Jira: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-1070
The goal of this epic is to
- introduce a registry.quarkus.redhat.com for all devtools to consult for looking up platform and extensions
- introduce bom generator in platform that generates uniform but composable BOMs that can be imported individually rather than all in bulk
- introduce notion of platform stream to indicate which minor version you are tracking and/or what you want to target when using tools
As Red Hat build of Quarkus platform is basically a whole new product distribution channel, the current plan is the minimal value proposition to allow us to move ahead with releases. The plan for the platform testing is still evolving.
A high level overview of the steps needed to automate releases can be found at Quarkus platform - QE side document.
- Red Hat build of Quarkus platform configuration has to be included in Maven repository tests
- Quickstarts with RHBQ supported extensions have to be buildable and runnable with BOMs included in the Red Hat build of Quarkus platform releases
- Code starter tests in start-stop test suite have to pass with code.quarkus portal updated with Red Hat build of Quarkus platform releases
- Mandrel builder container image consideration
- Initial platform release released with RHBQ core releases needs to be tested with the internal build of Mandrel as Mandrel is usually released along RHBQ core
- SP releases of the platform need to be tested with the public version of Mandrel as the internal registry can move ahead
- The three jobs executed should finish within 2 hours of build promotion
- Red Hat build of Quarkus platform releases are promoted every time a participant releases and update
For scalability, the release flow has to be automated and schedules of participant product releases need to be consolidated.
There are unresolved topics with RHBQ 2.2 release stream:
- What should be included in sources?
- Automated build hand-off from productization to participant QE teams.
- Automated build sign-off by participant QE teams.
- Testers: Michal Jurč [email protected] ; Rostislav Svoboda [email protected]