We use the official PHP Docker images and add a few extra features to make them nicer for everyday use.
We offer 5.6, all 7.x and all 8.x.
See the /php
and /php/src
folders for more details.
If you're happy with the default version of PHP (8.3) then you simply:
- Use
in your browser - Use
devin 83
to jump into the 8.3 container and run PHP commands (eg. composer, artisan)
There are two extra steps if you want a different version of PHP. Let's assume you want PHP 7.4:
- Add the PHP version to the
list in.env
- eg.
- Update your Docker containers:
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans
Now use https://<folder>.php74.localhost
in your browser or devin 74
in your terminal.
You can enable as many versions of PHP as you like, but note that starting or updating the containers will take a little longer.
Only the latest version of PHP has these tools installed:
- Node.js (latest LTS) & NPM (latest)
- Yarn (latest of 1.x)
- PHPCS (with Wordpress code standards added)
- Wordpress CLI
All other PHP containers will only have Composer installed.
This was a deliberate decision in order to keep the PHP containers as small as possible, but still provide the convenience of having these tools available.
If you want to install your own tools then see "How can I customise my containers?" in the General FAQ.
Each version of PHP can have it's own scheduled CRON jobs.
- Create a file called
in the PHP folder of your choice (eg.php/83/custom_crontab
). - Add your scheduled commands into
- Rebuild that PHP image (eg. for PHP 8.3):
docker compose build php83-fpm
- Use the new image:
docker compose up -d
Your CRON entries should look something like this:
* * * * * cd /var/www/html/my-laravel-site/ && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
CRONs will only run while your Docker Dev containers are running.
BrowserSync works by proxying a host and auto-refreshing the browser when a file was updated. When run from within a container, it needs to proxy the PHP site through the apache container (to get the same result that you see).
We have 2 options for this.
We have a (wildcard) DNS redirect setup at *.lde.pvtl.io
which points to the apache container's IP address. This is for convenience, so that our docker container can use that hostname to find the IP. Simply adjust your BrowserSync config to use this hostname:
- BrowserSync config: Instead of using the hostname
, use<folder>.pub.lde.pvtl.io
- (optional) .env: Adjust your site's hostname (usually in
) to use the same.lde.pvtl.io
alternative- Primarily relevant in Wordpress sites, because Wordpress will redirect to
- Primarily relevant in Wordpress sites, because Wordpress will redirect to
Follow the instructions in the section below (HTTP requests from one LDE site to another).
By default, you cannot send cURL, Wget or other HTTP requests from one site in your LDE to another (or itself). The PHP containers (where the HTTP requests are sent from) don't know which IP to use for https://<folder>.localhost
You can work around this issue by editing the hosts file inside the PHP container which is sending the request, and manually tell it the IP to use.
Note, we always use the IP address of the apache
container since it handles all HTTP requests.
- Exec into the PHP container (the source of the HTTP request):
docker compose exec php83-fpm bash
- Find the IP address of the
container:ping -c 1 apache | awk -F '[()]' '{print $2}' | head -n 1
- Edit the hosts file:
nano /etc/hosts
- Append to the end wp.pub.localhost
(adjust the destination hostname to suit)
- Add your settings into
- Rebuild and restart all containers
docker compose up -d --build
Your config changes will take effect in all PHP containers.
Need to connect to Microsoft SQL Server? Read the next FAQ.
A great selection of extensions are pre-installed, but you can add your own too.
We are using the official PHP Docker images and they include a script which assists with installing and enabling PHP extensions.
Here's how you could install the "sockets" extension:
devin 83
sudo -E docker-php-ext-install sockets
docker-compose restart
Or here is how you can install a PECL extension:
devin 83
sudo -E pecl install -f swoole-5.1.3
sudo -E docker-php-ext-enable swoole
docker-compose restart
Your extensions will need to be re-installed after you rebuild or upgrade your Docker containers. If you want your changes to persist, consider using the "custom_scripts" feature (see the General FAQ).
The Docker Dev containers currently use Debian 11 (Bullseye) under the hood. These instructions are specific to that version of Debian.
sudo su
curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc \
&& curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/11/prod.list | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list \
&& apt update \
&& ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install -y unixodbc-dev msodbcsql18 mssql-tools18
pecl install sqlsrv pdo_sqlsrv
sudo -E docker-php-ext-enable sqlsrv pdo_sqlsrv
php -m | grep sqlsrv
Your extensions will need to be re-installed after you rebuild or upgrade your Docker containers. If you want your changes to persist, consider using the "custom_scripts" feature (see the General FAQ).
Did you know that PHP sessions will block concurrent requests (for the same session) until the first request is finished? This is done to prevent race conditions when writing to the session file.
You can improve your concurrency performance (at the risk of race conditions) by using Valkey as your session handler.
- Enable the Valkey service by adding
list in.env
- Create a
file (if it doesn't already exist) - Append the following lines
session.save_handler = valkey
session.save_path = "tcp://valkey:6379"
- Rebuild
docker compose up -d --build
The default version of PHP in Docker Dev is typically the latest stable version.
But perhaps you want to use PHP 7.4 for all URLs which do not specify a PHP version (like <folder>.localhost
and <folder>.pub.localhost
- Ensure the PHP 7.4 image (
) is added to theCOMPOSE_FILE
list in.env
- Cut the
ServerAlias *.pub.*
line fromapache/sites/pub.localhost/php<LATEST_VERSION>.conf
- Paste into
(after the firstServerAlias ..
line) - Cut the
ServerAlias *.*
line fromapache/sites/localhost/php<LATEST_VERSION>.conf
- Paste into
(after the firstServerAlias ..
line) - Rebuild Apache
docker compose build apache
- Bring it back up
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans