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270 lines (200 loc) · 8.06 KB


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FFI powered library for the LAME MP3 encoder.


Installing the gem

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lame'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lame

Installing LAME

To use this gem, you need to have the LAME development library (libmp3lame-dev) installed.

Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev

Mac OS X with Homebrew: brew install lame

Or build it from source, visit the LAME website.


Create a default LAME::Encoder with default settings:

encoder =

Then configure some settings:

encoder.configure do |config|
  config.quality = 4
  config.bitrate = 192

See all configuration options in the Configuration section below.

Then encode some audio data. Both left and right are arrays of short values (ranging from −32,768 to +32,767). The mp3_data variable is a binary string of MP3 encoded audio. This can be appended to a file or streamed to a server.

encoder.encode_short(left, right) do |mp3_data|
  # do something with encoded mp3 data..

See all encoding methods in the Encoding section below.


Here are all the encoding configuration options. The values use here are the defaults. You can set any option prior to encoding.

encoder.configure do |config|
  config.bitrate                     = 128
  config.quality                     = 3
  config.mode                        = :join_stereo

  config.number_of_samples           = 4294967295
  config.number_of_channels          = 2
  config.input_samplerate            = 44100
  config.output_samplerate           = 44100
  config.scale                       = 0.95
  config.scale_left                  = 1.0
  config.scale_left                  = 1.0
  config.analysis                    = false
  config.decode_only                 = false
  config.force_mid_side              = false
  config.free_format                 = false
  config.replay_gain                 = false
  config.decode_on_the_fly           = false
  config.preset                      = :EXTREME # no LAME default
  config.copyright                   = false
  config.original                    = true
  config.error_protection            = false
  config.extension                   = false
  config.strict_iso                  = true # no LAME default
  config.allow_different_block_types = false
  config.temporal_masking            = true
  config.inter_channel_ratio         = 0.0002
  config.disable_short_blocks        = false
  config.force_short_blocks          = false
  config.emphasis                    = false

  # auto-detected by default
  config.asm_optimization.mmx       = true
  config.asm_optimization.amd_3dnow = true
  config.asm_optimization.sse       = true

  # these options can't be "unset" once set to true
  config.id3.v2              = false
  config.id3.v1_only         = false
  config.id3.v2_only         = false
  config.id3.v1_space        = false
  config.id3.v2_padding      = false
  config.id3.v2_padding_size = 128

  config.id3.write_automatic = true
  config.id3.title           = nil
  config.id3.artist          = nil
  config.id3.album           = nil
  config.id3.year            = nil
  config.id3.comment         = nil
  config.id3.track           = nil
  config.id3.genre           = nil

  config.quantization.reservoir      = true
  config.quantization.comp           = 9
  config.quantization.comp_short     = 9
  config.quantization.experimental_x = 9
  config.quantization.experimental_y = 0
  config.quantization.experimental_z = 0
  config.quantization.naoki          = true
  config.quantization.msfix          = 1.95

  config.vbr.write_tag           = true
  config.vbr.mode                = :vbr_off
  config.vbr.q                   = 4
  config.vbr.quality             = 4.0
  config.vbr.mean_bitrate        = 128
  config.vbr.min_bitrate         = 0
  config.vbr.max_bitrate         = 0
  config.vbr.enforce_min_bitrate = false

  config.filtering.low_pass_frequency  = 17000
  config.filtering.low_pass_width      = -1
  config.filtering.high_pass_frequency = 0
  config.filtering.high_pass_width     = -1

  config.psycho_acoustics.ath_only          = false
  config.psycho_acoustics.ath_short         = false
  config.psycho_acoustics.ath               = true
  config.psycho_acoustics.ath_type          = 4
  config.psycho_acoustics.ath_lower         = 3.0
  config.psycho_acoustics.athaa_type        = -1
  config.psycho_acoustics.athaa_sensitivity = 0.0


See encoding_spec.rb for examples how to encode a WAV file to an MP3 file.

The available encoding functions are:

encoder =

# encode shorts (−32,768 to +32,767), for 16-bit audio
encoder.encode_short(left, right) do |mp3_frame|
  # ...

# encode floats (−1.0 to +1.0), for 32-bit floating point audio
encoder.encode_float(left, right) do |mp3_frame|
  # ...

# encode longs (system dependent, +/- 2^(bits_per_long-1)
encoder.encode_long(left, right) do |mp3_frame|
  # ...

# encode interleaved shorts
encoder.encode_interleaved_short(samples) do |mp3_frame|
  # ...

# encode interleaved floats
encoder.encode_interleaved_float(samples) do |mp3_frame|
  # ...

The left and right are arrays of sample values for the given data type.


See decoding_spec.rb for examples how to decode an MP3 file to an WAV file.


This section contains some references used during development of this gem.


Run the unit tests with rspec:

$ rspec

Run the integration tests by using the slow tag:

$ rspec -t slow

ID3v2 tags

To use ID3v2 tags in files, see this post on the lame-dev mailing list:


  1. Disable automatic id3tag writing
  2. Write id3v2 tag at start of file (keep track of size of this tag)
  3. Write audio to file
  4. Write id3v1 tag at end of file
  5. Write vbr 'lametag' at start of audio (using the size of the id3v2 tag)

See the example code in encoding_spec.rb.


Check this link for a 'simple' example. Note that we need to deal with the ID3 tags ourselves before decoding MP3 frames.

Analysis of lame_decode_initfile in get_audio.c:

  1. hip_decode_init
  2. Read ID3 tags, starting with "ID3"
  3. The length of the ID3 tag are at the start (right after "ID3")
  4. Optionally read the contents of the ID3 tag, or just skip it
  5. Check if there is a "AID" header, and skip it
  6. Read up until the first "mp123 syncword"

After this, we are ready to decode MP3 data.

  1. Check if there are some samples in the internal decoder by passing an empty input-buffer into the decoder.
  2. If some decoded audio samples were indeed left in the internal decoder, do something useful with them.
  3. Repeat this until no audio is left in the internal buffer.
  4. Read some data from the file (starting at the "mp123 syncword") and feed it to the decoder.
  5. Handle the decoded audio.
  6. Now repeat this process (GOTO 1) until the end of the MP3 file.

See the example code in decoding_spec.rb.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request