This repository contains code for autonomous calibration of Baxter robot and Kinect camera. It supports multiple Kinect sensors.
- Baxter SDK
- Steps to install Baxter SDK can be found here
- iai_kinect2
- Tools for using the Kinect v2 in ROS
- kinect_anywhere
- If you want to use Kinect v2 on windows
- Download or clone the repository to the source directory of ROS workspace
- Compile the workspace by using
- Mark the python scripts executable by using command below-
roscd multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/scripts
chmod +x *.py
There are following three steps of the calibration process-
- Place the marker on Baxter arm
- Define a trajectory of Baxter arm
- Collect the data
- Compute the calibration
- Publish the calibration
Below are the details of each step.
We are using a green colored sphere as a marker as shown below-
Each Baxter Kinect setup varies due to the the location of camera. Hence, prior to data collection step, we must need to define a trajectory of Baxter arm by following steps mentioned below-
- Record way-points of the arm trajectory by executing the following script.
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration _file:=baxter.csv _limb:=right
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] filename to store all the way-points as csv.- Default value: No value
[type: string] name of the baxter arm, in which the marker is attached. The value of this parameter can only beleft
- Default value: right
- Make sure to enable the Zero-G mode so that the arm can be moved easily to any location by grasping the cuff over its groove.
- Press the
button on the arm in order to record the way-point. - Record 10 (higher is better) different way-points. Press CTRL+C to stop the recording process.
- Start the kinect by using following command-
- For iai_kinect2:
roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch
- Following are the valid parameters for this script. Check here.
- For kinect_anywhere:
roslaunch kinect_anywhere kinect_anywhere.launch pointcloud:=true kinect_frame:=kinect2_link
- Following are the valid parameters for this script. Check here.
- Start collecting the data by using following command-
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_data_collector.launch topic:=/kinect2/sd/points kinect2_trajectory:=/home/ravi/ros_ws/src/multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/files/baxter.csv
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] rostopic for receving point cloud- Default value: No value
[type: string] limb used in calibration process- Default value: right
[type: string] log level parameter. It must be one of the following- Info, Debug, Warn, Error, Fatal.- Default value: Info
[type: string] full path to the baxter arm pre-defined trajectory for kinect1- Default value: /home/ravi/ros_ws/src/multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/files/viapoints.csv
[type: string] full path to the baxter arm pre-defined trajectory for kinect2- Default value: /home/ravi/ros_ws/src/multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/files/viapoints.csv
[type: string] full path to the baxter arm pre-defined trajectory for kinect3- Default value: /home/ravi/ros_ws/src/multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/files/viapoints.csv
[type: string] full path to the baxter arm pre-defined trajectory for kinect anywhere- Default value: $(find multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration)/files/viapoints.csv
[type: string] minimum HSV value for sphere segmentation asmin_hsv:="[40, 50, 60]"
- Default value: "[40, 50, 60]"
[type: string] maximum HSV value for sphere segmentation asmax_hsv:="[60, 200, 255]"
- Default value: "[60, 200, 255]"
[type: float] radius of sphere (in meter)- Default value: 0.05
[type: float] length of stick to hold the sphere (in meter)- Default value: 0.0343
[type: int] number of 'k' nearest neighbors to use for feature estimation- Default value: 10
[type: double] normal angular distance weight- Default value: 0.05
[type: int] maximum number of iterations before giving up- Default value: 1000
[type: double] distance to the model threshold- Default value: 0.005
[type: double] probability of choosing at least one sample free from outliers- Default value: 0.99999
[type: double] tolerance in radius (in meters)- Default value: 0.01
[type: double] angle epsilon (delta) threshold (in degree)- Default value: 15
[type: string] directory for saving tracking data- Default value: $(find multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration)/files
[type: int] queue_size for the subscribers- Default value: 1
[type: double] wait time to stablize arm before capturing point cloud (in seconds)- Default value: 2
[type: int] maximum number of samples at any waypoint- Default value: 5
[type: float] minimum z coordinate value of point cloud w.r.t. camera- Default value: 0.5
[type: float] maximum z coordinate value of point cloud w.r.t. camera- Default value: 5.0
[type: int] height of the title bar in point cloud visualizer window (in pixel)- Default value: 10
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_compute.launch kinect:=kinect2
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] directory of baxter_trajectory and kinect_trajectory file- Default value: $(find multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration)/files/
[type: string] name/id of the kinect askinect:=kinect1
- Default value: No value
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_publisher.launch calibration:="[kinect2]"
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] directory of baxter_trajectory and kinect_trajectory file- Default value: $(find multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration)/files/
[type: string] all the names/ids of the kinects ascalibration:="[kinect1, kinect2, kinect3]"
- Default value: "[kinect1, kinect2, kinect3]"
To view the point cloud data in real-time
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration view_cloud_realtime _topic:="/kinect2/sd/points"
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] rostopic for subscribing to point cloud- Default value: "/kinect1/sd/points"
[type: string] source of the point cloud. It can beWindows
- Default value: Linux
To save the point cloud data in a PCD file
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration save_pcd _topic:="/kinect2/sd/points"
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] rostopic for subscribing to point cloud- Default value: "/kinect1/sd/points"
To visualize the stored point cloud file
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration view_pcd _file:=scene.pcd
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] full path of the point cloud file- Default value: "/home/ravi/ros_ws/src/multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/files/scene.pcd"
[type: string] source of the point cloud. It can beWindows
- Default value: Linux
Please press j to take screenshot of the current scene.
To find out the HSV range of the colored marker in the image
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration segment_image _file:=scene.jpg
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] full path of the image file- Default value: No value
To find out the RGB and HSV value of any pixel in the image
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration view_image _file:=scene.jpg
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] full path of the image file- Default value: No value
To test whether sphere segmentation is working or not
rosrun multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration sphere_detector_test _file:=scene.pcd
Following are the valid parameters for this script-
[type: string] full path of the point cloud file- Default value: "/home/ravi/ros_ws/src/multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration/files/scene.pcd"
[type: float] radius of sphere (in meter)- Default value: 0.05
[type: int] minimum hue for sphere segmentation- Default value: 40
[type: int] minimum saturation for sphere segmentation- Default value: 50
[type: int] minimum value for sphere segmentation- Default value: 60
[type: int] maximum hue for sphere segmentation- Default value: 60
[type: int] maximum saturation for sphere segmentation- Default value: 200
[type: int] maximum value for sphere segmentation- Default value: 255
[type: string] source of the point cloud. It can beWindows
- Default value: Linux
- Initialize project and start all the kinects
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration init.launch
- Collect the data for
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_data_collector.launch topic:=/kinect1/sd/points
- Compute the calibration for
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_compute.launch kinect:=kinect1
- Repeate steps 2 and 3 for
- Publish the calibration data
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_publisher.launch calibration:="[kinect1, kinect2, kinect3]"
roslaunch kinect_anywhere kinect_anywhere.launch color:=false body:=true pointcloud:=true kinect_frame:=kinect1_link
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_data_collector.launch topic:=/kinect_anywhere/point_cloud/points2
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_compute.launch kinect:=kinect_anywhere
Open calibration file and modify child to kinect1_link
roslaunch multiple_kinect_baxter_calibration calibration_publisher.launch calibration:="[kinect_anywhere]"