diff --git a/util/users/AbinitBandStructureMaker.py b/util/users/AbinitBandStructureMaker.py index 8b91c8f..1ce6169 100755 --- a/util/users/AbinitBandStructureMaker.py +++ b/util/users/AbinitBandStructureMaker.py @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ # last modified : november 16 2010 # written by Benjamin Tardif # benjamin.tardif@umontreal.ca -# Modified by Paul Boulanger +# Modified by Paul Boulanger # 1.3 : Converted to numpy # : corrected a bug related to termination of the segments (line 114) # : defined a second angletol to distinguish between specialkpt detection and segment construction #=================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #IMPORTS import os @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ from numpy import * #from Numeric import * #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #VARIABLES class VariableContainer:pass - + #default variables default = VariableContainer() default.setupfilename = '.%s_setup' %program[:-3] @@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ class VariableContainer:pass default.fermilinewidth = 1 default.separatorlinewidth = 1 default.emptyspacewidth = 10 - + #control variables ctrl = VariableContainer() ctrl.arglist = sys.argv[1:] # list of strings containing all the input arguments in the command line # list of valid keywords which can be used in the command line -ctrl.validkeywords = ['-setautolaunch','-setenergyshift','-setlinecolor','-setlinewidth','-setspacewidth','-setup','-setdefault','-debug'] +ctrl.validkeywords = ['-setautolaunch','-setenergyshift','-setlinecolor','-setlinewidth','-setspacewidth','-setup','-setdefault','-debug'] ctrl.debugmode = False # True if debug mode is activated (by adding keyword "-debug" in the command line) ctrl.launchcommand = str() # string containing the xmgrace launch command ctrl.autolaunch = str() # 'yes'or 'no', indicating if xmgrace will be automatically launched each time a .agr file is created @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ class VariableContainer:pass ctrl.fermilinewidth = int() ctrl.separatorlinewidth = int() ctrl.emptyspacewidth = int() - - -# dictionary maping color name with color number in xmgrace + + +# dictionary maping color name with color number in xmgrace ctrl.xmgracecolor = { 'white' : 0, 'black' : 1, @@ -74,20 +74,20 @@ class VariableContainer:pass 'maroon' :13, 'turquoise':14, 'green4' :15} - + ctrl.filename = str() # name of the file entered (*.out or *.dbs) ctrl.filetype = str() # 'out' or 'dbs' according to the type of the file entered ctrl.filedata = list() # list of strings each containing one line of the file entered - + ctrl.dbsfilename = str() # name of the file produced (*.dbs) ctrl.agrfilename = str() # name of the file produced (*.agr) - + ctrl.angletol = 1 # maximum angle between 2 k-points under which they will be considered being in the same direction ctrl.angletol2 = 0.1 ctrl.bandstructurescheme = str() # scheme of the type '{lA}-{lB}-{lC}' corresponding to the band structure to be plotted # each {} corresponds to the name given to a special k-point # {} 1st character : 'l' for 'letter' or 's' for 'symbol' - # {} 2nd character : a letter which combined with the 1st character will give a caption associated with this special k-point + # {} 2nd character : a letter which combined with the 1st character will give a caption associated with this special k-point # '-' between {} indicates that a band structure must be plotted beteen the 2 corresponding k-points # ' ' (empty space) between {} indicates that an empty space must be inserted in the band structure ctrl.dicospecialkpt = dict() # dictionary mapping , keys=[vectors], values={lx} @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ class VariableContainer:pass # ['empty space'] for a empty space in the band structure ctrl.spacepercent = 10 # total percentage (in % units) of the graph to be occupied by empty spaces, if any ctrl.segmentcartlength = array([]) # array containing the cartesian length (in bohrs) of each segment of the band structure -ctrl.segmentrellength = array([]) # array containing the relative lenght (dimensionless) of each segment of the band structure - +ctrl.segmentrellength = array([]) # array containing the relative length (dimensionless) of each segment of the band structure + ctrl.dicoxkpt = {} #dictionary linking x to kpt (array) ctrl.captiontick = list() ctrl.X = array([]) @@ -105,16 +105,16 @@ class VariableContainer:pass ctrl.nvalenceband = int() ctrl.bandgap = float() ctrl.hartree_to_eV = float(27.2113845) #eV/hartree - + ctrl.ndataset = int() # number of datasets found in the .out file ctrl.datasetlocation = list() # list containing the starting and ending line index of each dataset - + ctrl.useddataset = list() # list containing the number of used dataset ctrl.databasekey = list() # list of list containing the informations describing the calculation parameters used to generate the k-point database ctrl.alphabet={ 1:'A', 2:'B', 3:'C', 4:'D', 5:'E', 6:'F', 7:'G', 8:'H', 9:'I',10:'J',11:'K',12:'L',13:'M', 14:'N',15:'O',16:'P',17:'Q',18:'R',19:'S',20:'T',21:'U',22:'V',23:'W',24:'X',25:'Y',26:'Z'} - + #data variables data = VariableContainer() data.nband = int() @@ -122,16 +122,16 @@ class VariableContainer:pass data.energy = list() # list of array(data.nband,Float) data.specialkpt = list() # list of array(3,Float) data.G = list() # list of array(3,Float) reciprocal vectors -data.fermienergy = float() #fermi energy, in eV +data.fermienergy = float() #fermi energy, in eV data.typat = list() # list containing the type of each atom data.units = str() # 'eV' or 'hartree' - + #graph variables graph = VariableContainer() graph.title = str() # title of the graph graph.worldymin = float() graph.worldymax = float() - + #feedback variables feedback = VariableContainer() feedback.feedback = False @@ -139,11 +139,11 @@ class VariableContainer:pass feedback.ntimeused = int() feedback.email = 'benjamin.tardif@umontreal.ca' #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #METHODS : general - + def header(program,version): # type(program) = string # type(version) = string @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ def header(program,version): line = L*'=' header = '\n%s\n %s version %s\n%s' %(line,program,version,line) return header - + def detectfile(filename,path='.'): # type(filename) = string # type(path) = string @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def detectfile(filename,path='.'): return True else: return False - + def floatable(x): # type(x) = string, int or float # returns True if given x can be converted to a float @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ def floatable(x): except: return False #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #METHODS : list manipulation - + def clean(list): # type(list) = list of strings (usually obtained with the ".readlines()" method) # removes "\n" and "\r" and empty lines from given list @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def clean(list): list[L-1-i] = list[L-1-i].replace('\r','') if list[L-1-i].split() == []: list.pop(L-1-i) - + def clean2(list): # type(list) = list of strings (usually obtained with the ".readlines()" method) # removes "\n" and "\r" from given list and replaces empty lines by "#" @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def clean2(list): list[L-1-i] = list[L-1-i].replace('\r','') if list[L-1-i].split() == []: list[L-1-i] = "#" - + def rmrepetitions(list,pairedlist=None): # type(list) = any list whith all elements of the same length # removes repeated entries in the list, keeping only the first occurence @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def rmrepetitions(list,pairedlist=None): j-=1 j+=1 i+=1 - + def rmsuccessiverepetitions(list,pairedlist=None): # type(list) = any list whith all elements of the same length # removes repeated successives entries in the list, keeping only the first occurence. @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ def rmsuccessiverepetitions(list,pairedlist=None): i-=1 i+=1 #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #METHODS : vector operations def norm(vector): @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def norm(vector): z = vector[2] norm = (x**2+y**2+z**2)**0.5 return norm - + def angle(vector1,vector2): # type(vector1) = array(3,Float) # type(vector2) = array(3,Float) @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def angle(vector1,vector2): if arg < -1:arg=-1 theta = (arccos(arg))/pi*180 return theta - + def kpt_red_to_cart(kptred,primvectors): # type(kptred) = array(3,Float) representing the reduced coordinates of a k-point # type(primvectors) = a list of 3 array(3,Float) each representing a primitive vector in cartesian coordinates @@ -262,56 +262,56 @@ def kpt_red_to_cart(kptred,primvectors): kptcart = kptred[0]*primvectors[0] + kptred[1]*primvectors[1] + kptred[2]*primvectors[2] return kptcart #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #METHODS : setup system - + def writesetupfile(setupfilename=default.setupfilename,path=sys.path[0],\ launchcommand=default.launchcommand,autolaunch=default.autolaunch,\ energyshift=default.energyshift,\ valbandcolor=default.valbandcolor,conbandcolor=default.conbandcolor,\ bandlinewidth=default.bandlinewidth,fermilinewidth=default.fermilinewidth,separatorlinewidth=default.separatorlinewidth,\ emptyspacewidth=default.emptyspacewidth): - + writer = open(sys.path[0]+'/'+setupfilename,'w') - + writer.write('----------------------------------------------------------------------------') writer.write('\n this file is used by the program %s (version %s)' %(program,version)) writer.write('\n (this file is not essential and can be deleted if needed)') writer.write('\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------') - + writer.write('\n\n============================================================================') writer.write('\n-setautolaunch') writer.write('\n\nXMGRACE LAUNCH COMMAND:\n%s' %launchcommand) writer.write('\n\nXMGRACE AUTOLAUNCH:\n%s' %autolaunch) writer.write('\n============================================================================') - + writer.write('\n\n============================================================================') writer.write('\n-setenergyshift') writer.write('\n\nSHIFT FERMI ENERGY TO ZERO:\n%s' %energyshift) writer.write('\n============================================================================') - + writer.write('\n\n============================================================================') writer.write('\n-setlinecolor') writer.write('\n\nVALENCE BANDS COLOR:\n%s' %valbandcolor) writer.write('\n\nCONDUCTION BANDS COLOR:\n%s' %conbandcolor) writer.write('\n============================================================================') - + writer.write('\n\n============================================================================') writer.write('\n-setlinewidth') writer.write('\n\nBAND LINES WIDTH:\n%s' %bandlinewidth) writer.write('\n\nFERMI ENERGY LINE WIDTH:\n%s' %fermilinewidth) writer.write('\n\nSEPARATOR LINES WIDTH:\n%s' %separatorlinewidth) writer.write('\n============================================================================') - + writer.write('\n\n============================================================================') writer.write('\n-setspacewidth') writer.write('\n\nEMPTY SPACE(S) WIDTH PERCENTAGE:\n%s' %emptyspacewidth) writer.write('\n============================================================================') - + writer.close() - + def setupfilecompatibility(oldsetupfile,newsetupfile): reader = open(sys.path[0]+'/'+default.setupfilename,'r') setup1 = reader.readlines() @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ def setupfilecompatibility(oldsetupfile,newsetupfile): return True else: return False - + def getsettings(): # --> ctrl.launchcommand,ctrl.autolaunch,ctrl.energyshift,ctrl.valbandcolor,ctrl.conbandcolor,ctrl.bandlinewidth,ctrl.fermilinewidth,ctrl.emptyspacewidth reader = open(sys.path[0]+'/'+default.setupfilename,'r') @@ -355,11 +355,11 @@ def getsettings(): elif setupfile[i] == 'EMPTY SPACE(S) WIDTH PERCENTAGE:': ctrl.emptyspacewidth = setupfile[i+1] #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #METHODS : feedback system - + def feedbackbugged(jobtype='?'): if detectfile(feedback.filename,sys.path[0]) == False: #feedback file does not exists, create a default one @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ def feedbackbugged(jobtype='?'): filedata.pop(-1) writer.writelines(filedata) writer.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' %(feedback.ntimeused+1,time.ctime(),version,jobtype,'BUGGED')) - + def feedbackcrashed(jobtype,reason): reader = open(sys.path[0]+'/'+feedback.filename,'r') filedata = reader.readlines() @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ def feedbackcrashed(jobtype,reason): os.system('mail -s "%s feedback #%s" %s < %s' %(program,feedback.ntimeused+1,feedback.email,sys.path[0]+'/'+feedback.filename)) except: pass - + def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): reader = open(sys.path[0]+'/'+feedback.filename,'r') filedata = reader.readlines() @@ -413,16 +413,16 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): except: pass #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #MAIN print header(program,version) if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackbugged() - + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #SETUP FILE - + if detectfile(default.setupfilename,sys.path[0]) == False: #setup file not found, create a default one writesetupfile() @@ -450,11 +450,11 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writesetupfile() os.system('rm -f %s/%s' %(sys.path[0],default.setupfilename+'2')) #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #COMMAND LINE - + #abort if a keyword is not valid for arg in ctrl.arglist: if arg[0] == '-': @@ -469,14 +469,14 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\nvalid keywords are :\n%s\n' %validkeywords if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcrashed('?','invalid keyword') sys.exit() - + #abort if a keyword is repeated for keyword in ctrl.validkeywords: if ctrl.arglist.count(keyword) > 1: print '\n- ERROR -\nkeyword %s is repeated %s times\n' %(keyword,ctrl.arglist.count(keyword)) if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcrashed('?','repeated keyword') sys.exit() - + #get keywords setautolaunch = False setenergyshift = False @@ -485,27 +485,27 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): setspacewidth = False setup= False setdefault = False - + if '-setautolaunch' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setautolaunch')) setautolaunch = True - + if '-setenergyshift' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setenergyshift')) setenergyshift = True - + if '-setlinecolor' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setlinecolor')) setlinecolor = True - + if '-setlinewidth' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setlinewidth')) setlinewidth = True - + if '-setspacewidth' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setspacewidth')) setspacewidth = True - + if '-setup' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setup')) setautolaunch = True @@ -513,17 +513,17 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): setlinecolor = True setlinewidth = True setspacewidth = True - + if '-setdefault' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-setdefault')) setdefault = True - + if '-debug' in ctrl.arglist: ctrl.arglist.pop(ctrl.arglist.index('-debug')) ctrl.debugmode = True - + #(put additionnal keywords here) - + #SETUP MODE if setdefault==True: #create a default setup file @@ -534,12 +534,12 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> leaving SETUP MODE\n' if feedback.feedback == True:feedbackcompleted('SETUP') sys.exit() - + getsettings() if setautolaunch+setenergyshift+setlinecolor+setlinewidth+setspacewidth+setup!=0: print '\n--> starting SETUP MODE' if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackbugged('SETUP') - + if setautolaunch==True: #change launchcommand --> ctrl.launchcommand print '\ncurrent xmgrace launch command is :\n%s\n' %ctrl.launchcommand @@ -548,18 +548,18 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): answer = raw_input('do you wish to change it (yes ; no) ? ') if answer == 'yes': ctrl.launchcommand = raw_input('\nenter the new xmgrace launch command :\n') - + #change autolaunch --> ctrl.autolaunch ctrl.autolaunch = raw_input('\nautomatically launch xmgrace each time a .agr file is created (yes ; no) ? ') while ctrl.autolaunch not in ['yes','no']: ctrl.autolaunch = raw_input('automatically launch xmgrace each time a .agr file is created (yes ; no) ? ') - + if setenergyshift==True: #change energy shift --> ctrl.energyshift ctrl.energyshift = raw_input('\nshift energy eigeivalues to bring the fermi energy to zero (yes ; no) ? ') while ctrl.energyshift not in ['yes','no']: ctrl.energyshift = raw_input('shift energy eigeivalues to bring the fermi energy to zero (yes ; no) ? ') - + if setlinecolor==True: #change valence bands color --> ctrl.valbandcolor ctrl.valbandcolor = raw_input('\nChoose the color of the valence bands : ') @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): colors = colors[:-2] print '\n- invalid entry -\npossible answers are :\n%s' %colors ctrl.valbandcolor = raw_input('\nChoose the color of the valence bands : ') - + #change conduction bands color --> ctrl.conbandcolor ctrl.conbandcolor = raw_input('\nChoose the color of the conduction bands : ') while ctrl.conbandcolor not in ctrl.xmgracecolor.keys(): @@ -580,29 +580,29 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): colors = colors[:-2] print '\n- invalid entry -\npossible answers are :\n%s' %colors ctrl.conbandcolor = raw_input('\nChoose the color of the conduction bands : ') - + if setlinewidth==True: #change band lines width --> ctrl.bandlinewidth ctrl.bandlinewidth = raw_input('\nChoose the width of the band lines : ') while floatable(ctrl.bandlinewidth) == False: ctrl.bandlinewidth = raw_input('Choose the width of the band lines : ') - + #change fermi energy line width --> ctrl.fermilinewidth ctrl.fermilinewidth = raw_input('\nChoose the width of the fermi energy line : ') while floatable(ctrl.fermilinewidth) == False: ctrl.fermilinewidth = raw_input('Choose the width of the fermi energy line : ') - + #change separator lines width --> ctrl.separatorlinewidth ctrl.separatorlinewidth = raw_input('\nChoose the width of the separator lines : ') while floatable(ctrl.separatorlinewidth) == False: ctrl.separatorlinewidth = raw_input('Choose the width of the separator lines : ') - + if setspacewidth==True: #change empty space(s) width --> ctrl.emptyspacewidth ctrl.emptyspacewidth = raw_input('\nChoose the total width (in percentage) of the empty space(s) on the graph, if any : ') while floatable(ctrl.emptyspacewidth) == False: ctrl.emptyspacewidth = raw_input('Choose the total width (in percentage) of the empty space(s) on the graph, if any : ') - + #overwrite setup file writesetupfile(setupfilename=default.setupfilename,path=sys.path[0],\ launchcommand=ctrl.launchcommand,autolaunch=ctrl.autolaunch,\ @@ -610,11 +610,11 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): valbandcolor=ctrl.valbandcolor,conbandcolor=ctrl.conbandcolor,\ bandlinewidth=ctrl.bandlinewidth,fermilinewidth=ctrl.fermilinewidth,separatorlinewidth=ctrl.separatorlinewidth,\ emptyspacewidth=ctrl.emptyspacewidth) - + print '\n--> leaving SETUP MODE\n' if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcompleted('SETUP') sys.exit() - + #get the filename --> ctrl.filename if len(ctrl.arglist) == 0: #user entered no filename in the command line @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n- ERROR -\ntoo many arguments entered in the command line\n' if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcrashed('?','too many arguments entered') sys.exit() - + #compute file type --> ctrl.filetype #abort if the file type is not valid if ctrl.filename.split('.')[-1][:3] == 'out': @@ -638,22 +638,22 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n- ERROR -\ninvalid file type (must be .out or .dbs)\n' if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcrashed('?','invalid filetype') sys.exit() - + #abort if the file does not exists if detectfile(ctrl.filename,'.') == False: print '\n- ERROR -\n"%s" file not found\n' %ctrl.filename if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcrashed('?','file not found') sys.exit() - + #activate debugmode, if needed if ctrl.debugmode==True: print '\n--> DEBUG MODE' #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #READ THE FILE - + #read file and acquire data --> ctrl.filedata if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> file "%s" will be treated as a < %s > file' %(ctrl.filename,ctrl.filetype) reader = open(ctrl.filename,"r") @@ -662,14 +662,14 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> file read successfully\n %s line(s) read' %len(ctrl.filedata) clean2(ctrl.filedata) #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #EXTRACT DATA FROM THE FILE - + if ctrl.filetype == 'out': if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackbugged('OUT') - + #warning if the calculation is not completed calculationcompleted = False for line in ctrl.filedata: @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): calculationcompleted = True if calculationcompleted == False: print '\n- WARNING -\ncalculation not completed' - + #compute number of datasets --> ctrl.ndataset #compute first and last line of each dataset --> ctrl.datasetlocation for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> dataset locations computed' for line in ctrl.datasetlocation: print ' %s' %line - + #compute list of datasets to use --> ctrl.useddataset validanswer = False allowedchars = ['-',',','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): if ctrl.datasetlocation[-1][-1] == 'not found': print 'the last dataset is not completed and will be ignored' ctrl.ndataset -= 1 - + if ctrl.ndataset == 0: print '\n- ERROR -\nno completed dataset available\n' if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcrashed('OUT','no completed dataset') @@ -710,16 +710,16 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): elif ctrl.ndataset > 1: while validanswer == False: answer = raw_input('\nWhich dataset(s) do you want to use (1 to %s) ? ' %ctrl.ndataset) - + ctrl.useddataset = list() validanswer = True - + #removes empty spaces from answer answersplit = answer.split() answer = str() for splitted in answersplit: answer+=splitted - + #compute ctrl.useddataset try: S = answer.split(',') @@ -734,21 +734,21 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): ctrl.useddataset = sort(ctrl.useddataset) except: validanswer = False - + #verify validity for number in ctrl.useddataset: if number < 1 or number > ctrl.ndataset: validanswer = False - + #show format instructions to user if invalid entry if validanswer == False: print '\n- invalid entry -' print 'use commas to separate different datasets' print 'you can use minus signs to specify a group of successive datasets' print 'for example, if you want to use the datasets 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8, type : 1,3-6,8' - + if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> list of used datasets computed\n %s' %ctrl.useddataset - + #get type of each atom --> data.typat #(assuming only one occurence of "typat" is present in the .out file) try: @@ -758,20 +758,20 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): if flag_typat==False and ctrl.filedata[i].split()[0] == 'typat': flag_typat = True k = i - + data.typat = ctrl.filedata[k].split()[1:] while ctrl.filedata[k+1].split()[0].isdigit()==True: k+=1 for j in range(len(ctrl.filedata[k].split())): data.typat.append(ctrl.filedata[k].split()[j]) - + for i in range(len(data.typat)): data.typat[i] = int(data.typat[i]) except: data.typat = '?' - + if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> typat found\n %s' %data.typat - + #compute number of valence bands --> ctrl.nvalenceband #(assuming only one occurence of "- pspini" is present for each atom type) try: @@ -779,10 +779,10 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): if ctrl.filedata[i][:9] == '- pspini:': nion.append(float(ctrl.filedata[i+3].split()[2])) - + for i in range(len(data.typat)): ctrl.nvalenceband += int(nion[data.typat[i]-1]) - + ctrl.nvalenceband = ctrl.nvalenceband/2.0 if ctrl.nvalenceband%1 == 0: # ctrl.nvalenceband is an integer @@ -792,9 +792,9 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): ctrl.nvalenceband = int(ctrl.nvalenceband) + 1 except: ctrl.nvalenceband = '?' - + if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> number of valence bands computed\n %s' %ctrl.nvalenceband - + #get fermi energy --> data.fermienergy #(assuming only one occurence of "Fermi energy" is present in the .out file) try: @@ -803,92 +803,100 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): data.fermienergy = float(ctrl.filedata[i].split()[-5])*hartree_to_eV except: pass - + if data.fermienergy == float(0): data.fermienergy = 'automatic' - + if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> fermi energy found\n %s' %data.fermienergy - + #------------------------------ - + #compute k-points and energy eigenvalues for each dataset starter = ctrl.filedata[:ctrl.datasetlocation[0][2]-1] for d in range(len(ctrl.useddataset)): n = ctrl.useddataset[d] #number of the dataset dataset = ctrl.filedata[ctrl.datasetlocation[n-1][2]-1:ctrl.datasetlocation[n-1][4]] - + #compute the dataset key --> datasetkey flag_nband = False datasetkey = list() - + #ecut datasetkey.append(['ecut:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'ecut%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'ecut': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append('notfound') - + #natom datasetkey.append(['natom:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'natom%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'natom': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(1)) #default - + #nband datasetkey.append(['nband:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'nband%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'nband': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(1)) #default - + #occopt datasetkey.append(['occopt:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'occopt%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'occopt': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(1)) #default - - #set fermi energy to "automatic" if occopt is non metallic + + #set fermi energy to "automatic" if occopt is non metallic if datasetkey[-1][-1] in [0,1,2]: data.fermienergy = 'automatic' - + #toldfe datasetkey.append(['toldfe:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'toldfe%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'toldfe': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(0)) #default - + #toldff datasetkey.append(['toldff:']) for i in range(len(starter)): - if starter[i].split()[0] == 'toldff%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'toldff': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if starter[i].split()[0] == 'toldff%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'toldff': + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(0)) #default - + #tolvrs datasetkey.append(['tolvrs:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'tolvrs%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'tolvrs': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(0)) #default - + #tolwfr datasetkey.append(['tolwfr:']) for i in range(len(starter)): if starter[i].split()[0] == 'tolwfr%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'tolwfr': - datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) + if (starter[i].split()[1] != '='): + datasetkey[-1].append(float(starter[i].split()[1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(0)) #default - + #typat datasetkey.append(['typat:']) for i in range(len(starter)): @@ -904,7 +912,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): datasetkey[-1]+=temp if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append(float(1)) #default - + #reciprocalvectors datasetkey.append(['reciprocalvectors:']) for i in range(len(dataset)): @@ -916,7 +924,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): datasetkey[-1].append(float(linesplit[-1])) if len(datasetkey[-1]) == 1: datasetkey[-1].append('notfound') #default - + #reduced coordinates datasetkey.append(['reducedcoordinates:']) for i in range(len(dataset)): @@ -927,7 +935,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): datasetkey[-1].append(float(dataset[k+1].split()[1])) datasetkey[-1].append(float(dataset[k+1].split()[2])) k+=1 - + #verify the dataset key if d == 0: #compute database key --> ctrl.databasekey @@ -936,7 +944,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): else: if datasetkey != ctrl.databasekey: print '\n- ERROR -\nDATASET %s is not compatible with DATASET %s' %(n,refdataset) - + #given reason for i in range(len(datasetkey)): if datasetkey[i] != ctrl.databasekey[i]: @@ -946,12 +954,12 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): sys.exit() else: pass - + #get eigenvalue energy units for line in dataset: if line.split()[0] == 'Eigenvalues': data.units = line.replace('(','').replace(')','').split()[1] - + #get k-points --> data.kpt #get energy eigenvalues --> data.energy kptlist = list() @@ -975,11 +983,11 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> k-points found for DATASET %s\n {%s element(s)}' %(n,len(kptlist)) if ctrl.debugmode==True: print '\n--> energy eigenvalues found for DATASET %s\n {%s element(s)} for each k-point' %(n,len(data.energy[0])) - + #------------------------------------- - - - + + + #compute special k-points --> data.specialkpt rmsuccessiverepetitions(data.kpt,data.energy) for i in range(len(data.kpt)): @@ -991,7 +999,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): data.specialkpt.append(data.kpt[i]) else: vector1 = data.kpt[i] - data.kpt[i-1] - + if angle(vector1,vector2) < ctrl.angletol: pass else: @@ -1001,8 +1009,8 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> special k-points computed\n %s element(s)' %len(data.specialkpt) for i in range(len(data.specialkpt)): print ' %s' %data.specialkpt[i] - - #compute band structure scheme --> ctrl.bandstructurescheme + + #compute band structure scheme --> ctrl.bandstructurescheme L = 0 dico = dict() for i in range(len(data.specialkpt)): @@ -1013,17 +1021,17 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): ctrl.bandstructurescheme += '-%s' %dico[k] ctrl.bandstructurescheme = ctrl.bandstructurescheme[1:] if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> band structure scheme computed\n %s' %ctrl.bandstructurescheme - + if ctrl.filetype == 'dbs': if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackbugged('DBS') - + #get graph title --> graph.title for i in range (len(ctrl.filedata)): if ctrl.filedata[i].split()[0] == 'GRAPH': graph.title = ctrl.filedata[i+1] while graph.title[0] == ' ':graph.title = graph.title[1:] while graph.title[-1] == ' ':graph.title = graph.title[:-1] - + #get reciprocal vectors --> data.G for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): if ctrl.filedata[i].split()[0] == 'reciprocalvectors:': @@ -1035,18 +1043,18 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> reciprocal vectors found' for i in range(3): print ' G(%s)= %s' %(i+1,data.G[i]) - + #get number of valence bands for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): if ctrl.filedata[i].split()[0] == 'NUMBER': ctrl.nvalenceband = int(ctrl.filedata[i+1].split()[0]) - + #get fermi energy for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): if ctrl.filedata[i].split()[0] == 'FERMI': data.fermienergy = ctrl.filedata[i+1].split()[0] if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> fermi energy found\n %s' %data.fermienergy - + #get special k-points --> ctrl.dicospecialkpt {caption:array} for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): linesplit = ctrl.filedata[i].split() @@ -1057,7 +1065,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> special k-points found\n %s element(s)' %len(ctrl.dicospecialkpt) for i in range(len(ctrl.dicospecialkpt)): print ' %s : %s' %(ctrl.dicospecialkpt.keys()[i],ctrl.dicospecialkpt.values()[i]) - + #get band structure scheme --> ctrl.bandstructurescheme for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): if ctrl.filedata[i].split()[0][0] == '{' and ctrl.filedata[i].split()[-1][-1] == '}': @@ -1065,7 +1073,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): while ctrl.bandstructurescheme[0] != '{':ctrl.bandstructurescheme = ctrl.bandstructurescheme[1:] while ctrl.bandstructurescheme[-1] != '}':ctrl.bandstructurescheme = ctrl.bandstructurescheme[:-1] if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> band structure scheme found\n %s' %ctrl.bandstructurescheme - + #get k-points --> data.kpt #get energy eigenvalues --> data.energy for i in range(len(ctrl.filedata)): @@ -1078,7 +1086,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): data.energy.append(array(energieslist)) if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> k-points found\n {%s element(s)}' %len(data.kpt) if ctrl.debugmode==True:print '\n--> energy eigenvalues found\n {%s element(s)} for each k-point' %len(data.energy[0]) - + #compute segment caption list --> ctrl.segmentcaptionlist for captiongroup in ctrl.bandstructurescheme.split(): captions = captiongroup.split('-') @@ -1090,7 +1098,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> segment caption list computed\n %s element(s)' %len(ctrl.segmentcaptionlist) for i in range(len(ctrl.segmentcaptionlist)): print ' %s' %ctrl.segmentcaptionlist[i] - + #compute segment cartesian length --> ctrl.segmentcartlength nvac = 0 nseg = 0 @@ -1106,19 +1114,19 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): kf = kpt_red_to_cart(ctrl.dicospecialkpt[caption[1]],data.G) segmentcartlength.append(norm(kf-ki)) totallen += segmentcartlength[-1] - + if nvac != 0: spacelen = (float(ctrl.spacepercent)/100)*totallen/nvac/(1-float(ctrl.spacepercent)/100) for i in range(len(segmentcartlength)): if segmentcartlength[i] == 'empty space': segmentcartlength[i]=spacelen - + ctrl.segmentcartlength = array(segmentcartlength) if ctrl.debugmode==True: print '\n--> segment cartesian length computed\n %s element(s)' %len(ctrl.segmentcartlength) for i in range(len(ctrl.segmentcartlength)): print ' %s' %ctrl.segmentcartlength[i] - + #compute segment relative length --> ctrl.segmentrellength totallen = sum(ctrl.segmentcartlength) segmentrellength = list() @@ -1129,8 +1137,8 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> segment relative length computed\n %s element(s)' %len(ctrl.segmentrellength) for i in range(len(ctrl.segmentrellength)): print ' %s' %ctrl.segmentrellength[i] - - #compute positions of xticks --> ctrl.xtick + + #compute positions of xticks --> ctrl.xtick xtick = list() for i in range(len(ctrl.segmentrellength)): xtick.append(sum(ctrl.segmentrellength[:i+1])) @@ -1140,8 +1148,8 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): print '\n--> positions of xticks computed\n %s element(s)' %len(ctrl.xtick) for i in range(len(ctrl.xtick)): print ' %s' %ctrl.xtick[i] - - + + #compute captions of xticks --> ctrl.captiontick ctrl.captiontick = ctrl.bandstructurescheme.replace('-',' ').split() for i in range(len(ctrl.captiontick)): @@ -1149,14 +1157,14 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): ctrl.captiontick[i] = '"%s"' %ctrl.captiontick[i][2] elif ctrl.captiontick[i][1] == 's': ctrl.captiontick[i] = '"\\f{Symbol}%s"' %ctrl.captiontick[i][2] - - + + if ctrl.debugmode==True: print '\n--> captions of xticks computed\n %s elements(s)' %len(ctrl.captiontick) for i in range(len(ctrl.captiontick)): print ' %s' %ctrl.captiontick[i] - - + + #compute dictionary mapping x coordinate on graph with k-points --> ctrl.dicoxkpt {x,kpt} (type(x) = float, type(kpt)=array(3,Float)) for i in range(len(ctrl.segmentcaptionlist)): caption = ctrl.segmentcaptionlist[i] @@ -1181,10 +1189,10 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): if goodkpt == True: correct+=1 ctrl.dicoxkpt[xfrac*ctrl.segmentrellength[i]+ctrl.xtick[i]] = kpt - + #compute abcissa array --> ctrl.X ctrl.X = sort(ctrl.dicoxkpt.keys()) - + #compute ordinate arrays --> ctrl.Y xsort = sort(ctrl.dicoxkpt.keys()) for i in range(len(xsort)): @@ -1195,28 +1203,28 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): index = j ctrl.Y.append(data.energy[index]) #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #WRITE THE FILE - + if ctrl.filetype == 'out': - + #compute the .dbs filename --> ctrl.dbsfilename ctrl.dbsfilename = '%s.dbs' %ctrl.filename - + #open the writer writer = open(ctrl.dbsfilename,"w") - + #write the default graph title writer.write('GRAPH TITLE:\nBand Structure from %s\n' %ctrl.filename) - + #write number of valence bands writer.write('\nNUMBER OF VALENCE BANDS:\n%s\n' %ctrl.nvalenceband) - + #write the fermi energy writer.write('\nFERMI ENERGY (eV):\n%s\n' %data.fermienergy) - + #write the special kpts rmrepetitions(data.specialkpt) writer.write('\nSPECIAL K-POINTS (reduced coord):\n') @@ -1232,11 +1240,11 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writer.write('{l%s}= %s %s %s\n' %(ctrl.alphabet[i+1],kx,ky,kz)) else: writer.write('{l%s}= %s %s %s\n' %('x',kx,ky,kz)) - + #write the band structure scheme writer.write('\nBAND STRUCTURE SCHEME:\n') writer.write('%s\n' %ctrl.bandstructurescheme) - + #write the kpts and energies rmrepetitions(data.kpt,data.energy) writer.write('\n\n\nDATABASE:\n') @@ -1253,26 +1261,26 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): if e >=0:writer.write(' %e ' %e) else:writer.write('%e ' %e) writer.write('\n') - + #write the database key writer.write('\nDATABASE KEY:\n') for i in range(len(ctrl.databasekey)): for j in range(len(ctrl.databasekey[i])): writer.write('%s ' %ctrl.databasekey[i][j]) writer.write('\n') - + #close the writer writer.close() - + print '\n"%s" file created successfully\n' %ctrl.dbsfilename if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcompleted('OUT') - - + + if ctrl.filetype == 'dbs': - + #compute the .agr filename --> ctrl.agrfilename ctrl.agrfilename = '%s.agr' %ctrl.filename[:-4] - + #compute fermi energy value in eV --> ctrl.fermienergy if data.fermienergy == 'automatic': maxlist = list() @@ -1281,7 +1289,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): data.fermienergy = max(maxlist) else: data.fermienergy = float(data.fermienergy) - + #compute the energy gap --> ctrl.bandgap maxHOMOlist = list() minLUMOlist = list() @@ -1291,72 +1299,72 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): maxHOMO = max(maxHOMOlist) minLUMO = min(minLUMOlist) ctrl.bandgap = minLUMO - maxHOMO - + #compute gap style --> ctrl.gapstyle ctrl.gapstyle = '(indirect)' #default maxHOMOindexlist = list() minLUMOindexlist = list() - + i = 0 while maxHOMO in maxHOMOlist: maxHOMOindexlist.append(maxHOMOlist.index(maxHOMO)+i) maxHOMOlist.pop(maxHOMOlist.index(maxHOMO)) i += 1 - + i = 0 while minLUMO in minLUMOlist: minLUMOindexlist.append(minLUMOlist.index(minLUMO)+i) minLUMOlist.pop(minLUMOlist.index(minLUMO)) i += 1 - + for M in maxHOMOindexlist: if M in minLUMOindexlist: ctrl.gapstyle = '(direct)' - + #shift energies to bring the fermi energy to zero, if wanted if ctrl.energyshift == 'yes': for i in range(len(ctrl.Y)): ctrl.Y[i] = ctrl.Y[i] - data.fermienergy data.fermienergy = 0.0 - + #compute plot.worldymin --> graph.worldymin minlist = list() for array in ctrl.Y: minlist.append(min(array)) graph.worldymin = min(minlist) - + #compute plot.worldymax --> graph.worldymax maxlist = list() for array in ctrl.Y: maxlist.append(max(array)) graph.worldymax = max(maxlist) - + #adjust worldymin et worldymax width = graph.worldymax - graph.worldymin graph.worldymin = graph.worldymin - 0.05*width graph.worldymax = graph.worldymax + 0.05*width - + #open the writer writer = open(ctrl.agrfilename,"w") - + #write the file writer.write('# file produced using %s version %s\n' %(program,version)) writer.write('\n') writer.write('# version of xmgrace:\n') writer.write('@ version 50114\n') writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# graph title:\n') writer.write('@ title "%s"\n' %graph.title) writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# graph range:\n') writer.write('@ world xmin 0\n') writer.write('@ world xmax 1\n') writer.write('@ world ymin %s\n' %graph.worldymin) writer.write('@ world ymax %s\n' %graph.worldymax) writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# X axis properties:\n') writer.write('@ xaxis tick major size 0.0\n') #height of x tick lines writer.write('@ xaxis tick spec type both\n') #??? @@ -1367,14 +1375,14 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): if ctrl.bandgap > 0: writer.write('@ xaxis label "E\sG %s\N = %s eV"\n' %(ctrl.gapstyle,ctrl.bandgap)) writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# Y axis properties:\n') writer.write('@ yaxis label "Energy (eV)"\n') writer.write('@ yaxis tick major 5\n') writer.write('@ yaxis tick minor 1\n') writer.write('@ yaxis tick place normal\n') writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# alternate Y axis properties:\n') writer.write('@ altyaxis on\n') writer.write('@ altyaxis ticklabel on\n') @@ -1385,17 +1393,17 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writer.write('@ altyaxis tick major 0, %s\n' %data.fermienergy) writer.write('@ altyaxis ticklabel 0, "\\f{Symbol}e\\f{}\sF\N"\n') #epsilon fermi symbol writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# frame properties:\n') writer.write('@ frame linewidth %s\n' %ctrl.separatorlinewidth) writer.write('\n') - + s = 0 - + writer.write('# plot of energy bands:\n') for i in range(len(ctrl.Y[0])): if i+1 > ctrl.nvalenceband: - color = ctrl.xmgracecolor[ctrl.conbandcolor] + color = ctrl.xmgracecolor[ctrl.conbandcolor] else: color = ctrl.xmgracecolor[ctrl.valbandcolor] writer.write('@ s%s line linewidth %s\n' %(s,ctrl.bandlinewidth)) @@ -1406,7 +1414,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writer.write(' %s \t %s\n' %(ctrl.X[j],ctrl.Y[j][i])) writer.write(' &\n') writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# plot of fermi energy line:\n') writer.write('@ s%s linewidth %s\n' %(s,ctrl.fermilinewidth)) writer.write('@ s%s linestyle 2\n' %s) @@ -1417,7 +1425,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writer.write(' %s \t %s\n' %(1,data.fermienergy)) writer.write(' &\n') writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# plot of empty spaces:\n') for i in range(len(ctrl.segmentcaptionlist)): if ctrl.segmentcaptionlist[i] == ['empty space']: @@ -1441,7 +1449,7 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writer.write(' %s \t %s\n' %(xf,ctrl.Y[index+1][j])) writer.write(' &\n') writer.write('\n') - + writer.write('# plot of vertical separators:\n') for i in range(len(ctrl.xtick)-2): writer.write('@ s%s linewidth %s\n' %(s,ctrl.separatorlinewidth)) @@ -1452,23 +1460,23 @@ def feedbackcompleted(jobtype): writer.write(' %s \t %s\n' %(ctrl.xtick[i+1],graph.worldymax)) writer.write(' &\n') writer.write('\n') - + #close the writer writer.close() - + print '\n"%s" file created successfully\n' %ctrl.agrfilename if feedback.feedback==True:feedbackcompleted('DBS') - + #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #===================================================================================================================================================================== #AUTOLAUNCH - + if ctrl.filetype == 'dbs' and ctrl.autolaunch == 'yes': print 'launching xmgrace using command :\n> %s %s &\n' %(ctrl.launchcommand,ctrl.agrfilename) os.system('%s %s &' %(ctrl.launchcommand,ctrl.agrfilename)) #===================================================================================================================================================================== - - + + #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------