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Alex Clark ☺ edited this page Feb 20, 2014 · 30 revisions

Welcome to the Pillow wiki for GSOC Ideas! If selected, we plan to focus on the following:


Suggested by Prashant Shrivastava, a potential GSOC participant who contacted Alex Clark regarding Pillow participating in GSOC

Sir, First of all i would like to thank you for developing a very good Imaging Library for Python. It works wonders. I have been using the "Pillow" for a while now as my current project deals with computer vision and image processing. It has helped me alot and i would like to contribute to its development and get it more recognition. There are libraries like opencv which are more famous due its portability on different platforms. I feel that if a proper documentation in form a book with examples are provided to a budding user then more and more programmers will be attracted to this very good library. I was wondering if the "Pillow" is going to provide mentor-ship for a GSOC project. It would be very well recognized platform to showcase the power of image processing through python. I eagerly await your response and views about my idea. Regards, Prashant

Evaluate the status of Pillow's fork of the PIL handbook and provide improvements: better flow, modernization, more examples.

Students: should have some technical writing experience and be prepared to write reStructuredText. Experience with Python and PIL a plus.

Mentor: Alex Clark


Suggested by Eric Soroos, Pillow core developer

Investigate speeding up core operations by vectorizing core functionality. This could be a combination of autovectorization in the compiler, manual recoding of tight loops in vector form, or writing kernels for OpenCL.

Students: should have C and Python programming experience. Experience with PIL a plus.

Mentor: Eric Soroos


Suggested by Eric Soroos, Pillow core developer

Pillow decodes a lot of image formats, some of which are safer and better specified than others. Experience with other projects has shown that there are many bugs lurking in otherwise functional code. Running a large corpus of valid, invalid, or otherwise fuzzed images while recording and investigating errors and crashes should improve the robustness of Pillow.

Students: should have C and Python programming experience. Experience with PIL a plus.

Mentor: Eric Soroos


Suggested by Jeff Breidenbach, User

Pillow decodes a lot of image formats, but there is room for one more. JPEG 2000 is widely used in the motion picture industry and also by digital libraries. It is also part of the PDF standard. Adding support for JPEG 2000 would be helpful, even on a read-only basis. Take a look at libopenjpeg which implements a JPEG 2000 codec.

Students: should have C and Python programming experience. Experience with PIL a plus.

Mentor: TBD

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