Tested with Theia3D 2024.1 and Visual3D 2024.10.4.
Tested with Visual3D 2024.06.1.
Fix to provide compatibility with Visual3D 2024.05.3.
Tested with QTM 2023.3.12256 and Visual3D 2023.10.2.
Fix preventing to load to Visual3D workspace .c3d of measurements deleted by user when reprocessing the data
Copy files instead of symlinks to make Theia processing work for users using exFAT drive
Fix Theia-Tools when marker and marker_max FOV are different Add enable_free_arms and enable_free_feet Theia settings in settings.php
Split repository into three seperate ones to simplify the code
Settings.paf encoding changed to ANSI to better handle special characters
Second thorax model file was removed
Fix not to include inactive trials in the analysis
Fix to missing segment depth for Pelvis Floor segment
Update to Readme.md
Fix to measurement tagging
Option to select Theia c3d file in case the subject is not pose_filt_0.c3d
New Theia settings available in settings.php
Analog data are filtered by default (cutoff: 20Hz)
Migrated examples from paf-resources.