- Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or
- Visual Studio 2017
- CMake 3.8.0 (note: downloaded automatically if not found, but version must be 3.8.x)
- git.exe available in your path. You can download and install it from
- vcpkg. You can download and install it from Commits c5daa93506b616d253e257488ecc385271238e2a tests OK. Following to install vcpkg. This document assumes that vcpkg is installed at
Use vcpkg to install libevent,glog,gtest,gflags.
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install gflags
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install glog
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install openssl
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install libevent
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install thrift
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install gflags:x64-windows
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install glog:x64-windows
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install openssl:x64-windows
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install libevent:x64-windows
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install thrift:x64-windows
$ git clone
$ cd evpp
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Using the default vs solution file:
$ start vsprojects/libevpp.sln
... # here yo can use Visual Studio 2015 to compile the whole evpp project
Or, we can use CMake to compile the whole projects on WIDNOWS command line console (This does not work on unix shell):
D:\git\evpp>md build
D:\git\evpp>cd build
D:\git\evpp\build>cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=your_vcpkg_path/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" ..
D:\git\evpp\build>start safe-evpp.sln
D:\git\evpp>md build
D:\git\evpp>cd build
D:\git\evpp\build>cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=your_vcpkg_path/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
D:\git\evpp\build>start safe-evpp.sln
$ cd vsprojects/bin/Debug/
$ ./libevpp-test.exe
If you just want to use evpp as a library, you can use vcpkg to install evpp:
D:\git\vcpkg>vcpkg install evpp
That will install evpp in your local machine. And then, you can use evpp in you own applications.