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Our first NIS connection

Until now, our code was running offline, with no interaction at all with the NEM blockchain. For us to integrate with the NEM network and blockchain, we need interact with a NEM node. Good news, that's what we'll do in this chapter!

Block height request

Our first program in this chapter will connect to a NIS instance (a node of the NEM network), and request its blockheight.

Code description

To connect to the NEM network, you can either run your own NIS server as explained in the appendices of this book, or you can lookup the ip address of a server on A node in the NEM network is represented by the class NodeEndpoint in the java API, and can be instanciated with the method fromHost taking as argument an IP address or a host name.

The way the NIS interactions are structured in your program is the following:

  • First you connect to a NIS instance
  • then you send a request, identifying the NIS API ID you are requesting
  • when you have the response, you deserialise it with the help of NEM's java api
  • finally you can use the received data.

To connect to the NIS instance, we use a DefaultAsyncNemConnector, which is parameterised by the API ID we will use, which in our case is NisApiId. NisApiId is an enum listing all calls that can be issued through this API. In our case, we will issue the call NisApiId.NIS_REST_CHAIN_HEIGHT.

Another API is available: NisPeerId, enabling you to interact with a node, such as requesting infor about it with REST_NODE_INFO, getting its peers list with REST_NODE_PEER_LIST or even pushing a block to it with REST_PUSH_BLOCK.

But let's focus on out call to NisApiId.NIS_REST_CHAIN_HEIGHT for now. The DefaultAsyncNemConnector<TApiId> constructor takes 2 arguments: an HttpMethodClient<ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion> instance and an object implementing the interface ErrorResponseStrategy.

The first parameter can be simply constructed with new HttpMethodClient<ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion>().The ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion is simply a union that will contain either a ErrorResponse (available through the getError() method) or a Deserializer (available through the getDeserializer method)

The second parameter must be an object implementing the ErrorResponseStrategy interface, which is a functional interface. Hence the second parameter can be a method reference or a lambda expression. We will pass a lambda expression, and it will be called every time the ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion instance contains an error (which can be checked with the method hasError().

The syntax for lambda differs between Java 8 and Groovy. Whereas in Java 8 you would write:

e -> {throw new RuntimeException() ;}

in Groovy you write:

{ e -> throw new RuntimeException() ;}

FIXME:more details about the requirement to set the account lookup There's one last subtlety requiring some explanation about DefaultAsyncNemConnector<NisApiId>. DefaultAsyncNemConnector<NisApiId> requires a method to lookup accounts. In our case, looking up an account can simple be the instanciation of a new account, so we will pass a reference to the Account constructor as account lookup method. Here again we encounter a difference between Groovy and Java 8. In Java 8, a reference ot the Account constructor is obtained with Account::new whereas in Groovy we write Account.metaClass.&invokeConstructor.

To issue the request, we can use the method getAsync from the DefaultAsyncNemConnector<NisApiId> instance. It takes as argument the NodeEndpoint instance identifying the node we want to send the request to, the ApiId we want to use, in our case this is NisApiId.NIS_REST_CHAIN_HEIGHT, and a query string which in our case can be se to null. FIXME:more details about the query.

The getAsync call returns a CompletableFuture holding a Deserializer. As we sent a request to get the block height, we can pass this deserializer to the contructor of the class BlockHeight to initialise a new instance with the response to our request.


After all these explanations, here is the code. The only addition compared to what is explained above is the import statements. All the rest is code transcripted from the explanations above.

import org.nem.core.model.primitive.BlockHeight;
import org.nem.core.model.Account;
import org.nem.core.connect.client.DefaultAsyncNemConnector;
import org.nem.core.connect.HttpMethodClient;
import org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion;
import org.nem.core.node.NodeEndpoint;
import org.nem.core.connect.client.NisApiId;
import org.nem.core.serialization.Deserializer;
import org.nem.core.model.BlockFactory;

node = NodeEndpoint.fromHost("");
http = new HttpMethodClient<ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion>();
conn = new DefaultAsyncNemConnector<NisApiId>(http,
                                              {e->throw new RuntimeException();});
conn.setAccountLookup(Account.metaClass.&invokeConstructor  )
bh = new BlockHeight(f.get())

Links to javadoc

Getting the last block

We will now look at how to get the last block.

Code description

To get the last block, we need to look at the NisApiId enum and identify which API call gives us that info. Looking at the javadoc, NIS_REST_CHAIN_LAST_BLOCK is providing exactly what we need.

When we get the response, we'll again have a deserializer which we can use to contruct a Block instance. However, the Block constructor also takes 2 additional arguments: a block type and deserialisation options.

There are two types of block in the NEM blockchain: one NEMESIS block, the first block of the chain, and REGULAR block, all other blocks. These are identified by respectively BlockTypes.NEMESIS and BlockTypes.REGULAR.

The deserialisation options specify if the serialised data include a signature to verify the date or not. this corresponds respectively to DeserializationOptions.VERIFIABLE and DeserializationOptions.NON_VERIFIABLE.

As we will request the last block, which is not the NEMESIS block, and as it includes a signature and is verifiable, we will construct the block with a call

new Block(BlockTypes.REGULAR, DeserializationOptions.VERIFIABLE, deserialiser)

With this code, it is clear that we need to know which type of block will be returned. With our query, it is clear that the block returned will be of type REGULAR, but what if our query might return the NEMESIS block? In that situation, you need to use BlockFactory, which will handle both types correctly with a call


Once you have a block, you can get all it information, such as its height, the total amount of fees for transactions in this block, the transactions in this block, etc


import org.nem.core.model.BlockTypes
import org.nem.core.model.VerifiableEntity.DeserializationOptions
import org.nem.core.model.Block
import org.nem.core.model.Account;
import org.nem.core.connect.client.DefaultAsyncNemConnector;
import org.nem.core.connect.HttpMethodClient;
import org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion;
import org.nem.core.node.NodeEndpoint;
import org.nem.core.connect.client.NisApiId;
import org.nem.core.serialization.Deserializer;

node = NodeEndpoint.fromHost("");
http = new HttpMethodClient<ErrorResponseDeserializerUnion>();
conn = new DefaultAsyncNemConnector<NisApiId>(http,
                                              { e -> throw new RuntimeException() ;});
conn.setAccountLookup(Account.metaClass.&invokeConstructor  )

// REGULAR blocks only version
block = new Block(BlockTypes.REGULAR, DeserializationOptions.VERIFIABLE, f.get())

// any type of blocks

Javadoc links