From 3b8155b5bd18d88f9d16f34d415c726c72b9e567 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qGYdXbY2 <> Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 13:44:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] rm unused/outdated functions Signed-off-by: qGYdXbY2 <> --- .../src/main/resources/xyz_ext.sql | 331 ++---------------- 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 294 deletions(-) diff --git a/xyz-psql-connector/src/main/resources/xyz_ext.sql b/xyz-psql-connector/src/main/resources/xyz_ext.sql index 2e4e3e7fb2..b0fcca74e5 100644 --- a/xyz-psql-connector/src/main/resources/xyz_ext.sql +++ b/xyz-psql-connector/src/main/resources/xyz_ext.sql @@ -20,8 +20,37 @@ -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis SCHEMA public; -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis_topology; -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS tsm_system_rows SCHEMA public; -DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt(boolean, text[], text, boolean); -DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS exp_build_sql_inhabited_txt(boolean, text, integer, text, text, integer, boolean); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS xyz_statistic_space( text, text); + +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_inhabited(text, integer, geometry); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_inhabited_g(text, integer, geometry); + +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles(boolean, text[], regclass,boolean, boolean ); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS exp_build_sql_inhabited(boolean, text, integer, regclass); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS exp_build_sql_inhabited(boolean, text, integer, regclass, integer); + +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v1( + boolean, + text[], + text, + boolean, + boolean); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v2(boolean, text[], text, boolean, boolean ); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v3( + boolean, + text[], + text, + boolean, + boolean, + boolean); +DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v4( + boolean, + text[], + text, + boolean, + boolean, + boolean); + -- ------ SAMPLE QUERIES ---- ------ ENV: XYZ-CIT ; SPACE: QgQCHStH ; OWNER: psql @@ -2326,17 +2355,6 @@ end; $body$ language plpgsql volatile; --- deprecated -- -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION xyz_statistic_space( - IN schema text, - IN spaceid text) - RETURNS TABLE(tablesize jsonb, geometrytypes jsonb, properties jsonb, tags jsonb, count jsonb, bbox jsonb, searchable text) AS -$BODY$ - select * from xyz_statistic_space_v2( schema, spaceid ) -$BODY$ -LANGUAGE sql VOLATILE; --- deprecated -- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION xyz_statistic_xs_space( @@ -3298,8 +3316,8 @@ FROM ( ) sub $$; ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_inhabited(iqk text, mlevel integer, geo public.geometry) RETURNS TABLE(qk text) +--- qk_inhabited - return all qk at specific level that intersects with geo +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_inhabited(iqk text, mlevel integer, geo geometry) RETURNS TABLE(qk text) LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $$ declare @@ -3325,7 +3343,7 @@ end $$; ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_inhabited_g(iqk text, mlevel integer, geo public.geometry) RETURNS TABLE(qk text, clip public.geometry) +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_inhabited_g(iqk text, mlevel integer, geo geometry) RETURNS TABLE(qk text, clip geometry) LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $$ declare @@ -3335,7 +3353,7 @@ begin for lastDigit in 0..3 loop qk = iqk || lastDigit; - g = rdr.qid2bboxl( qk ); + g = xyz_qk_qk2bbox( qk ); bFound = ( (geo && g) and st_intersects( geo, g )); if bFound then @@ -3525,68 +3543,11 @@ end $_$; ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles(here_tile_qk boolean, tile_list text[], _tbl regclass, base64enc boolean, clipped boolean ) RETURNS TABLE(tile_id text, tile_content text) -LANGUAGE sql stable -AS $_$ - select tile_id, tile_content from qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_v1( here_tile_qk, tile_list, _tbl, base64enc, clipped ) -$_$; ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -create or replace function exp_build_sql_inhabited(htile boolean, iqk text, mlevel integer, _tbl regclass) returns table(qk text, s3sql text) -language plpgsql stable -as $_$ -begin - if not htile then - return query - with - indata as ( select exp_build_sql_inhabited.iqk as iqk, exp_build_sql_inhabited.mlevel as mlevel, exp_build_sql_inhabited._tbl as _tbl ), - qks as ( select r.qk, i._tbl from indata i, qk_s_inhabited(i.iqk, i.mlevel, i._tbl ) r ) - select o.qk, format('select %1L, jsondata,geo from %2$s where st_intersects(geo, xyz_qk_qk2bbox( %1$L))',o.qk,o._tbl) as s3sql from qks o; - else - return query - with - indata as ( select exp_build_sql_inhabited.iqk as iqk, exp_build_sql_inhabited.mlevel as mlevel, exp_build_sql_inhabited._tbl as _tbl ), - qks as ( select r.qk, i._tbl from indata i, htile_s_inhabited(i.iqk, i.mlevel, i._tbl ) r ) - select o.qk, format('select %1L, jsondata,geo from %2$s where st_intersects(geo, htile_bbox( %1$L))',o.qk,o._tbl) as s3sql from qks o; - end if; -end -$_$; ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -create or replace function exp_build_sql_inhabited(htile boolean, iqk text, mlevel integer, _tbl regclass, max_tiles integer) - returns table(qk text, mlev integer, _tble regclass, max_tls integer, bucket integer, nrbuckets integer, nrsubtiles integer, tiles_total integer, tile_list text[], s3sql text) -language plpgsql stable -as $_$ -begin - if not htile then - return query - with - indata as ( select exp_build_sql_inhabited.iqk as iqk, exp_build_sql_inhabited.mlevel as mlevel, exp_build_sql_inhabited._tbl as _tbl, exp_build_sql_inhabited.max_tiles as max_tiles ), - --indata as ( select '1202011320'::text as iqk, 14::integer as mlevel, 'public."56bd42b1a81b8f2753e8f2f6a235d2a8"'::regclass as _tbl, 3::integer as max_tiles ), - ibuckets as - ( select rr.bucket::integer, (count(1) over ())::integer as nrbuckets, count(1)::integer as nrsubtiles, rr.tiles_total::integer , array_agg(rr.qk) as tlist - from ( select count(1) over () tiles_total, ((row_number() over ()) - 1) / i.max_tiles as bucket, r.qk from indata i, qk_s_inhabited(i.iqk, i.mlevel, i._tbl ) r ) rr - group by rr.bucket, rr.tiles_total - ) - select r.iqk as qk, r.mlevel, r._tbl, r.max_tiles, l.*, format('select tile_id, tile_content from qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles(false,%1$L::text[],''%2$s'',true,true)',l.tlist,r._tbl) as s3sql - from ibuckets l, indata r - order by bucket; - else - return query - with - indata as ( select exp_build_sql_inhabited.iqk as iqk, exp_build_sql_inhabited.mlevel as mlevel, exp_build_sql_inhabited._tbl as _tbl, exp_build_sql_inhabited.max_tiles as max_tiles ), - ibuckets as - ( select rr.bucket::integer, (count(1) over ())::integer as nrbuckets, count(1)::integer as nrsubtiles, rr.tiles_total::integer , array_agg(rr.qk) as tlist - from ( select count(1) over () tiles_total, ((row_number() over ()) - 1) / i.max_tiles as bucket, r.qk from indata i, htile_s_inhabited(i.iqk, i.mlevel, i._tbl ) r ) rr - group by rr.bucket, rr.tiles_total - ) - select r.iqk as qk, r.mlevel, r._tbl, r.max_tiles, l.*, format('select htiles_convert_qk_to_longk(tile_id)::text as tile_id, tile_content from qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles(true,%1$L::text[],''%2$s'',true,true)',l.tlist,r._tbl) as s3sql - from ibuckets l, indata r - order by bucket; - end if; -end -$_$; /* select * from exp_build_sql_inhabited(false, '1200232', 15, 'public."56bd42b1a81b8f2753e8f2f6a235d2a8"'::regclass ) -- mercator tiles select * from exp_build_sql_inhabited(true, '12201201011111', 15, 'public."56bd42b1a81b8f2753e8f2f6a235d2a8"'::regclass ) -- here tiles @@ -3693,225 +3654,6 @@ begin end $_$; ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v1( - here_tile_qk boolean, - tile_list text[], - sql_with_jsondata_geo text, - base64enc boolean, - clipped boolean) - RETURNS TABLE(tile_id text, tile_content text) - LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' stable -AS $BODY$ -declare - result record; - tile text; - fkt_qk2box text := 'xyz_qk_qk2bbox'; - plainjs text := 'replace(''{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":['' || substring(xx.fc, 3, (xx.fc).length - 4) || '']}'',''\'',''\\'')'; - - plaingeo text := 'geo'; -begin - if here_tile_qk then - fkt_qk2box = 'htile_bbox'; - end if; - - if clipped then - plaingeo = 'ST_Intersection(ST_MakeValid( geo ),' || fkt_qk2box || '((%2$L)))'; - end if; - - if base64enc then - plainjs = 'replace( encode( replace(' || plainjs || ',''\\'',''\'')::bytea, ''base64'' ),chr(10),'''')'; - end if; - - foreach tile in array tile_list - loop - begin - execute format( - 'SELECT %2$L,' || plainjs - ||' from( ' - ||' select replace(replace(array_agg(feature)::text, ''\"'',''"''), ''","'','','') as fc ' - ||' from( ' - ||' select jsonb_set(jsondata,''{geometry}'',ST_AsGeojson(' || plaingeo ||', 8)::jsonb) as feature' - ||' from ( %1$s ) o ' - ||' where ST_Intersects(geo, ' || fkt_qk2box || '(%2$L))' - ||' ) oo ' - ||')xx ', sql_with_jsondata_geo, tile) - INTO tile_id, tile_content; - - if tile_content IS NOT null then - return next; - end if; - end; - end loop; -end -$BODY$; ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v2(here_tile_qk boolean, tile_list text[], sql_with_jsondata_geo text, base64enc boolean, clipped boolean ) RETURNS TABLE(tile_id text, tile_content text) - LANGUAGE plpgsql stable - AS $_$ -declare - fkt_qk2box text := 'xyz_qk_qk2bbox'; - plainjs text := 'jsonb_build_object(''type'',''FeatureCollection'',''features'', features )::text'; - plaingeo text := 'geo'; -begin - if here_tile_qk then - fkt_qk2box = 'htile_bbox'; - end if; - - if clipped then - plaingeo = 'ST_Intersection(ST_MakeValid(d.geo), bbox) as geo'; - end if; - - if base64enc then - plainjs = 'replace( encode( replace(' || plainjs || ',''\'',''\\'')::bytea, ''base64'' ),chr(10),'''')'; - end if; - - return query execute - format( - ' select qk,' || plainjs - || ' from' - || ' ( select qk, jsonb_agg( jsonb_set(jsondata,''{geometry}'',ST_AsGeojson(geo,8)::jsonb ) ) as features' - || ' from' - || ' ( select qk, d.jsondata,' || plaingeo - || ' from' - || ' unnest( %2$L::text[] ) qk,' - || ' lateral ' || fkt_qk2box || '( qk ) bbox,' - || ' lateral ( select jsondata, geo from ( %1$s ) i where st_intersects( d.geo, bbox ) ) d' - || ' ) o' - || ' group by qk' - || ' ) oo' , sql_with_jsondata_geo, tile_list ); -end -$_$; ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v3( - here_tile_qk boolean, - tile_list text[], - sql_with_jsondata_geo text, - base64enc boolean, - clipped boolean, - includeEmpty boolean) - RETURNS TABLE(tile_id text, tile_content text) - LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' stable -AS $BODY$ -declare -result record; - tile text; - fkt_qk2box text := 'xyz_qk_qk2bbox'; - plainjs text := 'replace(''{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":['' || substring(xx.fc, 3, (xx.fc).length - 4) || '']}'',''\'',''\\'')'; - plaingeo text := 'geo'; -begin - if here_tile_qk then - fkt_qk2box = 'htile_bbox'; - end if; - - if clipped then - plaingeo = 'ST_Intersection(ST_MakeValid( geo ),' || fkt_qk2box || '((%2$L)))'; - end if; - - if base64enc then - plainjs = 'replace( encode( replace(' || plainjs || ',''\\'',''\'')::bytea, ''base64'' ),chr(10),'''')'; - end if; - - foreach tile in array tile_list - loop - begin - execute format( - 'SELECT %2$L,' || plainjs - ||' from( ' - ||' select replace(replace(array_agg(feature)::text, ''\"'',''"''), ''","'','','') as fc ' - ||' from( ' - ||' select jsonb_set(jsondata,''{geometry}'',ST_AsGeojson(' || plaingeo ||', 8)::jsonb) as feature' - ||' from ( %1$s ) o ' - ||' where ST_Intersects(geo, ' || fkt_qk2box || '(%2$L))' - ||' ) oo ' - ||')xx ', sql_with_jsondata_geo, tile) - INTO tile_id, tile_content; - - if tile_content IS NOT null then - return next; - else - if includeEmpty then - tile_id := tile; - if base64enc then - --empty b64_fc - tile_content := 'eyJ0eXBlIjogIkZlYXR1cmVDb2xsZWN0aW9uIiwgImZlYXR1cmVzIjpbXX0='; - else - tile_content := '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":[]}'; - end if; - return next; - end if; - end if; - end; - end loop; -end -$BODY$; - -CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION qk_s_get_fc_of_tiles_txt_v4( - here_tile_qk boolean, - tile_list text[], - sql_with_jsondata_geo text, - base64enc boolean, - clipped boolean, - includeEmpty boolean) - RETURNS TABLE(tile_id text, tile_content text) - LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' stable -AS $BODY$ -declare -result record; - tile text; - fkt_qk2box text := 'xyz_qk_qk2bbox'; - plainjs text := 'replace(''{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":['' || substring(xx.fc, 3, (xx.fc).length - 4) || '']}'',''\'',''\\'')'; - plaingeo text := 'geo'; -begin - if here_tile_qk then - fkt_qk2box = 'htile_bbox'; - end if; - - if clipped then - plaingeo = 'ST_Intersection(ST_MakeValid( geo ),' || fkt_qk2box || '((%2$L)))'; - end if; - - if base64enc then - plainjs = 'replace( encode( replace(' || plainjs || ',''\\'',''\'')::bytea, ''base64'' ),chr(10),'''')'; - end if; - - foreach tile in array tile_list - loop - begin - execute format( - 'SELECT %2$L,' || plainjs - ||' from( ' - ||' select replace(replace(array_agg(feature)::text, ''\"'',''"''), ''}","{'',''},{'') as fc ' - ||' from( ' - ||' select jsonb_set(jsondata,''{geometry}'',ST_AsGeojson(' || plaingeo ||', 8)::jsonb) as feature' - ||' from ( %1$s ) o ' - ||' where ST_Intersects(geo, ' || fkt_qk2box || '(%2$L))' - ||' ) oo ' - ||')xx ', sql_with_jsondata_geo, tile) - INTO tile_id, tile_content; - - if tile_content IS NOT null then - return next; - else - if includeEmpty then - tile_id := tile; - if base64enc then - --empty b64_fc - tile_content := 'eyJ0eXBlIjogIkZlYXR1cmVDb2xsZWN0aW9uIiwgImZlYXR1cmVzIjpbXX0='; - else - tile_content := '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":[]}'; - end if; - return next; - end if; - end if; - end; - end loop; -end -$BODY$; - ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ @@ -4363,10 +4105,11 @@ EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 'no-streamId'; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; + CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION streamId(sid TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $BODY$ BEGIN PERFORM set_config('xyz.streamId', sid, true); END $BODY$ -LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; \ No newline at end of file +LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE;