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Python for network analysis

Build, process, and analyze networks. GOSTNets is built on top of geopandas, networkx, osmnx, and peartree.


Eventually we will have the tool available on pip and conda, but for now, please use the in this repository

From PyPi

conda create --name test python=3.6
conda activate test
conda install -c conda-forge rtree geopandas rasterio geojson
pip install GOSTnets

From Source

conda create --name test python=3.6
conda activate test
conda install -c conda-forge rtree geopandas rasterio geojson
git clone
python build
python install

Optional Dependencies
conda install -c conda-forge gdal
pip install geopy
pip install boltons
pip install pulp

Install Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is used in many GOSTnets examples. We recommend installing it within your environment

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab


Documentation available at readthedocs

Plenty of examples and tutorials using Jupyter Notebooks live inside of the Implementations folder within the GOST_PublicGoods Github repo

how to autobuild docs:

in the docs/source dir, run:

sphinx-apidoc -f -o . ../../GOSTnets

in the docs dir, run:

make html


Every function contains a docstring which can be brought up in use to check the inputs for various functions. For example:

import GOSTnets as gn


Signature: gn.edge_gdf_from_graph(G, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, attr_list=None, geometry_tag='geometry', xCol='x', yCol='y')
#### Function for generating a GeoDataFrame from a networkx Graph object ###
 REQUIRED: a graph object G
 OPTIONAL: crs - projection of format {'init' :'epsg:4326'}. Defaults to
           WGS84. Note: here we are defining the crs of the input geometry -
           we do NOT reproject to this crs. To reproject, consider using
           geopandas' to_crs method on the returned gdf.
           attr_list: list of the keys which you want to be moved over to
           the GeoDataFrame.
           geometry_tag - the key in the data dictionary for each edge which
           contains the geometry info.
           xCol - if no geometry is present in the edge data dictionary, the
           function will try to construct a straight line between the start
           and end nodes, if geometry information is present in their data
           dictionaries.  Pass the Longitude info as 'xCol'.
           yCol - likewise, determining the Latitude tag for the node's data
           dictionary allows us to make a straight line geometry where an
           actual geometry is missing.
 RETURNS: a GeoDataFrame object of the edges in the graph

These docstrings have been written for every function, and should help new and old users alike with the options and syntax.