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GraphQL with WebFlux

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Implements a reactive GraphQL server using Spring WebFlux, enabling highly scalable endpoint queries.

Key Points

  • Reactive Execution: Non-blocking data fetchers.
  • Scalable: Ideal for high-concurrency scenarios.
  • Performance: Handles thousands of concurrent requests with minimal overhead.
  • Memory Efficient: Reduces memory footprint through backpressure handling.

The spring-boot-starter-graphql is a starter dependency for Spring Boot applications that allows them to integrate with GraphQL APIs. It provides a set of tools and libraries that enable developers to easily build GraphQL-based applications and expose them through a GraphQL endpoint. The starter includes support for GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions, and schema definitions, as well as integration with Spring Boot's autoconfiguration and dependency injection features.

Format code

./mvnw spotless:apply

Run tests

./mvnw clean verify

Run locally

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Using Testcontainers at Development Time

You can run from your IDE directly. You can also run the application using Maven as follows:

./mvnw spring-boot:test-run

Useful Links

About Graph QL

GraphQL provides three main concepts:

  1. Queries: Read data from the server
  2. Mutations: Update data on the server
  3. Subscriptions: Read data over a period of time (e.g., stock market updates, inflight recorder)

How to fetch data using URL

  • There are two types of annotations that can be used expose API
    • @SchemaMapping(typeName = "Query", field = "customers") , Here typeName should be matching the schema declared in schema.graphqls and filed should match the definition
    • @QueryMapping , Short hand for @SchemaMapping where field if not specified will be obtained from methodname and it should be declared in schema.graphqls

Sample data

    customers {
    orders {


    customers {

Fetching data based on name

    customersByName(name: "kolli") {