diff --git a/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application.md b/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application.md
index b0e43281c..e1b0fc9cc 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application.md
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ Manage Radius Applications
* [rad application list]({{< ref rad_application_list.md >}}) - List Radius Applications
* [rad application show]({{< ref rad_application_show.md >}}) - Show Radius Application details
* [rad application status]({{< ref rad_application_status.md >}}) - Show Radius Application status
-* [rad application switch]({{< ref rad_application_switch.md >}}) - Switch the default Radius Application
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application_switch.md b/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application_switch.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/content/reference/cli/rad_application_switch.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-type: docs
-title: "rad application switch CLI reference"
-linkTitle: "rad application switch"
-slug: rad_application_switch
-url: /reference/cli/rad_application_switch/
-description: "Details on the rad application switch Radius CLI command"
-## rad application switch
-Switch the default Radius Application
-### Synopsis
-Switches the default Radius Application
-rad application switch [flags]
-### Examples
-rad app switch newApplication
-### Options
- -a, --application string The application name
- -h, --help help for switch
- -w, --workspace string The workspace name
-### Options inherited from parent commands
- --config string config file (default "$HOME/.rad/config.yaml")
- -o, --output string output format (supported formats are json, table) (default "table")
-* [rad application]({{< ref rad_application.md >}}) - Manage Radius Applications
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/applications/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/applications/index.md
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--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/applications/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/applications/index.md
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/application
| Property | Type | Description |
-| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the application is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **extensions** | [Extension](#extension)[] | The application extension. |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
### Extension
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md
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--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/containers@
| Property | Type | Description |
-| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application
_(required)_ |
| **connections** | [ContainerPropertiesConnections](#containerpropertiesconnections) | Specifies a connection to another resource. |
| **container** | [Container](#container) | Definition of a container
_(required)_ |
-| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the application is linked to |
| **extensions** | [Extension](#extension)[] | Extensions spec of the resource |
| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'internal' | 'manual' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'internal', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource internally, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource. |
| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the container |
| **restartPolicy** | 'Always' | 'Never' | 'OnFailure' | Restart policy for the container |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md
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--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/environment
| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource
_(required)_ |
| **extensions** | [Extension](#extension)[] | The environment extension. |
| **providers** | [Providers](#providers) | The Cloud providers configuration |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipes** | [EnvironmentPropertiesRecipes](#environmentpropertiesrecipes) | Specifies Recipes linked to the Environment. |
| **simulated** | bool | Simulated environment. |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md
index b08acb264..80c555d7a 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/extenders@2
| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **secrets** | any | Any object |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md
index 5ae15bafd..4452cb885 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/gateways@20
| Property | Type | Description |
-| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
-| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the application is linked to |
| **hostname** | [GatewayHostname](#gatewayhostname) | Declare hostname information for the Gateway. Leaving the hostname empty auto-assigns one: mygateway.myapp.PUBLICHOSTNAMEORIP.nip.io. |
| **internal** | bool | Sets Gateway to not be exposed externally (no public IP address associated). Defaults to false (exposed to internet). |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **routes** | [GatewayRoute](#gatewayroute)[] | Routes attached to this Gateway
_(required)_ |
| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
| **tls** | [GatewayTls](#gatewaytls) | TLS configuration definition for Gateway resource. |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md
index 86d93a969..ad5bfb79e 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/httproutes@
| Property | Type | Description |
-| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
-| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the application is linked to |
| **hostname** | string | The internal hostname accepting traffic for the HTTP Route. Readonly. |
| **port** | int | The port number for the HTTP Route. Defaults to 80. Readonly. |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **scheme** | string | The scheme used for traffic. Readonly.
_(read-only)_ |
| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
| **url** | string | A stable URL that that can be used to route traffic to a resource. Readonly.
_(read-only)_ |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
index 46498bb07..1bcb23c90 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/secretstore
| Property | Type | Description |
-| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application
_(required)_ |
| **data** | [SecretStorePropertiesData](#secretstorepropertiesdata) | An object to represent key-value type secrets
_(required)_ |
-| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the application is linked to |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **resource** | string | The resource id of external secret store. |
| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
| **type** | 'certificate' | 'generic' | The type of SecretStore data |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md
index 9abfbd469..3ffea7e2c 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/volumes@202
| Property | Type | Description |
-| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
-| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the application is linked to |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
#### AzureKeyVaultVolumeProperties
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md
index edf1ca26f..4b7366fac 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/pubsubbroke
| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(read-only)_ |
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **metadata** | any | Any object |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the pubSubBroker |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
index ca3aa2c6e..30a0fb03d 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/secretstore
| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(read-only)_ |
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **metadata** | any | Any object |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md
index 64482d301..796ac148a 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/statestores
| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(read-only)_ |
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **metadata** | any | Any object |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the state store |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md
index f9e8aeba3..c572a47f0 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores/mongo
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **host** | string | Host name of the target Mongo database |
| **port** | int | Port value of the target Mongo database |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the MongoDB resource |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md
index ef11322fa..586264f65 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores/redis
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **host** | string | The host name of the target Redis cache |
| **port** | int | The port value of the target Redis cache |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the Redis resource |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md
index 469ae0de9..818dba95b 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores/sqlda
| **database** | string | The name of the Sql database. |
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **port** | int | Port value of the target Sql database |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the SqlDatabase resource |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md
index c7ae7f492..b90136312 100644
--- a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.messaging/rabbit
| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
| **host** | string | The hostname of the RabbitMQ instance |
| **port** | int | The port of the RabbitMQ instance. Defaults to 5672 |
-| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
| **queue** | string | The name of the queue |
| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |