The CLOG Builder Video Manual Series - Video 5
Using your Project and using Plugins
Templates create batch files run-ql(.bat) and run-ocicl(.bat) that can be modified for your project needs for runing the builder simply with sbcl (if using ecl, ccl, LispWorks, or Allegro you will need to modify it).
setup-ocicl(.bat) is also created to either convert project later to OCICL or first time run.
Start up the Builder start the clog builder in your lisp with:
a. QuickLisp (anywhere): (ql:quickload :clog/tools)(clog-tools:clog-builder)
b. In an OCICL Project Dir: (asdf:load-system :clog/tools)(clog-tools:clog-builder)
Adding Plugins to your project
Install the plugin in a. location ASDF can find the plugin (like
) b. if using QuickLisp for example(ql:quickload :clog-plotly/tools)`` c. if using OCICL for example
ocicl install clog-plotly` -
Open the ASD Project Window (in project tree asd edit).
In the bottom right of the window choose plugin and type the name of your plugin. For example "clog-plotly"
Your plugin will be loaded and any custom control(s) added to the GUI builder
If you wish to make any plugins always available to use in the Builder see Options -> Edit preferences.lisp
If you use the plugin though you must add it to your .asd file
If you add plugins or dependencies at non-standard locations you can directly add the project's location using:
(pushnew #P"/path/to/a/project" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equalp)
in a --eval to sbcl or ecl, etc. before loading your project or the builder.