The scripts to prepare the YAML to deploy dex depend on a parameters to be set. Ensure the following are set in params.yaml
# the DNS CN to be used for dex service
# the default auth server url from Okta
# the client id and secret from the app you created in Okta for Dex
okta.dex-app-client-id: 123adsfsadf3234r
okta.dex-app-client-secret: 123adsfsadf3234r
Prepare the YAML manifests for the related dex K8S objects. Manifests will be output into generated/$MANAGMEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME/dex/
in case you want to inspect.
We can currently use the base aws yaml for any environment.
This script will check at the end that the Dex certificate is valid, which depends on the Let's Encrypt / Acme challenge to be resolved, that can take a couple of minutes.
Check to see dex pod is ready
kubectl get po -n tanzu-system-auth