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Openshift4 Auto Install

Note: This is a WIP repository. Expect some changes, and modifications in the future.

This repository provides a way for deploying openshift4 IPI in AWS (and Azure in WIP) and perform the Post Install and Day2Operations 100% automatically

Openshift installer is used along with Ansible for creation and customization of the Openshift Cluster.

Each day2 operations in this repo can be executed isolated (e.g. only execute day2ops logging for configure logging stack)


The main features are:

  • Easy deployment of OCP4 cluster IPI in AWS or Azure
  • No Bastion needed and no local software additional installation (only Ansible is needed)
  • Configuration of the PostInstall and Day2Operations
  • Ansible Tower friendly!
  • Modularized & Capable of executing specific day2ops (only execute logging)
  • Idempotent and easy to debug
  • Versatile and modular with parameters

Installation & Prerequisites


  • Ansible
  • Ansible Tower (optional)
  • Some pip modules (boto3, kubernetes, openshift and pylint)

Create/Customize the Variables yaml

  • Copy or generate the vars.yml and customize to fill your needs:
cp -pr examples/vars.yml vars/vars.yml
  • Generate a Vault-File with the credentials of AWS/Azure and OCP4 PullSecret:
$ ansible-vault edit vault/vault.yml

and fill inside the vault.yml with:

aws_access_key_id: SECRET
aws_secret_access_key: SECRET
ocp4_pull_secret: '<<< pull_secret_azure >>>'

for obtain the pull_secret go to OCP4 Install

  • Generate the .vault-password-file and put the password
touch .vault-password-file
echo "yourpasswordfancy" >> .vault-password-file
  • Opt: If you want to generate Let's Encrypt Certificates install the collection requirements
ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections/requirements.yml


Automated deployment end2end of Openshift4 cluster (end2end)

Execute and wait a little bit:


Custom Deployment

The container for the installation could be used for Post Install or Day2Operations without deploy the whole cluster

  • For Deploy only day2ops:
ansible-playbook -i ,localhost deploy_day2ops.yml --ask-vault-pass
  • For install only and no day2ops:
ansible-playbook -i ,localhost deploy_only.yml --ask-vault-pass
  • For install only an specific day2ops:
ansible-playbook -i ,localhost deploy_only_<MY_DAY2OPS>.yml

Customizations (WIP)


The installer will look at specific kubeconfig at {{ user_path }}/auth/kubeconfig but you can use your own kubeconfig in order to deploy this day2ops whenever its using it:

kubeconfig: ~/.kube/ocp4-opentlc

Openshift Cluster Variables

ocp4_version: '4.4.3'
cloud_provider: 'ec2' or 'azure'
cluster_name: 'myfancycluster'
ocp4_base_domain: 'yourbasedomain'
aws_region: eu-central-1
master_instance_type: m5.xlarge
master_instance_count: 3
worker_instance_type: m5.xlarge
worker_instance_count: 3

Day2Operations Variables

  • Deploy only the post-install without deploy the cluster
only_post_install: True
  • Configure the OAuth between htpasswd, ldap, Google OAuth and Azure(wip):
# OAuth
oauth: htpasswd
removekubeadmin: False
removeselfprovisioning: False

Azure: azure Google OAuth: google LDAP/IDM: ldap Htpasswd: htpasswd

  • Deploy worker nodes
# Worker Nodes
worker_nodes: True
  • Deploy infra nodes
# Infra Nodes
infra_nodes: True
disk_size: 1024
instance_type: r5.xlarge
  • Deploy OCS4 (WIP)
# OCS4
ocs: True
  • Deploy Logging EFK
# Logging
logging: True
  • Deploy Monitoring
# Monitoring
monitoring: True

Tower Integrations

The installation and the day2ops are prepared to be integrated into Tower, and executed in workflows and Job Templates.

An example of execution could be the following:

  • Workflow Tower Workflow

  • Survey

  • Webhook Execution

  • Status in GH and Tower


  • Finish the Tower integrations and fully automations
  • Add molecule to testing this modules
  • Add Github actions
  • Add more day2ops
  • Customize the SSH-Key to add
  • Add latest version to the installation
  • Add more documentation to each day2ops
  • Time Control between infra nodes and the migrate of logging, monitoring, registry
  • Move vault from the first creds and move it after