Follow the Installation Guide for Azure CLI
sudo rpm --import
echo -e "[azure-cli]
name=Azure CLI
gpgkey=" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/azure-cli.repo
sudo dnf install azure-cli
az login
- Fill and create the Azure Creds for the Service Principal inherit by the Openshift Installer
cat ~/.azure/osServicePrincipal.json
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ansible-210
source ansible-210/bin/activate
pip install ansible==2.10
pip install selinux
ansible-galaxy collection install azure.azcollection
pip install -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/azure/azcollection/requirements-azure.txt
First add the vault directory and the vault yaml:
- Generate a Vault-File with the credentials of Azure and OCP4 PullSecret:
$ ansible-vault edit vault/azure.yml
- Fill inside the vault.yml with:
azure_subscription_id: SECRET
azure_client_id: SECRET
azure_secret: SECRET
azure_tenant: SECRET
ocp4_pull_secret: '<<< pull_secret_azure >>>'
For obtain the pull_secret go to OCP4 Install
Generate the .vault-password-file and put the password
touch .vault-password-file
echo "yourpasswordfancy" >> .vault-file-password
- Add SSH key on vault folder
cp YOURPUBKEY vault/
cp YOURPRIVKEY vault/ssh-key
- Choose the installation mode that you like and enjoy!