This module explores Chaos Engineering principles by intentionally injecting failures into a Spring Boot application to test its resilience. It demonstrates how to set up and integrate chaos-monkey-spring-boot
for your microservices, as well as performance testing with Gatling to measure any degradation under chaos scenarios.
- Chaos Injection: Simulate random latencies, exceptions, or resource unavailability.
- Performance Testing (Gatling): Benchmark throughput and latency under chaotic conditions.
- Monitoring: Validate that chaos is functioning by observing logs, metrics, or custom dashboards.
./mvnw clean verify
Bring the application up and then start Gatling
./mvnw gatling:test
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
./mvnw spring-boot:run"--chaos.monkey.enabled=true"
./mvnw gatling:test
- Check application logs for entries containing "Chaos Monkey" to confirm injection events
- Use Gatling or other load testing tools to measure:
- Response time degradation
- Error rate changes
- System resource utilization
By default, Chaos Monkey is enabled. Let's disable it and run the tests again. It should improve the response times.
./mvnw spring-boot:run"--chaos.monkey.enabled=false"
./mvnw gatling:test
Results of gatling are stored in target folder for each run
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Actuator Endpoint: http://localhost:8080/actuator
- PGAdmin : http://localhost:5050
- Obervability metrics : http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics
- Spring Boot
- Gatling (Performance Tests)
- Chaos Monkey (Chaos Engineering Principles)
We can observe that mean requests/sec is more when Chaos Monkey is enabled.
================================================================================ ---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
request count 6000 (OK=6000 KO=0 ) min response time 1 (OK=1 KO=- ) max response time 2635 (OK=2635 KO=- ) mean response time 145 (OK=145 KO=- ) std deviation 337 (OK=337 KO=- ) response time 50th percentile 15 (OK=15 KO=- ) response time 75th percentile 98 (OK=98 KO=- ) response time 95th percentile 773 (OK=773 KO=- ) response time 99th percentile 1952 (OK=1952 KO=- ) mean requests/sec 193.548 (OK=193.548 KO=- ) ---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------ t < 800 ms 5733 ( 96%) 800 ms <= t < 1200 ms 131 ( 2%) t ≥ 1200 ms 136 ( 2%) failed 0 ( 0%) ================================================================================
With Chaos Monkey disabled
================================================================================ ---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
request count 6000 (OK=6000 KO=0 ) min response time 4 (OK=4 KO=- ) max response time 13608 (OK=13608 KO=- ) mean response time 6289 (OK=6289 KO=- ) std deviation 2579 (OK=2579 KO=- ) response time 50th percentile 6396 (OK=6396 KO=- ) response time 75th percentile 8292 (OK=8292 KO=- ) response time 95th percentile 10342 (OK=10342 KO=- ) response time 99th percentile 11604 (OK=11604 KO=- ) mean requests/sec 176.471 (OK=176.471 KO=- ) ---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------ t < 800 ms 65 ( 1%) 800 ms <= t < 1200 ms 54 ( 1%) t ≥ 1200 ms 5881 ( 98%) failed 0 ( 0%) ================================================================================