Install development dependencies with (you might want to create a virtualenv first):
git clone pylsp-rope
cd pylsp-rope
pip install -e '.[dev]'
Run pylsp in development mode, enable logs:
pylsp -v --log-file /tmp/pylsp.log
Vim users should refer to Rope in Vim or Neovim
for how to configure their LSP client to run pylsp
in development mode.
Optionally, run in tcp mode if you want to be able to use the standard input/output for something else, for example when using IPython or pudb, run this from terminal:
pylsp -v --tcp --port 8772 --log-file /tmp/pylsp.log
autocmd User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
\ 'name': 'pylsp-debug',
\ 'cmd': ["nc", "localhost", "8772"],
\ 'allowlist': ['python'],
\ })
TODO: document how to connect to pylsp via pylsp from LSP clients.
Run pytest
to run plugin tests.
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Upload release assets to Github Release (fixme: find a way to automate this)