GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts repositories of information. It provides a number of collaboration features for projects, including version control and task management. Repositories can contain source code in a variety of different programming languages (i.e. R, Python). The version control system allows users to keep track of constant revisions to code. Repositories can also contain additional documents (pdfs, Word, spreadsheets) and links to resources (e.g. videos). Each repository provides a community platform to view, improve, and derive new ideas from the uploaded code and documents.
We are interested in sharing and accessing data from hurricane research. We also want to make resources available to researchers to better support data sharing. By using GitHub, we can make our results and processes more accessible. We want to learn from each other to be better prepared for Hurricanes. GitHub provides a community where we can collaborate and share research.
If you want to learn more about and how to start using GitHub, the program provides a free Learning Lab course.
There are multiple videos and step-by-step guides available online. Below are two resource options to guide you through the process for setting-up your free GitHub account.
To start, go to this website:
Steps to sign-up for your GitHub account are shown in this video:
Steps to sign-up for your GitHub account are illustrated here:
If you want to learn more about and how to start using GitHub, the program provides a free Learning Lab course.