diff --git a/.envrc b/.envrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a4726a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.envrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b8549d4..295a9c8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
index 5bf5beb..b9f1610 100644
--- a/LICENSE.md
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2020 Rameez Khan
+Copyright (c) 2021 Rameez Khan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ef45b3a..9c4d722 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-.PHONY: build test
+.PHONY: build
- lein fig:build
+ yarn dev
- lein fig:min
+ yarn release
+ clj -M:nrepl
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f750502..248a214 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,43 +10,11 @@ Live version can be accessed [here](https://financialhealth.app) 👈🏽.
Assess your financial health with a high level dashboard.
-### Features
-- [x] Chart to view your salary over time
-- [ ] View your current net worth
-### Future work
-- [ ] View your net worth over time
-- [ ] Track TFSA contributions
-## Development
-To get an interactive development environment run:
- lein fig:build
-This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the
-need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will
-get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:
- (js/alert "Am I connected?")
-and you should see an alert in the browser window.
-To clean all compiled files:
- lein clean
-To create a production build run:
- lein clean
- lein fig:min
## License
MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2020 Rameez Khan
+Copyright (c) 2021 Rameez Khan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/dev.cljs.edn b/dev.cljs.edn
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f64af..0000000
--- a/dev.cljs.edn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-^{:watch-dirs ["test" "src"]
- :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]
- :auto-testing true}
-{:main financial-health-dashboard.core}
diff --git a/example-data.csv b/example-data.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 120ada1..0000000
--- a/example-data.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-comment|July 2020
-comment|Aug 2020
-comment|Sep 2020
diff --git a/figwheel-main.edn b/figwheel-main.edn
deleted file mode 100644
index 63dc990..0000000
--- a/figwheel-main.edn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-;; Figwheel-main configuration options see: https://figwheel.org/config-options
-;; these will be overriden by the metadata config options in dev.cljs.edn build file
- ;; Set the server port https://figwheel.org/config-options#ring-server-options
- ;; :ring-server-options {:port 9500}
- ;; Change the target directory from the "target" to "resources"
- ;; https://figwheel.org/config-options#target-dir
- :target-dir "resources"
- ;; Server Ring Handler (optional) https://figwheel.org/docs/ring-handler.html
- ;; If you want to embed a ring handler into the figwheel server, this
- ;; is for simple ring servers
- ;; :ring-handler hello_world.server/handler
- ;; To be able to open files in your editor from the heads up display
- ;; you will need to put a script on your path. This script will have
- ;; to take a file path and a line number ie.
- ;; in ~/bin/myfile-opener:
- ;;
- ;; #! /bin/sh
- ;; emacsclient -n +$2:$3 $1
- ;;
- ;; :open-file-command "myfile-opener"
- ;; if you are using emacsclient you can just use
- ;; :open-file-command "emacsclient"
- ;; Logging output gets printed to the REPL, if you want to redirect it to a file:
- ;; :log-file "figwheel-main.log"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cdb03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "name": "financial-health-dashboard",
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "repository": "git@github.com:rameezk/financial-health-dashboard.git",
+ "author": "Rameez Khan",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "react": "17.0.1",
+ "react-dom": "17.0.1"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "shadow-cljs": "^2.11.18"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "dev": "shadow-cljs watch app",
+ "release": "shadow-cljs release app"
+ }
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 2276811..0000000
--- a/project.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(defproject financial-health-dashboard "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
- :description "FIXME: write this!"
- :url "http://example.com/FIXME"
- :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
- :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
- :min-lein-version "2.7.1"
- :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
- [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]
- [testdouble/clojurescript.csv "0.4.5"]
- [com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time "0.5.2"]
- [reagent "0.8.1"]]
- :source-paths ["src"]
- :aliases {"fig" ["trampoline" "run" "-m" "figwheel.main"]
- "fig:build" ["trampoline" "run" "-m" "figwheel.main" "-b" "dev" "-r"]
- "fig:min" ["run" "-m" "figwheel.main" "-O" "advanced" "-bo" "dev"]
- "fig:test" ["run" "-m" "figwheel.main" "-co" "test.cljs.edn" "-m" "financial-health-dashboard.test-runner"]}
- :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[com.bhauman/figwheel-main "0.2.3"]
- [com.bhauman/rebel-readline-cljs "0.1.4"]]
- }})
diff --git a/resources/public/android-chrome-192x192.png b/public/android-chrome-192x192.png
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/android-chrome-192x192.png
rename to public/android-chrome-192x192.png
diff --git a/resources/public/android-chrome-512x512.png b/public/android-chrome-512x512.png
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/android-chrome-512x512.png
rename to public/android-chrome-512x512.png
diff --git a/resources/public/apple-touch-icon.png b/public/apple-touch-icon.png
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/apple-touch-icon.png
rename to public/apple-touch-icon.png
diff --git a/resources/public/css/style.css b/public/css/style.css
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/css/style.css
rename to public/css/style.css
diff --git a/resources/public/favicon-16x16.png b/public/favicon-16x16.png
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/favicon-16x16.png
rename to public/favicon-16x16.png
diff --git a/resources/public/favicon-32x32.png b/public/favicon-32x32.png
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/favicon-32x32.png
rename to public/favicon-32x32.png
diff --git a/public/index.html b/public/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f8495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Financial Health Dashboard
diff --git a/resources/public/site.webmanifest b/public/site.webmanifest
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/public/site.webmanifest
rename to public/site.webmanifest
diff --git a/resources/public/index.html b/resources/public/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fa812..0000000
--- a/resources/public/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- Financial Health Dashboard
diff --git a/resources/public/test.html b/resources/public/test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b08b182..0000000
--- a/resources/public/test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- Test host page
diff --git a/shadow-cljs.edn b/shadow-cljs.edn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e53d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shadow-cljs.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ ["src"]
+ :nrepl {:port 9000}
+ :dependencies
+ [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.25.8"]
+ [reagent "1.0.0"]
+ [re-frame "1.1.2"]]
+ :builds
+ {:app {:target :browser
+ :output-dir "public/js"
+ :asset-path "/js"
+ :modules
+ {:main
+ {:entries [financial_health_dashboard.core]}}
+ :devtools
+ {:http-root "public"
+ :http-port 3001}
+ :release {:compiler-options {:optimizations :simple}}}}}
diff --git a/shell.nix b/shell.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c78ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shell.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+let pkgs = import { };
+in pkgs.mkShell rec {
+ name = "financial-health-dashboard";
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [
+ nodejs-14_x
+ (yarn.override { nodejs = nodejs-14_x; })
+ clojure
+ jdk
+ ];
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/changelog.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/changelog.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c0717e..0000000
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/changelog.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.changelog)
-(defn render []
- [:div
- [:ul
- [:li "thing 2"]
- [:li "thing 1"]]])
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/components.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/components.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159acc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/financial_health_dashboard/components.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(ns financial-health-dashboard.components)
+(defn nav []
+ [:nav.bg-purple-700.text-white.flex.items-center.justify-between.flex-wrap.p-6
+ [:div.flex.items-center.flex-shrink-0.mr-6
+ [:span "💰 Financial Health Dashboard"]]
+ [:div
+ [:a.inline-block.text-sm.px-4.py-2.leading-none.border.rounded.border-white.hover:border-transparent.hover:text-teal-500.hover:bg-purple-300.mt-4.lg:mt-0 {:href "https://www.google.com"} "Upload Data File"]]])
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/core.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/core.cljs
index ee3e69c..a357d2e 100644
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/core.cljs
+++ b/src/financial_health_dashboard/core.cljs
@@ -1,709 +1,25 @@
-(ns ^:figwheel-hooks financial-health-dashboard.core
- (:require
- [financial-health-dashboard.changelog :as changelog]
- [financial-health-dashboard.parse :as parse]
- [financial-health-dashboard.domain :as domain]
- [financial-health-dashboard.localstorage :as localstorage]
- [financial-health-dashboard.example :as example]
- [clojure.edn :as edn]
- [cljs-time.format :as tf]
- [goog.dom :as gdom]
- [goog.dom.classlist :as gc]
- [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))
-(defn multiply [a b] (* a b))
-(def number-formatter (js/Intl.NumberFormat.))
-(defn format-number [number] (.format number-formatter number))
-;; define your app data so that it doesn't get over-written on reload
-(defonce state (reagent/atom {:page :loading
- :delimiter parse/pipe
- :modal {:key :hidden :data nil}
- :data nil}))
-(defmulti render-page :page)
-(defn page [page] (swap! state #(assoc % :page page)))
-(defmulti render-modal (fn [state] (get-in @state [:modal :key])))
-(defn show-modal [key data]
- (swap! state #(assoc % :modal {:key key :data data})))
-(defn hide-modal []
- (swap! state #(assoc % :modal {:key :hidden})))
-(defn toggle-burger-menu []
- (gc/toggle (js/document.getElementById "nav-menu") "is-active")
- (gc/toggle (js/document.getElementById "nav-menu-burger") "is-active"))
-(defn set-file-data [data]
- (swap! state #(assoc-in % [:modal :data] data)))
-(defn set-app-data [data]
- (swap! state #(assoc % :data data)))
-(defn save-data-to-localstorage [data]
- (localstorage/set-item! "data" (prn-str data)))
-(defn build-app-data-from-uploaded-data [parsed-data]
- (save-data-to-localstorage parsed-data)
- (set-app-data (-> parsed-data parse/as-domain-values domain/all-your-bucks)))
-(defn build-app-data-from-localstorage-data [localstorage-data]
- (when-not (nil? localstorage-data)
- (set-app-data (-> localstorage-data
- parse/as-domain-values
- domain/all-your-bucks))))
-(defn get-data-from-localstorage []
- (or (->> (localstorage/get-item "data") (edn/read-string)) nil))
-(defn get-sample-data []
- (parse/parse parse/pipe example/data-piped))
-(defmethod render-modal :upload [{:keys [modal delimiter]}]
- [:div.has-text-dark
- [:h1.heading.has-text-centered "Choose file"]
- [:form
- [:div.file.is-centered
- [:label.file-label
- [:input.file-input {:type "file" :name "storage"
- :on-change (fn [e]
- (let [file (aget (.. e -target -files) 0)
- reader (js/FileReader.)]
- (set! (.-onload reader)
- #(set-file-data (.. % -target -result)))
- (.readAsText reader file)))}]
- [:span.file-cta
- [:span.file-icon
- [:i.fa.fa-upload]]
- [:span.file-label "Upload"]]]]]
- (when-let [content (get-in @state [:modal :data])]
- (let [result
- (->> content
- (parse/parse parse/pipe))
- errors
- (->> result
- (filter (comp not :valid?))
- (map (juxt :i :error)))]
- (if-not (empty? errors)
- [:div.content
- [:hr]
- [:p.heading.has-text-centered.has-text-danger "Oops. You have some errors"]
- [:ul
- (map-indexed
- (fn [i [row e]]
- [:li {:key i} "row: " row ": " e])
- errors)]]
- [:div.content
- [:hr]
- [:p.heading.has-text-centered.has-text-primary "Awesome! No errors!"]
- [:div.buttons.is-centered
- [:button.button.is-primary
- {:on-click (fn [_] (build-app-data-from-uploaded-data result)
- (hide-modal)
- (toggle-burger-menu)
- (page :loading)
- (js/setTimeout #(page :main)))}
- "GO"]]])))])
-(defmethod render-modal :help [{:keys [modal delimiter]}]
- (println "help modal"))
-(defmethod render-modal :save [{:keys [modal delimiter]}]
- (println "save modal"))
-(defmethod render-modal :changelog []
- (changelog/render))
-(defn bar-chart
- [id]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "bar"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels ["2012" "2013" "2014" "2015" "2016"]
- :datasets [{:data [5 10 15 20 25]
- :label "Rev in MM"
- :backgroundColor "#90EE90"}
- {:data [3 6 9 12 15]
- :label "Cost in MM"
- :backgroundColor "#F08080"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn cash-flow-chart
- [id labels incomes expenses]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "line"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :maxTicksLimit 12}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data incomes
- :label "Income"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#90EE90"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#90EE90"}
- {:data expenses
- :label "Expense"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#EA3C53"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#EA3C53"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn savings-rate-chart
- [id labels savings-rate]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "line"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :maxTicksLimit 12}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data savings-rate
- :label "Savings Rate"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#8e44ad"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#8e44ad"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn net-worth-line-chart
- [id labels net-worth]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "line"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :maxTicksLimit 12}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data net-worth
- :label "Net Worth"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#90EE90"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#90EE90"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn assets-line-chart
- [id labels assets]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "line"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :maxTicksLimit 12}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data assets
- :label "Assets"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#EA3C53"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#EA3C53"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn liabilities-line-chart
- [id labels liabilities]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "line"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :maxTicksLimit 12}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data liabilities
- :label "Liabilities"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#e67e22"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#e67e22"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn tfsa-yearly-chart
- [id labels contributions limits]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "horizontalBar"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :beginAtZero true}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data limits
- :label "Limit"
- :backgroundColor "#EA3C53"}
- {:data contributions
- :label "Contribution"
- :backgroundColor "#90EE90"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn tfsa-lifetime-chart
- [id contribution limit]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "horizontalBar"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white" :beginAtZero true}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:fontColor "white"}}]}}
- :data {:labels ["Lifetime"]
- :datasets [{:data limit
- :label "Limit"
- :backgroundColor "#EA3C53"}
- {:data contribution
- :label "Contribution"
- :backgroundColor "#90EE90"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn pie-chart-1
- [id]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "pie"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {}}
- :data {:labels ["Retirement Annuity"
- "Preservation Fund"
- "Emergency Fund"
- "TFSA"
- "Discretionary Investments"]
- :datasets [{:data [20 20 20 20 20]
- :backgroundColor ["#2ecc71"
- "#3498db"
- "#e67e22"
- "#9b59b6"
- "#1abc9c"]}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn pie-chart-2
- [id]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "pie"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {}}
- :data {:labels ["Local"
- "Offshore"]
- :datasets [{:data [90 10]
- :backgroundColor ["#2ecc71"
- "#3498db"]}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn pie-chart-3
- [id]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "pie"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {}}
- :data {:labels ["Property"
- "Bonds"
- "Equity"
- "Cash"
- "Vehicle"
- "Offshore"]
- :datasets [{:data [2 20 29 35 8 6]
- :backgroundColor ["#2ecc71"
- "#3498db"
- "#e67e22"
- "#9b59b6"
- "#f1c40f"
- "#c0392b"]}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn draw-chart [id chart x y1 y2 y3]
- (reagent/create-class
- {:component-did-mount #(chart id x y1 y2 y3)
- :display-name "chart"
- :reagent-render (fn [] [:canvas {:id id}])}))
-(defn nav []
- [:div
- [:nav.navbar.is-dark
- [:div.navbar-brand
- [:a.navbar-item {:href "#"} "💰 Financial Health Dashboard"]
- [:a.navbar-burger.burger {:id "nav-menu-burger"
- :on-click (fn []
- (toggle-burger-menu))}
- [:span {:aria-hidden "true"}]
- [:span {:aria-hidden "true"}]
- [:span {:aria-hidden "true"}]]]
- [:div.navbar-menu {:id "nav-menu"}
- [:div.navbar-end
- ;; [:a.navbar-item {:on-click #(show-modal :help nil)}
- ;; [:span.icon [:i.fa.fa-question-circle]]]
- [:a.navbar-item {:on-click #(show-modal :upload nil)}
- [:span.icon [:i.fa.fa-upload]]
- [:span.is-hidden-desktop "Upload Data"]]
- ;; [:a.navbar-item {:on-click #(show-modal :save nil)}
- ;; [:span.icon [:i.fa.fa-save]]]
- ;; [:a.navbar-item {:on-click #(show-modal :changelog nil)}
- ;; [:span.icon [:i.fa.fa-history]]]
- ]]]])
-(defn modal [model-state]
- [:div.modal.is-active
- [:div.modal-background {:on-click hide-modal}]
- [:div.modal-content
- [:div.box.has-background-light
- (render-modal model-state)]
- [:button.modal-close.is-large {:on-click hide-modal}]]])
-(defn col-real-data [size-desktop size-mobile & children]
- [:div.column {:class (str "is-" size-desktop "-desktop " "is-" size-mobile "-mobile " "is-" size-mobile "-tablet")}
- [:div.box.is-shadowless.has-text-grey-lighter
- children]])
-(defn col-sample-data [size-desktop size-mobile & children]
- [:div.column {:class (str "is-" size-desktop "-desktop " "is-" size-mobile "-mobile " "is-" size-mobile "-tablet")}
- [:div.box.is-shadowless.has-text-grey-lighter
- [:span.tag.is-warning.is-size-7.sample-tag "sample"]
- children]])
-(defn info-box [title info change & [class]]
- [:div.has-text-centered.info-box
- [:p.heading title]
- [:p.title {:class (or class "has-text-light")} info]
- (if (> change 0)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-success
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-up] (str " " change)]
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-danger
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-down] (str " " change)])])
-(defn chart-box [title content & [class]]
- [:div.has-text-centered.info-box
- [:p.heading title]
- [:div.is-centered
- [content]]])
-(def custom-month-year
- (tf/formatter "MMM-yy"))
-(defn cash-flow-over-time-chart [{:keys [income expenses]}]
- (let [labels (->> income (map :cljs-date) (map #(tf/unparse custom-month-year %)) (take-last 13))
- income (->> income (map :amount) (take-last 13))
- expenses (->> expenses (map :amount) (take-last 13))]
- (chart-box "CASH FLOW OVER TIME" (draw-chart
- "cash-flow-over-time"
- cash-flow-chart labels income expenses nil))))
-(defn savings-rate-over-time-chart [{:keys [income expenses]}]
- (let [labels (->> income (map :cljs-date) (map #(tf/unparse custom-month-year %)) (take-last 13))
- income (->> income (map :amount) (take-last 13))
- expenses (->> expenses (map :amount) (take-last 13))
- savings (map - income expenses)
- savings-rate (map #(* % 100) (map / savings income))]
- (chart-box "SAVINGS RATE OVER TIME" (draw-chart
- "savings-rate-over-time"
- savings-rate-chart labels savings-rate nil nil))))
-(defn calculate-growth [amount rate]
- (* amount (+ 1 rate)))
-(defn monthly-rate-from-annual [annual-rate]
- (- (Math/pow (+ 1 annual-rate) (/ 1 12)) 1))
-(defn is-new-year? [month]
- (zero? (mod month 12)))
-(defn apply-inflation [amount inflation-rate years]
- (/ amount (Math/pow (+ 1 inflation-rate) years)))
-(defn calculate-investment-value [{:keys [monthly-amount
- annual-growth-rate
- annual-monthly-amount-escalation
- annual-inflation
- years-invested]}]
- (apply-inflation
- (let [monthly-growth (monthly-rate-from-annual annual-growth-rate)
- months (* years-invested 12)]
- (loop [month 1
- monthly-amount monthly-amount
- total (calculate-growth monthly-amount monthly-growth)]
- (if (>= month months)
- total
- (recur (inc month)
- (if (is-new-year? (inc month))
- (calculate-growth monthly-amount annual-monthly-amount-escalation)
- monthly-amount)
- (calculate-growth (+ total monthly-amount) monthly-growth)))))
- annual-inflation
- years-invested))
-(defn investment-benchmark-chart
- [id labels investment investment2 investment3]
- (let [context (.getContext (.getElementById js/document id) "2d")
- chart-data {:type "line"
- :options {:legend {:labels {:fontColor "white"}}
- :scales {:xAxes [{:scaleLabel {:display true :labelString "years" :fontColor "white"} :ticks {:fontColor "white" :maxTicksLimit 12}}]
- :yAxes [{:ticks {:callback (fn [value, index, values] (format-number value)) :fontColor "white"}}]}
- :tooltips {:callbacks {:label (fn [tooltip-item data] (format-number (aget tooltip-item "yLabel")))}}}
- :data {:labels labels
- :datasets [{:data investment
- :label "Current Investment"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#8e44ad"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#8e44ad"}
- {:data investment2
- :label "Invest 25,000 Monthly"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#e67e22"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#e67e22"}
- {:data investment3
- :label "Invest 10,000 Monthly"
- :lineTension 0
- :fill false
- :borderColor "#2ecc71"
- :cubicInterpolationMode "linear"
- :backgroundColor "#2ecc71"}]}}]
- (js/Chart. context (clj->js chart-data))))
-(defn investment-benchmark-over-time-chart []
- (let [labels (range 36)
- investment (->> labels (map #(calculate-investment-value {:monthly-amount 6000
- :annual-growth-rate 0.15
- :annual-monthly-amount-escalation 0.06
- :annual-inflation 0.06
- :years-invested %})))
- invest-2 (->> labels (map #(calculate-investment-value {:monthly-amount 25000
- :annual-growth-rate 0.15
- :annual-monthly-amount-escalation 0.06
- :annual-inflation 0.06
- :years-invested %})))
- invest-3 (->> labels (map #(calculate-investment-value {:monthly-amount 10000
- :annual-growth-rate 0.15
- :annual-monthly-amount-escalation 0.06
- :annual-inflation 0.06
- :years-invested %})))]
- (chart-box "INVESTMENT BENCHMARK" (draw-chart
- "investment-benchmark-chart"
- investment-benchmark-chart labels investment invest-2 invest-3))))
-(defn net-worth-over-time-chart [{:keys [net-worths]}]
- (let [labels (->> net-worths (map :cljs-date) (map #(tf/unparse custom-month-year %)))
- net-worth (->> net-worths (map :amount))]
- (chart-box "NET WORTH OVER TIME" (draw-chart
- "net-worth-over-time"
- net-worth-line-chart labels net-worth nil nil))))
-(defn assets-over-time-chart [{:keys [net-assets]}]
- (let [labels (->> net-assets (map :cljs-date) (map #(tf/unparse custom-month-year %)))
- assets (->> net-assets (map :amount))]
- (chart-box "ASSETS OVER TIME" (draw-chart
- "assets-over-time"
- assets-line-chart labels assets nil nil))))
-(defn liabilities-over-time-chart [{:keys [net-liabilities]}]
- (let [labels (->> net-liabilities (map :cljs-date) (map #(tf/unparse custom-month-year %)))
- liabilities (->> net-liabilities (map :amount))]
- (chart-box "LIABILITIES OVER TIME" (draw-chart
- "liabilities-over-time"
- liabilities-line-chart labels liabilities nil nil))))
-(defn emergency-fund-months-info-box [{:keys [emergency-fund-months emergency-fund-months-change]}]
- [:div.has-text-centered.info-box
- [:p.heading "EMERGENCY FUND MONTHS"]
- [:p.title {:class "has-text-light"} (format-number emergency-fund-months)]
- (if (= (get emergency-fund-months-change :direction) :up)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-success
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-up] (str " " (format-number (get emergency-fund-months-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get emergency-fund-months-change :percentage)) "%)")]
- (if (= (get emergency-fund-months-change :direction) :down)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-danger
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-down] (str " " (format-number (get emergency-fund-months-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get emergency-fund-months-change :percentage)) "%)")]
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-warning
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-right] (str " " (format-number (get emergency-fund-months-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get emergency-fund-months-change :percentage)) "%)")]))])
-(defn net-worth-info-box [{:keys [net-worth net-worth-change]}]
- [:div.has-text-centered.info-box
- [:p.heading "NET WORTH"]
- [:p.title {:class "has-text-light"} (format-number net-worth)]
- (if (= (get net-worth-change :direction) :up)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-success
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-up] (str " " (format-number (get net-worth-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get net-worth-change :percentage)) "%)")]
- (if (= (get net-worth-change :direction) :down)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-danger
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-down] (str " " (format-number (get net-worth-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get net-worth-change :percentage)) "%)")]
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-warning
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-right] (str " " (format-number (get net-worth-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get net-worth-change :percentage)) "%)")]))])
-(defn fi-investments-info-box [{:keys [fi-investments fi-investments-change]}]
- [:div.has-text-centered.info-box
- [:p.heading "FI INVESTMENTS"]
- [:p.title {:class "has-text-light"} (format-number (:amount (last fi-investments)))]
- (if (= (get fi-investments-change :direction) :up)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-success
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-up] (str " " (format-number (get fi-investments-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get fi-investments-change :percentage)) "%)")]
- (if (= (get fi-investments-change :direction) :down)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-danger
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-down] (str " " (format-number (get fi-investments-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get fi-investments-change :percentage)) "%)")]
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-warning
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-right] (str " " (format-number (get fi-investments-change :delta)) " (" (format-number (get fi-investments-change :percentage)) "%)")]))])
-(defn change-str [change change-percentage]
- (if (nil? change-percentage)
- (str " " (format-number change))
- (str " " (format-number change) " (" (format-number change-percentage) "%)")))
-(defn info-box-with-amount-and-change [title amount change change-percentage change-direction]
- [:div.has-text-centered.info-box
- [:p.heading title]
- [:p.title {:class "has-text-light"} (format-number amount)]
- (if (= change-direction :up)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-success
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-up] (change-str change change-percentage)]
- (if (= change-direction :down)
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-danger
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-down] (change-str change change-percentage)]
- [:p.subtitle.is-size-7.has-text-light.has-text-warning
- [:i.fa.fa-arrow-right] (change-str change change-percentage)]))])
-(defn fi-monthly-withdrawal-info-box [{:keys [fi-investments fi-monthly-withdrawal-change]}]
- amount (:fi-monthly-withdrawal (last fi-investments))
- change (:delta fi-monthly-withdrawal-change)
- change-percentage (:percentage fi-monthly-withdrawal-change)
- change-direction (:direction fi-monthly-withdrawal-change)]
- (info-box-with-amount-and-change title amount change change-percentage change-direction)))
-(defn fi-percentage-info-box [{:keys [fi-investments]}]
- (let [title "FI PERCENTAGE"
- amount (:fi-percentage (last fi-investments))
- change (- amount (:fi-percentage (first (take-last 2 fi-investments))))
- change-percentage nil
- change-direction (if (pos? change)
- :up
- (if (neg? change)
- :down
- :same))]
- (info-box-with-amount-and-change title amount change change-percentage change-direction)))
-(defn investments-info-box [{:keys [investments investments-change]}]
- (let [title "INVESTMENTS"
- amount (:amount (last investments))
- change (:delta investments-change)
- change-percentage (:percentage investments-change)
- change-direction (:direction investments-change)]
- (info-box-with-amount-and-change title amount change change-percentage change-direction)))
-(defn tfsa-yearly-contributions-chart [{:keys [tfsa-contributions-per-year]}]
- (let [labels (->> tfsa-contributions-per-year (map :year))
- contributions (->> tfsa-contributions-per-year (map :amount))
- limits (->> tfsa-contributions-per-year (map :limit))]
- (draw-chart
- "tfsa-yearly-contributions"
- tfsa-yearly-chart labels contributions limits nil))))
-(defn tfsa-lifetime-contribution-chart [{:keys [tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime]}]
-(let [contribution [(:amount tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime)]
- limit [(:limit tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime)]]
- (draw-chart
- "tfsa-lifetime-contribution"
- tfsa-lifetime-chart contribution limit nil nil))))
-(defn asset-distribution-chart []
- (draw-chart "asset-distribution" pie-chart-1 nil nil nil nil)))
-(defn asset-geographic-distribution-chart []
- (draw-chart "asset-geographic-distribution" pie-chart-2 nil nil nil nil)))
-(defn asset-allocation-chart []
-(chart-box "ASSET ALLOCATION"
- (draw-chart "asset-allocation" pie-chart-3 nil nil nil nil)))
-(defmethod render-page :main [{:keys [data]}]
- (let [col
- (if (= (->
- data
- (get :sample)
- (first)
- (get :is-sample))
- "yes")
- col-sample-data
- col-real-data)]
- [:div.columns.is-multiline.is-centered
- [col 2 12 (net-worth-info-box data)]
- [col 2 12 (emergency-fund-months-info-box data)]
- [col 2 12 (investments-info-box data)]
- [col 2 12 (fi-investments-info-box data)]
- [col 2 12 (fi-monthly-withdrawal-info-box data)]
- [col 2 12 (fi-percentage-info-box data)]
- [col 4 12 (net-worth-over-time-chart data)]
- [col 4 12 (assets-over-time-chart data)]
- [col 4 12 (liabilities-over-time-chart data)]
- [col 6 12 (cash-flow-over-time-chart data)]
- [col 6 12 (savings-rate-over-time-chart data)]
- [col 6 12 (tfsa-yearly-contributions-chart data)]
- [col 6 12 (tfsa-lifetime-contribution-chart data)]
- [col 12 12 (investment-benchmark-over-time-chart)]
- ;; [col 4 12 (asset-distribution-chart)]
- ;; [col 4 12 (asset-geographic-distribution-chart)]
- ;; [col 4 12 (asset-allocation-chart)]
- ]))
-(defn footer []
- [:footer.footer
- [:div.content.has-text-centered
- [:p "Built with ❤️ by "
- [:a {:href "https://rameezkhan.me"} "Rameez"]]]])
-(defn app []
- [:div
- [nav]
- (when-not (= :hidden (get-in @state [:modal :key]))
- [modal state])
- [:div.section.has-background-light
- (render-page @state)]
- (footer)])
-(defn sleep [f ms]
-(js/setTimeout f ms))
-(defmethod render-page :loading [state]
-[:div "loading"])
-(defn get-app-element []
-(gdom/getElement "app"))
-(defn mount [el]
-(reagent/render-component [app] el))
-(defn mount-app-element []
-(when-let [el (get-app-element)]
- (mount el)))
-(when (= :loading (:page @state))
-(build-app-data-from-localstorage-data (or
- (get-data-from-localstorage)
- (get-sample-data)))
-(js/setTimeout #(page :main)))
-;; conditionally start your application based on the presence of an "app" element
-;; this is particularly helpful for testing this ns without launching the app
-;; specify reload hook with ^;after-load metadata
-(defn ^:after-load on-reload []
-;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
-;; your application
-;; (swap! app-state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)
+(ns financial-health-dashboard.core
+ (:require [reagent.dom :as rd]
+ [financial-health-dashboard.components :as c]))
+(defn app
+ "DOM entrypoint"
+ []
+ [:div.section
+ [c/nav]])
+(defn mount-reagent []
+ (rd/render
+ app
+ (js/document.getElementById "app")))
+(defn ^:dev/after-load start []
+ (js/console.log "start")
+ (mount-reagent))
+(defn ^:export init []
+ (js/console.log "init")
+ (start))
+(defn ^:dev/before-load stop []
+ (js/console.log "stop"))
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/domain.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/domain.cljs
index 752f1f1..9b8107e 100644
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/domain.cljs
+++ b/src/financial_health_dashboard/domain.cljs
@@ -1,337 +1,83 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.domain
- (:require
- [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
- [cljs-time.core :as time]))
-(defn not-empty-string? [s] (and (string? s)
- (not-empty s)))
-(defn year? [n] (boolean (and (number? n) (>= n 1900) (> 3000 n))))
-(defn month? [n] (boolean (and (number? n) (>= n 1) (> 13 n))))
-(def yes "yes")
-(def no "no")
-(def tfsa-lifetime-limit 500000)
-(def tfsa-limits
- {:2016 30000
- :2017 30000
- :2018 33000
- :2019 33000
- :2020 33000
- :2021 36000})
-(def fi-yearly-withdrawal-rate 0.04)
-(def fi-monthly-withdrawal-rate (/ fi-yearly-withdrawal-rate 12))
-(s/def :d/year year?)
-(s/def :d/month month?)
-(s/def :d/amount number?)
-(s/def :d/name not-empty-string?)
-(s/def :d/is-sample #(contains? #{yes no} %))
-(def data-types-config
- [["sample"
- [:d/is-sample]
- "Indicate sample data"]
- ["comment"
- []
- "A row used for any kind of comment"]
- ["income"
- [:d/name :d/year :d/month :d/amount]
- "Income"]
- ["expense"
- [:d/name :d/year :d/month :d/amount]
- "Expense"]
- ["emergency-monthly-expense"
- [:d/year :d/month :d/amount]
- "Monthly expense. This doesn't include contributions to RA's, investments or savings accounts."]
- ["emergency-fund"
- [:d/year :d/month :d/amount]
- "Emergency fund balance."]
- ["asset"
- [:d/name :d/year :d/month :d/amount]]
- ["liability"
- [:d/name :d/year :d/month :d/amount]]
- ["tfsa-contribution"
- [:d/year :d/month :d/amount]]
- ["fi-expense"
- [:d/amount]]])
-(def data-types (->> data-types-config
- (map (juxt first second))
- (into {})))
-(defn type-of? [data-type m]
- (= data-type (:data-type m)))
-(defn type-of-f? [data-type] (partial type-of? data-type))
-(defn types-of-f? [& types]
- (fn [m] (->> types
- (map #(type-of? % m))
- (filter true?)
- not-empty)))
-(defn timestamped [{:keys [year month day] :as m}]
- (let [date (js/Date. year (dec month) day)] ;;js months start at 0
- (assoc m
- :date date
- :cljs-date (time/date-time year month day)
- :timestamp (.getTime date))))
-(defn income [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :income))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
-(defn emergency-monthly-expense [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :emergency-monthly-expense))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
-(defn emergency-fund [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :emergency-fund))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
-(defn emergency-fund-months [emergency-fund emergency-monthly-expense]
- (let [latest-emergency-monthly-expense (get (last emergency-monthly-expense) :amount)
- latest-emergency-fund-balance (get (last emergency-fund) :amount)]
- (/ latest-emergency-fund-balance latest-emergency-monthly-expense)))
-(defn emergency-fund-months-change [emergency-fund emergency-monthly-expense]
- (if (> (count emergency-fund) 1)
- (let [latest-emergency-monthly-expense (get (last emergency-monthly-expense) :amount)
- latest-em-fund-balance (get (last emergency-fund) :amount)
- second-last-em-fund-balance (get (-> emergency-fund (reverse) (nth 1 nil)) :amount)
- change-in-amount (- latest-em-fund-balance second-last-em-fund-balance)
- delta (/ change-in-amount latest-emergency-monthly-expense)]
- (if (= delta 0.0)
- {:direction :same :delta delta :percentage 0}
- (if (< delta 0)
- {:direction :down :delta (* -1 delta) :percentage (* (/ change-in-amount second-last-em-fund-balance) -100)}
- {:direction :up :delta delta :percentage (* (/ change-in-amount second-last-em-fund-balance) 100)})))
- nil))
-(defn sample [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :sample))))
-(defn assets [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :asset))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
-(defn net-per-month [data]
- (->> data (map #(assoc % :grouping [(:year %) (:month %)]))
- (group-by :grouping)
- (map (fn [[g t]]
- [g (->> t (map :amount) (reduce +))]))
- (into (sorted-map))))
-(defn liabilities [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :liability))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
+(ns financial-health-dashboard.domain)
+(def data {:user/name "Bob"
+ :user/age 28
+ :user/accounts [{:account/name "FNB Cheque Account"
+ :account/type :bank
+ :account/id 1
+ :account/active true}
+ {:account/name "Easy Equities TFSA"
+ :account/type :investment
+ :account/id 2
+ :account/active true}]
+ :user/account-balances [{:account/id 1
+ :account-balance/year 2021
+ :account-balance/month 6
+ :account-balance/amount 100}
+ {:account/id 2
+ :account-balance/year 2021
+ :account-balance/month 6
+ :account-balance/amount 200}
+ {:account/id 2
+ :account-balance/year 2021
+ :account-balance/month 1
+ :account-balance/amount 400}]})
+(defn user-name
+ "Return a user's name"
+ [{:user/keys [name]}]
+ name)
+(defn user-age
+ "Return a user's age"
+ [{:user/keys [age]}]
+ age)
+(defn user-accounts
+ "Return a user's active accounts, filtered if account-type is provided"
+ ([{:user/keys [accounts]}]
+ (filter #(:account/active %) accounts))
+ ([data account-type]
+ (filter
+ #(= (:account/type %) account-type)
+ (user-accounts data))))
+(defn account
+ "Return an account by provided account-id"
+ [data account-id]
+ (let [accounts (user-accounts data)]
+ (first (filter #(= (:account/id %) account-id) accounts))))
+(defn account-balances
+ "Returns all account balances, filtered if year or month are provided"
+ ([data]
+ (:user/account-balances data))
+ ([data year]
+ (filter #(= (:account-balance/year %) year)
+ (account-balances data)))
+ ([data year month]
+ (filter #(and
+ (= (:account-balance/year %) year)
+ (= (:account-balance/month %) month))
+ (account-balances data))))
+(defn balance-exists-for-account?
+ "Check if balance exists for account"
+ [account-id year month]
+ (let [balances (account-balances data year month)
+ balances-for-account (filter #(= (:account/id %) account-id) balances)]
+ (pos? (count balances-for-account))))
(defn net-worth
- ([net-assets net-liabilities] (net-worth net-assets net-liabilities 1))
- ([net-assets net-liabilities n-last]
- (let [latest-monthly-net-assets (->> net-assets (take-last n-last) (first) (second))
- latest-monthly-net-liabilities (->> net-liabilities (take-last n-last) (first) (second))]
- (- latest-monthly-net-assets latest-monthly-net-liabilities))))
-(defn net-worth-change [net-assets-per-month net-liabilities-per-month]
- (if (or (> (count net-assets-per-month) 1) (> (count net-liabilities-per-month) 1))
- (let [latest-net-worth (net-worth net-assets-per-month net-liabilities-per-month)
- second-last-net-worth (net-worth net-assets-per-month net-liabilities-per-month 2)
- delta (- latest-net-worth second-last-net-worth)]
- (if (zero? delta)
- {:direction :same :delta delta :percentage 0}
- (if (neg? delta)
- {:direction :down :delta (* -1 delta) :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-net-worth) -100)}
- {:direction :up :delta delta :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-net-worth) 100)})))
- nil))
-(defn flatten-grouped-months [grouped-months]
- (map (fn [[[y m] a]] {:year y :month m :amount a}) grouped-months))
-(defn net-worths [assets liabilities]
- (let [l (->> liabilities (map #(assoc % :amount (* -1 (:amount %)))))
- al (concat assets l)]
- (->> al (map #(assoc % :grouping [(:year %) (:month %)]))
- (group-by :grouping)
- (map (fn [[g t]]
- [g (->> t (map :amount) (reduce +))]))
- (into {}))))
-(defn make-series-from-grouped-data [grouped-data]
- (->> grouped-data (flatten-grouped-months)
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
-(defn tfsa-contributions [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :tfsa-contribution))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamped)))
-(defn tax-year [date]
- (let [year (time/year date)
- month (time/month date)]
- (if (> month 2) (inc year) year)))
-(defn tfsa-contributions-per-year [contributions]
- (->> contributions (map #(assoc % :tax-year [(tax-year (:cljs-date %))]))
- (group-by :tax-year)
- (map (fn [[g t]]
- [g (->> t (map :amount) (reduce +))]))
- (into {})))
-(defn tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime [contributions]
- (let [total (->> contributions (map :amount) (reduce +))]
- {:amount total :limit tfsa-lifetime-limit}))
-(defn map-tfsa-yearly-limits [contributions]
- (->> contributions (map #(assoc %
- :limit (get tfsa-limits
- (keyword (str (:year %))))))))
-(defn expenses [data]
- (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :expense))
- (map timestamped)
- (sort-by :timestamp)))
-(defn fi-expense [data]
- (last (->> data (filter (type-of-f? :fi-expense)))))
-(defn investments [assets]
- (->> assets
- (filter #(or
- (= (:name %) "tfsa")
- (= (:name %) "liberty-ra")
- (= (:name %) "liberty-preservation-fund")
- (= (:name %) "sygnia-ra")
- (= (:name %) "td-ameritrade")
- (= (:name %) "education-fund")))
- (map #(assoc % :grouping [(:year %) (:month %)]))
- (group-by :grouping)
- (map (fn [[g t]]
- [g (->> t (map :amount) (reduce +))]))
- (into {})))
-(defn investments-change [investments]
- (if (> (count investments) 1)
- (let [latest-amount (:amount (last investments ))
- second-last-amount (:amount (first (take-last 2 investments)))
- delta (- latest-amount second-last-amount)]
- (if (zero? delta)
- {:direction :same :delta delta :percentage 0}
- (if (neg? delta)
- {:direction :down :delta (* -1 delta) :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-amount) -100)}
- {:direction :up :delta delta :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-amount) 100)})))
- nil))
-(defn fi-investments [assets]
- (->> assets
- (filter #(or
- (= (:name %) "tfsa")
- (= (:name %) "td-ameritrade")))
- (map #(assoc % :grouping [(:year %) (:month %)]))
- (group-by :grouping)
- (map (fn [[g t]]
- [g (->> t (map :amount) (reduce +))]))
- (into {})))
-(defn fi-investments-change [fi-investments]
- (if (> (count fi-investments) 1)
- (let [latest-amount (:amount (last fi-investments ))
- second-last-amount (:amount (first (take-last 2 fi-investments)))
- delta (- latest-amount second-last-amount)]
- (if (zero? delta)
- {:direction :same :delta delta :percentage 0}
- (if (neg? delta)
- {:direction :down :delta (* -1 delta) :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-amount) -100)}
- {:direction :up :delta delta :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-amount) 100)})))
- nil))
-(defn map-fi-withdrawals [investments]
- (->> investments (map #(assoc %
- :fi-monthly-withdrawal (Math/ceil ( * fi-monthly-withdrawal-rate (:amount %) ))))))
-(defn map-fi-percentage [fi-expense investments]
- (->> investments (map #(assoc %
- :fi-percentage (* (/ (:amount %) (* (:amount fi-expense) 300)) 100)))))
-(defn fi-monthly-withdrawal-change [fi-investments]
- (if (> (count fi-investments) 1)
- (let [latest-amount (:fi-monthly-withdrawal (last fi-investments ))
- second-last-amount (:fi-monthly-withdrawal (first (take-last 2 fi-investments)))
- delta (- latest-amount second-last-amount)]
- (if (zero? delta)
- {:direction :same :delta delta :percentage 0}
- (if (neg? delta)
- {:direction :down :delta (* -1 delta) :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-amount) -100)}
- {:direction :up :delta delta :percentage (* (/ delta second-last-amount) 100)})))
- nil))
-(defn all-your-bucks[data]
- (let [sample (sample data)
- income (income data)
- expenses (->> data (expenses) (net-per-month) (make-series-from-grouped-data))
- emergency-fund (emergency-fund data)
- emergency-monthly-expense (emergency-monthly-expense data)
- emergency-fund-months (emergency-fund-months emergency-fund emergency-monthly-expense)
- emergency-fund-months-change (emergency-fund-months-change emergency-fund emergency-monthly-expense)
- assets (assets data)
- net-assets-per-month (net-per-month assets)
- net-assets-series (make-series-from-grouped-data net-assets-per-month)
- liabilities (liabilities data)
- net-liabilities-per-month (net-per-month liabilities)
- net-liabilities-series (make-series-from-grouped-data net-liabilities-per-month)
- net-worth (net-worth net-assets-per-month net-liabilities-per-month)
- net-worths (make-series-from-grouped-data (net-worths assets liabilities))
- net-worth-change (net-worth-change net-assets-per-month net-liabilities-per-month)
- tfsa-contributions (tfsa-contributions data)
- tfsa-contributions-per-year (->> tfsa-contributions
- (tfsa-contributions-per-year)
- (make-series-from-grouped-data)
- (map-tfsa-yearly-limits))
- tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime (tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime tfsa-contributions)
- fi-expense (fi-expense data)
- fi-investments (map-fi-percentage fi-expense ( map-fi-withdrawals (make-series-from-grouped-data (fi-investments assets)) ))
- investments (make-series-from-grouped-data (investments assets))
- investments-change (investments-change investments)
- fi-investments-change (fi-investments-change fi-investments)
- fi-monthly-withdrawal-change (fi-monthly-withdrawal-change fi-investments)
- ]
- {:sample sample
- :income income
- :expenses expenses
- :emergency-fund-months emergency-fund-months
- :emergency-fund-months-change emergency-fund-months-change
- :net-worths net-worths
- :net-worth net-worth
- :net-worth-change net-worth-change
- :net-assets net-assets-series
- :net-liabilities net-liabilities-series
- :tfsa-contributions-per-year tfsa-contributions-per-year
- :tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime tfsa-contributions-over-lifetime
- :fi-investments fi-investments
- :fi-investments-change fi-investments-change
- :investments investments
- :investments-change investments-change
- :fi-monthly-withdrawal-change fi-monthly-withdrawal-change}))
+ "Calculate net worth for year and month"
+ [data year month]
+ (reduce
+ (fn [acc
+ {:account-balance/keys [amount]}]
+ (+ acc amount))
+ 0
+ (account-balances data year month)))
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/example.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/example.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index 43d5427..0000000
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/example.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.example
- (:require [cljs-time.core :as time]
- [clojure.string :as str]))
-(def now (time/now))
-(def this-year (time/year now))
-(def last-year (dec this-year))
-(def date-of-birth
- [["date-of-birth" 1985 11 6]])
-(def year-goals
- [["year-goal" this-year 15]
- ["year-goal" this-year 13]
- ["year-goal" this-year 11]])
-(def income
- [["income" "salary" this-year 1 20000]
- ["income" "salary" this-year 2 18000]
- ["income" "salary" this-year 3 22000]
- ["income" "salary" this-year 4 19000]
- ["income" "salary" this-year 5 28000]])
-(def expense
- [["expense" "day-to-day" this-year 1 18000]
- ["expense" "recurring" this-year 1 2000]
- ["expense" "day-to-day" this-year 2 19000]
- ["expense" "day-to-day" this-year 3 21000]
- ["expense" "day-to-day" this-year 4 19000]
- ["expense" "day-to-day" this-year 5 21000]])
-(def emergency-monthly-expense
- [["emergency-monthly-expense" this-year 1 20000]])
-(def emergency-fund
- [["emergency-fund" this-year 3 50000]
- ["emergency-fund" this-year 4 60000]])
-(def example-comment
- [["comment" "some random comment"]])
-(def sample
- [["sample" "yes"]])
-(def assets
- [["asset" "emergency-fund" this-year 1 10000]
- ["asset" "emergency-fund" this-year 2 20000]
- ["asset" "emergency-fund" this-year 3 30000]
- ["asset" "TFSA" this-year 1 30000]
- ["asset" "TFSA" this-year 2 40000]
- ["asset" "TFSA" this-year 3 50000]])
-(def liabilities
- [["liability" "home-loan" this-year 1 8000]
- ["liability" "home-loan" this-year 2 6000]])
-(def tfsa-contributions
- [["tfsa-contribution" 2016 3 0]
- ["tfsa-contribution" this-year 2 6000]
- ["tfsa-contribution" this-year 3 6000]
- ["tfsa-contribution" this-year 4 6000]])
-(def fi-expense
- [["fi-expense" 10000]])
-(def data-piped
- (->> [sample
- date-of-birth
- year-goals
- income
- expense
- emergency-monthly-expense
- emergency-fund
- assets
- liabilities
- tfsa-contributions
- fi-expense]
- (reduce into)
- (map #(->> % (map str) (str/join "|")))
- (str/join "\n")))
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/localstorage.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/localstorage.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f71fee..0000000
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/localstorage.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.localstorage)
-(defn set-item!
- "Set `key' in browser's localStorage to `val`."
- [key val]
- (.setItem (.-localStorage js/window) key val))
-(defn get-item
- "Returns value of `key' from browser's localStorage."
- [key]
- (.getItem (.-localStorage js/window) key))
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/parse.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/parse.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index 826e940..0000000
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/parse.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.parse
- (:require
- [financial-health-dashboard.domain :as d]
- [cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
- [clojure.string :as str]
- [cljs.reader :as reader]
- [testdouble.cljs.csv :as csv]))
-(def pipe "|")
-(defn- not-empty-row? [row]
- (->> row
- (filter (comp not empty?))
- count
- (not= 0)))
-(defn- parse-field
- [s]
- (let [value (reader/read-string s)]
- (if (symbol? value) s value)))
-(defn- parse-row [row]
- (map
- (fn [field]
- (-> field
- str/trim
- parse-field))
- row))
-(defn- validate-row-data [key data]
- (let [specs (get d/data-types key)]
- (->> specs
- (map-indexed
- (fn [i spec]
- (let [field (nth data i)]
- {:valid? (s/valid? spec field)
- :spec spec
- :field field}))))))
-(defn- validate-row [[key & data]]
- (if-not (contains? d/data-types key)
- {:valid? false :error (str key " is an invalid data type") :data data}
- (let [validation (validate-row-data key data)
- specs (->> (get d/data-types key))]
- (if (empty? (->> validation (map :valid?) (filter false?)))
- {:valid? true :specs specs :data data :key (keyword key)}
- (let [failed-specs (->> validation
- (filter (comp false? :valid?))
- (map :spec))]
- {:valid false :data data
- :specs specs
- :key (keyword key)
- :failed-specs failed-specs
- :error (str key " has invalid values for "
- (map name failed-specs)
- ". Expected " (map name specs))})))))
-(defn parse
- [seperator data]
- (->> (csv/read-csv data :separator seperator)
- (filter not-empty-row?)
- (map-indexed (fn [i r]
- (-> r parse-row validate-row (assoc :i (inc i)))))))
-(defn- as-domain-value [{:keys [specs key data]}]
- (-> (zipmap
- (map (comp keyword name) specs)
- (take (count specs) data))
- (assoc :data-type key)))
-(defn as-domain-values
- "Converts a collection of parsed and valid data rows into domain data."
- [rows]
- (->> rows
- (filter :valid?)
- (map as-domain-value)))
diff --git a/src/financial_health_dashboard/scratch.cljs b/src/financial_health_dashboard/scratch.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index c6f80cd..0000000
--- a/src/financial_health_dashboard/scratch.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.scratch
- (:require
- [financial-health-dashboard.parse :as parse]
- [financial-health-dashboard.example :as example]))
-(defn load-example-data []
- (parse/as-domain-values (parse/parse "|" example/data-piped)))
diff --git a/test.cljs.edn b/test.cljs.edn
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d2fbbf..0000000
--- a/test.cljs.edn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- ;; use an alternative landing page for the tests so that we don't
- ;; launch the application
- :open-url "http://[[server-hostname]]:[[server-port]]/test.html"
- ;; uncomment to launch tests in a headless environment
- ;; you will have to figure out the path to chrome on your system
- ;; :launch-js ["/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" "--headless" "--disable-gpu" "--repl" :open-url]
- }
-{:main financial-health-dashboard.test-runner}
diff --git a/test/financial_health_dashboard/core_test.cljs b/test/financial_health_dashboard/core_test.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ec82d..0000000
--- a/test/financial_health_dashboard/core_test.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.core-test
- (:require
- [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing]]
- [financial-health-dashboard.core :refer [multiply]]))
-(deftest multiply-test
- (is (= (* 1 2) (multiply 1 2))))
-(deftest multiply-test-2
- (is (= (* 75 10) (multiply 10 75))))
diff --git a/test/financial_health_dashboard/test_runner.cljs b/test/financial_health_dashboard/test_runner.cljs
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f23bf..0000000
--- a/test/financial_health_dashboard/test_runner.cljs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-;; This test runner is intended to be run from the command line
-(ns financial-health-dashboard.test-runner
- (:require
- ;; require all the namespaces that you want to test
- [financial-health-dashboard.core-test]
- [figwheel.main.testing :refer [run-tests-async]]))
-(defn -main [& args]
- (run-tests-async 5000))
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/yarn.lock
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