This repo is the code base used for the talk 'Live Coding Cloud Apps with CDK (infrastructure as code)'.
Following this will guide you to create your first cloud application using AWS CDK. CDK is a development framework that will help you to write infrastructure as code using your favorite language (Typescript, Python, Javascript, Java, C# and others), for more information about CDK take a look at this.
The result of this live coding session can be find at the '/cloud-app-cdk/' directory. This is not production ready code and probably not the best styled code but it works when it comes to understand how to develop with CDK.
It is inspired by, @darkosubotica talks,, awsome-cdk repository and I would like to thank all of them which provided a lot of resources that allowed me to learn the basis about CDK and bring it to my collegues.
This document is intended to guide you in the process of building your first cloud application with CDK using Python so it is divided in a few sections where you will do something neecessary for the next section, this is better do not try to hurry up and avoid a section since you could regret it in the following ones.
Note: it is important to know that you need a AWS account with environment variables set with AWS credentials. Check it out awsume.
Pre-requisites: brew
~ $ brew install node
~ $ npm i -g aws-cdk
~ $ cdk --version
~ $ sudo apt install nodejs
~ $ npm install -g aws-cdk
~ $ cdk --version
Tipically CDK applications are developed in a local directory:
~ $ mkdir cloud-app-cdk
~ $ cd cloud-app-cdk
CDK toolkit helps you to initialize the app directory creating code base for you where you can start coding immediately.
~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk init --language python
Executing Creating virtualenv...
As you probably observed CDK toolkit created a virtualenv for you so let's activate it. It is something you should do everytime you develop you application.
~/cloud-app-cdk $ source .venv/bin/activate
Before starting the actual CDK workflow it is necessary to install some core modules:
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Well, first of all let's check what the CDK toolkit created for you. <--- CDK toolkit entry point
cdk.json <--- CDK toolkit configuration stuff
cloud_app_cdk/ <--- cloud application code
Your application's stack will be created in a very special file called 'cloud_app_cdk/'. More complex applications could be composed by more than one stack but in this case just one stack is needed.
CDK toolkit needs some AWS resources that will be used to deploy your application.
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk bootstrap
This will create a new AWS CloudFormation stack in your AWS account. It is only necessary to be run one time. Mainly this is a bucket to store artifacts.
At this point you will learn how to deploy something into your AWS account, let's start with a lambda function that will be useful in further phases.
In order to be able to do it you need to install the Python module that will make the AWS Lambda construct library available which will allow you to use the AWS Lambda constructs in your CDK code.
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ pip install
Lambda code needs to be located in the CDK application root directory as follow:
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ mkdir lambda
Edit the following file where the lambda's code will be written:
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ vim lambda/
import json
def handler(event, context):
print('request: {}'.format(json.dumps(event)))
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
'body': 'Hello, CDK! You have hit {}\n'.format(event['path'])
Now you are ready to create a new resource using the AWS Lambda construct library. Just edit the 'cloud_app_cdk/' file.
Import the AWS Lambda python module:
from aws_cdk import aws_lambda as _lambda
Create a new AWS Lambda resource like this:
class CloudAppCdkStack(core.Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)
# Hello lambda
hello_lambda = _lambda.Function(
self, 'HelloHandler',
Now it's time to deploy your CDK application for the first time.
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk deploy
You can check you AWS account at CloudFormation service and you will notice a new CloudFormation stack is created.
A typical resource necessary in cloud application is an API, this resource usually requires a lot of lines of code when you are coding AWS CloudFormation, however let's see how it looks in CDK.
Again, you need to install the python package that contains the AWS APIGateway construct library. It is always you need to do when using a construct library.
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ pip install
from aws_cdk import aws_apigateway as apigw
# Hello lambda resource
# API Gateway
cloud_app_apigw = apigw.LambdaRestApi(
self, 'Endpoint',
Before trying to deploy again the changes let's see what is different between the local cdk application and the one deployed.
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk diff
It looks good and obviously new resources are going to be deployed as shown in the 'cdk diff' before.
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk deploy cloud-app-cdk
As you see it will add twelve new resources.
cloud-app-cdk.Endpoint8024A810 =
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ curl
Hello, CDK! You have hit /
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ pip install
from aws_cdk import aws_dynamodb as dynamodb
# Dynamodb
table = dynamodb.Table(
# Message lambda
message_lambda = _lambda.Function(
self, 'MessageHandler',
cloud_app_apigw_integration = apigw.LambdaIntegration(message_lambda)
api_message = cloud_app_apigw.root.add_resource("message")
api_message.add_method("POST", cloud_app_apigw_integration)
Message lambda code (
import os
import json
import boto3
def handler(event, context):
table = os.environ.get('table')
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')
item = {
response = dynamodb.put_item(TableName=table,
message = 'Status of the write to DynamoDB {}!'.format(response)
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(message)
Environmnet variables:
# Message lambda
message_lambda = _lambda.Function(
self, 'MessageHandler',
environment={'table': 'messages'} <----------
# Read lambda
read_lambda = _lambda.Function(
self, 'ReadHandler',
environment={'table': 'messages'}
cloud_app_apigw_integration = apigw.LambdaIntegration(read_lambda)
api_message = cloud_app_apigw.root.add_resource("read")
api_message.add_method("GET", cloud_app_apigw_integration)
CFN Resources
# L1 resources to add 'description'
cfn_read_lambda = read_lambda.node.default_child
cfn_read_lambda.description = "Messages reading lambda"
Read lambda code (
import os
import json
import boto3
def handler(event, context):
table = os.environ.get('table')
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb')
key = {
response = dynamodb.get_item(TableName=table,
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(response["Item"])
# Permissions
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk deploy cloud-app-cdk
Write a message (remember to use to correct endpoint):
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ curl -X POST ""
Read a message
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ curl -X GET ""
~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk synth
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ cdk destroy
(.venv) ~/cloud-app-cdk $ deactivate
~/cloud-app-cdk $ cd ..
~/ $ rm -rf cloud-app-cdk