diff --git a/client/main.lua b/client/main.lua
index b8d76ac6..4bf3e121 100644
--- a/client/main.lua
+++ b/client/main.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ PhoneData = {
MentionedTweets = {},
Hashtags = {},
Chats = {},
- Invoices = {},
CallData = {},
RecentCalls = {},
Garage = {},
@@ -227,13 +226,6 @@ local function LoadPhone()
PhoneData.Chats = Chats
- if pData.Invoices ~= nil and next(pData.Invoices) ~= nil then
- for _, invoice in pairs(pData.Invoices) do
- invoice.name = IsNumberInContacts(invoice.number)
- end
- PhoneData.Invoices = pData.Invoices
- end
if pData.Hashtags ~= nil and next(pData.Hashtags) ~= nil then
PhoneData.Hashtags = pData.Hashtags
@@ -598,11 +590,9 @@ RegisterNUICallback('GetBankContacts', function(_, cb)
RegisterNUICallback('GetInvoices', function(_, cb)
- if PhoneData.Invoices ~= nil and next(PhoneData.Invoices) ~= nil then
- cb(PhoneData.Invoices)
- else
- cb(nil)
- end
+ QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-phone:server:GetInvoices', function(resp)
+ cb(resp)
+ end)
RegisterNUICallback('SharedLocation', function(data, cb)
@@ -665,9 +655,8 @@ RegisterNUICallback('PayInvoice', function(data, cb)
local society = data.society
local amount = data.amount
local invoiceId = data.invoiceId
- QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-phone:server:PayInvoice', function(CanPay, Invoices)
- if CanPay then PhoneData.Invoices = Invoices end
- cb(CanPay)
+ QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-phone:server:PayInvoice', function(resp)
+ cb(resp)
end, society, amount, invoiceId, senderCitizenId)
TriggerServerEvent('qb-phone:server:BillingEmail', data, true)
@@ -676,9 +665,8 @@ RegisterNUICallback('DeclineInvoice', function(data, cb)
local society = data.society
local amount = data.amount
local invoiceId = data.invoiceId
- QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-phone:server:DeclineInvoice', function(_, Invoices)
- PhoneData.Invoices = Invoices
- cb('ok')
+ QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-phone:server:DeclineInvoice', function(resp)
+ cb(resp)
end, society, amount, invoiceId)
TriggerServerEvent('qb-phone:server:BillingEmail', data, false)
@@ -1456,7 +1444,6 @@ RegisterNetEvent('QBCore:Client:OnPlayerUnload', function()
MentionedTweets = {},
Hashtags = {},
Chats = {},
- Invoices = {},
CallData = {},
RecentCalls = {},
Garage = {},
diff --git a/html/css/bank.css b/html/css/bank.css
index 5eb682ab..074c67b2 100644
--- a/html/css/bank.css
+++ b/html/css/bank.css
@@ -76,37 +76,44 @@
background-color: #dc143c;
.bank-app-invoice {
- position: relative;
- height: 6vh;
+ height: fit-content;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ padding: 8px 16px;
width: 100%;
letter-spacing: .05vh;
border-bottom: .2vh solid #363d4b;
.bank-app-invoice-title {
text-transform : capitalize;
- position: absolute;
- top: 1vh;
- left: 2vh;
+ width: 100%;
color: white;
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.3vh;
+.bank-app-invoice-info {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
.bank-app-invoice-amount {
- position: absolute;
- bottom: 1vh;
- left: 2vh;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.781);
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.22vh;
.bank-app-invoice-buttons {
- position: absolute;
- right: 1.2vh;
- bottom: .1vh;
- height: 3vh;
- width: 7vh;
- text-align: center;
- line-height: 3.5vh;
+ margin-left: auto;
+.bank-app-invoice-reason {
+ color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
+ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
+ font-size: 1.22vh;
+ width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
.bank-app-invoice-buttons > i {
margin-left: .5vh;
diff --git a/html/js/bank.js b/html/js/bank.js
index 15610bf7..90194bbe 100644
--- a/html/js/bank.js
+++ b/html/js/bank.js
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ GetInvoiceLabel = function(type) {
$(document).on('click', '.pay-invoice', function(event){
- var InvoiceId = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
+ var InvoiceId = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('id');
var InvoiceData = $("#"+InvoiceId).data('invoicedata');
var BankBalance = $(".bank-app-account-balance").data('balance');
@@ -168,24 +168,29 @@ $(document).on('click', '.pay-invoice', function(event){
-$(document).on('click', '.decline-invoice', function(event){
+$(document).on('click', '.decline-invoice', async function(event) {
- var InvoiceId = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
+ var InvoiceId = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('id');
var InvoiceData = $("#"+InvoiceId).data('invoicedata');
- $.post('https://qb-phone/DeclineInvoice', JSON.stringify({
+ const resp = await $.post('https://qb-phone/DeclineInvoice', JSON.stringify({
sender: InvoiceData.sender,
amount: InvoiceData.amount,
society: InvoiceData.society,
invoiceId: InvoiceData.id,
- $("#"+InvoiceId).animate({
- left: 30+"vh",
- }, 300, function(){
- setTimeout(function(){
- $("#"+InvoiceId).remove();
- }, 100);
- });
+ if(resp === true) {
+ QB.Phone.Notifications.Add("fas fa-university", "QBank", "You declined the invoice", "#8c7ae6")
+ $("#"+InvoiceId).animate({
+ left: 30+"vh",
+ }, 300, function(){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ $("#"+InvoiceId).remove();
+ }, 100);
+ });
+ } else {
+ QB.Phone.Notifications.Add("fas fa-university", "QBank", "Couldnt decline this invoice...", "#8c7ae6")
+ }
QB.Phone.Functions.LoadBankInvoices = function(invoices) {
@@ -193,10 +198,10 @@ QB.Phone.Functions.LoadBankInvoices = function(invoices) {
$.each(invoices, function(i, invoice){
- var Elem = '
'+invoice.society+' (Sender: '+invoice.sender+')
$ '+invoice.amount+'
+ var Elem = ' '+invoice.society+' (Sender: '+invoice.sender+')
' + (typeof invoice.reason === 'string' ? `
` : '') + '
$ '+invoice.amount+'
'+ (invoice.candecline === 1 ? '' : '') + '
- $("#invoiceid-"+i).data('invoicedata', invoice);
+ $("#invoiceid-"+invoice.id).data('invoicedata', invoice);
diff --git a/qb-phone.sql b/qb-phone.sql
index 6aa3a09a..50fee154 100644
--- a/qb-phone.sql
+++ b/qb-phone.sql
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phone_invoices` (
`society` tinytext DEFAULT NULL,
`sender` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`sendercitizenid` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
+ `candecline` int(1) not null default 1,
+ `reason` varchar(256) default null,
KEY `citizenid` (`citizenid`)
diff --git a/server/main.lua b/server/main.lua
index 0b69d6b1..998505d4 100644
--- a/server/main.lua
+++ b/server/main.lua
@@ -160,6 +160,32 @@ end
exports('sendNewMailToOffline', sendNewMailToOffline)
-- Callbacks
+QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback("qb-phone:server:GetInvoices", function(source, cb)
+ local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
+ if Player then
+ local invoices = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', { Player.PlayerData.citizenid })
+ for _, v in pairs(invoices) do
+ local Ply = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(v.sender)
+ if Ply ~= nil then
+ v.number = Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.phone
+ else
+ local res = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM players WHERE citizenid = ?', { v.sender })
+ if res[1] ~= nil then
+ res[1].charinfo = json.decode(res[1].charinfo)
+ v.number = res[1].charinfo.phone
+ else
+ v.number = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cb(invoices)
+ return
+ end
+ cb({})
QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetCallState', function(_, cb, ContactData)
local Target = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByPhone(ContactData.number)
if Target ~= nil then
@@ -187,7 +213,6 @@ QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetPhoneData', function(source,
MentionedTweets = {},
Chats = {},
Hashtags = {},
- Invoices = {},
Garage = {},
Mails = {},
Adverts = {},
@@ -207,25 +232,6 @@ QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetPhoneData', function(source,
PhoneData.PlayerContacts = result
- local invoices = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', { Player.PlayerData.citizenid })
- if invoices[1] ~= nil then
- for _, v in pairs(invoices) do
- local Ply = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(v.sender)
- if Ply ~= nil then
- v.number = Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.phone
- else
- local res = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM players WHERE citizenid = ?', { v.sender })
- if res[1] ~= nil then
- res[1].charinfo = json.decode(res[1].charinfo)
- v.number = res[1].charinfo.phone
- else
- v.number = nil
- end
- end
- end
- PhoneData.Invoices = invoices
- end
local garageresult = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM player_vehicles WHERE citizenid = ?', { Player.PlayerData.citizenid })
if garageresult[1] ~= nil then
PhoneData.Garage = garageresult
@@ -283,45 +289,57 @@ QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetPhoneData', function(source,
QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:PayInvoice', function(source, cb, society, amount, invoiceId, sendercitizenid)
- local Invoices = {}
local Ply = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
local SenderPly = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(sendercitizenid)
- local invoiceMailData = {}
- if SenderPly and Config.BillingCommissions[society] then
- local commission = round(amount * Config.BillingCommissions[society])
- SenderPly.Functions.AddMoney('bank', commission)
- invoiceMailData = {
- sender = 'Billing Department',
- subject = 'Commission Received',
- message = string.format('You received a commission check of $%s when %s %s paid a bill of $%s.', commission, Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname, amount)
- }
- elseif not SenderPly and Config.BillingCommissions[society] then
- invoiceMailData = {
- sender = 'Billing Department',
- subject = 'Bill Paid',
- message = string.format('%s %s paid a bill of $%s', Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname, amount)
- }
- end
- Ply.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', amount, 'paid-invoice')
- exports['qb-phone']:sendNewMailToOffline(sendercitizenid, invoiceMailData)
- exports['qb-banking']:AddMoney(society, amount, 'Phone invoice')
- MySQL.query('DELETE FROM phone_invoices WHERE id = ?', { invoiceId })
- local invoices = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', { Ply.PlayerData.citizenid })
- if invoices[1] ~= nil then
- Invoices = invoices
+ local invoiceMailData = nil
+ if Ply then
+ local exists = MySQL.query.await('select count(1) as count FROM phone_invoices WHERE id = ? and citizenid = ?', { invoiceId, Ply.PlayerData.citizenid })
+ if exists[1] and exists[1]["count"] == 1 then
+ if SenderPly and Config.BillingCommissions[society] then
+ local commission = round(amount * Config.BillingCommissions[society])
+ SenderPly.Functions.AddMoney('bank', commission)
+ invoiceMailData = {
+ sender = 'Billing Department',
+ subject = 'Commission Received',
+ message = string.format('You received a commission check of $%s when %s %s paid a bill of $%s.', commission, Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname, amount)
+ }
+ elseif not SenderPly and Config.BillingCommissions[society] then
+ invoiceMailData = {
+ sender = 'Billing Department',
+ subject = 'Bill Paid',
+ message = string.format('%s %s paid a bill of $%s', Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname, Ply.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname, amount)
+ }
+ end
+ if Ply.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', amount, 'paid-invoice') then
+ MySQL.query('DELETE FROM phone_invoices WHERE id = ? and citizenid = ?', { invoiceId, Ply.PlayerData.citizenid })
+ if invoiceMailData then
+ exports['qb-phone']:sendNewMailToOffline(sendercitizenid, invoiceMailData)
+ end
+ TriggerEvent("qb-phone:server:paidInvoice", source, invoiceId)
+ exports['qb-banking']:AddMoney(society, amount, 'Phone invoice')
+ cb(true)
+ return
+ end
+ end
- cb(true, Invoices)
+ cb(false)
QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:DeclineInvoice', function(source, cb, _, _, invoiceId)
- local Invoices = {}
local Ply = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
- MySQL.query('DELETE FROM phone_invoices WHERE id = ?', { invoiceId })
- local invoices = MySQL.query.await('SELECT * FROM phone_invoices WHERE citizenid = ?', { Ply.PlayerData.citizenid })
- if invoices[1] ~= nil then
- Invoices = invoices
+ if Ply then
+ local exists = MySQL.query.await('select count(1) as count FROM phone_invoices WHERE id = ? and citizenid = ? and candecline = ?', { invoiceId, Ply.PlayerData.citizenid, 1 })
+ if exists[1] and exists[1]["count"] == 1 then
+ TriggerEvent("qb-phone:server:declinedInvoice", source, invoiceId)
+ MySQL.query('DELETE FROM phone_invoices WHERE id = ? and citizenid = ? and candecline = ?', { invoiceId, Ply.PlayerData.citizenid, 1 })
+ cb(true)
+ return
+ end
- cb(true, Invoices)
+ cb(false)
QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetContactPictures', function(_, cb, Chats)