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Protocol steps (principal API)

Ariel Vina-Rodriguez edited this page May 31, 2019 · 59 revisions

Protocol steps

Pincipal API:

  • Protocol._dispensemultiwells(tips, labware)
  • Protocol._aspirate_multi_tips(reagent, tips, vol)
  • Protocol._multidispense_in_replicas(reagent, [vol])

Worktable and labwares

  • Worktable
  • Worktable.Location
  • Labware.Type
    • Specialized types:
      • DiTiRackType
      • CuvetteType
  • Labware.Type.Series
  • Labware
    • Specialized labwares:
      • DitiRack
      • Cuvette


  • Reagent
  • preMix

Protocol steps

Protocol.spread(reagent, to_labware_region)

def spread(self,
           volume            : float        = None,
           reagent           : Rtv.Reagent  = None,
           to_labware_region : Lab.Labware  = None,
           optimize          : bool         = True,
           NumSamples        : int          = None,
           using_liquid_class: (str, tuple) = None,
           TIP_MASK          : int          = None,
           num_tips          : int          = None):

To spread a reagent into some wells. This is a high level function with works with the concept of "reagent". This a a concept introduced by RobotEvo that don't exist in EVOware and other similar software. It encapsulated the name, wells occupied by each of the aliquots of the reagent, the volume corresponding to one sample (if any) and the current volume in each aliquot. This function can use multiple of those aliquots to spread the reagent to the target wells using multiple tips (the maximum will be used if num_tips is not set).

By default a number of wells equal to the number of samples set in the protocol will be auto selected in the target labware to_labware_region, but this selection can be set explicitly (setting well.selFlag=True, for example by calling to_labware_region.selectOnly(self, sel_idx_list)). If NumSamples is set it will rewrite (reset) the selected wells in the target to_labware_region.

Please, carefully indicate whether to use "parallel optimization" in the pipetting order by setting optimize. (very important unless you are using a full column pipetting arm). Check that the created script don't have conflicts in the order of the samples and the "geometry" of the labware areas (selection of wells) during each pipetting step. This is ease to "see" in the EVOware visual script editor. The generated .protocol.txt can also be used to check this. RobotEvo will detect some errors, but currently not all, assuming the areas are relatively "regular".

The same volume will be transfer to each well. It will be dispensed in only one pass: muss fit into the current tips If the liquid classes (LC) to be used are not explicitly passed the default LC of the reagent will be used. The generated .esc and .gwl can also be used to check this.

A human readable comment will be automatically added to the script with the details of this operation.

    :param NumSamples       : Priorized   !!!! If true reset the selection
    :param reagent          : Reagent to spread
    :param to_labware_region: Labware in which the destine well are selected
    :param volume           : if not, volume is set from the default of the source reactive
    :param optimize         : minimize zigzag of multi pipetting
    :param num_tips         : the number of tips to be used in each cycle of pipetting = all


def makePreMix(self,  preMix        : Rtv.preMix,
                      NumSamples    : int       = None,
                      force_replies : bool      = False):

A preMix is just that: a premix of reagents (aka - components) which have been already defined to add some vol per sample. Uses one new tip per component. It calculates and checks self the minimum and maximum number of replica of the resulting preMix

    :param preMix    : what to make, a predefined preMix
    :param NumSamples:
    :param force_replies: use all the preMix predefined replicas

Protocol.transfer(from_labware_region, to_labware_region)

def transfer(self,
             from_labware_region: Lab.Labware,
             to_labware_region  : Lab.Labware,
             volume             : (int, float),
             using_liquid_class : (str,tuple)   = None,
             optimizeFrom       : bool          = True,
             optimizeTo         : bool          = True,
             NumSamples         : int           = None) -> object:

To transfer reagents (typically samples or intermediary reactions) from some wells in the source labware to the same number of wells in the target labware using the current LiHa arm with maximum number of tips (of type: self.worktable.def_DiTi, which can be set with = myTipsRackType)).

The number of "samples" may be explicitly indicated in which case will be assumed to begin from the first well of the labware. Alternatively the wells in the source or target or in both may be previously directly "selected" (setting well.selFlag=True, for example by calling from_labware_region.selectOnly(self, sel_idx_list)), in which case transfer the minimum length selected. If no source wells are selected this function will auto select the protocol's self.NumOfSamples number of wells in the source and target labwares. Please, carefully indicate whether to use "parallel optimization" in the pipetting order for both source and target by setting optimizeFrom and optimizeTo. (very important unless you are using a full column pipetting arm). Check that the created script don't have conflicts in the order of the samples and the "geometry" of the labware areas (selection of wells) during each pipetting step. This is ease to "see" in the EVOware visual script editor. The generated .protocol.txt can also be used to check this. RobotEvo will detect some errors, but currently not all, assuming the areas are relatively "regular".

The same volume will be transfer from each well. It will be aspirated/dispensed in only one pass: muss fit into the current tips todo ?! If no volume is indicated then the volume expected to be in the first selected well will be used.

If the liquid classes (LC) to be used are not explicitly passed the default LC in the first well of the current pipetting step will be used. The generated .esc and .gwl can also be used to check this.

A human readable comment will be automatically added to the script with the details of this operation.

Warning: modify the selection of wells in both source and target labware to reflect the wells actually used

    :param from_labware_region  : Labware in which the source wells are located and possibly selected
    :param to_labware_region    : Labware in which the target wells are located and possibly selected
    :param volume               : if not, volume is set from the default of the source reactive
    :param using_liquid_class   : LC or tuple (LC to aspirate, LC to dispense)
    :param optimizeFrom         : bool - use from_labware_region.parallelOrder(...) to aspirate
    :param optimizeTo           : bool - use to_labware_region.parallelOrder(...) to aspirate
    :param NumSamples           : Prioritized. If used reset the well selection

Protocol.mix(in_labware_region, using_liquid_class, volume)

def mix(self,  in_labware_region  : Lab.Labware, 
               using_liquid_class : str        = None, 
               volume             : float      = None, 
               optimize           : bool       = True):

Mix the reagents in each of the wells selected in_labware_region, using_liquid_class and volume

    :param in_labware_region:
    :param using_liquid_class:
    :param volume:
    :param optimize:

Protocol.mix_reagent(reagent, cycles, vol_perc)

def mix_reagent(self,   reagent   : Rtv.Reagent,
                        LiqClass  : str  = None,
                        cycles    : int  = 3,
                        maxTips   : int  = 1,
                        vol_perc  : int  = 90   ):

Select all possible replica of the given reagent and mix using the given % of the current volume in EACH well or the maximum volume for the tip. Use the given "liquid class" or the reagent default. :param reagent: :param LiqClass: :param cycles: :param maxTips: :param vol_perc: % of the current vol in EACH well to mix


Protocol.waste(from_labware_region : Lab.Labware              = None,
               using_liquid_class  : str                      = None,
               volume              : float                    = None,   
               to_waste_labware    : Lab.Labware.CuvetteType  = None,
               optimize            : bool                     = True):

Use this function as a final step of a in-well pellet wash procedure (magnetic or centrifuge created).

Waste a volume from each of the selected wells from_labware_region (source labware wells) to_waste_labware using the current LiHa arm with maximum number of tips (of type: self.worktable.def_DiTi, which can be set with = myTipsRackType)).
If no source wells are selected this function will auto select a self.NumOfSamples number of wells in the source labware.

If no destination is indicated, self.worktable.def_WashWaste will be used.

The same volume will be wasted from each well. If no volume is indicated then the volume expected to be in the first selected well will be used.

It uses an special liquid class that aspirate from a side to avoid a pellet expected to be in the opposite side. The user must specify an equivalent class (or we need to introduce a kind of Protocol.def_Waste_liqClass?). Aspirate and waste repeatedly with allowed volume until only an small rest are in wells and then change the LC to one without liquid detection - liquid level trace (this rest depends on the well geometry). This avoid collision with the button of the well.

A human readable comment will be automatically added to the script with the details of this operation.

Warning: modify the selection of wells in both source and target labware


def tips(self,  tipsMask    = None, tip_type     = None,
                reuse       = None, drop         = None,
                preserve    = None, usePreserved = None,  selected_samples   = None,
                allow_air   = None, drop_first   = False, drop_last          = False   ):

    :param tipsMask     :
    :param reuse        : Reuse the tips or drop it and take new BEFORE each individual action
    :param drop         : Drops the tips AFTER each individual action,
                          like after one aspiration and spread of the reactive into various target
    :param preserve     : puts the tip back into a free place in some rackt of the same type
    :param usePreserved : pick the tips from the preserved
    :param selected_samples:
    :param allow_air    :
    :param drop_first   : Reuse the tips or drop it and take new once BEFORE the whole action
    :param drop_last    : Drops the tips at THE END of the whole action

Protocol.getTips(TIP_MASK, tip_type, selected_samples)

def getTips(self, TIP_MASK         = -1, 
                  tip_type         = None, 
                  selected_samples = None ):  # todo TIP_MASK=None

It will decide to get new tips or to pick back the preserved tips for the selected samples :param TIP_MASK: :param tip_type: :param selected_samples:


def go_first_pos(self, first_tip: (int, str) = None):

Optionally set the Protocol.firstTip, a position in rack, like 42 or 'B06' (optionally including the rack self referenced with a number, like '2-B06', were 2 will be the second rack in the wortable series of default tip type). Currently, for a more precise set, use directly:

    Itr.set_DITI_Counter2(labware=rack, posInRack=firstTip).exec()

Low level functions:

Protocol._aspirate_multi_tips(reagent, tips, vol)

def _aspirate_multi_tips(self, reagent  : Rtv.Reagent,
                               tips     : int           = None,
                               vol      : (float, list) = None,
                               LiqClass : str           = None):

Intermediate-level function. Aspirate with multiple tips from multiple wells with different volume. Example: you want to aspirate 8 different volume of a reagent into 8 tips, but the reagent have only 3 replicas (only 3 wells contain the reagent). This call will generate the instructions to fill the tips 3 by 3 with the correct volume. Assumes the tips are mounted in the current arm.

    :param tips     : number of tips beginning from #1 to use
    :param reagent  : reagent to aspirate, with some number of wells in use
    :param vol:
    :param LiqClass:

Protocol._dispensemultiwells(tips, labware)

 def _dispensemultiwells(self, tips : int, liq_class, labware : Lab.Labware, vol : (float, list)):

Intermediate-level function. One dispense from multiple tips in multiple wells with different volume

    :param tips: number of tips to use                   
    :param liq_class:
    :param labware:
    :param vol:

Protocol._multidispense_in_replicas(reagent, [vol])

def _multidispense_in_replicas(self, tip     : int, 
                                    reagent : Rtv.Reagent, 
                                    vol     : list         ) :

Multi-dispense of the content of ONE tip into the reagent replicas