The device plugin consists in two artifacts:
- The Device Plugin container
- The Device Plugin Daemonset Manifest
Publishing the container is automated through gitlab-ci and only requires on to tag the commit and push it to gitlab.
Update the README to change occurances of the old version (e.g: 1.0.0-beta) with the new version
Update the README changelog
Update the device plugin (1.16+) to use the new container version (nvidia-device-plugin.yml)
Update the device plugin compatible with the CPUManager (1.16+) to use the new container version (nvidia-device-plugin-compat-with-cpumanager.yml)
Update the legacy device plugin (pre 1.16) to use the new container version (extensions-v1beta1-nvidia-device-plugin.yml)
Commit, Tag and Push to Gitlab
Trigger the multi arch manifest CI
Create a new release on Github