- contract
- Contract.js
- Contract
- Contract.js
Contract with all its methods and events defined in its abi.
contract "code" definition:
| <- create contract transaction `data` -> |
| <- deploy code -> | <- runtime code -> | <- metadata -> | <- constructor arguments -> |
| <- contract `bytecode` -> |
| <- code as `getCode` -> |
- Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
options | object |
true | ||
options.abi | array |
true | The json interface for the contract to instantiate | |
options.address | string |
false | The address of the smart contract to call, can be added later using contract.address = '0x1234...' |
options.bytecode | string |
false | The byte code of the contract, can be added later using contract.constructor.code = '0x1234...' |
conflux | Conflux |
true | Conflux instance. |
- Returns
- Examples
> const contract = conflux.Contract({ abi, bytecode, address });
abi: ContractABI { contract: [Circular *1] },
address: 'cfxtest:achc8nxj7r451c223m18w2dwjnmhkd6rxa2gc31euw',
constructor: [Function: bound call],
name: [Function: bound call],
'name()': [Function: bound call],
'0x06fdde03': [Function: bound call],
balanceOf: [Function: bound call],
'balanceOf(address)': [Function: bound call],
'0x70a08231': [Function: bound call],
send: [Function: bound call],
'send(address,uint256,bytes)': [Function: bound call],
'0x9bd9bbc6': [Function: bound call],
Transfer: [Function: bound call],
'Transfer(address,address,uint256)': [Function: bound call],
'0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef': [Function: bound call]
> contract.constructor.bytecode; // input code
> const contract = conflux.Contract({
address: 'cfxtest:achc8nxj7r451c223m18w2dwjnmhkd6rxa2gc31euw',
abi: [
type: 'function',
name: 'name',
inputs: [],
outputs: [{ type: 'string' }],
type: 'function',
name: 'balanceOf',
inputs: [{ type: 'address' }],
outputs: [{ type: 'uint256' }],
name: 'send',
type: 'function',
inputs: [
{ type: 'address', name: 'recipient' },
{ type: 'uint256', name: 'amount' },
{ type: 'bytes', name: 'data' },
outputs: [{ type: 'bool' }],
> contract.address
> await contract.name(); // call a method without parameter, get decoded return value.
> await contract.name().call({ to: '0x8b8689c7f3014a4d86e4d1d0daaf74a47f5e0f27' }); // call a method with options
"conflux USDT"
> await contract.balanceOf('0x19c742cec42b9e4eff3b84cdedcde2f58a36f44f'); // call a method with parameters, get decoded return value.
Update contract state with sendTransaction
> await contract.transfer('0x19c742cec42b9e4eff3b84cdedcde2f58a36f44f', 10000).sendTransaction({
from: 'cfxtest:aak2rra2njvd77ezwjvx04kkds9fzagfe6d5r8e957',
> transaction = await conflux.getTransactionByHash('0x2055f3287f1a6ce77d91f5dfdf7517a531b3a560fee1265f27dc1ff92314530b');
> contract.abi.decodeData(transaction.data)
name: 'send',
fullName: 'send(address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes data)',
type: 'send(address,uint256,bytes)',
signature: '0x9bd9bbc6',
array: [
<Buffer 1f 3c 6b 96 96 60 4c dc 3c e1 ca 27 7d 4c 69 a9 c2 77 0c 9f>
object: {
recipient: '0x80bb30efc5683758128b404fe5da03432eb16634',
amount: 60000000000000000000n,
data: <Buffer 1f 3c 6b 96 96 60 4c dc 3c e1 ca 27 7d 4c 69 a9 c2 77 0c 9f>
> receipt = await conflux.getTransactionReceipt('0x2055f3287f1a6ce77d91f5dfdf7517a531b3a560fee1265f27dc1ff92314530b');
> contract.abi.decodeLog(receipt.logs[1]);
name: 'Transfer',
fullName: 'Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)',
type: 'Transfer(address,address,uint256)',
signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
array: [
object: {
from: '0x1f3c6b9696604cdc3ce1ca277d4c69a9c2770c9f',
to: '0x80bb30efc5683758128b404fe5da03432eb16634',
value: 60000000000000000000n