Complete React Roadmap 🔥
|--- Fundamentals
| |-- JavaScript ES6+
| |-- JSX
| |-- Components
| |-- Props
| |-- State and
| |-- Lifecycle
| |-- Events
| |-- Hooks
| | |- useState
| | |- useEffect
| | |- useContext
| | |- useReducer
| | └ Custom Hooks
| |
| |-- Functional vs Class Components
| |-- Conditional Rendering
| |-- Lists and Keys
| |-- Forms
| |-- Controlled Components
| |-- Fragments
| └─ Higher-Order Components
|--- Advanced Concepts
| |-- Context API
| |-- Redux
| |-- Redux Basics
| |-- Redux Middleware
| |-- Thunk
| | └ Saga
| |
| |-- React Router
| |-- Error Boundaries
| |-- Portals
| |-- Render Props
| |-- Suspense
| |-- Lazy Loading
| |-- PropTypes
| |-- TypeScript
| └─ Server-side Rendering
|--- Styling
| |-- CSS Modules
| |-- Styled Components
| |-- CSS-in-JS Libraries
| |-- Theming
| └─ Responsive Design
|--- State Management
| |-- Local Component State
| |-- Context API for Global State
| |-- Redux State Management
| |-- MobX State Management
| |-- Recoil (Experimental)
| └─ Zustand
|--- Forms and Validation
| |-- Formik (Form Library)
| |-- Yup (Schema Validation)
| └─ Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
|--- GraphQL and APIs
| |-- Apollo Client (GraphQL)
| |-- Fetch API
| |-- Axios
| |-- RESTful APIs
| └─ Fetching Data in React
|--- Performance Optimization
| |-- Memoization
| |-- PureComponent and React.memo
| |-- Code Splitting
| |-- Server-side Rendering (SSR)
| |-- React.lazy and Suspense
| |-- Performance Profiling (React DevTools)
| └─ Tree Shaking
|--- Security
| |-- Cross-Site Scripting Prevention
| |-- Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection
| └─ Content Security Policy (CSP)
|--- Deployment and Build Tools
| |-- Webpack
| |-- Babel
| |-- ESLint
| |-- Prettier
| └─ CI / CD
|--- Server-side Integration
| |-- Integrating React with Node.js
| |-- Integrating React with Express.js
| |-- Integrating React with Django
| └─ Integrating React with Ruby on Rails
|--- Libraries and Tools
| |-- Recoil
| |-- React Query (Data Fetching Library)
| |-- SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate)
| |-- Vercel (Deployment Platform)
| |-- Netlify (Deployment and Hosting)
| └─ AWS Amplify (Cloud Services)
|--- Mobile and Desktop Applications
| |-- React Native (Mobile)
| └─ Electron (Desktop)
|--- Best Practices and Design Patterns
| |-- Component Patterns
| |-- Error Handling Strategies
| |-- Code Splitting Patterns
| |-- State Management Patterns
| └─ Testing Strategies
|─- Community and Learning Resources
|-- Official React Documentation
|-- Online Tutorials
|-- React Blogs
|-- Medium Articles
|-- Open Source React Projects
|-- React Community Events
|-- Conferences
└─ GitHub Repositories
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