vault.
-### trackComponentVersions
-This function tracks information about the current deployment state of a component on a specific environment.
-See it's [documentation](vars/trackComponentVersions.txt).
-This function is a component of the [Integration Pipeline](doc/Integration-Pipeline.md).
-Source: [vars/trackComponentVersions.groovy](vars/trackComponentVersions.groovy)
-### withGitCrypt
-Unlocks the Git repository in the current directory with `git-crypt` for the duration of the scope of the
- step and locks it again afterwards.
## Groovy source files
### DockerHub
diff --git a/test/groovy/vars/CheckPipelineTest.groovy b/test/groovy/vars/CheckPipelineTest.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2a75b..0000000
--- a/test/groovy/vars/CheckPipelineTest.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package groovy.pipeline
-import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.declarative.DeclarativePipelineTest
-import org.junit.Before
-import org.junit.Test
-import static com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.MethodCall.callArgsToString
-import static com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.global.lib.LibraryConfiguration.library
-import static com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.global.lib.ProjectSource.projectSource
-import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
-class CheckPipelineTest extends DeclarativePipelineTest {
- @Before
- @Override
- void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp()
- helper.libLoader.preloadLibraryClasses = false
- def library = library().name('jenkins-shared-library')
- .defaultVersion('master')
- .allowOverride(true)
- .implicit(true)
- .targetPath('')
- .retriever(projectSource())
- .build()
- helper.registerSharedLibrary(library)
- }
- @Test
- void itShouldAbortForMissingMandatoryParameter() {
- // when
- runScript('test/resources/vars/check/mandatoryParameterMissing.groovy')
- // then
- assertThat(helper.callStack.findAll { call ->
- call.methodName == "error"
- }.any { call ->
- callArgsToString(call).contains("missing parameter: hallo")
- }).isTrue()
- printCallStack()
- }
- @Test
- void itShouldNotAbortForAvailableMandatoryParameter() {
- // when
- runScript('test/resources/vars/check/mandatoryParameter.groovy')
- // then
- assertJobStatusSuccess()
- }
diff --git a/test/groovy/vars/CheckTest.groovy b/test/groovy/vars/CheckTest.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 952e52b..0000000
--- a/test/groovy/vars/CheckTest.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-package groovy.vars
-import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*
-import static com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.MethodCall.callArgsToString
-import com.lesfurets.jenkins.unit.BasePipelineTest
-import org.junit.Before
-import org.junit.Test
- * Tests for vars/check.groovy
- */
-class CheckTest extends BasePipelineTest {
- private Script check
- @Override
- @Before
- void setUp() {
- super.setUp()
- check = loadScript('vars/check.groovy')
- }
- @Test
- void itShouldAbortForMissingMandatoryParameter() {
- // given
- // Override error behaviour as it is not correctly implemented by the test framework
- helper.registerAllowedMethod('error', [String.class])
- check.binding.setVariable('params', [:])
- // when
- check.mandatoryParameter('hallo')
- // then
- assertJobStatusAborted()
- assertThat(helper.callStack.findAll { call ->
- call.methodName == 'error'
- }.any { call ->
- callArgsToString(call).contains('missing parameter: hallo')
- }).isTrue()
- }
- @Test
- void itShouldNotAbortForAvailableMandatoryParameter() {
- // given
- check.binding.setVariable('currentBuild', [result: 'null'])
- check.binding.setVariable('params', [hallo: 'test'])
- // when
- check.mandatoryParameter('hallo')
- // then
- assertThat(check.binding.getVariable('currentBuild').result as String).isEqualTo('null')
- assertThat(helper.callStack).filteredOn({ it.methodName == 'error' }).isEmpty()
- }
diff --git a/test/groovy/vars/OpenshiftUtilsSpec.groovy b/test/groovy/vars/OpenshiftUtilsSpec.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc3032..0000000
--- a/test/groovy/vars/OpenshiftUtilsSpec.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-package groovy.vars
-import com.homeaway.devtools.jenkins.testing.JenkinsPipelineSpecification
-class OpenshiftUtilsSpec extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
- def openshiftUtils = loadPipelineScriptForTest('vars/openshiftUtils.groovy')
- def 'Applys the template without namespace'() {
- setup:
- explicitlyMockPipelineVariable('openshift_token')
- when:
- openshiftUtils.applyTemplate("https://console.appuio.ch/", "my-appuio-project", "template.yaml", "APPUiO_login_token", false)
- then:
- 1 * getPipelineMock('echo').call('OpenShift server URL: https://console.appuio.ch/')
- 1 * getPipelineMock('echo').call('OpenShift project: my-appuio-project')
- 1 * getPipelineMock('echo').call('resource file: template.yaml')
- 1 * getPipelineMock('withCredentials').call(_) >> { _arguments ->
- def credentialsId = 'APPUiO_login_token'
- credentialsId == _arguments[0][0].credentialsId[0]
- }
- 1 * getPipelineMock('tool').call(_) >> '/home/jenkins'
- 1 * getPipelineMock('withEnv').call(_) >> { _arguments ->
-// TODO: pwd mock
- def env = ["KUBECONFIG=null/test/path/.kube", "PATH+OC_HOME=/home/jenkins/bin", "ocpUrl=https://console.appuio.ch/"]
- env == _arguments[0][0]
- }
- 1 * getPipelineMock('sh').call('oc login https://console.appuio.ch/ --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true --token=Mock Generator for [openshift_token]')
- 1 * getPipelineMock('sh').call('oc process -f template.yaml | oc apply -f -')
- }
- def 'Applys the template with namespace'() {
- setup:
- explicitlyMockPipelineVariable('openshift_token')
- when:
- openshiftUtils.applyTemplate("https://console.appuio.ch/", "my-appuio-project", "template.yaml", "APPUiO_login_token", true)
- then:
- 1 * getPipelineMock('sh').call('oc process -f template.yaml -p NAMESPACE_NAME=$(oc project -q) | oc apply -f -')
- }
- def 'Applys the template with envFile and without namespace'() {
- setup:
- explicitlyMockPipelineVariable('openshift_token')
- when:
- openshiftUtils.applyTemplateWithEnvFile("https://console.appuio.ch/", "my-appuio-project", "template.yaml", "APPUiO_login_token", 'envFile.env', false)
- then:
- 1 * getPipelineMock('echo').call('environment file: envFile.env')
- 1 * getPipelineMock('sh').call('oc process -f template.yaml --param-file envFile.env | oc apply -f -')
- }
- def 'Applys the template with namespace and envFile'() {
- setup:
- explicitlyMockPipelineVariable('openshift_token')
- when:
- openshiftUtils.applyTemplateWithEnvFile("https://console.appuio.ch/", "my-appuio-project", "template.yaml", "APPUiO_login_token", 'envFile.env', true)
- then:
- 1 * getPipelineMock('sh').call('oc process -f template.yaml -p NAMESPACE_NAME=$(oc project -q) --param-file envFile.env | oc apply -f -')
- }