A reactive Spring Boot application demonstrating seamless integration between MongoDB and Elasticsearch, featuring real-time search capabilities including geospatial queries, full-text search, and aggregations.
- Reactive Streams Approach: Uses Spring Data’s reactive driver for both MongoDB and Elasticsearch.
- Advanced Queries: Demonstrates geospatial searches, text-indexed searches, and filtering in near real-time.
- Scalable Architecture: Docker-compose-based environment for local testing.
The application follows a reactive architecture pattern using Spring WebFlux:
participant Client
participant RestaurantController
participant RestaurantService
participant MongoDB
participant ChangeStreamResume
participant Elasticsearch
Client->>RestaurantController: Create/Update Restaurant
RestaurantController->>RestaurantService: Process Request
RestaurantService->>MongoDB: Save Data
MongoDB-->>ChangeStreamResume: Trigger Change Stream
ChangeStreamResume->>Elasticsearch: Sync Changes
Note over ChangeStreamResume,Elasticsearch: Resume Token Management
RestaurantService-->>RestaurantController: Return Response
RestaurantController-->>Client: HTTP Response
- Reactive API endpoints using Spring WebFlux and reactive drivers
- Real-time Synchronization: MongoDB change streams to Elasticsearch
- MongoDB for primary data storage
- Advanced Search Capabilities:
- Full-text search
- Geospatial queries
- Aggregation operations
- Comprehensive validation
- Exception handling
- API Documentation: OpenAPI/Swagger UI integration
participant C as Client
participant RC as RestaurantController
participant RS as RestaurantService
participant MR as MongoRepository
participant ER as ESRepository
C->>RC: POST /api/restaurant
RC->>RC: Validate Request
RC->>RS: createRestaurant()
RS->>MR: save()
MR-->>RS: Restaurant
RS->>ER: index()
ER-->>RS: Success
RS-->>RC: Restaurant
RC-->>C: 201 Created
participant C as Client
participant SC as SearchController
participant SS as SearchService
participant ER as ESRepository
C->>SC: GET /api/search
SC->>SC: Validate Parameters
SC->>SS: search()
SS->>ER: search()
ER-->>SS: SearchResults
SS-->>SC: SearchPage
SC-->>C: 200 OK
flowchart LR
Client --> RestController
RestController --> Service
Service --> MongoDB
MongoDB --> ChangeStream
ChangeStream --> Elasticsearch
Service --> Elasticsearch
- Uses replica set for change streams
- Transaction support with
- Default database: mongoes
- JDK 21+
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Maven 3.9+
- Start the infrastructure:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
- Run the application:
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=local
./mvnw clean verify
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- OpenAPI Spec: http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs
- Actuator: http://localhost:8080/actuator
- Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
- Grafana: http://localhost:3000 (admin/admin)
- Kibana: http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console?_g=()
- Elasticsearch: http://localhost:9200
- Mongo Express: http://localhost:8081
- Count documents:
GET /restaurant/_count
- Search all:
GET /restaurant/_search
- View mapping:
GET /restaurant/_mapping
Key application properties:
The application includes global exception handling for:
- Validation errors
- Duplicate entries
- Resource not found
- General server errors