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Spreadsheet::XLSX - blah blah blah


A Raku module for working with Excel spreadsheets (XLSX format), both reading existing files, creating new files, or modifying existing files and saving the changes. Of note, it:

  • Knows how to lazily load sheet content, so if you don't look at a sheet then time won't be spent deserializing it (down to a cell level, even)

  • In the modification scenario, tries to leave as much intact as it can, meaning that it's possible to poke data into a sheet more complex than could be produced by the module from scratch

  • Only depends on the Raku LibXML and Libarchive modules (and their respective native dependencies)

This module is currently in development, and supports the subset of XLSX format features that were immediately needed for the use-case it was built for. That isn't so much, for now, but it will handle the most common needs:

  • Enumerating worksheets

  • Reading text and numbers from cells on a worksheet

  • Creating new workbooks with worksheets with text and number cells

  • Setting basic styles and number formats on cells in newly created worksheets

  • Reading a workbook, making modifications, and saving it again

  • Reading and writing column properties (such as column width)


Reading existing workbooks

use Spreadsheet::XLSX;

# Read a workbook from an existing file (can pass IO::Path or a
# Blob in the case it was uploaded).
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::XLSX.load('accounts.xlsx');

# Get worksheets.
say "Workbook has {$workbook.worksheets.elems} sheets";

# Get the name of a worksheet.
say $;

# Get cell values (indexing is zero-based, done as a multi-dimensional array
# indexing operation [row ; column].
my $cells = $workbook.worksheets[0].cells;
say .value with $cells[0;0];      # A1
say .value with $cells[0;1];      # B1
say .value with $cells[1;0];      # A2
say .value with $cells[1;1];      # B2

Creating new workbooks

use Spreadsheet::XLSX;

# Create a new workbook and add some worksheets to it.
my $workbook =;
my $sheet-a = $workbook.create-worksheet('Ingredients');
my $sheet-b = $workbook.create-worksheet('Matching Drinks');

# Put some data into a worksheet and style it. This is how the model
# actually works (useful if you want to add styles later).
$sheet-a.cells[0;0] = => 'Ingredient');
$sheet-a.cells[0;0].style.bold = True;
$sheet-a.cells[0;1] = => 'Quantity');
$sheet-a.cells[0;1].style.bold = True;
$sheet-a.cells[1;0] = => 'Eggs');
$sheet-a.cells[1;1] = => 6);
$sheet-a.cells[1;1].style.number-format = '#,###';

# However, there is a convenience form too.
$sheet-a.set(0, 0, 'Ingredient', :bold);
$sheet-a.set(0, 1, 'Quantity', :bold);
$sheet-a.set(1, 0, 'Eggs');
$sheet-a.set(1, 1, 6, :number-format('#,###'));

# Save it to a file (string or IO::Path name).

# Or get it as a blob, e.g. for a HTTP response.
my $blob = $;

Class / Method reference

class Spreadsheet::XLSX

The actual outward facing class

has Hash $!archive

Map of files in the decompressed archive we read from, if any.

has Spreadsheet::XLSX::ContentTypes $.content-types

The content types of the workbook.

has Associative[Spreadsheet::XLSX::Relationships] %!relationships

Map of loaded relationships for paths. (Those never used are not in here.)

class Attribute+{<anon|2>}.new(handles => $("create-worksheet", "worksheets", "shared-strings", "styles"))

The workbook itself.

has Spreadsheet::XLSX::DocProps::Core $!core-props

Document Core Properties

multi method load

multi method load(
    Str $file
) returns Spreadsheet::XLSX

Load an Excel workbook from the file path identified by the given string.

multi method load

multi method load(
    IO::Path $file
) returns Spreadsheet::XLSX

Load an Excel workbook in the specified file.

multi method load

multi method load(
    Blob $content
) returns Spreadsheet::XLSX

Load an Excel workbook from the specified blob. This is useful in the case it was sent over the network, and so never written to disk.

method find-relationships

method find-relationships(
    Str $path,
    Bool :$create = Bool::False
) returns Spreadsheet::XLSX::Relationships

Get the relationships for a given path in the XLSX archive.

method get-file-from-archive

method get-file-from-archive(
    Str $path
) returns Blob

Obtain a file from the archive. Will fail if we are not backed by an archive, or if there is no such file.

method set-file-in-archive

method set-file-in-archive(
    Str $path,
    Blob $content
) returns Nil

Set the content of a file in the archive, replacing any existing content.

method to-blob

method to-blob() returns Blob

Serializes the current state of the spreadsheet into XLSX format and returns a Blob containing it.

multi method save

multi method save(
    Str $file
) returns Nil

Saves the Excel workbook to the file path identified by the given string.

multi method save

multi method save(
    IO::Path $file
) returns Nil

Save an Excel workbook to the specified file.

method sync-to-archive

method sync-to-archive() returns Nil

Synchronizes all changes to the internal representation of the archive. This is performed automatically before saving, and there is no need to explicitly perform it.


Thanks goes to Agrammon for making the development of this module possible.


Jonathan Worthington


Copyright 2020 - 2024 Jonathan Worthington

Copyright 2024 Raku Community

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.