- Number of subarrays with maximum values in given range
- Maximum Index
- Maximum Product Subarray
- Minimum swaps and K together
- Overlapping Intervals
- Maximum Profit
- Minimize the heights
- Largest Sum Subarray of Size at least K
- Number following a pattern
- Minimum Number in a sorted rotated array
- Clone a linked list with next and random pointer
- Merge two sorted linked lists
- Josephus Circle using circular linked list
- Remove loop in Linked List
- Merge Sort for Linked List
- Delete nodes having greater value on right
- Flattening a Linked List
- Flatten a multilevel linked list
- Quick Sort on Linked List
- Rearrange a Linked List in Zig-Zag fashion
- Subtraction in Linked List
- Find pair for given sum in a sorted singly linked without extra space
- Print reverse of a Linked List without extra space and modifications
- Multiply two linked lists
- Maximum of all subarrays of size k
- Smallest Positive missing number
- Maximum repeating number
- Surpasser Count
- Tournament Tree (Winner Tree) and Binary Heap
- Minimum Cost of ropes
- Cuckoo Hashing – Worst case O(1) Lookup!
- Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem
- Largest subarray with 0 sum
- Count distinct elements in every window
- K maximum sum combinations from two arrays
- The Knight’s tour problem | Backtracking-1
- Remove Invalid Parentheses
- Word Break - Part 2
- Print all palindromic partitions of a string
- Find shortest safe route in a path with landmines
- Partition array to K subsets
- Longest Possible Route in a Matrix with Hurdles
- Match a pattern and String without using regular expressions
- Find if there is a path of more than k length from a source
- Hamiltonian Path
- Tug of War
- Find paths from corner cell to middle cell in maze
- First non-repeating character in a stream
- Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Searching
- Longest Prefix Suffix
- Rank The Permutations
- Generate binary string
- Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string
- Smallest distinct window
- Count ways to increase LCS length of two strings by one
- Longest Palindrome in a String
- Make largest palindrome by changing at most K-digits