diff --git a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CPUOnlyDevice.cpp b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CPUOnlyDevice.cpp
index 20a4e380..b4ebb273 100644
--- a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CPUOnlyDevice.cpp
+++ b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CPUOnlyDevice.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace facebook::torchcodec {
 void convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCuda(
     const torch::Device& device,
     const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
-    AVCodecContext* codecContext,
+    const VideoDecoder::StreamMetadata& metadata,
     VideoDecoder::RawDecodedOutput& rawOutput,
     VideoDecoder::DecodedOutput& output,
     std::optional<torch::Tensor> preAllocatedOutputTensor) {
diff --git a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CudaDevice.cpp b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CudaDevice.cpp
index b15684a2..7c3964cc 100644
--- a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CudaDevice.cpp
+++ b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/CudaDevice.cpp
@@ -154,18 +154,6 @@ AVBufferRef* getCudaContext(const torch::Device& device) {
-torch::Tensor allocateDeviceTensor(
-    at::IntArrayRef shape,
-    torch::Device device,
-    const torch::Dtype dtype = torch::kUInt8) {
-  return torch::empty(
-      shape,
-      torch::TensorOptions()
-          .dtype(dtype)
-          .layout(torch::kStrided)
-          .device(device));
 void throwErrorIfNonCudaDevice(const torch::Device& device) {
       device.type() != torch::kCPU,
@@ -199,7 +187,7 @@ void initializeContextOnCuda(
 void convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCuda(
     const torch::Device& device,
     const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
-    AVCodecContext* codecContext,
+    const VideoDecoder::StreamMetadata& metadata,
     VideoDecoder::RawDecodedOutput& rawOutput,
     VideoDecoder::DecodedOutput& output,
     std::optional<torch::Tensor> preAllocatedOutputTensor) {
@@ -209,8 +197,9 @@ void convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCuda(
       src->format == AV_PIX_FMT_CUDA,
       "Expected format to be AV_PIX_FMT_CUDA, got " +
-  int width = options.width.value_or(codecContext->width);
-  int height = options.height.value_or(codecContext->height);
+  auto frameDims = getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrMetadata(options, metadata);
+  int height = frameDims.height;
+  int width = frameDims.width;
   NppiSize oSizeROI = {width, height};
   Npp8u* input[2] = {src->data[0], src->data[1]};
   torch::Tensor& dst = output.frame;
@@ -227,7 +216,7 @@ void convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCuda(
         "x3, got ",
   } else {
-    dst = allocateDeviceTensor({height, width, 3}, options.device);
+    dst = allocateEmptyHWCTensor(height, width, options.device);
   // Use the user-requested GPU for running the NPP kernel.
diff --git a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/DeviceInterface.h b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/DeviceInterface.h
index 772bdfe6..0fed5e00 100644
--- a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/DeviceInterface.h
+++ b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/DeviceInterface.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void initializeContextOnCuda(
 void convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCuda(
     const torch::Device& device,
     const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
-    AVCodecContext* codecContext,
+    const VideoDecoder::StreamMetadata& metadata,
     VideoDecoder::RawDecodedOutput& rawOutput,
     VideoDecoder::DecodedOutput& output,
     std::optional<torch::Tensor> preAllocatedOutputTensor = std::nullopt);
diff --git a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.cpp b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.cpp
index b20a5e54..169dc216 100644
--- a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.cpp
+++ b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.cpp
@@ -195,14 +195,13 @@ VideoDecoder::BatchDecodedOutput::BatchDecodedOutput(
     int64_t numFrames,
     const VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
     const StreamMetadata& metadata)
-    : frames(torch::empty(
-          {numFrames,
-           options.height.value_or(*metadata.height),
-           options.width.value_or(*metadata.width),
-           3},
-          at::TensorOptions(options.device).dtype(torch::kUInt8))),
-      ptsSeconds(torch::empty({numFrames}, {torch::kFloat64})),
-      durationSeconds(torch::empty({numFrames}, {torch::kFloat64})) {}
+    : ptsSeconds(torch::empty({numFrames}, {torch::kFloat64})),
+      durationSeconds(torch::empty({numFrames}, {torch::kFloat64})) {
+  auto frameDims = getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrMetadata(options, metadata);
+  int height = frameDims.height;
+  int width = frameDims.width;
+  frames = allocateEmptyHWCTensor(height, width, options.device, numFrames);
 VideoDecoder::VideoDecoder() {}
@@ -364,12 +363,11 @@ void VideoDecoder::initializeFilterGraphForStream(
   inputs->pad_idx = 0;
   inputs->next = nullptr;
   char description[512];
-  int width = activeStream.codecContext->width;
-  int height = activeStream.codecContext->height;
-  if (options.height.has_value() && options.width.has_value()) {
-    width = *options.width;
-    height = *options.height;
-  }
+  auto frameDims = getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrMetadata(
+      options, containerMetadata_.streams[streamIndex]);
+  int height = frameDims.height;
+  int width = frameDims.width;
@@ -869,7 +867,7 @@ VideoDecoder::DecodedOutput VideoDecoder::convertAVFrameToDecodedOutput(
-        streamInfo.codecContext.get(),
+        containerMetadata_.streams[streamIndex],
@@ -899,8 +897,10 @@ void VideoDecoder::convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCPU(
   torch::Tensor tensor;
   if (output.streamType == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
     if (streamInfo.colorConversionLibrary == ColorConversionLibrary::SWSCALE) {
-      int width = streamInfo.options.width.value_or(frame->width);
-      int height = streamInfo.options.height.value_or(frame->height);
+      auto frameDims =
+          getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrAVFrame(streamInfo.options, *frame);
+      int height = frameDims.height;
+      int width = frameDims.width;
       if (preAllocatedOutputTensor.has_value()) {
         tensor = preAllocatedOutputTensor.value();
         auto shape = tensor.sizes();
@@ -914,8 +914,7 @@ void VideoDecoder::convertAVFrameToDecodedOutputOnCPU(
             "x3, got ",
       } else {
-        tensor = torch::empty(
-            {height, width, 3}, torch::TensorOptions().dtype({torch::kUInt8}));
+        tensor = allocateEmptyHWCTensor(height, width, torch::kCPU);
       rawOutput.data = tensor.data_ptr<uint8_t>();
@@ -1315,8 +1314,10 @@ void VideoDecoder::convertFrameToBufferUsingSwsScale(
   enum AVPixelFormat frameFormat =
       static_cast<enum AVPixelFormat>(frame->format);
   StreamInfo& activeStream = streams_[streamIndex];
-  int outputWidth = activeStream.options.width.value_or(frame->width);
-  int outputHeight = activeStream.options.height.value_or(frame->height);
+  auto frameDims =
+      getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrAVFrame(activeStream.options, *frame);
+  int outputHeight = frameDims.height;
+  int outputWidth = frameDims.width;
   if (activeStream.swsContext.get() == nullptr) {
     SwsContext* swsContext = sws_getContext(
@@ -1382,7 +1383,11 @@ torch::Tensor VideoDecoder::convertFrameToTensorUsingFilterGraph(
   ffmpegStatus =
       av_buffersink_get_frame(filterState.sinkContext, filteredFrame.get());
   TORCH_CHECK_EQ(filteredFrame->format, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24);
-  std::vector<int64_t> shape = {filteredFrame->height, filteredFrame->width, 3};
+  auto frameDims = getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrAVFrame(
+      streams_[streamIndex].options, *filteredFrame.get());
+  int height = frameDims.height;
+  int width = frameDims.width;
+  std::vector<int64_t> shape = {height, width, 3};
   std::vector<int64_t> strides = {filteredFrame->linesize[0], 3, 1};
   AVFrame* filteredFramePtr = filteredFrame.release();
   auto deleter = [filteredFramePtr](void*) {
@@ -1406,6 +1411,43 @@ VideoDecoder::~VideoDecoder() {
+FrameDims getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrMetadata(
+    const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
+    const VideoDecoder::StreamMetadata& metadata) {
+  return FrameDims(
+      options.height.value_or(*metadata.height),
+      options.width.value_or(*metadata.width));
+FrameDims getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrAVFrame(
+    const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
+    const AVFrame& avFrame) {
+  return FrameDims(
+      options.height.value_or(avFrame.height),
+      options.width.value_or(avFrame.width));
+torch::Tensor allocateEmptyHWCTensor(
+    int height,
+    int width,
+    torch::Device device,
+    std::optional<int> numFrames) {
+  auto tensorOptions = torch::TensorOptions()
+                           .dtype(torch::kUInt8)
+                           .layout(torch::kStrided)
+                           .device(device);
+  TORCH_CHECK(height > 0, "height must be > 0, got: ", height);
+  TORCH_CHECK(width > 0, "width must be > 0, got: ", width);
+  if (numFrames.has_value()) {
+    auto numFramesValue = numFrames.value();
+        numFramesValue >= 0, "numFrames must be >= 0, got: ", numFramesValue);
+    return torch::empty({numFramesValue, height, width, 3}, tensorOptions);
+  } else {
+    return torch::empty({height, width, 3}, tensorOptions);
+  }
 std::ostream& operator<<(
     std::ostream& os,
     const VideoDecoder::DecodeStats& stats) {
diff --git a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.h b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.h
index ce4a0cc1..f944c01a 100644
--- a/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.h
+++ b/src/torchcodec/decoders/_core/VideoDecoder.h
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ class VideoDecoder {
         const VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
         const StreamMetadata& metadata);
   // Returns frames at the given indices for a given stream as a single stacked
   // Tensor.
   BatchDecodedOutput getFramesAtIndices(
@@ -413,6 +414,69 @@ class VideoDecoder {
   bool scanned_all_streams_ = false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Note [Frame Tensor allocation and height and width]
+// We always allocate [N]HWC tensors. The low-level decoding functions all
+// assume HWC tensors, since this is what FFmpeg natively handles. It's up to
+// the high-level decoding entry-points to permute that back to CHW, by calling
+// MaybePermuteHWC2CHW().
+// Also, importantly, the way we figure out the the height and width of the
+// output frame varies and depends on the decoding entry-point:
+// - In all cases, if the user requested specific height and width from the
+// options, we honor that. Otherwise we fall into one of the categories below.
+// - In Batch decoding APIs (e.g. getFramesAtIndices), we get height and width
+// from the stream metadata, which itself got its value from the CodecContext,
+// when the stream was added.
+// - In single frames APIs:
+//   - On CPU we get height and width from the AVFrame.
+//   - On GPU, we get height and width from the metadata (same as batch APIs)
+// These 2 strategies are encapsulated within
+// getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrMetadata() and
+// getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrAVFrame(). The reason they exist is to make it
+// very obvious which logic is used in which place, and they allow for `git
+// grep`ing.
+// The source of truth for height and width really is the AVFrame: it's the
+// decoded ouptut from FFmpeg. The info from the metadata (i.e. from the
+// CodecContext) may not be as accurate. However, the AVFrame is only available
+// late in the call stack, when the frame is decoded, while the CodecContext is
+// available early when a stream is added. This is why we use the CodecContext
+// for pre-allocating batched output tensors (we could pre-allocate those only
+// once we decode the first frame to get the info frame the AVFrame, but that's
+// a more complex logic).
+// Because the sources for height and width may disagree, we may end up with
+// conflicts: e.g. if we pre-allocate a batch output tensor based on the
+// metadata info, but the decoded AVFrame has a different height and width.
+// it is very important to check the height and width assumptions where the
+// tensors memory is used/filled in order to avoid segfaults.
+struct FrameDims {
+  int height;
+  int width;
+  FrameDims(int h, int w) : height(h), width(w) {}
+FrameDims getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrMetadata(
+    const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
+    const VideoDecoder::StreamMetadata& metadata);
+FrameDims getHeightAndWidthFromOptionsOrAVFrame(
+    const VideoDecoder::VideoStreamDecoderOptions& options,
+    const AVFrame& avFrame);
+torch::Tensor allocateEmptyHWCTensor(
+    int height,
+    int width,
+    torch::Device device,
+    std::optional<int> numFrames = std::nullopt);
 // Prints the VideoDecoder::DecodeStats to the ostream.
 std::ostream& operator<<(
     std::ostream& os,