Read information from Ravencoin blockchain
Create an empty JavaScript project
mkdir reader
cd reader
npm init -y
npm install @ravenrebels/ravencoin-reader
Now create a file called index.mjs
the extension .mjs tells Node.js to support ECMA Module (ECMAScript Module).
Add content to index.mjs
import Reader from "@ravenrebels/ravencoin-reader";
Now run your script
node index.mjs
Expected output
For the truth, check type definitions Type Definitions
declare function getAddressesByAsset(assetName: string, onlytotal?: boolean, count?: boolean, start?: boolean): Promise<any>;
declare function getAddressDeltas(address: string | string[]): Promise<any[]>;
declare function getAddressMempool(address: string | string[]): Promise<any>;
declare function getAllAssets(prefix?: string, includeAllMetaData?: boolean): Promise<any>;
declare function getAssetBalance(address: string | string[]): Promise<any>;
declare function getAsset(name: string): Promise<any>;
declare function getBestBlockHash(): Promise<string>;
declare function getBlockByHash(hash: string): Promise<any>;
declare function getBlockByHeight(height: number): Promise<any>;
declare function getMempool(): Promise<any>;
declare function getRavencoinBalance(address: string | string[]): {};
declare function getTransaction(id: string): Promise<any>;
declare function verifyMessage(address: string, signature: string, message: string): Promise<boolean>;
declare function setURL(newURL: string): void;
declare function setUsername(newUsername: string): void;
declare function setPassword(newPassword: string): void;