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EDA on DETER Ground

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54 lines (35 loc) · 1.94 KB

Initial Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of the available ground truth

Analysis of Classnames with their English translations

Classname Classname (English) Count of incidents
CICATRIZ_DE_QUEIMADA scar burned 34886
CORTE_SELETIVO selective cutting 1
CS_DESORDENADO cs cluttered 1543
CS_GEOMETRICO cs geometrico 1415
DEGRADACAO degradation 19490
DESMATAMENTO_CR deforestation cr 119470
DESMATAMENTO_VEG veg deforestation 5957
MINERACAO mining 3651
Grand Total 186413

Count of UF

State Name Code Count of incidents SUM of AREAMUNKM AVERAGE of AREAMUNKM % of TOTAL AREA
Acre AC 13086 1,882.82 0.1439 7.97%
Amazonas AM 21313 6,804.17 0.3192 1.37%
Amapá AP 362 153.87 0.4251 0.25%
Maranhão MA 5302 6,109.59 1.1523 1.61%
Mato Grosso MT 39629 42,840.92 1.0810 4.39%
Pará PA 72627 36,864.50 0.5076 5.83%
Rondônia RO 26169 6,566.90 0.2509 11.01%
Roraima RR 6570 6,065.89 0.9233 2.93%
Tocantins TO 1353 2,205.39 1.6300 0.49%
Grand Total 186411 109,494.06 0.5874

Visualizing areas of interest

Link to reactive image

Deforestation in Brazil

Large outliers skew the data

Alfa-distribution after excluding outliers (AREAMUNKM <10 )

Timeseries of AREAMUNKM over time, Large spikes around Aug-Sept