id | title |
protractor |
Protractor |
Protractor config
If you are using protractor for running test the configuration has to be according to the protractor configuration. A base configuration will be provided by after-work.js
but this can be extended as shown below.
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const extend = require('extend');
const util = require('util');
module.exports = function initConfig(baseConfig) {
const config = {
baseUrl: 'http://server:1337/',
artifactsPath: 'test/integration/__artifacts__',
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4446/wd/hub',
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
unexpectedAlertBehaviour: 'accept',
chromeOptions: {
args: ['--disable-infobars']
mochaOpts: {
bail: true
multiCapabilities: [],
specs: [path.resolve(__dirname, './**/*.spec.js')],
beforeLaunch() {},
onComplete() {
return browser
.then(browserLog => {
console.log(`log: ${util.inspect(browserLog)}`);
configureHttpServer() {
return {
http: {
port: 8080
return extend(true, baseConfig, config);
There are two Protractor plugins developed and bundled together with after-work.js:
- Screenshooter: enables you to take a screenshot of an element and compare it to a saved baseline using an expect statement
it('should match baseline', async () => {
expect( await browser.takeImageOf( <element> ) ).to.matchImageOf( <baseline> );
- Custom Reporter: a mocha reporter that saves the test results into JSON. A HTML report is generated after the test is completed with the ability to show the different states of a rendering (Screenshooter) test.