This is based on: Also read this.
For google create crdentials using webapp and select redirect url of http://localhost:8080/login/google for github select redirect url of http://localhost:8080/login/github
there is a ClientApplication to demonstrate how to use servers that use our authorization server for login.
If using a mobile app can do this. acme:acmesecret@localhost:8080/oauth/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded acme:acmesecret are passed using basic
data posted includes grant_type:password username:user password:the default password foundin log
$ curl acme:acmesecret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d grant_type=password -d username=user -d password=... {"access_token":"aa49e025-c4fe-4892-86af-15af2e6b72a2", "token_type":"bearer", "refresh_token":"97a9f978-7aad-4af7-9329-78ff2ce9962d", "expires_in":43199,"scope":"read write"}
How to use the token:
post.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+ accessToken);
If we get 200 good. Else can issue a refresh request
$ curl acme:acmesecret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d grant_type=refresh_token -d refresh_token=use the refresh token {"access_token":"370592fd-b9f8-452d-816a-4fd5c6b4b8a6","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":43199,"scope":"read write"}
oc env dc angular2oauth google_hidden_client_id=<secret_client_id> oc env dc angular2oauth google_hidden_client_secret=
based on: C:\Users\AL1088>oc describe dc Name: angular2oauth Namespace: mypocproject Created: 10 minutes ago Labels: app=angular2oauth Annotations: Latest Version: Not deployed Selector: deploymentconfig=angular2oauth Replicas: 1 Triggers: Image(angular2oauth@latest, auto=true), Config Strategy: Rolling Template: Labels: app=angular2oauth deploymentconfig=angular2oauth Containers: angular2oauth: Image: angular2oauth:latest Port: 8080/TCP Volume Mounts: Environment Variables: No volumes.
Latest Deployment:
No events.