From 095812260002b14a0e47176b6451b74accb64c0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rdemets Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 14:02:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Removed unnecessary html files --- html/models/CNN_Base.html | 1604 -------------------- html/models/Unet.html | 417 ----- html/models/Unet_Resnet.html | 1095 ------------- html/models/index.html | 86 -- html/models/internals/dataset.html | 958 ------------ html/models/internals/image_functions.html | 1340 ---------------- html/models/internals/index.html | 86 -- html/models/internals/losses.html | 705 --------- html/models/internals/network_config.html | 908 ----------- html/models/layers/index.html | 71 - html/models/layers/layers.html | 222 --- 11 files changed, 7492 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 html/models/CNN_Base.html delete mode 100644 html/models/Unet.html delete mode 100644 html/models/Unet_Resnet.html delete mode 100644 html/models/index.html delete mode 100644 html/models/internals/dataset.html delete mode 100644 html/models/internals/image_functions.html delete mode 100644 html/models/internals/index.html delete mode 100644 html/models/internals/losses.html delete mode 100644 html/models/internals/network_config.html delete mode 100644 html/models/layers/index.html delete mode 100644 html/models/layers/layers.html diff --git a/html/models/CNN_Base.html b/html/models/CNN_Base.html deleted file mode 100644 index 37dfaaf..0000000 --- a/html/models/CNN_Base.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1604 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.CNN_Base API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.CNN_Base

- -Expand source code - -
import os
-import glob
-import datetime
-import numpy as np
-import tensorflow as tf
-import keras
-from keras import backend as K
-from keras.models import Model, load_model
-from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ReduceLROnPlateau, ModelCheckpoint, TensorBoard, ProgbarLogger
-from .internals.image_functions import Image_Functions
-from .internals.network_config import Network_Config
-from .internals.dataset import Dataset
-class CNN_Base(Dataset, Image_Functions):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, config_filepath = None, **kwargs):
-        """Creates the base neural network class with basic functions
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
-        config_filepath : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Filepath to the config file
-        **kwargs
-            Parameters that are passed to :class:`network_config.Network_Config`
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        config : :class:`network_config.Network_Config`
-            Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self.config = Network_Config(model_dir = model_dir, config_filepath = config_filepath, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["general", "now"],
-        if self.config.get_parameter("use_cpu") is True:
-            self.initialize_cpu()
-        else:
-            self.initialize_gpu()
-    #######################
-    # Logging functions
-    #######################
-    def init_logs(self):
-        """Initiates the parameters required for the log file
-        """
-        # Directory for training logs
-        print(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))
-        self.log_dir = os.path.join(self.config.get_parameter("model_dir"), "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now")))
-        # Path to save after each epoch. Include placeholders that get filled by Keras.
-        self.checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}_*epoch*.h5".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now")))
-        self.checkpoint_path = self.checkpoint_path.replace("*epoch*", "{epoch:04d}")
-    def write_logs(self):
-        """Writes the log file
-        """
-        # Create log_dir if it does not exist
-        if os.path.exists(self.log_dir) is False:
-            os.makedirs(self.log_dir)
-        # save the parameters used in current run to logs dir
-        self.config.write_config(os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}-config.yml".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))))
-    #######################
-    # Initialization functions
-    #######################
-    def summary(self):
-        """Summary of the layers in the model
-        """
-        self.model.summary()
-    def compile_model(self, optimizer, loss):
-        """Compiles model
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        optimizer
-            Gradient optimizer used in during the training of the network
-        loss
-            Loss function of the network
-        """
-        self.model.compile(optimizer, loss = loss, metrics = self.config.get_parameter("metrics"))
-    def initialize_model(self):
-        """Initializes the logs, builds the model, and chooses the correct initialization function
-        """
-        # write parameters to yaml file
-        self.init_logs()
-        if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") is False:
-            self.write_logs()
-        # build model
-        self.model = self.build_model(self.config.get_parameter("input_size"))
-        # save model to yaml file
-        if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") is False:
-            self.config.write_model(self.model, os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}-model.yml".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))))
-        print("{} using single GPU or CPU..".format("Predicting" if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") else "Training"))
-        self.initialize_model_normal()
-    def initialize_cpu(self):
-        """Sets the session to only use the CPU
-        """
-        config = tf.ConfigProto(
-                        device_count = {'CPU' : 1,
-                                        'GPU' : 0}
-                       )
-        session = tf.Session(config=config)
-        K.set_session(session)   
-    def initialize_gpu(self):
-        """Sets the seesion to use the gpu specified in config file
-        """
-        os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152
-        os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(self.config.get_parameter("visible_gpu")) # needs to be a string
-        config = tf.ConfigProto()
-        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
-        sess = tf.Session(config=config)
-        K.tensorflow_backend.set_session(sess)
-    def initialize_model_normal(self):
-        """Initializes the optimizer and any specified callback functions
-        """
-        opt = self.optimizer_function()
-        self.compile_model(optimizer = opt, loss = self.loss_function(self.config.get_parameter("loss")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") == False:
-            self.callbacks = [self.model_checkpoint_call(verbose = True)]
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_tensorboard") is True:
-                self.callbacks.append(self.tensorboard_call())
-            if self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_on_plateau") is True:
-                self.callbacks.append(ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor=self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_monitor"),
-                                                        factor = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_factor"),
-                                                        patience = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_patience"),
-                                                        min_lr = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_min_lr"),
-                                                        verbose = True))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping") is True:
-                self.callbacks.append(EarlyStopping(monitor=self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_monitor"),
-                                                    patience = self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_patience"),
-                                                    min_delta = self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_min_delta"),
-                                                    verbose = True))
-    #######################
-    # Optimizer/Loss functions
-    #######################         
-    def optimizer_function(self, learning_rate = None):
-        """Initialize optimizer function
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        learning_rate : `int`
-            Learning rate of the descent algorithm
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        optimizer
-            Function to call the optimizer
-        """
-        if learning_rate is None:
-            learning_rate = self.config.get_parameter("learning_rate")
-        if self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'sgd':
-            return keras.optimizers.SGD(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                        decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"), 
-                                        momentum = self.config.get_parameter("momentum"), 
-                                        nesterov = self.config.get_parameter("nesterov"))
-        elif self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'rmsprop':
-            return keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                            decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"))
-        elif self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'adam':
-            return keras.optimizers.Adam(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                         decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"))
-    def loss_function(self, loss):
-        """Initialize loss function
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        loss : `str`
-            Name of the loss function
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        loss
-            Function to call loss function
-        """
-        if loss == "binary_crossentropy":
-            print("Using binary crossentropy")
-            return loss
-        elif loss == "jaccard_distance_loss":
-            print("Using jaccard distance loss")
-            from .internals.losses import jaccard_distance_loss
-            return jaccard_distance_loss
-        elif loss == "lovasz_hinge":
-            print("Using Lovasz-hinge loss")
-            from .internals.losses import lovasz_loss
-            return lovasz_loss
-        elif loss == "dice_loss":
-            print("Using Dice loss")
-            from .internals.losses import dice_coef_loss
-            return dice_coef_loss
-        elif loss == "bce_dice_loss":
-            print("Using 1 - Dice + BCE loss")
-            from .internals.losses import bce_dice_loss
-            return bce_dice_loss
-        elif loss == "ssim_loss":
-            print("Using DSSIM loss")
-            from .internals.losses import DSSIM_loss
-            return DSSIM_loss
-        elif loss == "bce_ssim_loss":
-            print("Using BCE + DSSIM loss")
-            from .internals.losses import bce_ssim_loss
-            return bce_ssim_loss
-        elif loss == "mean_squared_error":
-            return keras.losses.mean_squared_error
-        elif loss == "mean_absolute_error":
-            return keras.losses.mean_absolute_error
-        elif loss == "ssim_mae_loss":
-            print("Using DSSIM + MAE loss")
-            from .internals.losses import dssim_mae_loss
-            return dssim_mae_loss
-        else:
-            print("Using {}".format(loss))
-            return loss
-    #######################
-    # Callbacks
-    #######################     
-    def tensorboard_call(self):
-        """Initialize tensorboard call
-        """
-        return TensorBoard(log_dir=self.log_dir, 
-                           batch_size = self.config.get_parameter("batch_size_per_GPU"), 
-                           write_graph=self.config.get_parameter("write_graph"),
-                           write_images=self.config.get_parameter("write_images"), 
-                           write_grads=self.config.get_parameter("write_grads"), 
-                           update_freq='epoch', 
-                           histogram_freq=self.config.get_parameter("histogram_freq"))
-    def model_checkpoint_call(self, verbose = 0):
-        """Initialize model checkpoint call
-        """
-        return ModelCheckpoint(self.checkpoint_path, save_weights_only=True, verbose=verbose)
-    #######################
-    # Clear memory once training is done
-    #######################
-    def end_training(self):
-        """Deletes model and releases gpu memory held by tensorflow
-        """
-        # del reference to model
-        del self.model
-        # clear memory
-        tf.reset_default_graph()
-        K.clear_session()
-        # take hold of cuda device to shut it down
-        from numba import cuda
-        cuda.select_device(0)
-        cuda.close()
-    #######################
-    # Train Model
-    #######################
-    def train_model(self, verbose = True):
-        """Trains model
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        verbose : `int`, optional
-            [Default: True] Verbose output
-        """      
-        history =, self.aug_ground_truth, validation_split = self.config.get_parameter("val_split"),
-                                 batch_size = self.config.get_parameter("batch_size"), epochs = self.config.get_parameter("num_epochs"), shuffle = True,
-                                 callbacks=self.callbacks, verbose=verbose)
-        self.end_training()
-    #######################
-    # Predict using loaded model weights
-    ####################### 
-    # TODO: change to load model from yaml file
-    def load_model(self, model_dir = None):
-        """Loads model from h5 file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Directory containing the model file
-        """
-        # TODO: rewrite to load model from yaml file
-        if model_dir is None:
-            model_dir = self.config.get_parameter("model_dir")
-        if os.path.isdir(model_dir) is True:
-            list_weights_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*.h5'))
-            list_weights_files.sort() # To ensure that [-1] gives the last file
-            model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir,list_weights_files[-1])
-        self.model.load_model(model_dir)
-        print("Loaded model from: " + model_dir)
-    def load_weights(self, model_dir = None, weights_index = -1):
-        """Loads weights from h5 file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Directory containing the weights file
-        weights_index : `int`, optional
-            [Default: -1] 
-        """
-        if model_dir is None:
-            model_dir = self.config.get_parameter("model_dir")
-        if os.path.isdir(model_dir) is True:
-            list_weights_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*.h5'))
-            list_weights_files.sort() # To ensure that [-1] gives the last file
-            self.weights_path = list_weights_files[weights_index]
-            model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, self.weights_path)
-        else:
-            self.weights_path = model_dir
-        self.model.load_weights(model_dir)
-        print("Loaded weights from: " + model_dir)
-    def predict_images(self, image_dir):
-        """Perform prediction on images found in ``image_dir``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_dir : `str`
-            Directory containing the images to perform prediction on
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Last image that prediction was perfromed on
-        """
-        # load image list
-        image_list = self.list_images(image_dir)
-        for image_path in image_list:
-            image = self.load_image(image_path = image_path)
-            # percentile normalization
-            if self.config.get_parameter("percentile_normalization"):
-                image, _, _ = self.percentile_normalization(image, in_bound = self.config.get_parameter("percentile"))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size") == [0,0]:
-                padding = None
-                if image.shape[0] < self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[0] or image.shape[1] < self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[1]:
-                    image, padding = self.pad_image(image, image_size = self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"))
-                input_image = image[np.newaxis,:,:,np.newaxis]
-                output_image = self.model.predict(input_image, verbose=1)
-                if padding is not None: 
-                    h, w = output_image.shape[1:3]
-                    output_image = np.reshape(output_image, (h, w))
-                    output_image = self.remove_pad_image(output_image, padding = padding)
-            else:
-                tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding = self.tile_image(image, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-                pred_train_list = []
-                for tile in tile_image_list:
-                    # reshape image to correct dimensions for unet
-                    h, w = tile.shape[:2]
-                    tile = np.reshape(tile, (1, h, w, 1))
-                    pred_train_list.extend(self.model.predict(tile, verbose=1))
-                output_image = self.untile_image(pred_train_list, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"),
-                                                 num_rows, num_cols, padding = padding)
-            self.save_image(output_image, image_path)
-        return output_image
-    def save_image(self, image, image_path, subfolder = 'Masks', suffix = '-preds'):
-        """Saves image to image_path
-        Final location of image is as follows:
-          - image_path
-              - subfolder
-                 - model/weights file name
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be saved
-        image_path : `str`
-            Location to save the image in
-        subfolder : `str`
-            [Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which the image is to be saved in
-        suffix : `str`
-            [Default: '-preds'] Suffix to append to the filename of the predicted image
-        """
-        image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_path)
-        output_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, subfolder)
-        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
-            os.makedirs(output_dir)
-        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.weights_path))
-        output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, basename)
-        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
-            os.makedirs(output_dir)
-        filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))
-        output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}{}.tif".format(filename, suffix))
-, image)


-class CNN_Base -(model_dir=None, config_filepath=None, **kwargs) -

Creates the base neural network class with basic functions



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
config_filepath : str, optional
[Default: None] Filepath to the config file
Parameters that are passed to :class:network_config.Network_Config


config : :class:network_config.Network_Config
Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
- -Expand source code - -
class CNN_Base(Dataset, Image_Functions):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, config_filepath = None, **kwargs):
-        """Creates the base neural network class with basic functions
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
-        config_filepath : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Filepath to the config file
-        **kwargs
-            Parameters that are passed to :class:`network_config.Network_Config`
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        config : :class:`network_config.Network_Config`
-            Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        self.config = Network_Config(model_dir = model_dir, config_filepath = config_filepath, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["general", "now"],
-        if self.config.get_parameter("use_cpu") is True:
-            self.initialize_cpu()
-        else:
-            self.initialize_gpu()
-    #######################
-    # Logging functions
-    #######################
-    def init_logs(self):
-        """Initiates the parameters required for the log file
-        """
-        # Directory for training logs
-        print(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))
-        self.log_dir = os.path.join(self.config.get_parameter("model_dir"), "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now")))
-        # Path to save after each epoch. Include placeholders that get filled by Keras.
-        self.checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}_*epoch*.h5".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now")))
-        self.checkpoint_path = self.checkpoint_path.replace("*epoch*", "{epoch:04d}")
-    def write_logs(self):
-        """Writes the log file
-        """
-        # Create log_dir if it does not exist
-        if os.path.exists(self.log_dir) is False:
-            os.makedirs(self.log_dir)
-        # save the parameters used in current run to logs dir
-        self.config.write_config(os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}-config.yml".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))))
-    #######################
-    # Initialization functions
-    #######################
-    def summary(self):
-        """Summary of the layers in the model
-        """
-        self.model.summary()
-    def compile_model(self, optimizer, loss):
-        """Compiles model
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        optimizer
-            Gradient optimizer used in during the training of the network
-        loss
-            Loss function of the network
-        """
-        self.model.compile(optimizer, loss = loss, metrics = self.config.get_parameter("metrics"))
-    def initialize_model(self):
-        """Initializes the logs, builds the model, and chooses the correct initialization function
-        """
-        # write parameters to yaml file
-        self.init_logs()
-        if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") is False:
-            self.write_logs()
-        # build model
-        self.model = self.build_model(self.config.get_parameter("input_size"))
-        # save model to yaml file
-        if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") is False:
-            self.config.write_model(self.model, os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}-model.yml".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))))
-        print("{} using single GPU or CPU..".format("Predicting" if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") else "Training"))
-        self.initialize_model_normal()
-    def initialize_cpu(self):
-        """Sets the session to only use the CPU
-        """
-        config = tf.ConfigProto(
-                        device_count = {'CPU' : 1,
-                                        'GPU' : 0}
-                       )
-        session = tf.Session(config=config)
-        K.set_session(session)   
-    def initialize_gpu(self):
-        """Sets the seesion to use the gpu specified in config file
-        """
-        os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152
-        os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(self.config.get_parameter("visible_gpu")) # needs to be a string
-        config = tf.ConfigProto()
-        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
-        sess = tf.Session(config=config)
-        K.tensorflow_backend.set_session(sess)
-    def initialize_model_normal(self):
-        """Initializes the optimizer and any specified callback functions
-        """
-        opt = self.optimizer_function()
-        self.compile_model(optimizer = opt, loss = self.loss_function(self.config.get_parameter("loss")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") == False:
-            self.callbacks = [self.model_checkpoint_call(verbose = True)]
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_tensorboard") is True:
-                self.callbacks.append(self.tensorboard_call())
-            if self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_on_plateau") is True:
-                self.callbacks.append(ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor=self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_monitor"),
-                                                        factor = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_factor"),
-                                                        patience = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_patience"),
-                                                        min_lr = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_min_lr"),
-                                                        verbose = True))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping") is True:
-                self.callbacks.append(EarlyStopping(monitor=self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_monitor"),
-                                                    patience = self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_patience"),
-                                                    min_delta = self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_min_delta"),
-                                                    verbose = True))
-    #######################
-    # Optimizer/Loss functions
-    #######################         
-    def optimizer_function(self, learning_rate = None):
-        """Initialize optimizer function
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        learning_rate : `int`
-            Learning rate of the descent algorithm
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        optimizer
-            Function to call the optimizer
-        """
-        if learning_rate is None:
-            learning_rate = self.config.get_parameter("learning_rate")
-        if self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'sgd':
-            return keras.optimizers.SGD(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                        decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"), 
-                                        momentum = self.config.get_parameter("momentum"), 
-                                        nesterov = self.config.get_parameter("nesterov"))
-        elif self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'rmsprop':
-            return keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                            decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"))
-        elif self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'adam':
-            return keras.optimizers.Adam(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                         decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"))
-    def loss_function(self, loss):
-        """Initialize loss function
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        loss : `str`
-            Name of the loss function
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        loss
-            Function to call loss function
-        """
-        if loss == "binary_crossentropy":
-            print("Using binary crossentropy")
-            return loss
-        elif loss == "jaccard_distance_loss":
-            print("Using jaccard distance loss")
-            from .internals.losses import jaccard_distance_loss
-            return jaccard_distance_loss
-        elif loss == "lovasz_hinge":
-            print("Using Lovasz-hinge loss")
-            from .internals.losses import lovasz_loss
-            return lovasz_loss
-        elif loss == "dice_loss":
-            print("Using Dice loss")
-            from .internals.losses import dice_coef_loss
-            return dice_coef_loss
-        elif loss == "bce_dice_loss":
-            print("Using 1 - Dice + BCE loss")
-            from .internals.losses import bce_dice_loss
-            return bce_dice_loss
-        elif loss == "ssim_loss":
-            print("Using DSSIM loss")
-            from .internals.losses import DSSIM_loss
-            return DSSIM_loss
-        elif loss == "bce_ssim_loss":
-            print("Using BCE + DSSIM loss")
-            from .internals.losses import bce_ssim_loss
-            return bce_ssim_loss
-        elif loss == "mean_squared_error":
-            return keras.losses.mean_squared_error
-        elif loss == "mean_absolute_error":
-            return keras.losses.mean_absolute_error
-        elif loss == "ssim_mae_loss":
-            print("Using DSSIM + MAE loss")
-            from .internals.losses import dssim_mae_loss
-            return dssim_mae_loss
-        else:
-            print("Using {}".format(loss))
-            return loss
-    #######################
-    # Callbacks
-    #######################     
-    def tensorboard_call(self):
-        """Initialize tensorboard call
-        """
-        return TensorBoard(log_dir=self.log_dir, 
-                           batch_size = self.config.get_parameter("batch_size_per_GPU"), 
-                           write_graph=self.config.get_parameter("write_graph"),
-                           write_images=self.config.get_parameter("write_images"), 
-                           write_grads=self.config.get_parameter("write_grads"), 
-                           update_freq='epoch', 
-                           histogram_freq=self.config.get_parameter("histogram_freq"))
-    def model_checkpoint_call(self, verbose = 0):
-        """Initialize model checkpoint call
-        """
-        return ModelCheckpoint(self.checkpoint_path, save_weights_only=True, verbose=verbose)
-    #######################
-    # Clear memory once training is done
-    #######################
-    def end_training(self):
-        """Deletes model and releases gpu memory held by tensorflow
-        """
-        # del reference to model
-        del self.model
-        # clear memory
-        tf.reset_default_graph()
-        K.clear_session()
-        # take hold of cuda device to shut it down
-        from numba import cuda
-        cuda.select_device(0)
-        cuda.close()
-    #######################
-    # Train Model
-    #######################
-    def train_model(self, verbose = True):
-        """Trains model
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        verbose : `int`, optional
-            [Default: True] Verbose output
-        """      
-        history =, self.aug_ground_truth, validation_split = self.config.get_parameter("val_split"),
-                                 batch_size = self.config.get_parameter("batch_size"), epochs = self.config.get_parameter("num_epochs"), shuffle = True,
-                                 callbacks=self.callbacks, verbose=verbose)
-        self.end_training()
-    #######################
-    # Predict using loaded model weights
-    ####################### 
-    # TODO: change to load model from yaml file
-    def load_model(self, model_dir = None):
-        """Loads model from h5 file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Directory containing the model file
-        """
-        # TODO: rewrite to load model from yaml file
-        if model_dir is None:
-            model_dir = self.config.get_parameter("model_dir")
-        if os.path.isdir(model_dir) is True:
-            list_weights_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*.h5'))
-            list_weights_files.sort() # To ensure that [-1] gives the last file
-            model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir,list_weights_files[-1])
-        self.model.load_model(model_dir)
-        print("Loaded model from: " + model_dir)
-    def load_weights(self, model_dir = None, weights_index = -1):
-        """Loads weights from h5 file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Directory containing the weights file
-        weights_index : `int`, optional
-            [Default: -1] 
-        """
-        if model_dir is None:
-            model_dir = self.config.get_parameter("model_dir")
-        if os.path.isdir(model_dir) is True:
-            list_weights_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*.h5'))
-            list_weights_files.sort() # To ensure that [-1] gives the last file
-            self.weights_path = list_weights_files[weights_index]
-            model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, self.weights_path)
-        else:
-            self.weights_path = model_dir
-        self.model.load_weights(model_dir)
-        print("Loaded weights from: " + model_dir)
-    def predict_images(self, image_dir):
-        """Perform prediction on images found in ``image_dir``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_dir : `str`
-            Directory containing the images to perform prediction on
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Last image that prediction was perfromed on
-        """
-        # load image list
-        image_list = self.list_images(image_dir)
-        for image_path in image_list:
-            image = self.load_image(image_path = image_path)
-            # percentile normalization
-            if self.config.get_parameter("percentile_normalization"):
-                image, _, _ = self.percentile_normalization(image, in_bound = self.config.get_parameter("percentile"))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size") == [0,0]:
-                padding = None
-                if image.shape[0] < self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[0] or image.shape[1] < self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[1]:
-                    image, padding = self.pad_image(image, image_size = self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"))
-                input_image = image[np.newaxis,:,:,np.newaxis]
-                output_image = self.model.predict(input_image, verbose=1)
-                if padding is not None: 
-                    h, w = output_image.shape[1:3]
-                    output_image = np.reshape(output_image, (h, w))
-                    output_image = self.remove_pad_image(output_image, padding = padding)
-            else:
-                tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding = self.tile_image(image, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-                pred_train_list = []
-                for tile in tile_image_list:
-                    # reshape image to correct dimensions for unet
-                    h, w = tile.shape[:2]
-                    tile = np.reshape(tile, (1, h, w, 1))
-                    pred_train_list.extend(self.model.predict(tile, verbose=1))
-                output_image = self.untile_image(pred_train_list, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"),
-                                                 num_rows, num_cols, padding = padding)
-            self.save_image(output_image, image_path)
-        return output_image
-    def save_image(self, image, image_path, subfolder = 'Masks', suffix = '-preds'):
-        """Saves image to image_path
-        Final location of image is as follows:
-          - image_path
-              - subfolder
-                 - model/weights file name
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be saved
-        image_path : `str`
-            Location to save the image in
-        subfolder : `str`
-            [Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which the image is to be saved in
-        suffix : `str`
-            [Default: '-preds'] Suffix to append to the filename of the predicted image
-        """
-        image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_path)
-        output_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, subfolder)
-        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
-            os.makedirs(output_dir)
-        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.weights_path))
-        output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, basename)
-        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
-            os.makedirs(output_dir)
-        filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))
-        output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}{}.tif".format(filename, suffix))
-, image)


- -


- -


-def compile_model(self, optimizer, loss) -

Compiles model



Gradient optimizer used in during the training of the network
Loss function of the network
- -Expand source code - -
def compile_model(self, optimizer, loss):
-    """Compiles model
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    optimizer
-        Gradient optimizer used in during the training of the network
-    loss
-        Loss function of the network
-    """
-    self.model.compile(optimizer, loss = loss, metrics = self.config.get_parameter("metrics"))
-def end_training(self) -

Deletes model and releases gpu memory held by tensorflow

- -Expand source code - -
def end_training(self):
-    """Deletes model and releases gpu memory held by tensorflow
-    """
-    # del reference to model
-    del self.model
-    # clear memory
-    tf.reset_default_graph()
-    K.clear_session()
-    # take hold of cuda device to shut it down
-    from numba import cuda
-    cuda.select_device(0)
-    cuda.close()
-def init_logs(self) -

Initiates the parameters required for the log file

- -Expand source code - -
def init_logs(self):
-    """Initiates the parameters required for the log file
-    """
-    # Directory for training logs
-    print(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))
-    self.log_dir = os.path.join(self.config.get_parameter("model_dir"), "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now")))
-    # Path to save after each epoch. Include placeholders that get filled by Keras.
-    self.checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}_*epoch*.h5".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now")))
-    self.checkpoint_path = self.checkpoint_path.replace("*epoch*", "{epoch:04d}")
-def initialize_cpu(self) -

Sets the session to only use the CPU

- -Expand source code - -
def initialize_cpu(self):
-    """Sets the session to only use the CPU
-    """
-    config = tf.ConfigProto(
-                    device_count = {'CPU' : 1,
-                                    'GPU' : 0}
-                   )
-    session = tf.Session(config=config)
-    K.set_session(session)   
-def initialize_gpu(self) -

Sets the seesion to use the gpu specified in config file

- -Expand source code - -
def initialize_gpu(self):
-    """Sets the seesion to use the gpu specified in config file
-    """
-    os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152
-    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(self.config.get_parameter("visible_gpu")) # needs to be a string
-    config = tf.ConfigProto()
-    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
-    sess = tf.Session(config=config)
-    K.tensorflow_backend.set_session(sess)
-def initialize_model(self) -

Initializes the logs, builds the model, and chooses the correct initialization function

- -Expand source code - -
def initialize_model(self):
-    """Initializes the logs, builds the model, and chooses the correct initialization function
-    """
-    # write parameters to yaml file
-    self.init_logs()
-    if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") is False:
-        self.write_logs()
-    # build model
-    self.model = self.build_model(self.config.get_parameter("input_size"))
-    # save model to yaml file
-    if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") is False:
-        self.config.write_model(self.model, os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}-model.yml".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))))
-    print("{} using single GPU or CPU..".format("Predicting" if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") else "Training"))
-    self.initialize_model_normal()
-def initialize_model_normal(self) -

Initializes the optimizer and any specified callback functions

- -Expand source code - -
def initialize_model_normal(self):
-    """Initializes the optimizer and any specified callback functions
-    """
-    opt = self.optimizer_function()
-    self.compile_model(optimizer = opt, loss = self.loss_function(self.config.get_parameter("loss")))
-    if self.config.get_parameter("for_prediction") == False:
-        self.callbacks = [self.model_checkpoint_call(verbose = True)]
-        if self.config.get_parameter("use_tensorboard") is True:
-            self.callbacks.append(self.tensorboard_call())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_on_plateau") is True:
-            self.callbacks.append(ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor=self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_monitor"),
-                                                    factor = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_factor"),
-                                                    patience = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_patience"),
-                                                    min_lr = self.config.get_parameter("reduce_LR_min_lr"),
-                                                    verbose = True))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping") is True:
-            self.callbacks.append(EarlyStopping(monitor=self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_monitor"),
-                                                patience = self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_patience"),
-                                                min_delta = self.config.get_parameter("early_stopping_min_delta"),
-                                                verbose = True))
-def load_model(self, model_dir=None) -

Loads model from h5 file



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Directory containing the model file
- -Expand source code - -
def load_model(self, model_dir = None):
-    """Loads model from h5 file
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    model_dir : `str`, optional
-        [Default: None] Directory containing the model file
-    """
-    # TODO: rewrite to load model from yaml file
-    if model_dir is None:
-        model_dir = self.config.get_parameter("model_dir")
-    if os.path.isdir(model_dir) is True:
-        list_weights_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*.h5'))
-        list_weights_files.sort() # To ensure that [-1] gives the last file
-        model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir,list_weights_files[-1])
-    self.model.load_model(model_dir)
-    print("Loaded model from: " + model_dir)
-def load_weights(self, model_dir=None, weights_index=-1) -

Loads weights from h5 file



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Directory containing the weights file
weights_index : int, optional
[Default: -1]
- -Expand source code - -
def load_weights(self, model_dir = None, weights_index = -1):
-    """Loads weights from h5 file
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    model_dir : `str`, optional
-        [Default: None] Directory containing the weights file
-    weights_index : `int`, optional
-        [Default: -1] 
-    """
-    if model_dir is None:
-        model_dir = self.config.get_parameter("model_dir")
-    if os.path.isdir(model_dir) is True:
-        list_weights_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*.h5'))
-        list_weights_files.sort() # To ensure that [-1] gives the last file
-        self.weights_path = list_weights_files[weights_index]
-        model_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, self.weights_path)
-    else:
-        self.weights_path = model_dir
-    self.model.load_weights(model_dir)
-    print("Loaded weights from: " + model_dir)
-def loss_function(self, loss) -

Initialize loss function



loss : str
Name of the loss function


Function to call loss function
- -Expand source code - -
def loss_function(self, loss):
-    """Initialize loss function
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    loss : `str`
-        Name of the loss function
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    loss
-        Function to call loss function
-    """
-    if loss == "binary_crossentropy":
-        print("Using binary crossentropy")
-        return loss
-    elif loss == "jaccard_distance_loss":
-        print("Using jaccard distance loss")
-        from .internals.losses import jaccard_distance_loss
-        return jaccard_distance_loss
-    elif loss == "lovasz_hinge":
-        print("Using Lovasz-hinge loss")
-        from .internals.losses import lovasz_loss
-        return lovasz_loss
-    elif loss == "dice_loss":
-        print("Using Dice loss")
-        from .internals.losses import dice_coef_loss
-        return dice_coef_loss
-    elif loss == "bce_dice_loss":
-        print("Using 1 - Dice + BCE loss")
-        from .internals.losses import bce_dice_loss
-        return bce_dice_loss
-    elif loss == "ssim_loss":
-        print("Using DSSIM loss")
-        from .internals.losses import DSSIM_loss
-        return DSSIM_loss
-    elif loss == "bce_ssim_loss":
-        print("Using BCE + DSSIM loss")
-        from .internals.losses import bce_ssim_loss
-        return bce_ssim_loss
-    elif loss == "mean_squared_error":
-        return keras.losses.mean_squared_error
-    elif loss == "mean_absolute_error":
-        return keras.losses.mean_absolute_error
-    elif loss == "ssim_mae_loss":
-        print("Using DSSIM + MAE loss")
-        from .internals.losses import dssim_mae_loss
-        return dssim_mae_loss
-    else:
-        print("Using {}".format(loss))
-        return loss
-def model_checkpoint_call(self, verbose=0) -

Initialize model checkpoint call

- -Expand source code - -
def model_checkpoint_call(self, verbose = 0):
-    """Initialize model checkpoint call
-    """
-    return ModelCheckpoint(self.checkpoint_path, save_weights_only=True, verbose=verbose)
-def optimizer_function(self, learning_rate=None) -

Initialize optimizer function



learning_rate : int
Learning rate of the descent algorithm


Function to call the optimizer
- -Expand source code - -
def optimizer_function(self, learning_rate = None):
-    """Initialize optimizer function
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    learning_rate : `int`
-        Learning rate of the descent algorithm
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    optimizer
-        Function to call the optimizer
-    """
-    if learning_rate is None:
-        learning_rate = self.config.get_parameter("learning_rate")
-    if self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'sgd':
-        return keras.optimizers.SGD(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                    decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"), 
-                                    momentum = self.config.get_parameter("momentum"), 
-                                    nesterov = self.config.get_parameter("nesterov"))
-    elif self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'rmsprop':
-        return keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                        decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"))
-    elif self.config.get_parameter("optimizer_function") == 'adam':
-        return keras.optimizers.Adam(lr = learning_rate, 
-                                     decay = self.config.get_parameter("decay"))
-def predict_images(self, image_dir) -

Perform prediction on images found in image_dir



image_dir : str
Directory containing the images to perform prediction on


image : array_like
Last image that prediction was perfromed on
- -Expand source code - -
def predict_images(self, image_dir):
-    """Perform prediction on images found in ``image_dir``
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image_dir : `str`
-        Directory containing the images to perform prediction on
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Last image that prediction was perfromed on
-    """
-    # load image list
-    image_list = self.list_images(image_dir)
-    for image_path in image_list:
-        image = self.load_image(image_path = image_path)
-        # percentile normalization
-        if self.config.get_parameter("percentile_normalization"):
-            image, _, _ = self.percentile_normalization(image, in_bound = self.config.get_parameter("percentile"))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size") == [0,0]:
-            padding = None
-            if image.shape[0] < self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[0] or image.shape[1] < self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[1]:
-                image, padding = self.pad_image(image, image_size = self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"))
-            input_image = image[np.newaxis,:,:,np.newaxis]
-            output_image = self.model.predict(input_image, verbose=1)
-            if padding is not None: 
-                h, w = output_image.shape[1:3]
-                output_image = np.reshape(output_image, (h, w))
-                output_image = self.remove_pad_image(output_image, padding = padding)
-        else:
-            tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding = self.tile_image(image, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-            pred_train_list = []
-            for tile in tile_image_list:
-                # reshape image to correct dimensions for unet
-                h, w = tile.shape[:2]
-                tile = np.reshape(tile, (1, h, w, 1))
-                pred_train_list.extend(self.model.predict(tile, verbose=1))
-            output_image = self.untile_image(pred_train_list, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"),
-                                             num_rows, num_cols, padding = padding)
-        self.save_image(output_image, image_path)
-    return output_image
-def save_image(self, image, image_path, subfolder='Masks', suffix='-preds') -

Saves image to image_path


Final location of image is as follows: -- image_path -- subfolder -- model/weights file name



image : array_like
Image to be saved
image_path : str
Location to save the image in
subfolder : str
[Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which the image is to be saved in
suffix : str
[Default: '-preds'] Suffix to append to the filename of the predicted image
- -Expand source code - -
def save_image(self, image, image_path, subfolder = 'Masks', suffix = '-preds'):
-    """Saves image to image_path
-    Final location of image is as follows:
-      - image_path
-          - subfolder
-             - model/weights file name
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image to be saved
-    image_path : `str`
-        Location to save the image in
-    subfolder : `str`
-        [Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which the image is to be saved in
-    suffix : `str`
-        [Default: '-preds'] Suffix to append to the filename of the predicted image
-    """
-    image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_path)
-    output_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, subfolder)
-    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
-        os.makedirs(output_dir)
-    basename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.weights_path))
-    output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, basename)
-    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
-        os.makedirs(output_dir)
-    filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))
-    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}{}.tif".format(filename, suffix))
-, image)
-def summary(self) -

Summary of the layers in the model

- -Expand source code - -
def summary(self):
-    """Summary of the layers in the model
-    """
-    self.model.summary()
-def tensorboard_call(self) -

Initialize tensorboard call

- -Expand source code - -
def tensorboard_call(self):
-    """Initialize tensorboard call
-    """
-    return TensorBoard(log_dir=self.log_dir, 
-                       batch_size = self.config.get_parameter("batch_size_per_GPU"), 
-                       write_graph=self.config.get_parameter("write_graph"),
-                       write_images=self.config.get_parameter("write_images"), 
-                       write_grads=self.config.get_parameter("write_grads"), 
-                       update_freq='epoch', 
-                       histogram_freq=self.config.get_parameter("histogram_freq"))
-def train_model(self, verbose=True) -

Trains model



verbose : int, optional
[Default: True] Verbose output
- -Expand source code - -
def train_model(self, verbose = True):
-    """Trains model
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    verbose : `int`, optional
-        [Default: True] Verbose output
-    """      
-    history =, self.aug_ground_truth, validation_split = self.config.get_parameter("val_split"),
-                             batch_size = self.config.get_parameter("batch_size"), epochs = self.config.get_parameter("num_epochs"), shuffle = True,
-                             callbacks=self.callbacks, verbose=verbose)
-    self.end_training()
-def write_logs(self) -

Writes the log file

- -Expand source code - -
def write_logs(self):
-    """Writes the log file
-    """
-    # Create log_dir if it does not exist
-    if os.path.exists(self.log_dir) is False:
-        os.makedirs(self.log_dir)
-    # save the parameters used in current run to logs dir
-    self.config.write_config(os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}-{:%Y%m%dT%H%M}-config.yml".format(self.config.get_parameter("name"), self.config.get_parameter("now"))))

Inherited members

- -
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/Unet.html b/html/models/Unet.html deleted file mode 100644 index b67adc9..0000000 --- a/html/models/Unet.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,417 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.Unet API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.Unet

- -Expand source code - -
import math
-import keras
-from keras.models import Model, load_model
-from keras.layers import Input, BatchNormalization, Activation
-from keras.layers.core import Lambda, Dropout
-from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D, Conv2DTranspose, UpSampling2D
-from keras.layers.convolutional_recurrent import ConvLSTM2D
-from keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling2D
-from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate, Add
-from keras import regularizers
-from keras import backend as K
-import tensorflow as tf
-from .CNN_Base import CNN_Base
-from .layers.layers import normalize_input, activation_function, regularizer_function, bn_relu_conv2d
-# Unet
-class Unet(CNN_Base):
-    """
-    Unet functions
-    see
-    """
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet', **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-    def build_model(self, input_size, mean_std_normalization = None, 
-                    dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None):
-        ### get parameters from config file ###
-        filters = self.config.get_parameter("filters")
-        if dropout_value is None:
-            dropout_value = self.config.get_parameter("dropout_value")
-        if acti is None:
-            acti = self.config.get_parameter("activation_function")
-        if padding is None:
-            padding = self.config.get_parameter("padding")
-        if kernel_initializer is None:
-            kernel_initializer = self.config.get_parameter("initializer")
-        if weight_regularizer is None:
-            weight_regularizer = self.config.get_parameter("weight_regularizer")
-        if mean_std_normalization is None:
-            if self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization") == True:
-                mean = self.config.get_parameter("mean")
-                std = self.config.get_parameter("std")
-            else:
-                mean = None
-                std = None
-        ### Actual network###
-        inputs = Input(input_size)
-        # normalize images
-        layer = normalize_input(inputs, 
-                                scale_input = self.config.get_parameter("scale_input"),
-                                mean_std_normalization = self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization"),
-                                mean = mean, std = std)
-        layer_store = []
-        # encoding arm
-        for _ in range(self.config.get_parameter("levels")):
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            layer_store.append(layer)
-            layer = MaxPooling2D((2, 2))(layer)
-            filters = filters * 2
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        # decoding arm 
-        for i in range(self.config.get_parameter("levels")):
-            layer = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')(layer)
-            layer = Concatenate(axis=3)([layer, layer_store[-i -1]])
-            filters = filters // 2
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        outputs = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid')(layer)
-        return Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs], name='Unet')


-class Unet -(model_dir=None, name='Unet', **kwargs) -

Unet functions -see


Creates the base neural network class with basic functions



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
config_filepath : str, optional
[Default: None] Filepath to the config file
Parameters that are passed to :class:network_config.Network_Config


config : :class:network_config.Network_Config
Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
- -Expand source code - -
class Unet(CNN_Base):
-    """
-    Unet functions
-    see
-    """
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet', **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-    def build_model(self, input_size, mean_std_normalization = None, 
-                    dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None):
-        ### get parameters from config file ###
-        filters = self.config.get_parameter("filters")
-        if dropout_value is None:
-            dropout_value = self.config.get_parameter("dropout_value")
-        if acti is None:
-            acti = self.config.get_parameter("activation_function")
-        if padding is None:
-            padding = self.config.get_parameter("padding")
-        if kernel_initializer is None:
-            kernel_initializer = self.config.get_parameter("initializer")
-        if weight_regularizer is None:
-            weight_regularizer = self.config.get_parameter("weight_regularizer")
-        if mean_std_normalization is None:
-            if self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization") == True:
-                mean = self.config.get_parameter("mean")
-                std = self.config.get_parameter("std")
-            else:
-                mean = None
-                std = None
-        ### Actual network###
-        inputs = Input(input_size)
-        # normalize images
-        layer = normalize_input(inputs, 
-                                scale_input = self.config.get_parameter("scale_input"),
-                                mean_std_normalization = self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization"),
-                                mean = mean, std = std)
-        layer_store = []
-        # encoding arm
-        for _ in range(self.config.get_parameter("levels")):
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            layer_store.append(layer)
-            layer = MaxPooling2D((2, 2))(layer)
-            filters = filters * 2
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        # decoding arm 
-        for i in range(self.config.get_parameter("levels")):
-            layer = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')(layer)
-            layer = Concatenate(axis=3)([layer, layer_store[-i -1]])
-            filters = filters // 2
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                   kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        outputs = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid')(layer)
-        return Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs], name='Unet')


- -


-def build_model(self, input_size, mean_std_normalization=None, dropout_value=None, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None) -
- -Expand source code - -
def build_model(self, input_size, mean_std_normalization = None, 
-                dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None):
-    ### get parameters from config file ###
-    filters = self.config.get_parameter("filters")
-    if dropout_value is None:
-        dropout_value = self.config.get_parameter("dropout_value")
-    if acti is None:
-        acti = self.config.get_parameter("activation_function")
-    if padding is None:
-        padding = self.config.get_parameter("padding")
-    if kernel_initializer is None:
-        kernel_initializer = self.config.get_parameter("initializer")
-    if weight_regularizer is None:
-        weight_regularizer = self.config.get_parameter("weight_regularizer")
-    if mean_std_normalization is None:
-        if self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization") == True:
-            mean = self.config.get_parameter("mean")
-            std = self.config.get_parameter("std")
-        else:
-            mean = None
-            std = None
-    ### Actual network###
-    inputs = Input(input_size)
-    # normalize images
-    layer = normalize_input(inputs, 
-                            scale_input = self.config.get_parameter("scale_input"),
-                            mean_std_normalization = self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization"),
-                            mean = mean, std = std)
-    layer_store = []
-    # encoding arm
-    for _ in range(self.config.get_parameter("levels")):
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        layer_store.append(layer)
-        layer = MaxPooling2D((2, 2))(layer)
-        filters = filters * 2
-    layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                           kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-    layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                           kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-    # decoding arm 
-    for i in range(self.config.get_parameter("levels")):
-        layer = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')(layer)
-        layer = Concatenate(axis=3)([layer, layer_store[-i -1]])
-        filters = filters // 2
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        layer = bn_relu_conv2d(layer, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                               kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-    outputs = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid')(layer)
-    return Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs], name='Unet')

Inherited members

- -
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/Unet_Resnet.html b/html/models/Unet_Resnet.html deleted file mode 100644 index 97475e5..0000000 --- a/html/models/Unet_Resnet.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1095 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.Unet_Resnet API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.Unet_Resnet

- -Expand source code - -
import math
-import keras
-from keras.models import Model, load_model
-from keras.layers import Input, BatchNormalization, Activation
-from keras.layers.core import Lambda, Dropout
-from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D, Conv2DTranspose, UpSampling2D
-from keras.layers.convolutional_recurrent import ConvLSTM2D
-from keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling2D
-from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate, Add
-from keras import regularizers
-from keras import backend as K
-import tensorflow as tfconv
-from .CNN_Base import CNN_Base
-from .layers.layers import normalize_input, activation_function, regularizer_function, bn_relu_conv2d, bn_relu_conv2dtranspose
-# Unet + Resnet
-class Unet_Resnet(CNN_Base):
-    """
-    Unet + resnet functions
-    see
-    """
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, **kwargs):       
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-    def bottleneck_block(self, inputs, 
-                         upsample = False,
-                         filters = 8,
-                         strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                         kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):            
-        # Bottleneck_block
-        with tf.name_scope("Bottleneck_block" + name):
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, 1,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(output, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            if upsample == True:
-                output = bn_relu_conv2dtranspose(output, filters, (2,2), strides = (2,2), acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-                output = Conv2D(filters * 4, (1,1), padding=padding, 
-                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                                kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-            else:
-                output = bn_relu_conv2d(output, filters*4, 1,  acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                        kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-            # reshape input to the same size as output
-            if upsample == True:
-                inputs = UpSampling2D()(inputs)
-            if strides == 2:
-                inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, strides=strides, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            # ensure number of filters are correct between input and output
-            if output.shape[3] != inputs.shape[3]:
-                inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            return Add()([output, inputs])
-    def simple_block(self, inputs, filters,
-                     strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                     kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):
-        with tf.name_scope("Simple_block" + name):
-            output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-            output = activation_function(output, acti)
-            output = MaxPooling2D()(output)
-            output = Conv2D(filters, 3, padding=padding, strides=strides,
-                            kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                            kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-            output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-            inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, strides=2, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            return Add()([output, inputs])
-    def simple_block_up(self, inputs, filters,
-                        strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                        kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):
-        with tf.name_scope("Simple_block_up" + name):
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(output)
-            output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-            inputs = UpSampling2D()(inputs)
-            inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            return Add()([output, inputs])
-    def build_model(self, unet_input, mean_std_normalization = None, 
-                    dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None):
-        ### get parameters from config file ###
-        filters = self.config.get_parameter("filters")
-        if dropout_value is None:
-            dropout_value = self.config.get_parameter("dropout_value")
-        if acti is None:
-            acti = self.config.get_parameter("activation_function")
-        if padding is None:
-            padding = self.config.get_parameter("padding")
-        if kernel_initializer is None:
-            kernel_initializer = self.config.get_parameter("initializer")
-        if weight_regularizer is None:
-            weight_regularizer = self.config.get_parameter("weight_regularizer")
-        if mean_std_normalization is None:
-            if self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization") == True:
-                mean = self.config.get_parameter("mean")
-                std = self.config.get_parameter("std")
-            else:
-                mean = None
-                std = None
-        ### Actual network###
-        inputs = Input(unet_input)
-        # normalize images
-        layer = normalize_input(inputs, 
-                                scale_input = self.config.get_parameter("scale_input"),
-                                mean_std_normalization = self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization"),
-                                mean = mean, std = std)
-        # encoder arm
-        layer_1 = Conv2D(filters, (3, 3), padding = padding, 
-                         kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, 
-                         kernel_regularizer = regularizer_function(weight_regularizer), name="Conv_layer_1")(layer)
-        layer_2 = self.simple_block(layer_1, filters, 
-                                    dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                    kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                    name = "_layer_2")
-        layer = layer_2
-        layer_store = [layer]
-        for i, conv_layer_i in enumerate(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block"), 1):
-            strides = 2
-            # last layer of encoding arm is treated as across    
-            if i == len(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")):
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              strides = strides, dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name = "_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-                for count in range(conv_layer_i-2):
-                    layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                                  dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                                  kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                                  name="_layer_{}-{}".format(2 + i, count))
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, upsample = True,
-                                              filters = filters, strides = 1,
-                                              dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name = "_up_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-            else:       
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              strides = strides, dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name = "_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-                for count in range(conv_layer_i - 1):
-                    layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                                  dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                                  kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                                  name="_layer_{}-{}".format(2 + i, count))
-                filters = filters*2
-                layer_store.append(layer)
-        # decoder arm
-        for i, conv_layer_i in enumerate(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")[-2::-1], 1):
-            filters = filters//2  
-            # note that i should be positive possibly due to the way keras/tf model compile works
-            layer = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_{}".format(i+6))([layer_store[-i], layer])
-            for count in range(conv_layer_i - 1):
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name="_layer_{}-{}".format(i+6, count))
-            layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, upsample = True,
-                                          filters = filters, strides = 1,
-                                          dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                          name = "_layer_{}".format(i+6))
-        layer_13 = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_13")([layer, layer_2])
-        layer_14 = self.simple_block_up(layer_13, filters,
-                                        dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                        kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                        name = "_layer_14")
-        layer_15 = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_15")([layer_14, layer_1])
-        layer_16 = Conv2D(filters, (3, 3), padding = padding, 
-                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_function(weight_regularizer), 
-                          name="Conv_layer_16")(layer_15)
-        layer_17 = BatchNormalization()(layer_16)
-        layer_18 = activation_function(layer_17, acti)
-        outputs = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation = self.config.get_parameter("final_activation"))(layer_18)
-        return Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs], name = self.config.get_parameter('name'))
-class Unet_Resnet101(Unet_Resnet):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet_Resnet101', **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","bottleneck_block"], (3, 4, 23, 3))
-        # store parameters for ease of use (may need to remove in the future)
-        self.conv_layer = self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")
-class Unet_Resnet50(Unet_Resnet):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet_Resnet50', **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","bottleneck_block"], (3, 4, 6, 3))
-        # store parameters for ease of use (may need to remove in the future)
-        self.conv_layer = self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")
-class Unet_Resnet_paper(Unet_Resnet):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet_Resnet101', **kwargs):
-        """
-        see
-        """
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","bottleneck_block"], (3, 8, 10, 3))
-        # store parameters for ease of use (may need to remove in the future)
-        self.conv_layer = self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")


-class Unet_Resnet -(model_dir=None, **kwargs) -

Unet + resnet functions -see


Creates the base neural network class with basic functions



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
config_filepath : str, optional
[Default: None] Filepath to the config file
Parameters that are passed to :class:network_config.Network_Config


config : :class:network_config.Network_Config
Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
- -Expand source code - -
class Unet_Resnet(CNN_Base):
-    """
-    Unet + resnet functions
-    see
-    """
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, **kwargs):       
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-    def bottleneck_block(self, inputs, 
-                         upsample = False,
-                         filters = 8,
-                         strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                         kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):            
-        # Bottleneck_block
-        with tf.name_scope("Bottleneck_block" + name):
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, 1,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(output, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            if upsample == True:
-                output = bn_relu_conv2dtranspose(output, filters, (2,2), strides = (2,2), acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-                output = Conv2D(filters * 4, (1,1), padding=padding, 
-                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                                kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-            else:
-                output = bn_relu_conv2d(output, filters*4, 1,  acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                        kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-            # reshape input to the same size as output
-            if upsample == True:
-                inputs = UpSampling2D()(inputs)
-            if strides == 2:
-                inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, strides=strides, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            # ensure number of filters are correct between input and output
-            if output.shape[3] != inputs.shape[3]:
-                inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            return Add()([output, inputs])
-    def simple_block(self, inputs, filters,
-                     strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                     kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):
-        with tf.name_scope("Simple_block" + name):
-            output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-            output = activation_function(output, acti)
-            output = MaxPooling2D()(output)
-            output = Conv2D(filters, 3, padding=padding, strides=strides,
-                            kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                            kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-            output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-            inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, strides=2, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            return Add()([output, inputs])
-    def simple_block_up(self, inputs, filters,
-                        strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                        kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):
-        with tf.name_scope("Simple_block_up" + name):
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(output)
-            output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-            inputs = UpSampling2D()(inputs)
-            inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-            return Add()([output, inputs])
-    def build_model(self, unet_input, mean_std_normalization = None, 
-                    dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None):
-        ### get parameters from config file ###
-        filters = self.config.get_parameter("filters")
-        if dropout_value is None:
-            dropout_value = self.config.get_parameter("dropout_value")
-        if acti is None:
-            acti = self.config.get_parameter("activation_function")
-        if padding is None:
-            padding = self.config.get_parameter("padding")
-        if kernel_initializer is None:
-            kernel_initializer = self.config.get_parameter("initializer")
-        if weight_regularizer is None:
-            weight_regularizer = self.config.get_parameter("weight_regularizer")
-        if mean_std_normalization is None:
-            if self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization") == True:
-                mean = self.config.get_parameter("mean")
-                std = self.config.get_parameter("std")
-            else:
-                mean = None
-                std = None
-        ### Actual network###
-        inputs = Input(unet_input)
-        # normalize images
-        layer = normalize_input(inputs, 
-                                scale_input = self.config.get_parameter("scale_input"),
-                                mean_std_normalization = self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization"),
-                                mean = mean, std = std)
-        # encoder arm
-        layer_1 = Conv2D(filters, (3, 3), padding = padding, 
-                         kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, 
-                         kernel_regularizer = regularizer_function(weight_regularizer), name="Conv_layer_1")(layer)
-        layer_2 = self.simple_block(layer_1, filters, 
-                                    dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                    kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                    name = "_layer_2")
-        layer = layer_2
-        layer_store = [layer]
-        for i, conv_layer_i in enumerate(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block"), 1):
-            strides = 2
-            # last layer of encoding arm is treated as across    
-            if i == len(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")):
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              strides = strides, dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name = "_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-                for count in range(conv_layer_i-2):
-                    layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                                  dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                                  kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                                  name="_layer_{}-{}".format(2 + i, count))
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, upsample = True,
-                                              filters = filters, strides = 1,
-                                              dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name = "_up_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-            else:       
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              strides = strides, dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name = "_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-                for count in range(conv_layer_i - 1):
-                    layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                                  dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                                  kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                                  name="_layer_{}-{}".format(2 + i, count))
-                filters = filters*2
-                layer_store.append(layer)
-        # decoder arm
-        for i, conv_layer_i in enumerate(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")[-2::-1], 1):
-            filters = filters//2  
-            # note that i should be positive possibly due to the way keras/tf model compile works
-            layer = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_{}".format(i+6))([layer_store[-i], layer])
-            for count in range(conv_layer_i - 1):
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name="_layer_{}-{}".format(i+6, count))
-            layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, upsample = True,
-                                          filters = filters, strides = 1,
-                                          dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                          name = "_layer_{}".format(i+6))
-        layer_13 = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_13")([layer, layer_2])
-        layer_14 = self.simple_block_up(layer_13, filters,
-                                        dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                        kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                        name = "_layer_14")
-        layer_15 = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_15")([layer_14, layer_1])
-        layer_16 = Conv2D(filters, (3, 3), padding = padding, 
-                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_function(weight_regularizer), 
-                          name="Conv_layer_16")(layer_15)
-        layer_17 = BatchNormalization()(layer_16)
-        layer_18 = activation_function(layer_17, acti)
-        outputs = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation = self.config.get_parameter("final_activation"))(layer_18)
-        return Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs], name = self.config.get_parameter('name'))


- -


- -


-def bottleneck_block(self, inputs, upsample=False, filters=8, strides=1, dropout_value=None, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None, name=None) -
- -Expand source code - -
def bottleneck_block(self, inputs, 
-                     upsample = False,
-                     filters = 8,
-                     strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                     kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):            
-    # Bottleneck_block
-    with tf.name_scope("Bottleneck_block" + name):
-        output = bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, 1,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        output = bn_relu_conv2d(output, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        if upsample == True:
-            output = bn_relu_conv2dtranspose(output, filters, (2,2), strides = (2,2), acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                            kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-            output = Conv2D(filters * 4, (1,1), padding=padding, 
-                            kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                            kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-        else:
-            output = bn_relu_conv2d(output, filters*4, 1,  acti=acti, padding=padding, 
-                                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-        # reshape input to the same size as output
-        if upsample == True:
-            inputs = UpSampling2D()(inputs)
-        if strides == 2:
-            inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, strides=strides, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-        # ensure number of filters are correct between input and output
-        if output.shape[3] != inputs.shape[3]:
-            inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-        return Add()([output, inputs])
-def build_model(self, unet_input, mean_std_normalization=None, dropout_value=None, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None) -
- -Expand source code - -
def build_model(self, unet_input, mean_std_normalization = None, 
-                dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None):
-    ### get parameters from config file ###
-    filters = self.config.get_parameter("filters")
-    if dropout_value is None:
-        dropout_value = self.config.get_parameter("dropout_value")
-    if acti is None:
-        acti = self.config.get_parameter("activation_function")
-    if padding is None:
-        padding = self.config.get_parameter("padding")
-    if kernel_initializer is None:
-        kernel_initializer = self.config.get_parameter("initializer")
-    if weight_regularizer is None:
-        weight_regularizer = self.config.get_parameter("weight_regularizer")
-    if mean_std_normalization is None:
-        if self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization") == True:
-            mean = self.config.get_parameter("mean")
-            std = self.config.get_parameter("std")
-        else:
-            mean = None
-            std = None
-    ### Actual network###
-    inputs = Input(unet_input)
-    # normalize images
-    layer = normalize_input(inputs, 
-                            scale_input = self.config.get_parameter("scale_input"),
-                            mean_std_normalization = self.config.get_parameter("mean_std_normalization"),
-                            mean = mean, std = std)
-    # encoder arm
-    layer_1 = Conv2D(filters, (3, 3), padding = padding, 
-                     kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, 
-                     kernel_regularizer = regularizer_function(weight_regularizer), name="Conv_layer_1")(layer)
-    layer_2 = self.simple_block(layer_1, filters, 
-                                dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                name = "_layer_2")
-    layer = layer_2
-    layer_store = [layer]
-    for i, conv_layer_i in enumerate(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block"), 1):
-        strides = 2
-        # last layer of encoding arm is treated as across    
-        if i == len(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")):
-            layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                          strides = strides, dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                          name = "_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-            for count in range(conv_layer_i-2):
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name="_layer_{}-{}".format(2 + i, count))
-            layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, upsample = True,
-                                          filters = filters, strides = 1,
-                                          dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                          name = "_up_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-        else:       
-            layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                          strides = strides, dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                          name = "_layer_{}".format(2 + i))
-            for count in range(conv_layer_i - 1):
-                layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                              dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                              kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                              name="_layer_{}-{}".format(2 + i, count))
-            filters = filters*2
-            layer_store.append(layer)
-    # decoder arm
-    for i, conv_layer_i in enumerate(self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")[-2::-1], 1):
-        filters = filters//2  
-        # note that i should be positive possibly due to the way keras/tf model compile works
-        layer = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_{}".format(i+6))([layer_store[-i], layer])
-        for count in range(conv_layer_i - 1):
-            layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, filters = filters, 
-                                          dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                          kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                          name="_layer_{}-{}".format(i+6, count))
-        layer = self.bottleneck_block(layer, upsample = True,
-                                      filters = filters, strides = 1,
-                                      dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                      kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                      name = "_layer_{}".format(i+6))
-    layer_13 = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_13")([layer, layer_2])
-    layer_14 = self.simple_block_up(layer_13, filters,
-                                    dropout_value = dropout_value, acti = acti, padding = padding, 
-                                    kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer = weight_regularizer, 
-                                    name = "_layer_14")
-    layer_15 = Concatenate(axis=3, name="Concatenate_layer_15")([layer_14, layer_1])
-    layer_16 = Conv2D(filters, (3, 3), padding = padding, 
-                      kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, kernel_regularizer = regularizer_function(weight_regularizer), 
-                      name="Conv_layer_16")(layer_15)
-    layer_17 = BatchNormalization()(layer_16)
-    layer_18 = activation_function(layer_17, acti)
-    outputs = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation = self.config.get_parameter("final_activation"))(layer_18)
-    return Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputs], name = self.config.get_parameter('name'))
-def simple_block(self, inputs, filters, strides=1, dropout_value=None, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None, name=None) -
- -Expand source code - -
def simple_block(self, inputs, filters,
-                 strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                 kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):
-    with tf.name_scope("Simple_block" + name):
-        output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-        output = activation_function(output, acti)
-        output = MaxPooling2D()(output)
-        output = Conv2D(filters, 3, padding=padding, strides=strides,
-                        kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                        kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-        output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-        inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, strides=2, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-        return Add()([output, inputs])
-def simple_block_up(self, inputs, filters, strides=1, dropout_value=None, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None, name=None) -
- -Expand source code - -
def simple_block_up(self, inputs, filters,
-                    strides = 1, dropout_value = None, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = None):
-    with tf.name_scope("Simple_block_up" + name):
-        output = bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, 3,  acti=acti, padding=padding, strides=strides, 
-                                kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer=weight_regularizer)
-        output = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(output)
-        output = Dropout(dropout_value)(output)
-        inputs = UpSampling2D()(inputs)
-        inputs = Conv2D(output.shape[3].value, 1, padding=padding, kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer)(inputs)
-        return Add()([output, inputs])

Inherited members

- -
-class Unet_Resnet101 -(model_dir=None, name='Unet_Resnet101', **kwargs) -

Unet + resnet functions -see


Creates the base neural network class with basic functions



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
config_filepath : str, optional
[Default: None] Filepath to the config file
Parameters that are passed to :class:network_config.Network_Config


config : :class:network_config.Network_Config
Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
- -Expand source code - -
class Unet_Resnet101(Unet_Resnet):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet_Resnet101', **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","bottleneck_block"], (3, 4, 23, 3))
-        # store parameters for ease of use (may need to remove in the future)
-        self.conv_layer = self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")


- -

Inherited members

- -
-class Unet_Resnet50 -(model_dir=None, name='Unet_Resnet50', **kwargs) -

Unet + resnet functions -see


Creates the base neural network class with basic functions



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Folder where the model is stored
config_filepath : str, optional
[Default: None] Filepath to the config file
Parameters that are passed to :class:network_config.Network_Config


config : :class:network_config.Network_Config
Network_config object containing the config and necessary functions
- -Expand source code - -
class Unet_Resnet50(Unet_Resnet):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet_Resnet50', **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","bottleneck_block"], (3, 4, 6, 3))
-        # store parameters for ease of use (may need to remove in the future)
-        self.conv_layer = self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")


- -

Inherited members

- -
-class Unet_Resnet_paper -(model_dir=None, name='Unet_Resnet101', **kwargs) -

Unet + resnet functions -see



- -Expand source code - -
class Unet_Resnet_paper(Unet_Resnet):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, name = 'Unet_Resnet101', **kwargs):
-        """
-        see
-        """
-        super().__init__(model_dir = model_dir, **kwargs)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","name"], name)
-        self.config.update_parameter(["model","bottleneck_block"], (3, 8, 10, 3))
-        # store parameters for ease of use (may need to remove in the future)
-        self.conv_layer = self.config.get_parameter("bottleneck_block")


- -

Inherited members

- -
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/index.html b/html/models/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index b530452..0000000 --- a/html/models/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models API documentation - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/internals/dataset.html b/html/models/internals/dataset.html deleted file mode 100644 index d653901..0000000 --- a/html/models/internals/dataset.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,958 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.internals.dataset API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.internals.dataset

- -Expand source code - -
import os, sys
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from tqdm import tqdm
-from .image_functions import Image_Functions      
-class Dataset(Image_Functions):
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Creates Dataset object that is used to manipulate the training data.
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        classes : list
-            List of dictionaries containing the class name and id
-        train_images : list
-            List of images that is used as the input for the network
-        train_ground_truth : list
-            List of images that is used as the ground truth for the network
-        """
-        self.classes = []
-        self.train_images = []
-        self.train_ground_truth = []
-        super().__init__()
-    #######################
-    # Class id functions
-    #######################
-    def get_class_id(self, class_name):
-        """Returns the class id and adds class to list if not in list of classes.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        class_name : str
-            Identity of class that will be associated with the class id
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        int
-            Class id
-        """
-        if len(self.classes) == 0:
-            self.classes.append({"class": class_name, "id": 0})
-            return 0
-        for class_info in self.classes:
-            # if class exist, return class id
-            if class_info["class"] == class_name:
-                return class_info["id"]
-        self.classes.append({"class": class_name, "id": len(self.classes)-1})
-        return len(self.classes)-1
-    #######################
-    # Class id functions
-    #######################
-    def sanity_check(self, image_index):
-        """Plots the augmented image and ground_truth to check if everything is ok.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_index : int
-            Index of the image and its corresponding ground_truth
-        """
-        image = self.aug_images[image_index][:,:,0]
-        ground_truth = self.aug_ground_truth[image_index][:,:,0]
-        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
-        plt.axis('off')
-        plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray', 
-                   norm=None, interpolation=None)
-        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
-        plt.axis('off')
-        plt.imshow(ground_truth, cmap='gray', 
-                   norm=None, interpolation=None)
-    def load_dataset(self, dataset_dir = None, tiled = False):
-        """Loads dataset from ``dataset_dir``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        dataset_dir : str or none, optional
-            Folder to load the dataset from. If none, ``dataset_dir`` is obtained from config file
-        tiled : bool, optional
-            To set if tiling function is used
-        """
-        # update dataset_dir if specified. If not, load dataset_dir from config file
-        if dataset_dir is None:
-            dataset_dir = self.config.get_parameter("dataset_dir")
-        else:
-            self.config.update_parameter(self.config.find_key("dataset_dir"), dataset_dir)
-        image_dirs = next(os.walk(dataset_dir))[1]
-        image_dirs = [f for f in image_dirs if not f[0] == '.']
-        for img_dir in image_dirs:
-            # images
-            image = self.load_image(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img_dir), subfolder = self.config.get_parameter("image_subfolder"))
-            # percentile normalization
-            if self.config.get_parameter("percentile_normalization"):
-                image, _, _ = self.percentile_normalization(image, in_bound = self.config.get_parameter("percentile"))
-            if tiled is True:
-                tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding = self.tile_image(image, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-                self.config.update_parameter(["images","num_rows"], num_rows)
-                self.config.update_parameter(["images","num_cols"], num_cols)
-                self.config.update_parameter(["images","padding"], padding)
-                self.train_images.extend(tile_image_list)
-            else:
-                self.train_images.extend([image,])
-            #ground_truth
-            ground_truth, class_id = self.load_ground_truth(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img_dir), subfolder = self.config.get_parameter("ground_truth_subfolder"))
-            if tiled is True:
-                tile_ground_truth_list, _, _, _ = self.tile_image(ground_truth[0], self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-                self.train_ground_truth.extend(tile_ground_truth_list)
-            else:
-                self.train_ground_truth.extend(ground_truth)
-    #######################
-    # Image augmentation
-    #######################
-    def augment_images(self):
-        """Augments images using the parameters in the config file"""
-        # TODO: To allow for augmentation of multi-class images
-        augmentor = self.augmentations(p=self.config.get_parameter("augmentations_p"))
-        # increase number of images
-        self.aug_images = self.train_images*self.config.get_parameter("num_augmented_images")
-        self.aug_ground_truth = self.train_ground_truth*self.config.get_parameter("num_augmented_images")
-        print("Performing augmentations on {} images".format(len(self.aug_images)))
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-        for i in tqdm(range(len(self.aug_images)),desc="Augmentation of images"):
-            # target must be image and mask in order for albumentations to work
-            data = {"image": self.aug_images[i], 
-                    "mask": self.aug_ground_truth[i]}
-            augmented = augmentor(**data)
-            self.aug_images[i] = self.reshape_image(np.asarray(augmented["image"]))
-            # add 
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_dilation_after_augmentation") is True:
-                from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-                self.aug_ground_truth[i] = self.reshape_image(binary_dilation(np.ndarray.astype(augmented["mask"], np.bool), disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size"))))
-            else:
-                self.aug_ground_truth[i] = self.reshape_image(np.ndarray.astype(augmented["mask"], np.bool))
-        self.aug_images = np.stack(self.aug_images, axis = 0)
-        self.aug_ground_truth = np.stack(self.aug_ground_truth, axis = 0)
-        mean = self.aug_images.mean()
-        std = self.aug_images.std()
-        self.config.update_parameter(["images","mean"], float(mean))
-        self.config.update_parameter(["images","std"], float(std))
-        print("Augmentations complete!")
-    def augmentations(self, p = None):
-        """Generates list of augmentations using parameters obtained from config file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        p : int, optional
-            probability to apply any augmentations to image
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        function
-            function used to augment images
-        """
-        from albumentations import (
-            RandomCrop, HorizontalFlip, IAAPerspective, ShiftScaleRotate, CLAHE, RandomRotate90,
-            Transpose, ShiftScaleRotate, Blur, OpticalDistortion, GridDistortion, ElasticTransform,
-            IAAAdditiveGaussianNoise, GaussNoise, MotionBlur, MedianBlur,
-            IAASharpen, RandomBrightnessContrast, Flip, OneOf, Compose
-        )
-        augmentation_list = []
-        if self.config.get_parameter("random_rotate") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(RandomRotate90(p = self.config.get_parameter("random_rotate_p"))) # 0.9
-        if self.config.get_parameter("flip") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(Flip())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("transpose") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(Transpose())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("blur_group") is True:
-            blur_augmentation = []
-            if self.config.get_parameter("motion_blur") is True:
-                blur_augmentation.append(MotionBlur(p = self.config.get_parameter("motion_blur_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("median_blur") is True:
-                blur_augmentation.append(MedianBlur(blur_limit = self.config.get_parameter("median_blur_limit"), p = self.config.get_parameter("median_blur_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("blur") is True:
-                blur_augmentation.append(Blur(blur_limit = self.config.get_parameter("blur_limit"), p = self.config.get_parameter("blur_p")))
-            augmentation_list.append(OneOf(blur_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("blur_group_p"))) 
-        if self.config.get_parameter("shift_scale_rotate") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(ShiftScaleRotate(shift_limit = self.config.get_parameter("shift_limit"),
-                                                      scale_limit = self.config.get_parameter("scale_limit"),
-                                                      rotate_limit = self.config.get_parameter("rotate_limit"),
-                                                      p = self.config.get_parameter("shift_scale_rotate_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("distortion_group") is True:
-            distortion_augmentation = []
-            if self.config.get_parameter("optical_distortion") is True:
-                distortion_augmentation.append(OpticalDistortion(p = self.config.get_parameter("optical_distortion_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("elastic_transform") is True:
-                distortion_augmentation.append(ElasticTransform(p = self.config.get_parameter("elastic_transform_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("grid_distortion") is True:
-                distortion_augmentation.append(GridDistortion(p = self.config.get_parameter("grid_distortion_p")))
-            augmentation_list.append(OneOf(distortion_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("distortion_group_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("brightness_contrast_group") is True:
-            contrast_augmentation = []
-            if self.config.get_parameter("clahe") is True:
-                contrast_augmentation.append(CLAHE())
-            if self.config.get_parameter("sharpen") is True:
-                contrast_augmentation.append(IAASharpen())
-            if self.config.get_parameter("random_brightness_contrast") is True:
-                contrast_augmentation.append(RandomBrightnessContrast())
-            augmentation_list.append(OneOf(contrast_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("brightness_contrast_group_p")))
-        augmentation_list.append(RandomCrop(self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[0], self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[1], always_apply=True))
-        return Compose(augmentation_list, p = p)
-############################### TODO ###############################
-#     def preapare_data(self):
-#         """        
-#         Performs augmentation if needed
-#         """
-#     # Create data generator
-#     # Return augmented images/ground_truth arrays of batch size
-#     def generator(features, labels, batch_size, seq_det):
-#         # create empty arrays to contain batch of features and labels
-#         batch_features = np.zeros((batch_size, features.shape[1], features.shape[2], features.shape[3]))
-#         batch_labels = np.zeros((batch_size, labels.shape[1], labels.shape[2], labels.shape[3]))
-#         while True:
-#             # Fill arrays of batch size with augmented data taken randomly from full passed arrays
-#             indexes = random.sample(range(len(features)), batch_size)
-#             # Perform the exactly the same augmentation for X and y
-#             random_augmented_images, random_augmented_labels = do_augmentation(seq_det, features[indexes], labels[indexes])
-#             batch_features[:,:,:,:] = random_augmented_images[:,:,:,:]
-#             batch_labels[:,:,:,:] = random_augmented_labels[:,:,:,:]
-#             yield batch_features, batch_labels
-    # Train augmentation
-#     def do_augmentation(seq_det, X_train, y_train):
-#         # Use seq_det to build augmentation.
-#         # ....
-#         return np.array(X_train_aug), np.array(y_train_aug)
-#     seq = iaa.Sequential([
-#         iaa.Fliplr(0.5), # horizontally flip
-#         iaa.OneOf([
-#             iaa.Noop(),
-#             iaa.GaussianBlur(sigma=(0.0, 1.0)),
-#             iaa.Noop(),
-#             iaa.Affine(rotate=(-10, 10), translate_percent={"x": (-0.25, 0.25)}, mode='symmetric', cval=(0)),
-#             iaa.Noop(),
-#             iaa.PerspectiveTransform(scale=(0.04, 0.08)),
-#             iaa.Noop(),
-#             iaa.PiecewiseAffine(scale=(0.05, 0.1), mode='edge', cval=(0)),
-#         ]),
-#         # More as you want ...
-#     ])
-#     seq_det = seq.to_deterministic()
-#     history = model.fit_generator(generator(X_train, y_train, BATCH_SIZE, seq_det),
-#                               epochs=EPOCHS,
-#                               steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,
-#                               validation_data=(X_valid, y_valid),
-#                               verbose = 1, 
-#                               callbacks = [check_point]
-#                              ) 
-    # Image augmentations
-############################### END of TODO ###############################


-class Dataset -

Creates Dataset object that is used to manipulate the training data.



classes : list
List of dictionaries containing the class name and id
train_images : list
List of images that is used as the input for the network
train_ground_truth : list
List of images that is used as the ground truth for the network
- -Expand source code - -
class Dataset(Image_Functions):
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Creates Dataset object that is used to manipulate the training data.
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        classes : list
-            List of dictionaries containing the class name and id
-        train_images : list
-            List of images that is used as the input for the network
-        train_ground_truth : list
-            List of images that is used as the ground truth for the network
-        """
-        self.classes = []
-        self.train_images = []
-        self.train_ground_truth = []
-        super().__init__()
-    #######################
-    # Class id functions
-    #######################
-    def get_class_id(self, class_name):
-        """Returns the class id and adds class to list if not in list of classes.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        class_name : str
-            Identity of class that will be associated with the class id
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        int
-            Class id
-        """
-        if len(self.classes) == 0:
-            self.classes.append({"class": class_name, "id": 0})
-            return 0
-        for class_info in self.classes:
-            # if class exist, return class id
-            if class_info["class"] == class_name:
-                return class_info["id"]
-        self.classes.append({"class": class_name, "id": len(self.classes)-1})
-        return len(self.classes)-1
-    #######################
-    # Class id functions
-    #######################
-    def sanity_check(self, image_index):
-        """Plots the augmented image and ground_truth to check if everything is ok.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_index : int
-            Index of the image and its corresponding ground_truth
-        """
-        image = self.aug_images[image_index][:,:,0]
-        ground_truth = self.aug_ground_truth[image_index][:,:,0]
-        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
-        plt.axis('off')
-        plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray', 
-                   norm=None, interpolation=None)
-        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
-        plt.axis('off')
-        plt.imshow(ground_truth, cmap='gray', 
-                   norm=None, interpolation=None)
-    def load_dataset(self, dataset_dir = None, tiled = False):
-        """Loads dataset from ``dataset_dir``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        dataset_dir : str or none, optional
-            Folder to load the dataset from. If none, ``dataset_dir`` is obtained from config file
-        tiled : bool, optional
-            To set if tiling function is used
-        """
-        # update dataset_dir if specified. If not, load dataset_dir from config file
-        if dataset_dir is None:
-            dataset_dir = self.config.get_parameter("dataset_dir")
-        else:
-            self.config.update_parameter(self.config.find_key("dataset_dir"), dataset_dir)
-        image_dirs = next(os.walk(dataset_dir))[1]
-        image_dirs = [f for f in image_dirs if not f[0] == '.']
-        for img_dir in image_dirs:
-            # images
-            image = self.load_image(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img_dir), subfolder = self.config.get_parameter("image_subfolder"))
-            # percentile normalization
-            if self.config.get_parameter("percentile_normalization"):
-                image, _, _ = self.percentile_normalization(image, in_bound = self.config.get_parameter("percentile"))
-            if tiled is True:
-                tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding = self.tile_image(image, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-                self.config.update_parameter(["images","num_rows"], num_rows)
-                self.config.update_parameter(["images","num_cols"], num_cols)
-                self.config.update_parameter(["images","padding"], padding)
-                self.train_images.extend(tile_image_list)
-            else:
-                self.train_images.extend([image,])
-            #ground_truth
-            ground_truth, class_id = self.load_ground_truth(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img_dir), subfolder = self.config.get_parameter("ground_truth_subfolder"))
-            if tiled is True:
-                tile_ground_truth_list, _, _, _ = self.tile_image(ground_truth[0], self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-                self.train_ground_truth.extend(tile_ground_truth_list)
-            else:
-                self.train_ground_truth.extend(ground_truth)
-    #######################
-    # Image augmentation
-    #######################
-    def augment_images(self):
-        """Augments images using the parameters in the config file"""
-        # TODO: To allow for augmentation of multi-class images
-        augmentor = self.augmentations(p=self.config.get_parameter("augmentations_p"))
-        # increase number of images
-        self.aug_images = self.train_images*self.config.get_parameter("num_augmented_images")
-        self.aug_ground_truth = self.train_ground_truth*self.config.get_parameter("num_augmented_images")
-        print("Performing augmentations on {} images".format(len(self.aug_images)))
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-        for i in tqdm(range(len(self.aug_images)),desc="Augmentation of images"):
-            # target must be image and mask in order for albumentations to work
-            data = {"image": self.aug_images[i], 
-                    "mask": self.aug_ground_truth[i]}
-            augmented = augmentor(**data)
-            self.aug_images[i] = self.reshape_image(np.asarray(augmented["image"]))
-            # add 
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_dilation_after_augmentation") is True:
-                from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-                self.aug_ground_truth[i] = self.reshape_image(binary_dilation(np.ndarray.astype(augmented["mask"], np.bool), disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size"))))
-            else:
-                self.aug_ground_truth[i] = self.reshape_image(np.ndarray.astype(augmented["mask"], np.bool))
-        self.aug_images = np.stack(self.aug_images, axis = 0)
-        self.aug_ground_truth = np.stack(self.aug_ground_truth, axis = 0)
-        mean = self.aug_images.mean()
-        std = self.aug_images.std()
-        self.config.update_parameter(["images","mean"], float(mean))
-        self.config.update_parameter(["images","std"], float(std))
-        print("Augmentations complete!")
-    def augmentations(self, p = None):
-        """Generates list of augmentations using parameters obtained from config file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        p : int, optional
-            probability to apply any augmentations to image
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        function
-            function used to augment images
-        """
-        from albumentations import (
-            RandomCrop, HorizontalFlip, IAAPerspective, ShiftScaleRotate, CLAHE, RandomRotate90,
-            Transpose, ShiftScaleRotate, Blur, OpticalDistortion, GridDistortion, ElasticTransform,
-            IAAAdditiveGaussianNoise, GaussNoise, MotionBlur, MedianBlur,
-            IAASharpen, RandomBrightnessContrast, Flip, OneOf, Compose
-        )
-        augmentation_list = []
-        if self.config.get_parameter("random_rotate") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(RandomRotate90(p = self.config.get_parameter("random_rotate_p"))) # 0.9
-        if self.config.get_parameter("flip") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(Flip())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("transpose") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(Transpose())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("blur_group") is True:
-            blur_augmentation = []
-            if self.config.get_parameter("motion_blur") is True:
-                blur_augmentation.append(MotionBlur(p = self.config.get_parameter("motion_blur_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("median_blur") is True:
-                blur_augmentation.append(MedianBlur(blur_limit = self.config.get_parameter("median_blur_limit"), p = self.config.get_parameter("median_blur_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("blur") is True:
-                blur_augmentation.append(Blur(blur_limit = self.config.get_parameter("blur_limit"), p = self.config.get_parameter("blur_p")))
-            augmentation_list.append(OneOf(blur_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("blur_group_p"))) 
-        if self.config.get_parameter("shift_scale_rotate") is True:
-            augmentation_list.append(ShiftScaleRotate(shift_limit = self.config.get_parameter("shift_limit"),
-                                                      scale_limit = self.config.get_parameter("scale_limit"),
-                                                      rotate_limit = self.config.get_parameter("rotate_limit"),
-                                                      p = self.config.get_parameter("shift_scale_rotate_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("distortion_group") is True:
-            distortion_augmentation = []
-            if self.config.get_parameter("optical_distortion") is True:
-                distortion_augmentation.append(OpticalDistortion(p = self.config.get_parameter("optical_distortion_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("elastic_transform") is True:
-                distortion_augmentation.append(ElasticTransform(p = self.config.get_parameter("elastic_transform_p")))
-            if self.config.get_parameter("grid_distortion") is True:
-                distortion_augmentation.append(GridDistortion(p = self.config.get_parameter("grid_distortion_p")))
-            augmentation_list.append(OneOf(distortion_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("distortion_group_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("brightness_contrast_group") is True:
-            contrast_augmentation = []
-            if self.config.get_parameter("clahe") is True:
-                contrast_augmentation.append(CLAHE())
-            if self.config.get_parameter("sharpen") is True:
-                contrast_augmentation.append(IAASharpen())
-            if self.config.get_parameter("random_brightness_contrast") is True:
-                contrast_augmentation.append(RandomBrightnessContrast())
-            augmentation_list.append(OneOf(contrast_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("brightness_contrast_group_p")))
-        augmentation_list.append(RandomCrop(self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[0], self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[1], always_apply=True))
-        return Compose(augmentation_list, p = p)


- -


- -


-def augment_images(self) -

Augments images using the parameters in the config file

- -Expand source code - -
def augment_images(self):
-    """Augments images using the parameters in the config file"""
-    # TODO: To allow for augmentation of multi-class images
-    augmentor = self.augmentations(p=self.config.get_parameter("augmentations_p"))
-    # increase number of images
-    self.aug_images = self.train_images*self.config.get_parameter("num_augmented_images")
-    self.aug_ground_truth = self.train_ground_truth*self.config.get_parameter("num_augmented_images")
-    print("Performing augmentations on {} images".format(len(self.aug_images)))
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    for i in tqdm(range(len(self.aug_images)),desc="Augmentation of images"):
-        # target must be image and mask in order for albumentations to work
-        data = {"image": self.aug_images[i], 
-                "mask": self.aug_ground_truth[i]}
-        augmented = augmentor(**data)
-        self.aug_images[i] = self.reshape_image(np.asarray(augmented["image"]))
-        # add 
-        if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_dilation_after_augmentation") is True:
-            from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-            self.aug_ground_truth[i] = self.reshape_image(binary_dilation(np.ndarray.astype(augmented["mask"], np.bool), disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size"))))
-        else:
-            self.aug_ground_truth[i] = self.reshape_image(np.ndarray.astype(augmented["mask"], np.bool))
-    self.aug_images = np.stack(self.aug_images, axis = 0)
-    self.aug_ground_truth = np.stack(self.aug_ground_truth, axis = 0)
-    mean = self.aug_images.mean()
-    std = self.aug_images.std()
-    self.config.update_parameter(["images","mean"], float(mean))
-    self.config.update_parameter(["images","std"], float(std))
-    print("Augmentations complete!")
-def augmentations(self, p=None) -

Generates list of augmentations using parameters obtained from config file



p : int, optional
probability to apply any augmentations to image


function used to augment images
- -Expand source code - -
def augmentations(self, p = None):
-    """Generates list of augmentations using parameters obtained from config file
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    p : int, optional
-        probability to apply any augmentations to image
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    function
-        function used to augment images
-    """
-    from albumentations import (
-        RandomCrop, HorizontalFlip, IAAPerspective, ShiftScaleRotate, CLAHE, RandomRotate90,
-        Transpose, ShiftScaleRotate, Blur, OpticalDistortion, GridDistortion, ElasticTransform,
-        IAAAdditiveGaussianNoise, GaussNoise, MotionBlur, MedianBlur,
-        IAASharpen, RandomBrightnessContrast, Flip, OneOf, Compose
-    )
-    augmentation_list = []
-    if self.config.get_parameter("random_rotate") is True:
-        augmentation_list.append(RandomRotate90(p = self.config.get_parameter("random_rotate_p"))) # 0.9
-    if self.config.get_parameter("flip") is True:
-        augmentation_list.append(Flip())
-    if self.config.get_parameter("transpose") is True:
-        augmentation_list.append(Transpose())
-    if self.config.get_parameter("blur_group") is True:
-        blur_augmentation = []
-        if self.config.get_parameter("motion_blur") is True:
-            blur_augmentation.append(MotionBlur(p = self.config.get_parameter("motion_blur_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("median_blur") is True:
-            blur_augmentation.append(MedianBlur(blur_limit = self.config.get_parameter("median_blur_limit"), p = self.config.get_parameter("median_blur_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("blur") is True:
-            blur_augmentation.append(Blur(blur_limit = self.config.get_parameter("blur_limit"), p = self.config.get_parameter("blur_p")))
-        augmentation_list.append(OneOf(blur_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("blur_group_p"))) 
-    if self.config.get_parameter("shift_scale_rotate") is True:
-        augmentation_list.append(ShiftScaleRotate(shift_limit = self.config.get_parameter("shift_limit"),
-                                                  scale_limit = self.config.get_parameter("scale_limit"),
-                                                  rotate_limit = self.config.get_parameter("rotate_limit"),
-                                                  p = self.config.get_parameter("shift_scale_rotate_p")))
-    if self.config.get_parameter("distortion_group") is True:
-        distortion_augmentation = []
-        if self.config.get_parameter("optical_distortion") is True:
-            distortion_augmentation.append(OpticalDistortion(p = self.config.get_parameter("optical_distortion_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("elastic_transform") is True:
-            distortion_augmentation.append(ElasticTransform(p = self.config.get_parameter("elastic_transform_p")))
-        if self.config.get_parameter("grid_distortion") is True:
-            distortion_augmentation.append(GridDistortion(p = self.config.get_parameter("grid_distortion_p")))
-        augmentation_list.append(OneOf(distortion_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("distortion_group_p")))
-    if self.config.get_parameter("brightness_contrast_group") is True:
-        contrast_augmentation = []
-        if self.config.get_parameter("clahe") is True:
-            contrast_augmentation.append(CLAHE())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("sharpen") is True:
-            contrast_augmentation.append(IAASharpen())
-        if self.config.get_parameter("random_brightness_contrast") is True:
-            contrast_augmentation.append(RandomBrightnessContrast())
-        augmentation_list.append(OneOf(contrast_augmentation, p = self.config.get_parameter("brightness_contrast_group_p")))
-    augmentation_list.append(RandomCrop(self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[0], self.config.get_parameter("tile_size")[1], always_apply=True))
-    return Compose(augmentation_list, p = p)
-def get_class_id(self, class_name) -

Returns the class id and adds class to list if not in list of classes.



class_name : str
Identity of class that will be associated with the class id


Class id
- -Expand source code - -
def get_class_id(self, class_name):
-    """Returns the class id and adds class to list if not in list of classes.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    class_name : str
-        Identity of class that will be associated with the class id
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    int
-        Class id
-    """
-    if len(self.classes) == 0:
-        self.classes.append({"class": class_name, "id": 0})
-        return 0
-    for class_info in self.classes:
-        # if class exist, return class id
-        if class_info["class"] == class_name:
-            return class_info["id"]
-    self.classes.append({"class": class_name, "id": len(self.classes)-1})
-    return len(self.classes)-1
-def load_dataset(self, dataset_dir=None, tiled=False) -

Loads dataset from dataset_dir



dataset_dir : str or none, optional
Folder to load the dataset from. If none, dataset_dir is obtained from config file
tiled : bool, optional
To set if tiling function is used
- -Expand source code - -
def load_dataset(self, dataset_dir = None, tiled = False):
-    """Loads dataset from ``dataset_dir``
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    dataset_dir : str or none, optional
-        Folder to load the dataset from. If none, ``dataset_dir`` is obtained from config file
-    tiled : bool, optional
-        To set if tiling function is used
-    """
-    # update dataset_dir if specified. If not, load dataset_dir from config file
-    if dataset_dir is None:
-        dataset_dir = self.config.get_parameter("dataset_dir")
-    else:
-        self.config.update_parameter(self.config.find_key("dataset_dir"), dataset_dir)
-    image_dirs = next(os.walk(dataset_dir))[1]
-    image_dirs = [f for f in image_dirs if not f[0] == '.']
-    for img_dir in image_dirs:
-        # images
-        image = self.load_image(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img_dir), subfolder = self.config.get_parameter("image_subfolder"))
-        # percentile normalization
-        if self.config.get_parameter("percentile_normalization"):
-            image, _, _ = self.percentile_normalization(image, in_bound = self.config.get_parameter("percentile"))
-        if tiled is True:
-            tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding = self.tile_image(image, self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-            self.config.update_parameter(["images","num_rows"], num_rows)
-            self.config.update_parameter(["images","num_cols"], num_cols)
-            self.config.update_parameter(["images","padding"], padding)
-            self.train_images.extend(tile_image_list)
-        else:
-            self.train_images.extend([image,])
-        #ground_truth
-        ground_truth, class_id = self.load_ground_truth(os.path.join(dataset_dir, img_dir), subfolder = self.config.get_parameter("ground_truth_subfolder"))
-        if tiled is True:
-            tile_ground_truth_list, _, _, _ = self.tile_image(ground_truth[0], self.config.get_parameter("tile_size"), self.config.get_parameter("tile_overlap_size"))
-            self.train_ground_truth.extend(tile_ground_truth_list)
-        else:
-            self.train_ground_truth.extend(ground_truth)
-def sanity_check(self, image_index) -

Plots the augmented image and ground_truth to check if everything is ok.



image_index : int
Index of the image and its corresponding ground_truth
- -Expand source code - -
def sanity_check(self, image_index):
-    """Plots the augmented image and ground_truth to check if everything is ok.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image_index : int
-        Index of the image and its corresponding ground_truth
-    """
-    image = self.aug_images[image_index][:,:,0]
-    ground_truth = self.aug_ground_truth[image_index][:,:,0]
-    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
-    plt.axis('off')
-    plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray', 
-               norm=None, interpolation=None)
-    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
-    plt.axis('off')
-    plt.imshow(ground_truth, cmap='gray', 
-               norm=None, interpolation=None)

Inherited members

- -
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/internals/image_functions.html b/html/models/internals/image_functions.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5cd254f..0000000 --- a/html/models/internals/image_functions.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1340 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.internals.image_functions API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.internals.image_functions

- -Expand source code - -
import os
-import glob
-import sys
-import math
-import numpy as np
-#TODO: change to cv2?
-import skimage
-import as skio
-class Image_Functions():
-    def list_images(self, image_dir, image_ext = '*.tif'):
-        """List images in the directory with the given file extension
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_dir : `str`
-            Directory to look for image files
-        image_ext : `str`, optional
-            [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image_list : `list`
-            List of images found in the directory with the given file extension
-        Notes
-        ----------
-        For linux based systems, please ensure that the file extensions are either in all lowercase or all uppercase.
-        """
-        # to bypass case sensitivity of file extensions in linux and possibly other systems
-        if sys.platform in ["win32",]:
-            image_extension = [image_ext]
-        else:
-            image_extension = [image_ext.lower(),image_ext.upper()]
-        image_list = []
-        for ext in image_extension:
-            image_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir,ext)))
-        return image_list
-    #######################
-    # Image IO functions
-    #######################
-    def load_image(self, image_path, subfolder = 'Images', image_index = 0, image_ext = '*.tif'):
-        """Loads images found in ``image_path``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_path : `str`
-            Path to look for image files
-        subfolder : `str`, optional
-            [Default: 'Images'] Subfolder in which to look for the image files
-        image_index : `int`, optional
-            [Default: 0] Index of image to load
-        image_ext : `str`, optional
-            [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Loaded image
-        Notes
-        ----------
-        Only one image from in each directory is loaded.
-        """
-        if os.path.isdir(image_path) is True:
-            image_list = self.list_images(os.path.join(image_path, subfolder), image_ext = image_ext)
-            if len(image_list) > 1:
-               warnings.warn("More that 1 image found in directory. Loading {}".format(image_list[image_index]))
-            # Load image
-            image = skio.imread(image_list[image_index])
-        else:
-            image = skio.imread(image_path)
-        return image
-    def load_ground_truth(self, image_path, subfolder = 'Masks', image_ext = '*.tif'):
-        """Loads ground truth images found in ``image_path`` and performs erosion/dilation/inversion if needed
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_path : `str`
-            Path to look for ground truth images
-        subfolder : `str`, optional
-            [Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which to look for the ground truth images
-        image_ext : `str`, optional
-            [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of ground truth image file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        output_ground_truth : `list`
-            List of ground truth images found in the directory with the given file extension
-        class_ids : `list`
-            List of class ids of the ground truth images
-        """
-        image_list = self.list_images(os.path.join(image_path, subfolder), image_ext = image_ext)
-        output_ground_truth = []
-        class_ids = []
-        for ground_truth_path in image_list:
-            # add class if not in list
-            ground_truth_name = ground_truth_path.split('\\')[-1]
-            class_name = ground_truth_name.split('_')[0]
-            # obtain class_id
-            class_ids.append(self.get_class_id(class_name))
-            # Load image
-            ground_truth_img = skio.imread(ground_truth_path)
-            # perform erosion so that the borders will still be there after augmentation
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_erosion") is True:
-                from skimage.morphology import binary_erosion, disk
-                # sets dtype back to unsigned integer in order for some augmentations to work
-                ground_truth_dtype = ground_truth_img.dtype
-                ground_truth_img = binary_erosion(ground_truth_img, disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size")))
-                ground_truth_img = ground_truth_img.astype(ground_truth_dtype)
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_dilation") is True:
-                from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-                ground_truth_dtype = ground_truth_img.dtype
-                ground_truth_img = binary_dilation(ground_truth_img, disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size")))
-                ground_truth_img = ground_truth_img.astype(ground_truth_dtype)
-            # perform inversion of ground_truth if needed
-            if self.config.get_parameter("invert_ground_truth") is True:
-                ground_truth_img = skimage.util.invert(ground_truth_img)
-            output_ground_truth.append(ground_truth_img)
-        return output_ground_truth, class_ids
-    def reshape_image(self, image):
-        """Reshapes the image to the correct dimenstions for Unet
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be reshaped
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Reshaped image 
-        """
-        h, w = image.shape[:2]
-        image = np.reshape(image, (h, w, -1))
-        return image
-    #######################
-    # Image padding
-    #######################
-    def pad_image(self, image, image_size, mode = 'constant'):
-        """Pad image to specified image_size
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be padded
-        image_size : `list`
-            Final size of padded image
-        mode : `str`, optional
-            [Default: 'constant'] Mode to pad the image
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Padded image
-        padding : `list`
-            List containing the number of pixels padded to each direction
-        """
-        h, w = image.shape[:2]
-        top_pad = (image_size[0] - h) // 2
-        bottom_pad = image_size[0] - h - top_pad
-        left_pad = (image_size[1] - w) // 2
-        right_pad = image_size[1] - w - left_pad
-        padding = ((top_pad, bottom_pad), (left_pad, right_pad))
-        image = np.pad(image, padding, mode = mode, constant_values=0)
-        return image, padding
-    def remove_pad_image(self, image, padding):
-        """Removes pad from image
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Padded image
-        padding : `list`
-            List containing the number of padded pixels in each direction
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image without padding
-        """
-        h, w = image.shape[:2]
-        return image[padding[0][0]:h-padding[0][1], padding[1][0]:w-padding[1][1]]
-    #######################
-    # Tiling functions
-    #######################
-    def tile_image(self, image, tile_size, tile_overlap_size):
-        """Converts an image into a list of tiled images
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be tiled
-        tile_size : `list`
-            Size of each individual tile
-        tile_overlap_size : `list`
-            Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image without padding
-        """
-        image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2]
-        tile_height = tile_size[0] - tile_overlap_size[0] * 2
-        tile_width = tile_size[1] - tile_overlap_size[1] * 2
-        if image_height <= tile_height and image_width <= tile_width:
-            return image
-        num_rows = math.ceil(image_height/tile_height)
-        num_cols = math.ceil(image_width/tile_width)
-        num_tiles = num_rows*num_cols
-        # pad image to fit tile size
-        image, padding = self.pad_image(image, (tile_height*num_rows + tile_overlap_size[0] * 2, tile_width*num_cols + tile_overlap_size[1]*2))
-        tile_image_list = []
-        for tile_no in range(num_tiles):
-            tile_x_start = (tile_no // num_rows) * tile_width
-            tile_x_end = tile_x_start + tile_size[1]
-            tile_y_start = (tile_no % num_rows) * tile_height
-            tile_y_end = tile_y_start + tile_size[0]
-            tile_image = image[tile_y_start: tile_y_end, tile_x_start:tile_x_end]
-            # ensure input into unet is of correct shape
-            tile_image = self.reshape_image(tile_image)
-            tile_image_list.append(tile_image)
-        return tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding
-    def untile_image(self, tile_list, tile_size, tile_overlap_size, num_rows, num_cols, padding): 
-        """Stitches a list of tiled images back into a single image
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        tile_list : `list`
-            List of tiled images
-        tile_size : `list`
-            Size of each individual tile
-        tile_overlap_size : `list`
-            Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
-        num_rows : `int`
-            Number of rows of tiles
-        num_cols : `int`
-            Number of cols of tiles
-        padding : `list`
-            Amount of padding used during tiling
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image without padding
-        """
-        if num_rows == 1 and num_cols == 1:
-            image = tile_list[0]
-            image = self.remove_pad_image(image, padding = padding)
-            return image
-        tile_height = tile_size[0] - tile_overlap_size[0] * 2
-        tile_width = tile_size[1] - tile_overlap_size[1] * 2
-        num_tiles = num_rows*num_cols
-        for col in range(num_cols):
-            for row in range(num_rows):
-                tile_image = tile_list[num_rows*col + row][:,:,0]
-                tile_image = tile_image[tile_overlap_size[0]:min(-tile_overlap_size[0],-1),tile_overlap_size[1]:min(-tile_overlap_size[1],-1)]
-                if row == 0:
-                    image_col = np.array(tile_image)
-                else:
-                    image_col = np.vstack((image_col, tile_image))
-            if col == 0:
-                image = image_col
-            else:
-                image = np.hstack((image, image_col))
-        image, _ = self.pad_image(image, image_size = (tile_height * num_rows + tile_overlap_size[0] * 2, tile_width * num_cols + tile_overlap_size[1]*2))
-        if padding is not None:
-            image = self.remove_pad_image(image, padding = padding)
-        return image
-    #######################
-    # Image normalization
-    #######################
-    def percentile_normalization(self, image, in_bound=[3, 99.8]):
-        """Performs percentile normalization on the image
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be normalized
-        in_bound : `list`
-            Upper and lower percentile used to normalize image
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Normalized image
-        image_min : `int`
-            Min value of ``image``
-        image_max : `int`
-            Max value of ``image``
-        """
-        image_min = np.percentile(image, in_bound[0])
-        image_max = np.percentile(image, in_bound[1])
-        image = (image - image_min)/(image_max - image_min)
-        return image, image_min, image_max


-class Image_Functions -(*args, **kwargs) -
- -Expand source code - -
class Image_Functions():
-    def list_images(self, image_dir, image_ext = '*.tif'):
-        """List images in the directory with the given file extension
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_dir : `str`
-            Directory to look for image files
-        image_ext : `str`, optional
-            [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image_list : `list`
-            List of images found in the directory with the given file extension
-        Notes
-        ----------
-        For linux based systems, please ensure that the file extensions are either in all lowercase or all uppercase.
-        """
-        # to bypass case sensitivity of file extensions in linux and possibly other systems
-        if sys.platform in ["win32",]:
-            image_extension = [image_ext]
-        else:
-            image_extension = [image_ext.lower(),image_ext.upper()]
-        image_list = []
-        for ext in image_extension:
-            image_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir,ext)))
-        return image_list
-    #######################
-    # Image IO functions
-    #######################
-    def load_image(self, image_path, subfolder = 'Images', image_index = 0, image_ext = '*.tif'):
-        """Loads images found in ``image_path``
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_path : `str`
-            Path to look for image files
-        subfolder : `str`, optional
-            [Default: 'Images'] Subfolder in which to look for the image files
-        image_index : `int`, optional
-            [Default: 0] Index of image to load
-        image_ext : `str`, optional
-            [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Loaded image
-        Notes
-        ----------
-        Only one image from in each directory is loaded.
-        """
-        if os.path.isdir(image_path) is True:
-            image_list = self.list_images(os.path.join(image_path, subfolder), image_ext = image_ext)
-            if len(image_list) > 1:
-               warnings.warn("More that 1 image found in directory. Loading {}".format(image_list[image_index]))
-            # Load image
-            image = skio.imread(image_list[image_index])
-        else:
-            image = skio.imread(image_path)
-        return image
-    def load_ground_truth(self, image_path, subfolder = 'Masks', image_ext = '*.tif'):
-        """Loads ground truth images found in ``image_path`` and performs erosion/dilation/inversion if needed
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image_path : `str`
-            Path to look for ground truth images
-        subfolder : `str`, optional
-            [Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which to look for the ground truth images
-        image_ext : `str`, optional
-            [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of ground truth image file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        output_ground_truth : `list`
-            List of ground truth images found in the directory with the given file extension
-        class_ids : `list`
-            List of class ids of the ground truth images
-        """
-        image_list = self.list_images(os.path.join(image_path, subfolder), image_ext = image_ext)
-        output_ground_truth = []
-        class_ids = []
-        for ground_truth_path in image_list:
-            # add class if not in list
-            ground_truth_name = ground_truth_path.split('\\')[-1]
-            class_name = ground_truth_name.split('_')[0]
-            # obtain class_id
-            class_ids.append(self.get_class_id(class_name))
-            # Load image
-            ground_truth_img = skio.imread(ground_truth_path)
-            # perform erosion so that the borders will still be there after augmentation
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_erosion") is True:
-                from skimage.morphology import binary_erosion, disk
-                # sets dtype back to unsigned integer in order for some augmentations to work
-                ground_truth_dtype = ground_truth_img.dtype
-                ground_truth_img = binary_erosion(ground_truth_img, disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size")))
-                ground_truth_img = ground_truth_img.astype(ground_truth_dtype)
-            if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_dilation") is True:
-                from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-                ground_truth_dtype = ground_truth_img.dtype
-                ground_truth_img = binary_dilation(ground_truth_img, disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size")))
-                ground_truth_img = ground_truth_img.astype(ground_truth_dtype)
-            # perform inversion of ground_truth if needed
-            if self.config.get_parameter("invert_ground_truth") is True:
-                ground_truth_img = skimage.util.invert(ground_truth_img)
-            output_ground_truth.append(ground_truth_img)
-        return output_ground_truth, class_ids
-    def reshape_image(self, image):
-        """Reshapes the image to the correct dimenstions for Unet
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be reshaped
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Reshaped image 
-        """
-        h, w = image.shape[:2]
-        image = np.reshape(image, (h, w, -1))
-        return image
-    #######################
-    # Image padding
-    #######################
-    def pad_image(self, image, image_size, mode = 'constant'):
-        """Pad image to specified image_size
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be padded
-        image_size : `list`
-            Final size of padded image
-        mode : `str`, optional
-            [Default: 'constant'] Mode to pad the image
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Padded image
-        padding : `list`
-            List containing the number of pixels padded to each direction
-        """
-        h, w = image.shape[:2]
-        top_pad = (image_size[0] - h) // 2
-        bottom_pad = image_size[0] - h - top_pad
-        left_pad = (image_size[1] - w) // 2
-        right_pad = image_size[1] - w - left_pad
-        padding = ((top_pad, bottom_pad), (left_pad, right_pad))
-        image = np.pad(image, padding, mode = mode, constant_values=0)
-        return image, padding
-    def remove_pad_image(self, image, padding):
-        """Removes pad from image
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Padded image
-        padding : `list`
-            List containing the number of padded pixels in each direction
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image without padding
-        """
-        h, w = image.shape[:2]
-        return image[padding[0][0]:h-padding[0][1], padding[1][0]:w-padding[1][1]]
-    #######################
-    # Tiling functions
-    #######################
-    def tile_image(self, image, tile_size, tile_overlap_size):
-        """Converts an image into a list of tiled images
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be tiled
-        tile_size : `list`
-            Size of each individual tile
-        tile_overlap_size : `list`
-            Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image without padding
-        """
-        image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2]
-        tile_height = tile_size[0] - tile_overlap_size[0] * 2
-        tile_width = tile_size[1] - tile_overlap_size[1] * 2
-        if image_height <= tile_height and image_width <= tile_width:
-            return image
-        num_rows = math.ceil(image_height/tile_height)
-        num_cols = math.ceil(image_width/tile_width)
-        num_tiles = num_rows*num_cols
-        # pad image to fit tile size
-        image, padding = self.pad_image(image, (tile_height*num_rows + tile_overlap_size[0] * 2, tile_width*num_cols + tile_overlap_size[1]*2))
-        tile_image_list = []
-        for tile_no in range(num_tiles):
-            tile_x_start = (tile_no // num_rows) * tile_width
-            tile_x_end = tile_x_start + tile_size[1]
-            tile_y_start = (tile_no % num_rows) * tile_height
-            tile_y_end = tile_y_start + tile_size[0]
-            tile_image = image[tile_y_start: tile_y_end, tile_x_start:tile_x_end]
-            # ensure input into unet is of correct shape
-            tile_image = self.reshape_image(tile_image)
-            tile_image_list.append(tile_image)
-        return tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding
-    def untile_image(self, tile_list, tile_size, tile_overlap_size, num_rows, num_cols, padding): 
-        """Stitches a list of tiled images back into a single image
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        tile_list : `list`
-            List of tiled images
-        tile_size : `list`
-            Size of each individual tile
-        tile_overlap_size : `list`
-            Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
-        num_rows : `int`
-            Number of rows of tiles
-        num_cols : `int`
-            Number of cols of tiles
-        padding : `list`
-            Amount of padding used during tiling
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image without padding
-        """
-        if num_rows == 1 and num_cols == 1:
-            image = tile_list[0]
-            image = self.remove_pad_image(image, padding = padding)
-            return image
-        tile_height = tile_size[0] - tile_overlap_size[0] * 2
-        tile_width = tile_size[1] - tile_overlap_size[1] * 2
-        num_tiles = num_rows*num_cols
-        for col in range(num_cols):
-            for row in range(num_rows):
-                tile_image = tile_list[num_rows*col + row][:,:,0]
-                tile_image = tile_image[tile_overlap_size[0]:min(-tile_overlap_size[0],-1),tile_overlap_size[1]:min(-tile_overlap_size[1],-1)]
-                if row == 0:
-                    image_col = np.array(tile_image)
-                else:
-                    image_col = np.vstack((image_col, tile_image))
-            if col == 0:
-                image = image_col
-            else:
-                image = np.hstack((image, image_col))
-        image, _ = self.pad_image(image, image_size = (tile_height * num_rows + tile_overlap_size[0] * 2, tile_width * num_cols + tile_overlap_size[1]*2))
-        if padding is not None:
-            image = self.remove_pad_image(image, padding = padding)
-        return image
-    #######################
-    # Image normalization
-    #######################
-    def percentile_normalization(self, image, in_bound=[3, 99.8]):
-        """Performs percentile normalization on the image
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Image to be normalized
-        in_bound : `list`
-            Upper and lower percentile used to normalize image
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        image : `array_like`
-            Normalized image
-        image_min : `int`
-            Min value of ``image``
-        image_max : `int`
-            Max value of ``image``
-        """
-        image_min = np.percentile(image, in_bound[0])
-        image_max = np.percentile(image, in_bound[1])
-        image = (image - image_min)/(image_max - image_min)
-        return image, image_min, image_max


- -


-def list_images(self, image_dir, image_ext='*.tif') -

List images in the directory with the given file extension



image_dir : str
Directory to look for image files
image_ext : str, optional
[Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file


image_list : list
List of images found in the directory with the given file extension



For linux based systems, please ensure that the file extensions are either in all lowercase or all uppercase.

- -Expand source code - -
def list_images(self, image_dir, image_ext = '*.tif'):
-    """List images in the directory with the given file extension
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image_dir : `str`
-        Directory to look for image files
-    image_ext : `str`, optional
-        [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image_list : `list`
-        List of images found in the directory with the given file extension
-    Notes
-    ----------
-    For linux based systems, please ensure that the file extensions are either in all lowercase or all uppercase.
-    """
-    # to bypass case sensitivity of file extensions in linux and possibly other systems
-    if sys.platform in ["win32",]:
-        image_extension = [image_ext]
-    else:
-        image_extension = [image_ext.lower(),image_ext.upper()]
-    image_list = []
-    for ext in image_extension:
-        image_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir,ext)))
-    return image_list
-def load_ground_truth(self, image_path, subfolder='Masks', image_ext='*.tif') -

Loads ground truth images found in image_path and performs erosion/dilation/inversion if needed



image_path : str
Path to look for ground truth images
subfolder : str, optional
[Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which to look for the ground truth images
image_ext : str, optional
[Default: '*.tif'] File extension of ground truth image file


output_ground_truth : list
List of ground truth images found in the directory with the given file extension
class_ids : list
List of class ids of the ground truth images
- -Expand source code - -
def load_ground_truth(self, image_path, subfolder = 'Masks', image_ext = '*.tif'):
-    """Loads ground truth images found in ``image_path`` and performs erosion/dilation/inversion if needed
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image_path : `str`
-        Path to look for ground truth images
-    subfolder : `str`, optional
-        [Default: 'Masks'] Subfolder in which to look for the ground truth images
-    image_ext : `str`, optional
-        [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of ground truth image file
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    output_ground_truth : `list`
-        List of ground truth images found in the directory with the given file extension
-    class_ids : `list`
-        List of class ids of the ground truth images
-    """
-    image_list = self.list_images(os.path.join(image_path, subfolder), image_ext = image_ext)
-    output_ground_truth = []
-    class_ids = []
-    for ground_truth_path in image_list:
-        # add class if not in list
-        ground_truth_name = ground_truth_path.split('\\')[-1]
-        class_name = ground_truth_name.split('_')[0]
-        # obtain class_id
-        class_ids.append(self.get_class_id(class_name))
-        # Load image
-        ground_truth_img = skio.imread(ground_truth_path)
-        # perform erosion so that the borders will still be there after augmentation
-        if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_erosion") is True:
-            from skimage.morphology import binary_erosion, disk
-            # sets dtype back to unsigned integer in order for some augmentations to work
-            ground_truth_dtype = ground_truth_img.dtype
-            ground_truth_img = binary_erosion(ground_truth_img, disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size")))
-            ground_truth_img = ground_truth_img.astype(ground_truth_dtype)
-        if self.config.get_parameter("use_binary_dilation") is True:
-            from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, disk
-            ground_truth_dtype = ground_truth_img.dtype
-            ground_truth_img = binary_dilation(ground_truth_img, disk(self.config.get_parameter("disk_size")))
-            ground_truth_img = ground_truth_img.astype(ground_truth_dtype)
-        # perform inversion of ground_truth if needed
-        if self.config.get_parameter("invert_ground_truth") is True:
-            ground_truth_img = skimage.util.invert(ground_truth_img)
-        output_ground_truth.append(ground_truth_img)
-    return output_ground_truth, class_ids
-def load_image(self, image_path, subfolder='Images', image_index=0, image_ext='*.tif') -

Loads images found in image_path



image_path : str
Path to look for image files
subfolder : str, optional
[Default: 'Images'] Subfolder in which to look for the image files
image_index : int, optional
[Default: 0] Index of image to load
image_ext : str, optional
[Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file


image : array_like
Loaded image



Only one image from in each directory is loaded.

- -Expand source code - -
def load_image(self, image_path, subfolder = 'Images', image_index = 0, image_ext = '*.tif'):
-    """Loads images found in ``image_path``
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image_path : `str`
-        Path to look for image files
-    subfolder : `str`, optional
-        [Default: 'Images'] Subfolder in which to look for the image files
-    image_index : `int`, optional
-        [Default: 0] Index of image to load
-    image_ext : `str`, optional
-        [Default: '*.tif'] File extension of the image file
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Loaded image
-    Notes
-    ----------
-    Only one image from in each directory is loaded.
-    """
-    if os.path.isdir(image_path) is True:
-        image_list = self.list_images(os.path.join(image_path, subfolder), image_ext = image_ext)
-        if len(image_list) > 1:
-           warnings.warn("More that 1 image found in directory. Loading {}".format(image_list[image_index]))
-        # Load image
-        image = skio.imread(image_list[image_index])
-    else:
-        image = skio.imread(image_path)
-    return image
-def pad_image(self, image, image_size, mode='constant') -

Pad image to specified image_size



image : array_like
Image to be padded
image_size : list
Final size of padded image
mode : str, optional
[Default: 'constant'] Mode to pad the image


image : array_like
Padded image
padding : list
List containing the number of pixels padded to each direction
- -Expand source code - -
def pad_image(self, image, image_size, mode = 'constant'):
-    """Pad image to specified image_size
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image to be padded
-    image_size : `list`
-        Final size of padded image
-    mode : `str`, optional
-        [Default: 'constant'] Mode to pad the image
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Padded image
-    padding : `list`
-        List containing the number of pixels padded to each direction
-    """
-    h, w = image.shape[:2]
-    top_pad = (image_size[0] - h) // 2
-    bottom_pad = image_size[0] - h - top_pad
-    left_pad = (image_size[1] - w) // 2
-    right_pad = image_size[1] - w - left_pad
-    padding = ((top_pad, bottom_pad), (left_pad, right_pad))
-    image = np.pad(image, padding, mode = mode, constant_values=0)
-    return image, padding
-def percentile_normalization(self, image, in_bound=[3, 99.8]) -

Performs percentile normalization on the image



image : array_like
Image to be normalized
in_bound : list
Upper and lower percentile used to normalize image


image : array_like
Normalized image
image_min : int
Min value of image
image_max : int
Max value of image
- -Expand source code - -
def percentile_normalization(self, image, in_bound=[3, 99.8]):
-    """Performs percentile normalization on the image
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image to be normalized
-    in_bound : `list`
-        Upper and lower percentile used to normalize image
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Normalized image
-    image_min : `int`
-        Min value of ``image``
-    image_max : `int`
-        Max value of ``image``
-    """
-    image_min = np.percentile(image, in_bound[0])
-    image_max = np.percentile(image, in_bound[1])
-    image = (image - image_min)/(image_max - image_min)
-    return image, image_min, image_max
-def remove_pad_image(self, image, padding) -

Removes pad from image



image : array_like
Padded image
padding : list
List containing the number of padded pixels in each direction


image : array_like
Image without padding
- -Expand source code - -
def remove_pad_image(self, image, padding):
-    """Removes pad from image
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Padded image
-    padding : `list`
-        List containing the number of padded pixels in each direction
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image without padding
-    """
-    h, w = image.shape[:2]
-    return image[padding[0][0]:h-padding[0][1], padding[1][0]:w-padding[1][1]]
-def reshape_image(self, image) -

Reshapes the image to the correct dimenstions for Unet



image : array_like
Image to be reshaped


image : array_like
Reshaped image
- -Expand source code - -
def reshape_image(self, image):
-    """Reshapes the image to the correct dimenstions for Unet
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image to be reshaped
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Reshaped image 
-    """
-    h, w = image.shape[:2]
-    image = np.reshape(image, (h, w, -1))
-    return image
-def tile_image(self, image, tile_size, tile_overlap_size) -

Converts an image into a list of tiled images



image : array_like
Image to be tiled
tile_size : list
Size of each individual tile
tile_overlap_size : list
Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile


image : array_like
Image without padding
- -Expand source code - -
def tile_image(self, image, tile_size, tile_overlap_size):
-    """Converts an image into a list of tiled images
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image to be tiled
-    tile_size : `list`
-        Size of each individual tile
-    tile_overlap_size : `list`
-        Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image without padding
-    """
-    image_height, image_width = image.shape[:2]
-    tile_height = tile_size[0] - tile_overlap_size[0] * 2
-    tile_width = tile_size[1] - tile_overlap_size[1] * 2
-    if image_height <= tile_height and image_width <= tile_width:
-        return image
-    num_rows = math.ceil(image_height/tile_height)
-    num_cols = math.ceil(image_width/tile_width)
-    num_tiles = num_rows*num_cols
-    # pad image to fit tile size
-    image, padding = self.pad_image(image, (tile_height*num_rows + tile_overlap_size[0] * 2, tile_width*num_cols + tile_overlap_size[1]*2))
-    tile_image_list = []
-    for tile_no in range(num_tiles):
-        tile_x_start = (tile_no // num_rows) * tile_width
-        tile_x_end = tile_x_start + tile_size[1]
-        tile_y_start = (tile_no % num_rows) * tile_height
-        tile_y_end = tile_y_start + tile_size[0]
-        tile_image = image[tile_y_start: tile_y_end, tile_x_start:tile_x_end]
-        # ensure input into unet is of correct shape
-        tile_image = self.reshape_image(tile_image)
-        tile_image_list.append(tile_image)
-    return tile_image_list, num_rows, num_cols, padding
-def untile_image(self, tile_list, tile_size, tile_overlap_size, num_rows, num_cols, padding) -

Stitches a list of tiled images back into a single image



tile_list : list
List of tiled images
tile_size : list
Size of each individual tile
tile_overlap_size : list
Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
num_rows : int
Number of rows of tiles
num_cols : int
Number of cols of tiles
padding : list
Amount of padding used during tiling


image : array_like
Image without padding
- -Expand source code - -
def untile_image(self, tile_list, tile_size, tile_overlap_size, num_rows, num_cols, padding): 
-    """Stitches a list of tiled images back into a single image
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    tile_list : `list`
-        List of tiled images
-    tile_size : `list`
-        Size of each individual tile
-    tile_overlap_size : `list`
-        Amount of overlap (in pixels) between each tile
-    num_rows : `int`
-        Number of rows of tiles
-    num_cols : `int`
-        Number of cols of tiles
-    padding : `list`
-        Amount of padding used during tiling
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    image : `array_like`
-        Image without padding
-    """
-    if num_rows == 1 and num_cols == 1:
-        image = tile_list[0]
-        image = self.remove_pad_image(image, padding = padding)
-        return image
-    tile_height = tile_size[0] - tile_overlap_size[0] * 2
-    tile_width = tile_size[1] - tile_overlap_size[1] * 2
-    num_tiles = num_rows*num_cols
-    for col in range(num_cols):
-        for row in range(num_rows):
-            tile_image = tile_list[num_rows*col + row][:,:,0]
-            tile_image = tile_image[tile_overlap_size[0]:min(-tile_overlap_size[0],-1),tile_overlap_size[1]:min(-tile_overlap_size[1],-1)]
-            if row == 0:
-                image_col = np.array(tile_image)
-            else:
-                image_col = np.vstack((image_col, tile_image))
-        if col == 0:
-            image = image_col
-        else:
-            image = np.hstack((image, image_col))
-    image, _ = self.pad_image(image, image_size = (tile_height * num_rows + tile_overlap_size[0] * 2, tile_width * num_cols + tile_overlap_size[1]*2))
-    if padding is not None:
-        image = self.remove_pad_image(image, padding = padding)
-    return image
- -
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Module models.internals.losses

- -Expand source code - -
from keras import backend as K
-from keras.losses import binary_crossentropy, mean_absolute_error
-import tensorflow as tf
-def jaccard_distance_loss(y_true, y_pred, smooth=100):
-    """
-    Jaccard = (|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y| - |X & Y|)
-            = sum(|A*B|)/(sum(|A|)+sum(|B|)-sum(|A*B|))
-    The jaccard distance loss is usefull for unbalanced datasets. This has been
-    shifted so it converges on 0 and is smoothed to avoid exploding or disapearing
-    gradient.
-    Ref:
-    @url:
-    @author: wassname
-    """
-    intersection = K.sum(y_true * y_pred, axis=-1)
-    sum_ = K.sum(y_true + y_pred, axis=-1)
-    jac = (intersection + smooth) / (sum_ - intersection + smooth)
-    return (1 - jac) * smooth
-def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred, smooth=1.):
-    """
-    Dice = (2*|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y|)
-         =  2*sum(|A*B|)/(sum(A^2)+sum(B^2))
-    ref:
-    from wassname as well
-    """
-    intersection = K.sum(y_true * y_pred, axis=-1)
-    return (2. * intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(K.square(y_true),-1) + K.sum(K.square(y_pred),-1) + smooth)
-def dice_coef_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return 1. - dice_coef(y_true, y_pred)
-def bce_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return 1. - dice_coef(y_true, y_pred) + binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
-def bce_ssim_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred) + binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
-# code download from:
-def lovasz_grad(gt_sorted):
-    """
-    Computes gradient of the Lovasz extension w.r.t sorted errors
-    See Alg. 1 in paper
-    """
-    gts = tf.reduce_sum(gt_sorted)
-    intersection = gts - tf.cumsum(gt_sorted)
-    union = gts + tf.cumsum(1. - gt_sorted)
-    jaccard = 1. - intersection / union
-    jaccard = tf.concat((jaccard[0:1], jaccard[1:] - jaccard[:-1]), 0)
-    return jaccard
-# --------------------------- BINARY LOSSES ---------------------------
-def lovasz_hinge(logits, labels, per_image=True, ignore=None):
-    """
-    Binary Lovasz hinge loss
-      logits: [B, H, W] Variable, logits at each pixel (between -\infty and +\infty)
-      labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, binary ground truth masks (0 or 1)
-      per_image: compute the loss per image instead of per batch
-      ignore: void class id
-    """
-    if per_image:
-        def treat_image(log_lab):
-            log, lab = log_lab
-            log, lab = tf.expand_dims(log, 0), tf.expand_dims(lab, 0)
-            log, lab = flatten_binary_scores(log, lab, ignore)
-            return lovasz_hinge_flat(log, lab)
-        losses = tf.map_fn(treat_image, (logits, labels), dtype=tf.float32)
-        loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)
-    else:
-        loss = lovasz_hinge_flat(*flatten_binary_scores(logits, labels, ignore))
-    return loss
-def lovasz_hinge_flat(logits, labels):
-    """
-    Binary Lovasz hinge loss
-      logits: [P] Variable, logits at each prediction (between -\infty and +\infty)
-      labels: [P] Tensor, binary ground truth labels (0 or 1)
-      ignore: label to ignore
-    """
-    def compute_loss():
-        labelsf = tf.cast(labels, logits.dtype)
-        signs = 2. * labelsf - 1.
-        errors = 1. - logits * tf.stop_gradient(signs)
-        errors_sorted, perm = tf.nn.top_k(errors, k=tf.shape(errors)[0], name="descending_sort")
-        gt_sorted = tf.gather(labelsf, perm)
-        grad = lovasz_grad(gt_sorted)
-        loss = tf.tensordot(tf.nn.relu(errors_sorted), tf.stop_gradient(grad), 1, name="loss_non_void")
-        return loss
-    # deal with the void prediction case (only void pixels)
-    loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(logits)[0], 0),
-                   lambda: tf.reduce_sum(logits) * 0.,
-                   compute_loss,
-                   strict=True,
-                   name="loss"
-                   )
-    return loss
-def flatten_binary_scores(scores, labels, ignore=None):
-    """
-    Flattens predictions in the batch (binary case)
-    Remove labels equal to 'ignore'
-    """
-    scores = tf.reshape(scores, (-1,))
-    labels = tf.reshape(labels, (-1,))
-    if ignore is None:
-        return scores, labels
-    valid = tf.not_equal(labels, ignore)
-    vscores = tf.boolean_mask(scores, valid, name='valid_scores')
-    vlabels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, valid, name='valid_labels')
-    return vscores, vlabels
-def lovasz_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    y_true, y_pred = K.cast(K.squeeze(y_true, -1), 'int32'), K.cast(K.squeeze(y_pred, -1), 'float32')
-    #logits = K.log(y_pred / (1. - y_pred))
-    logits = y_pred #Jiaxin
-    loss = lovasz_hinge(logits, y_true, per_image = True, ignore = None)
-    return loss
-# Difference of Structural Similarity
-def DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, kernel_size=3, max_value=1.0):
-    # There are additional parameters for this function
-    # Note: some of the 'modes' for edge behavior do not yet have a
-    # gradient definition in the Theano tree
-    #   and cannot be used for learning
-    c1 = (k1 * max_value) ** 2
-    c2 = (k2 * max_value) ** 2
-    kernel = [kernel_size, kernel_size]
-    y_true = K.reshape(y_true, [-1] + list(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1:]))
-    y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, [-1] + list(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1:]))
-    patches_pred = tf.extract_image_patches(y_pred, [1, 5, 5, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME")
-    patches_true = tf.extract_image_patches(y_true, [1, 5, 5, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME")
-    # Reshape to get the var in the cells
-    bs, w, h, c = K.int_shape(patches_pred)
-    patches_pred = K.reshape(patches_pred, [-1, w, h, c])
-    patches_true = K.reshape(patches_true, [-1, w, h, c])
-    # Get mean
-    u_true = K.mean(patches_true, axis=-1)
-    u_pred = K.mean(patches_pred, axis=-1)
-    # Get variance
-    var_true = K.var(patches_true, axis=-1)
-    var_pred = K.var(patches_pred, axis=-1)
-    # Get std dev
-    covar_true_pred = K.mean(patches_true * patches_pred, axis=-1) - u_true * u_pred
-    ssim = (2 * u_true * u_pred + c1) * (2 * covar_true_pred + c2)
-    denom = ((K.square(u_true)
-              + K.square(u_pred)
-              + c1) * (var_pred + var_true + c2))
-    ssim /= denom  # no need for clipping, c1 and c2 make the denom non-zero
-    return K.mean((1.0 - ssim) / 2.0)
-def dssim_mae_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred) + mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
-def keras_SSIM_cs(y_true, y_pred):
-    axis=None
-    gaussian = make_kernel(1.5)
-    x = tf.nn.conv2d(y_true, gaussian, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
-    y = tf.nn.conv2d(y_pred, gaussian, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
-    u_x=K.mean(x, axis=axis)
-    u_y=K.mean(y, axis=axis)
-    var_x=K.var(x, axis=axis)
-    var_y=K.var(y, axis=axis)
-    cov_xy=cov_keras(x, y, axis)
-    K1=0.01
-    K2=0.03
-    L=1  # depth of image (255 in case the image has a differnt scale)
-    C1=(K1*L)**2
-    C2=(K2*L)**2
-    C3=C2/2
-    l = ((2*u_x*u_y)+C1) / (K.pow(u_x,2) + K.pow(u_x,2) + C1)
-    c = ((2*K.sqrt(var_x)*K.sqrt(var_y))+C2) / (var_x + var_y + C2)
-    s = (cov_xy+C3) / (K.sqrt(var_x)*K.sqrt(var_y) + C3)
-    return [c,s,l]
-def keras_MS_SSIM(y_true, y_pred):
-    iterations = 5
-    x=y_true
-    y=y_pred
-    weight = [0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333]
-    c=[]
-    s=[]
-    for i in range(iterations):
-        cs=keras_SSIM_cs(x, y)
-        c.append(cs[0])
-        s.append(cs[1])
-        l=cs[2]
-        if(i!=4):
-            x=tf.image.resize_images(x, (x.get_shape().as_list()[1]//(2**(i+1)), x.get_shape().as_list()[2]//(2**(i+1))))
-            y=tf.image.resize_images(y, (y.get_shape().as_list()[1]//(2**(i+1)), y.get_shape().as_list()[2]//(2**(i+1))))
-    c = tf.stack(c)
-    s = tf.stack(s)
-    cs = c*s
-    #Normalize: suggestion from last comment to avoid NaN values
-    l=(l+1)/2
-    cs=(cs+1)/2
-    cs=cs**weight
-    cs = tf.reduce_prod(cs)
-    l=l**weight[-1]
-    ms_ssim = l*cs
-    ms_ssim = tf.where(tf.is_nan(ms_ssim), K.zeros_like(ms_ssim), ms_ssim)
-    return K.mean(ms_ssim)
-def mssim_mae_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return keras_MS_SSIM(y_true, y_pred) + mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)


-def DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, kernel_size=3, max_value=1.0) -
- -Expand source code - -
def DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, kernel_size=3, max_value=1.0):
-    # There are additional parameters for this function
-    # Note: some of the 'modes' for edge behavior do not yet have a
-    # gradient definition in the Theano tree
-    #   and cannot be used for learning
-    c1 = (k1 * max_value) ** 2
-    c2 = (k2 * max_value) ** 2
-    kernel = [kernel_size, kernel_size]
-    y_true = K.reshape(y_true, [-1] + list(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1:]))
-    y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, [-1] + list(K.int_shape(y_pred)[1:]))
-    patches_pred = tf.extract_image_patches(y_pred, [1, 5, 5, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME")
-    patches_true = tf.extract_image_patches(y_true, [1, 5, 5, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], "SAME")
-    # Reshape to get the var in the cells
-    bs, w, h, c = K.int_shape(patches_pred)
-    patches_pred = K.reshape(patches_pred, [-1, w, h, c])
-    patches_true = K.reshape(patches_true, [-1, w, h, c])
-    # Get mean
-    u_true = K.mean(patches_true, axis=-1)
-    u_pred = K.mean(patches_pred, axis=-1)
-    # Get variance
-    var_true = K.var(patches_true, axis=-1)
-    var_pred = K.var(patches_pred, axis=-1)
-    # Get std dev
-    covar_true_pred = K.mean(patches_true * patches_pred, axis=-1) - u_true * u_pred
-    ssim = (2 * u_true * u_pred + c1) * (2 * covar_true_pred + c2)
-    denom = ((K.square(u_true)
-              + K.square(u_pred)
-              + c1) * (var_pred + var_true + c2))
-    ssim /= denom  # no need for clipping, c1 and c2 make the denom non-zero
-    return K.mean((1.0 - ssim) / 2.0)
-def bce_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def bce_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return 1. - dice_coef(y_true, y_pred) + binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
-def bce_ssim_loss(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def bce_ssim_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred) + binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
-def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred, smooth=1.0) -

Dice = (2|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y|) -= -2sum(|A*B|)/(sum(A^2)+sum(B^2)) -ref:


from wassname as well

- -Expand source code - -
def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred, smooth=1.):
-    """
-    Dice = (2*|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y|)
-         =  2*sum(|A*B|)/(sum(A^2)+sum(B^2))
-    ref:
-    from wassname as well
-    """
-    intersection = K.sum(y_true * y_pred, axis=-1)
-    return (2. * intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(K.square(y_true),-1) + K.sum(K.square(y_pred),-1) + smooth)
-def dice_coef_loss(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def dice_coef_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return 1. - dice_coef(y_true, y_pred)
-def dssim_mae_loss(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def dssim_mae_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return DSSIM_loss(y_true, y_pred) + mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
-def flatten_binary_scores(scores, labels, ignore=None) -

Flattens predictions in the batch (binary case) -Remove labels equal to 'ignore'

- -Expand source code - -
def flatten_binary_scores(scores, labels, ignore=None):
-    """
-    Flattens predictions in the batch (binary case)
-    Remove labels equal to 'ignore'
-    """
-    scores = tf.reshape(scores, (-1,))
-    labels = tf.reshape(labels, (-1,))
-    if ignore is None:
-        return scores, labels
-    valid = tf.not_equal(labels, ignore)
-    vscores = tf.boolean_mask(scores, valid, name='valid_scores')
-    vlabels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, valid, name='valid_labels')
-    return vscores, vlabels
-def jaccard_distance_loss(y_true, y_pred, smooth=100) -

Jaccard = (|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y| - |X & Y|) -= sum(|AB|)/(sum(|A|)+sum(|B|)-sum(|AB|))


The jaccard distance loss is usefull for unbalanced datasets. This has been -shifted so it converges on 0 and is smoothed to avoid exploding or disapearing -gradient.




@url: -@author: wassname

- -Expand source code - -
def jaccard_distance_loss(y_true, y_pred, smooth=100):
-    """
-    Jaccard = (|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y| - |X & Y|)
-            = sum(|A*B|)/(sum(|A|)+sum(|B|)-sum(|A*B|))
-    The jaccard distance loss is usefull for unbalanced datasets. This has been
-    shifted so it converges on 0 and is smoothed to avoid exploding or disapearing
-    gradient.
-    Ref:
-    @url:
-    @author: wassname
-    """
-    intersection = K.sum(y_true * y_pred, axis=-1)
-    sum_ = K.sum(y_true + y_pred, axis=-1)
-    jac = (intersection + smooth) / (sum_ - intersection + smooth)
-    return (1 - jac) * smooth
-def keras_MS_SSIM(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def keras_MS_SSIM(y_true, y_pred):
-    iterations = 5
-    x=y_true
-    y=y_pred
-    weight = [0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333]
-    c=[]
-    s=[]
-    for i in range(iterations):
-        cs=keras_SSIM_cs(x, y)
-        c.append(cs[0])
-        s.append(cs[1])
-        l=cs[2]
-        if(i!=4):
-            x=tf.image.resize_images(x, (x.get_shape().as_list()[1]//(2**(i+1)), x.get_shape().as_list()[2]//(2**(i+1))))
-            y=tf.image.resize_images(y, (y.get_shape().as_list()[1]//(2**(i+1)), y.get_shape().as_list()[2]//(2**(i+1))))
-    c = tf.stack(c)
-    s = tf.stack(s)
-    cs = c*s
-    #Normalize: suggestion from last comment to avoid NaN values
-    l=(l+1)/2
-    cs=(cs+1)/2
-    cs=cs**weight
-    cs = tf.reduce_prod(cs)
-    l=l**weight[-1]
-    ms_ssim = l*cs
-    ms_ssim = tf.where(tf.is_nan(ms_ssim), K.zeros_like(ms_ssim), ms_ssim)
-    return K.mean(ms_ssim)
-def keras_SSIM_cs(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def keras_SSIM_cs(y_true, y_pred):
-    axis=None
-    gaussian = make_kernel(1.5)
-    x = tf.nn.conv2d(y_true, gaussian, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
-    y = tf.nn.conv2d(y_pred, gaussian, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
-    u_x=K.mean(x, axis=axis)
-    u_y=K.mean(y, axis=axis)
-    var_x=K.var(x, axis=axis)
-    var_y=K.var(y, axis=axis)
-    cov_xy=cov_keras(x, y, axis)
-    K1=0.01
-    K2=0.03
-    L=1  # depth of image (255 in case the image has a differnt scale)
-    C1=(K1*L)**2
-    C2=(K2*L)**2
-    C3=C2/2
-    l = ((2*u_x*u_y)+C1) / (K.pow(u_x,2) + K.pow(u_x,2) + C1)
-    c = ((2*K.sqrt(var_x)*K.sqrt(var_y))+C2) / (var_x + var_y + C2)
-    s = (cov_xy+C3) / (K.sqrt(var_x)*K.sqrt(var_y) + C3)
-    return [c,s,l]
-def lovasz_grad(gt_sorted) -

Computes gradient of the Lovasz extension w.r.t sorted errors -See Alg. 1 in paper

- -Expand source code - -
def lovasz_grad(gt_sorted):
-    """
-    Computes gradient of the Lovasz extension w.r.t sorted errors
-    See Alg. 1 in paper
-    """
-    gts = tf.reduce_sum(gt_sorted)
-    intersection = gts - tf.cumsum(gt_sorted)
-    union = gts + tf.cumsum(1. - gt_sorted)
-    jaccard = 1. - intersection / union
-    jaccard = tf.concat((jaccard[0:1], jaccard[1:] - jaccard[:-1]), 0)
-    return jaccard
-def lovasz_hinge(logits, labels, per_image=True, ignore=None) -

Binary Lovasz hinge loss -logits: [B, H, W] Variable, logits at each pixel (between -\infty and +\infty) -labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, binary ground truth masks (0 or 1) -per_image: compute the loss per image instead of per batch -ignore: void class id

- -Expand source code - -
def lovasz_hinge(logits, labels, per_image=True, ignore=None):
-    """
-    Binary Lovasz hinge loss
-      logits: [B, H, W] Variable, logits at each pixel (between -\infty and +\infty)
-      labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, binary ground truth masks (0 or 1)
-      per_image: compute the loss per image instead of per batch
-      ignore: void class id
-    """
-    if per_image:
-        def treat_image(log_lab):
-            log, lab = log_lab
-            log, lab = tf.expand_dims(log, 0), tf.expand_dims(lab, 0)
-            log, lab = flatten_binary_scores(log, lab, ignore)
-            return lovasz_hinge_flat(log, lab)
-        losses = tf.map_fn(treat_image, (logits, labels), dtype=tf.float32)
-        loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)
-    else:
-        loss = lovasz_hinge_flat(*flatten_binary_scores(logits, labels, ignore))
-    return loss
-def lovasz_hinge_flat(logits, labels) -

Binary Lovasz hinge loss -logits: [P] Variable, logits at each prediction (between -\infty and +\infty) -labels: [P] Tensor, binary ground truth labels (0 or 1) -ignore: label to ignore

- -Expand source code - -
def lovasz_hinge_flat(logits, labels):
-    """
-    Binary Lovasz hinge loss
-      logits: [P] Variable, logits at each prediction (between -\infty and +\infty)
-      labels: [P] Tensor, binary ground truth labels (0 or 1)
-      ignore: label to ignore
-    """
-    def compute_loss():
-        labelsf = tf.cast(labels, logits.dtype)
-        signs = 2. * labelsf - 1.
-        errors = 1. - logits * tf.stop_gradient(signs)
-        errors_sorted, perm = tf.nn.top_k(errors, k=tf.shape(errors)[0], name="descending_sort")
-        gt_sorted = tf.gather(labelsf, perm)
-        grad = lovasz_grad(gt_sorted)
-        loss = tf.tensordot(tf.nn.relu(errors_sorted), tf.stop_gradient(grad), 1, name="loss_non_void")
-        return loss
-    # deal with the void prediction case (only void pixels)
-    loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(logits)[0], 0),
-                   lambda: tf.reduce_sum(logits) * 0.,
-                   compute_loss,
-                   strict=True,
-                   name="loss"
-                   )
-    return loss
-def lovasz_loss(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def lovasz_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    y_true, y_pred = K.cast(K.squeeze(y_true, -1), 'int32'), K.cast(K.squeeze(y_pred, -1), 'float32')
-    #logits = K.log(y_pred / (1. - y_pred))
-    logits = y_pred #Jiaxin
-    loss = lovasz_hinge(logits, y_true, per_image = True, ignore = None)
-    return loss
-def mssim_mae_loss(y_true, y_pred) -
- -Expand source code - -
def mssim_mae_loss(y_true, y_pred):
-    return keras_MS_SSIM(y_true, y_pred) + mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/internals/network_config.html b/html/models/internals/network_config.html deleted file mode 100644 index b11b990..0000000 --- a/html/models/internals/network_config.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,908 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.internals.network_config API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.internals.network_config

- -Expand source code - -
import glob
-import os
-from ruamel.yaml import YAML
-class Network_Config(object):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, config_filepath = None, **kwargs):
-        """Creates Network_Config object that contains the network parameters and functions needed to manipulate these parameters.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Folder where the model is to be saved/read from
-        config_filepath : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Filepath to the config file that will be loaded
-        **kwargs
-            For network parameters that are to be changed from the loaded config file
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        yaml : :class:`ruamel.yaml.YAML`
-            YAML class with function needed to read/write YAML files 
-        config : `dict`
-            Dictionary containing the config parameters
-        """
-        self.yaml=YAML()
-        # load config file from model_dir
-        if config_filepath is not None:
-            self.config = self.load_config_from_file(config_filepath)
-            print("Loaded config file from {}".format(config_filepath))
-        elif model_dir is not None:
-            try:
-                self.config = self.load_config_from_model_dir(model_dir)
-                print("Loaded config file from {}".format(model_dir))
-            except:
-                print("Please ensure that config_filepath is set or there is a config file in model_dir")
-                raise
-        if model_dir is not None:
-            # update model_dir in config
-            print("Updating model_dir to {}".format(model_dir))
-            self.update_parameter(["general", "model_dir"], model_dir)
-        # overwrite network parameters with parameters given during initialization
-        for key, value in kwargs.items():
-            self.update_parameter(self.find_key(key), value)
-        # perform calculations
-        self.update_parameter(["model", "input_size"], self.get_parameter("tile_size") + [self.get_parameter("image_channel"),])
-        self.update_parameter(["model", "batch_size"], self.get_parameter("batch_size_per_GPU")) # * self.gpu_count
-    ######################
-    # Accessors/Mutators
-    ######################
-    def get_parameter(self, parameter, config = []):
-        """Output the value from the config file using the given key
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        parameter : `list` or `str`
-            Key or list of keys used to find for the value in the config file
-        config : `list`, optional
-            Used to iterate through nested dictionaries. Required to recursively iterate through neseted dictionary
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        value : `str` or `int` or `list`
-            Value obtained from the specified key
-        See Also
-        ----------
-        find_key : Function to identify the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
-        """
-        assert isinstance(parameter, (list, str))
-        # find for key in nested dictionary
-        if isinstance(parameter, str):
-            parameter = self.find_key(parameter)
-        if config == []:
-            config = self.config
-        if config is None:
-            return None
-        if not parameter:
-            return config
-        return self.get_parameter(parameter[1:], config = config.get(parameter[0]))
-    def update_parameter(self, parameter, value, config = None):
-        """Updates the parameter in the config file using a full addressed list
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        parameter : `list`
-            List of keys that point to the correct item in the nested dictionary
-        value : `str` or `int` or `list`
-            Value that is updated in the nested dictionary
-        config : `list` or `none`, optional
-            Used to iterate through nested dictionaries
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        TODO
-        """
-        assert type(parameter) is list
-        if config == None:
-            config = self.config
-        if len(parameter) == 1:
-            config.update({parameter[0]: value})
-            return config
-        return self.update_parameter(parameter[1:], value, config = self.config.get(parameter[0]))
-    def find_key(self, key, config = None):
-        """Find the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        key : `str`
-            Key that needs to be correctly addressed in a nested dictionary
-        config : `list` or `none`, optional
-            Used to iterate through nested dictionaries
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        key : `list`
-            Address of the key in the nested dictionary
-        """
-        if config == None:
-            config = self.config
-        key_path = []
-        for k, v in config.items():
-            if k == key:
-                return [k]
-            elif isinstance(v, dict):
-                found_key = self.find_key(key, config = v)
-                if found_key is not None:
-                    return [k] + found_key
-    ######################
-    # Config IO options
-    ######################
-    def load_config_from_file(self, file_path):
-        """Load parameters from yaml file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        file_path : `str`
-            Path of config file to load
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        config : `dict`
-            Dictionary containing the config parameters
-        """
-        with open(file_path, 'r') as input_file: 
-            config = self.yaml.load(input_file)
-            input_file.close()
-        return config
-    def load_config_from_model_dir(self, model_dir):
-        """Finds for a config file from the model directory and loads it
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`
-            Folder to search for and load the config file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        config : `dict`
-            Dictionary containing the config parameters
-        Raises
-        ------
-        IndexError
-            If there are no config file in the model_dir
-        """
-        # check if yaml file exists in model_dir
-        try:
-            list_config_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*config.yml'))
-            if len(list_config_files) > 1:
-                print("Multiple config files found. Loading {}".format(list_config_files[0]))
-            else:
-                print("Config file exists in model directory. Loading {}".format(list_config_files[0]))
-            return self.load_config_from_file(list_config_files[0])
-        except IndexError:
-            print("No config file found in model_dir.")
-            raise
-    def write_config(self, file_path):
-        """Writes parameters to yaml file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        file_path : `str`
-            Path of config file to write to
-        """
-        with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:  
-            self.yaml.dump(self.config, output_file)
-        output_file.close()
-        print("Config file written to: {}".format(file_path))
-    def write_model(self, model, file_path):
-        """Writes parameters to yaml file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model : :class:`Keras.model`
-            Keras model that will be parsed and written to a yaml file
-        file_path : `str`
-            Path of model file to write to
-        """
-        with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:  
-            output_file.write(model.to_yaml())
-        output_file.close()
-        print("Model file written to: {}".format(file_path))


-class Network_Config -(model_dir=None, config_filepath=None, **kwargs) -

Creates Network_Config object that contains the network parameters and functions needed to manipulate these parameters.



model_dir : str, optional
[Default: None] Folder where the model is to be saved/read from
config_filepath : str, optional
[Default: None] Filepath to the config file that will be loaded
For network parameters that are to be changed from the loaded config file


yaml : :class:ruamel.yaml.YAML
YAML class with function needed to read/write YAML files
config : dict
Dictionary containing the config parameters
- -Expand source code - -
class Network_Config(object):
-    def __init__(self, model_dir = None, config_filepath = None, **kwargs):
-        """Creates Network_Config object that contains the network parameters and functions needed to manipulate these parameters.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Folder where the model is to be saved/read from
-        config_filepath : `str`, optional
-            [Default: None] Filepath to the config file that will be loaded
-        **kwargs
-            For network parameters that are to be changed from the loaded config file
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        yaml : :class:`ruamel.yaml.YAML`
-            YAML class with function needed to read/write YAML files 
-        config : `dict`
-            Dictionary containing the config parameters
-        """
-        self.yaml=YAML()
-        # load config file from model_dir
-        if config_filepath is not None:
-            self.config = self.load_config_from_file(config_filepath)
-            print("Loaded config file from {}".format(config_filepath))
-        elif model_dir is not None:
-            try:
-                self.config = self.load_config_from_model_dir(model_dir)
-                print("Loaded config file from {}".format(model_dir))
-            except:
-                print("Please ensure that config_filepath is set or there is a config file in model_dir")
-                raise
-        if model_dir is not None:
-            # update model_dir in config
-            print("Updating model_dir to {}".format(model_dir))
-            self.update_parameter(["general", "model_dir"], model_dir)
-        # overwrite network parameters with parameters given during initialization
-        for key, value in kwargs.items():
-            self.update_parameter(self.find_key(key), value)
-        # perform calculations
-        self.update_parameter(["model", "input_size"], self.get_parameter("tile_size") + [self.get_parameter("image_channel"),])
-        self.update_parameter(["model", "batch_size"], self.get_parameter("batch_size_per_GPU")) # * self.gpu_count
-    ######################
-    # Accessors/Mutators
-    ######################
-    def get_parameter(self, parameter, config = []):
-        """Output the value from the config file using the given key
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        parameter : `list` or `str`
-            Key or list of keys used to find for the value in the config file
-        config : `list`, optional
-            Used to iterate through nested dictionaries. Required to recursively iterate through neseted dictionary
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        value : `str` or `int` or `list`
-            Value obtained from the specified key
-        See Also
-        ----------
-        find_key : Function to identify the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
-        """
-        assert isinstance(parameter, (list, str))
-        # find for key in nested dictionary
-        if isinstance(parameter, str):
-            parameter = self.find_key(parameter)
-        if config == []:
-            config = self.config
-        if config is None:
-            return None
-        if not parameter:
-            return config
-        return self.get_parameter(parameter[1:], config = config.get(parameter[0]))
-    def update_parameter(self, parameter, value, config = None):
-        """Updates the parameter in the config file using a full addressed list
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        parameter : `list`
-            List of keys that point to the correct item in the nested dictionary
-        value : `str` or `int` or `list`
-            Value that is updated in the nested dictionary
-        config : `list` or `none`, optional
-            Used to iterate through nested dictionaries
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        TODO
-        """
-        assert type(parameter) is list
-        if config == None:
-            config = self.config
-        if len(parameter) == 1:
-            config.update({parameter[0]: value})
-            return config
-        return self.update_parameter(parameter[1:], value, config = self.config.get(parameter[0]))
-    def find_key(self, key, config = None):
-        """Find the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        key : `str`
-            Key that needs to be correctly addressed in a nested dictionary
-        config : `list` or `none`, optional
-            Used to iterate through nested dictionaries
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        key : `list`
-            Address of the key in the nested dictionary
-        """
-        if config == None:
-            config = self.config
-        key_path = []
-        for k, v in config.items():
-            if k == key:
-                return [k]
-            elif isinstance(v, dict):
-                found_key = self.find_key(key, config = v)
-                if found_key is not None:
-                    return [k] + found_key
-    ######################
-    # Config IO options
-    ######################
-    def load_config_from_file(self, file_path):
-        """Load parameters from yaml file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        file_path : `str`
-            Path of config file to load
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        config : `dict`
-            Dictionary containing the config parameters
-        """
-        with open(file_path, 'r') as input_file: 
-            config = self.yaml.load(input_file)
-            input_file.close()
-        return config
-    def load_config_from_model_dir(self, model_dir):
-        """Finds for a config file from the model directory and loads it
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model_dir : `str`
-            Folder to search for and load the config file
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        config : `dict`
-            Dictionary containing the config parameters
-        Raises
-        ------
-        IndexError
-            If there are no config file in the model_dir
-        """
-        # check if yaml file exists in model_dir
-        try:
-            list_config_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*config.yml'))
-            if len(list_config_files) > 1:
-                print("Multiple config files found. Loading {}".format(list_config_files[0]))
-            else:
-                print("Config file exists in model directory. Loading {}".format(list_config_files[0]))
-            return self.load_config_from_file(list_config_files[0])
-        except IndexError:
-            print("No config file found in model_dir.")
-            raise
-    def write_config(self, file_path):
-        """Writes parameters to yaml file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        file_path : `str`
-            Path of config file to write to
-        """
-        with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:  
-            self.yaml.dump(self.config, output_file)
-        output_file.close()
-        print("Config file written to: {}".format(file_path))
-    def write_model(self, model, file_path):
-        """Writes parameters to yaml file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        model : :class:`Keras.model`
-            Keras model that will be parsed and written to a yaml file
-        file_path : `str`
-            Path of model file to write to
-        """
-        with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:  
-            output_file.write(model.to_yaml())
-        output_file.close()
-        print("Model file written to: {}".format(file_path))


-def find_key(self, key, config=None) -

Find the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary



key : str
Key that needs to be correctly addressed in a nested dictionary
config : list or none, optional
Used to iterate through nested dictionaries


key : list
Address of the key in the nested dictionary
- -Expand source code - -
def find_key(self, key, config = None):
-    """Find the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    key : `str`
-        Key that needs to be correctly addressed in a nested dictionary
-    config : `list` or `none`, optional
-        Used to iterate through nested dictionaries
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    key : `list`
-        Address of the key in the nested dictionary
-    """
-    if config == None:
-        config = self.config
-    key_path = []
-    for k, v in config.items():
-        if k == key:
-            return [k]
-        elif isinstance(v, dict):
-            found_key = self.find_key(key, config = v)
-            if found_key is not None:
-                return [k] + found_key
-def get_parameter(self, parameter, config=[]) -

Output the value from the config file using the given key



parameter : list or str
Key or list of keys used to find for the value in the config file
config : list, optional
Used to iterate through nested dictionaries. Required to recursively iterate through neseted dictionary


value : str or int or list
Value obtained from the specified key

See Also

Function to identify the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
- -Expand source code - -
def get_parameter(self, parameter, config = []):
-    """Output the value from the config file using the given key
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    parameter : `list` or `str`
-        Key or list of keys used to find for the value in the config file
-    config : `list`, optional
-        Used to iterate through nested dictionaries. Required to recursively iterate through neseted dictionary
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    value : `str` or `int` or `list`
-        Value obtained from the specified key
-    See Also
-    ----------
-    find_key : Function to identify the list of keys to address the correct item in a nested dictionary
-    """
-    assert isinstance(parameter, (list, str))
-    # find for key in nested dictionary
-    if isinstance(parameter, str):
-        parameter = self.find_key(parameter)
-    if config == []:
-        config = self.config
-    if config is None:
-        return None
-    if not parameter:
-        return config
-    return self.get_parameter(parameter[1:], config = config.get(parameter[0]))
-def load_config_from_file(self, file_path) -

Load parameters from yaml file



file_path : str
Path of config file to load


config : dict
Dictionary containing the config parameters
- -Expand source code - -
def load_config_from_file(self, file_path):
-    """Load parameters from yaml file
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    file_path : `str`
-        Path of config file to load
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    config : `dict`
-        Dictionary containing the config parameters
-    """
-    with open(file_path, 'r') as input_file: 
-        config = self.yaml.load(input_file)
-        input_file.close()
-    return config
-def load_config_from_model_dir(self, model_dir) -

Finds for a config file from the model directory and loads it



model_dir : str
Folder to search for and load the config file


config : dict
Dictionary containing the config parameters


If there are no config file in the model_dir
- -Expand source code - -
def load_config_from_model_dir(self, model_dir):
-    """Finds for a config file from the model directory and loads it
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    model_dir : `str`
-        Folder to search for and load the config file
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    config : `dict`
-        Dictionary containing the config parameters
-    Raises
-    ------
-    IndexError
-        If there are no config file in the model_dir
-    """
-    # check if yaml file exists in model_dir
-    try:
-        list_config_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir,'*config.yml'))
-        if len(list_config_files) > 1:
-            print("Multiple config files found. Loading {}".format(list_config_files[0]))
-        else:
-            print("Config file exists in model directory. Loading {}".format(list_config_files[0]))
-        return self.load_config_from_file(list_config_files[0])
-    except IndexError:
-        print("No config file found in model_dir.")
-        raise
-def update_parameter(self, parameter, value, config=None) -

Updates the parameter in the config file using a full addressed list



parameter : list
List of keys that point to the correct item in the nested dictionary
value : str or int or list
Value that is updated in the nested dictionary
config : list or none, optional
Used to iterate through nested dictionaries


- -Expand source code - -
def update_parameter(self, parameter, value, config = None):
-    """Updates the parameter in the config file using a full addressed list
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    parameter : `list`
-        List of keys that point to the correct item in the nested dictionary
-    value : `str` or `int` or `list`
-        Value that is updated in the nested dictionary
-    config : `list` or `none`, optional
-        Used to iterate through nested dictionaries
-    Returns
-    ----------
-    TODO
-    """
-    assert type(parameter) is list
-    if config == None:
-        config = self.config
-    if len(parameter) == 1:
-        config.update({parameter[0]: value})
-        return config
-    return self.update_parameter(parameter[1:], value, config = self.config.get(parameter[0]))
-def write_config(self, file_path) -

Writes parameters to yaml file



file_path : str
Path of config file to write to
- -Expand source code - -
def write_config(self, file_path):
-    """Writes parameters to yaml file
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    file_path : `str`
-        Path of config file to write to
-    """
-    with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:  
-        self.yaml.dump(self.config, output_file)
-    output_file.close()
-    print("Config file written to: {}".format(file_path))
-def write_model(self, model, file_path) -

Writes parameters to yaml file



model : :class:Keras.model
Keras model that will be parsed and written to a yaml file
file_path : str
Path of model file to write to
- -Expand source code - -
def write_model(self, model, file_path):
-    """Writes parameters to yaml file
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    model : :class:`Keras.model`
-        Keras model that will be parsed and written to a yaml file
-    file_path : `str`
-        Path of model file to write to
-    """
-    with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:  
-        output_file.write(model.to_yaml())
-    output_file.close()
-    print("Model file written to: {}".format(file_path))
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/layers/index.html b/html/models/layers/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index cc15a41..0000000 --- a/html/models/layers/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.layers API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.layers

- -Expand source code - -
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function


- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/html/models/layers/layers.html b/html/models/layers/layers.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9eca4b5..0000000 --- a/html/models/layers/layers.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,222 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - -models.layers.layers API documentation - - - - - - - - - -

Module models.layers.layers

- -Expand source code - -
import math
-import keras
-from keras.models import Model, load_model
-from keras.layers import Input, BatchNormalization, Activation
-from keras.layers.core import Lambda, Dropout
-from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D, Conv2DTranspose, UpSampling2D
-from keras.layers.convolutional_recurrent import ConvLSTM2D
-from keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling2D
-from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate, Add
-from keras import regularizers
-from keras import backend as K
-import tensorflow as tf
-def activation_function(inputs, acti):
-    if isinstance(acti, str):
-        return Activation(acti)(inputs)
-    else:
-        return acti(inputs)
-def regularizer_function(weight_regularizer):
-    if weight_regularizer == 0 or weight_regularizer == None:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return regularizers.l2(weight_regularizer)
-def bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, filter_size, 
-                    strides = 1, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = ""):
-    output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-    output = activation_function(output, acti)
-    output = Conv2D(filters, (filter_size, filter_size), padding=padding, strides = strides,
-                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                    kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-    return output
-def bn_relu_conv2dtranspose(inputs, filters, filter_size, 
-                            strides = 2, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                            kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = ""):
-    output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-    output = activation_function(output, acti)
-    output = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=strides, padding=padding, 
-                             kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                             kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-    return output
-def normalize_input(inputs, scale_input = False, mean_std_normalization = False, mean = None, std = None):
-    if mean_std_normalization is True:
-        print("Using normalization")
-        return Lambda(lambda x: (x - mean)/std)(inputs)
-    elif scale_input is True:
-        print("Not using normalization")
-        return Lambda(lambda x: x / 255)(inputs)
-    else:
-        return inputs


-def activation_function(inputs, acti) -
- -Expand source code - -
def activation_function(inputs, acti):
-    if isinstance(acti, str):
-        return Activation(acti)(inputs)
-    else:
-        return acti(inputs)
-def bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, filter_size, strides=1, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None, name='') -
- -Expand source code - -
def bn_relu_conv2d(inputs, filters, filter_size, 
-                    strides = 1, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                    kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = ""):
-    output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-    output = activation_function(output, acti)
-    output = Conv2D(filters, (filter_size, filter_size), padding=padding, strides = strides,
-                    kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                    kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-    return output
-def bn_relu_conv2dtranspose(inputs, filters, filter_size, strides=2, acti=None, padding=None, kernel_initializer=None, weight_regularizer=None, name='') -
- -Expand source code - -
def bn_relu_conv2dtranspose(inputs, filters, filter_size, 
-                            strides = 2, acti = None, padding = None, 
-                            kernel_initializer = None, weight_regularizer = None, name = ""):
-    output = BatchNormalization()(inputs)
-    output = activation_function(output, acti)
-    output = Conv2DTranspose(filters, (2, 2), strides=strides, padding=padding, 
-                             kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer, 
-                             kernel_regularizer=regularizer_function(weight_regularizer))(output)
-    return output
-def normalize_input(inputs, scale_input=False, mean_std_normalization=False, mean=None, std=None) -
- -Expand source code - -
def normalize_input(inputs, scale_input = False, mean_std_normalization = False, mean = None, std = None):
-    if mean_std_normalization is True:
-        print("Using normalization")
-        return Lambda(lambda x: (x - mean)/std)(inputs)
-    elif scale_input is True:
-        print("Not using normalization")
-        return Lambda(lambda x: x / 255)(inputs)
-    else:
-        return inputs
-def regularizer_function(weight_regularizer) -
- -Expand source code - -
def regularizer_function(weight_regularizer):
-    if weight_regularizer == 0 or weight_regularizer == None:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return regularizers.l2(weight_regularizer)
- -
- - - - - \ No newline at end of file