App helps users discover, most popular and top rated movies. User can also add movie to favorites and check out favorite movies. Read about movie, overview, release date, ratings and watch trailers and read reviews.
- Used Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology
- Code follows MVP architecture
- 100% Kotlin code
- Asynchronous code using RxJava
- Wrote unit tests using Mockito, Robolectric
- Wrote UI tests using Espresso
- Used Dagger 2 for dependency injection
- Used Room for storing and managing data in local database
- Ktlint as static code analyzer
- Continous Integration with Travis CI
- Anko library
- Used Retrofit for network requests
- Follows Material Design principles
- Picasso library for loading images
In order for this app to function properly as of March 17th, 2018 an API key for TheMovieDB must be included with the build.
Include the unique key for the build by adding the following line to [USER_HOME]/
License This code is Copyright (c) 2018 Rashi Karanpuria. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the License file.