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150 lines (133 loc) · 6.69 KB

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150 lines (133 loc) · 6.69 KB
# @file: trunk/
# @version : 0.55.02
# @version : 2019-05-25
# @created : 2009-08-03
# @author  : pyramid
# @brief   : Space3D for POV-Ray version history
# @internet:
# @internet:
# ex file: space3d_version_history.txt
# description: space3d development and version history
# ex internet:

Change History

2019-05-25 | v0.55.02 |

  • s3d_starfield.ini: simple adjustment of intensity when size > 1 set optimum nebula distance at 4e4 to avoid artifacts with stars (at default distance 2e4)

2019-05-24 | v0.55.01 |

  • s3d_starfield.ini: adjusted box emission to accept param between 0 (random) and 10 (max). changed box depth to fsize parameter (2e4). box must be moved to the background to avoid star artifacts. changed default nebula position to origin <0,0,0,>. use object { nebula translate <..> } to set depth. with this changes the new mCloudNebula08 will produce different results from the previous one.

2019-05-20 | v0.55.00 |

  • s3d_starfield.ini: changed sphere to box in mCloudNebula08 to remove overlap artifacts with stars /* Legacy implementation has artifacts with the star tirangles
    • which, when present, prevent the nebula density to be drawn
    • inside the triangles, and therefore makes those visible
    • as artifacts */

2019-05-18 | v0.54 |

  • added FxRnd and Fx macros for random and id function selection
  • moved command line scripts to "sh" directory

2019-05-08 | v0.53 |

  • s3d_scene.ini: improved WaterMark macro to customize font
  • dir: added fonts directory

2019-04-20 | v0.52 |

  • github: first time published sources on github


@file: trunk/

@version : 0.51

@version : 2019-04-20

@created : 2009-08-03

@author : pyramid

@brief : Space3D for POV-Ray version history

ex file: space3d_version_history.txt

description: space3d development and version history

 To Do List
 01 - better nebula backgrounds
 02 - documentation: objects and uses
 03 - ateroid texture map is not satisfactory
 - tiled web backround as per the cicada principle:

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Change History
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> added last space3d complete version
// 2016-09-19 | v0.51 | added: WaterMark macro to s3d_scene.ini 
// 2012-07-02 | v0.50 | bugfix in Unexpected '.' in DensityCurve 
// 2012-04-19 | v0.49 | added: added Star macro with color parameter 
// 2011-11-21 | v0.48 | bugfix: local vs. global variables in Camera() and CameraRotate()
//                      scences: included SHOW_LABELS global flag for test scenes
//                      scenees: improved lightning in test scenes
// 2011-04-11 | v0.47 | bugfix: made planet rings hollow objects
//                      converted UranusRings() to macro
//                      simplified TitleText(), included TitleTextAdjust()
//                      added simple and quick Starfield() macro
//                      texturing bugfixes (non-hollow planets, declared surface finishes)
//                      error handling for free camera if position and lookat point are
//                      equal
//                      StarNebula and Cloud Nebula pigments now take arguments
//                      new QuickNebula() macro included
//                      added CameraRotation() macro
//                      fixed declaration of standard variables for standalone pov scenes
//                      now some nebula accept on color (array[1]{cColor})
//                      adjust starcluster star size according to image width
// 2011-04-04 | v0.46 | bugfix: removed obsolete variable from StarCluster
//                      fixed space3d_gallery renders
//                      replaced CAMERA = x statements to CameraX macros
//                      converted asteroid objects to macros
//                      converted cloud objects to macros
//                      consolidated old clouds to new objects
//                      changed Sun(vSunLocation, fIntensity) to take intensity parameter
//                      corrected atmosphere transparency issue
//                      position & look_at validity check for Camera1
//                      corrected pattern bug in cloud nebula 2
//                      limited max background nebula size to avoid blank renders
//                      swapped type 2-background and type 3-ring nebula in NebulaSelect
//                      included s3d_test for macro andobject testing
//                      moved all TerranPlanetN objects to s3d_planet_terran
//                      adapted all planet macros to use generic color randomizers
//                      added QuickPlanet macro
//                      fixed trantor planet to have the same shape for cities and lights
//                      removed from distribution
//                      included generic that loads all other includes
//                      added preset 16:9 screen ratio formats
// 2009-12-18 | v0.45 | planet bugfixes
//                      new ColorHSL(Hue, Saturation, Lightness) macro
// 2009-08-03 | v0.44 | joined asteroid, planet, starfield includes into one package
//                      converted objects to macros
//                      separated light & camera, and object macros into separate
//                      inc files
<<<<<<< HEAD

# To Do List
 01 - better nebula backgrounds
 02 - documentation: objects and uses
 03 - ateroid texture map is not satisfactory
 - tiled web backround as per the cicada principle:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>>>>>>> added last space3d complete version