- add support, documentation, and tests for sound files
- cli.py: correct improper html generating method
- poetry.lock: Update dependencies and poetry.lock to fix installation issues
- cloze: add support for clozes and switch flags from arguments to options
- Switch from arguments to options in the cli.
- multiline-questions: add data-question attribute to detect questions on custom tags
- sync: add code to sync templates and model styling if sync is true
- cli.py: change backside template to remove accidental duplication of frontside styling
- darkMode: add dark mode syntax highlighting
- md: add support for multiline questions
- css: add custom styling support for decks
- codeblocks: add syntax highlighting to code blocks
- markdown: strip comments from markdown files before exporting to anki
- css: add some basic css styling to fix code block alignment on mobile
- markdown: add support for tables and fix support for lists
- markdown: switch from commonmark to python-markdown to avoid frontmatter bugs
- sync: add syncing using anki connect
- apkg: ignore apkg files
- readme: add installation instructions to readme
- readme: finish docs for initial release