This is an experiment with building a partial replacement for plugins like YouCompleteMe communicating with a language server following the language server protocol
This client has not been tested against a wide range of servers so there may be protocol bugs.
Install with your method of choice. If you don't have a preference check out
vim-plug. Install a language server and ensure it is executable from your
Map a filetype to the command that starts the language server for that filetype
in your vimrc
. I also recommend mapping shortcuts to the go to definition and
find references commands.
let g:lsc_server_commands = {'dart': 'dart_language_server'}
nnoremap gd :LSClientGoToDefinition<CR>
nnoremap gr :LSClientFindReferences<CR>
To disable autocomplete in favor of manual completion also add
let g:lsc_enable_autocomplete = v:false
set completefunc=lsc#complete#complete
The protocol does not require that every language server supports every feature so support may vary.
All communication with the server is asynchronous and will not block the editor. For requests that trigger an action the response might be silently ignored if it can no longer be used - you can abort most operations that are too slow by moving the cursor.
Errors, warnings, and hints reported by the server are highlighted in the buffer. When the cursor is on a line with a diagnostic the message will be displayed. If there are multiple diagnostics on a line the one closest to the cursor will be displayed.
Diagnostics are also reported in the location list for each window which has the buffer open.
When more than 3 word characters or a '.' are typed a request for autocomplete suggestions is sent to the server. If the server responds before the cursor moves again the options will be provided using vim's built in completion.
Note: By default completeopt
includes preview
and completion items include
documentation in the preview window. Close the window after completion with
or disable with set completeopt-=preview
. To automatically close
the documentation window use the following:
autocmd CompleteDone * silent! pclose
Disable autocomplete with let g:lsc_enable_autocomplete = v:false
. When using
manual completion the completefunc
may have no results if completion is
requested before the server responds with suggestions.
While the cursor is on any identifier call LSClientGoToDefinition
to jump to
the location of the definition. If the cursor moves before the server responds
the response will be ignored.
While the cursor is on any identifier call LSClientFindReferences
to populate
the quickfix list with usage locations.