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TNF Test example

This example deploys a couple of pods in different namespaces, to be used with the Red Hat Best Practices Test Suite for Kubernetes in a multi-namespace scenario.

Even though CNF Cert Suite has been renamed to Red Hat Best Practices Test Suite for Kubernetes, this example will keep tnf_test_example name.

Note that this example works in OCP versions equal or higher than 4.8.x.

A possible configuration to deploy this sample is the following (note that variables that are not defined, such as the ones related to k8s_best_practices_certsuite role, would use default values):

dci_tags: ["debug"]
dci_config_dir: "/var/lib/dci-openshift-app-agent/samples/tnf_test_example"
dci_components_by_query: ["type:tnf_test_example"]
do_certsuite: true
  - namespace: "test-cnf"
    targetpodlabels: [environment=test]
    targetoperatorlabels: []
      - nameSuffix: ""
        scalable: false
    exclude_connectivity_regexp: ""
  - namespace: "production-cnf"
    targetpodlabels: [environment=production]
    targetoperatorlabels: []
      - nameSuffix: ""
        scalable: false
    exclude_connectivity_regexp: ""

In particular, two namespaces are created, called test-cnf and production-cnf, mimic-ing the two typical environments we can find to deploy application workloads. In the first case, a Deployment is used to create the pods, and in the second case, it is used a StatefulSet.

Other resources related to the pods under test are also deployed:

  • Configuration for istio injection, in order to install istio-proxy container on each pod, if istio/Aspenmesh is installed in the cluster. This is only done if tnf_enable_service_mesh control flag is set to true (false by default).
  • (If no default StorageClass is present in the cluster) Local StorageClass and PersistentVolumes, attached to the pods under test in production-cnf namespace.
  • A custom SCC applied to all the pods. This SCC follows the Verizon recommendations to use best practices for deploying pods securely.
  • Resource quotas, extracted from this repository.
  • Network policies, extracted from these sources: (1), (2) and (3).
  • CRD under test, extracted from this repository.
  • Pod disruption budget, extracted from this repository.
  • Hugepages configuration in the pods under test, extracted from this repository.
    • Note that, to use this feature, you need to activate tnf_enable_hugepages: true in your code (default to false).
  • Affinity rules applied to the pods under test. In the case of test-cnf namespace, pods are deployed using podAntiAffinity rule to keep the pods in different worker nodes, and in production-cnf namespace, a podAffinity rule is used to keep the pods in the same worker node, also using AffinityRequired: 'true' label.
  • Pods in test-cnf namespace are deployed with non-guaranteed QoS, whereas pods in production-cnf are deployed with guaranteed QoS, together with certain CPU allocation constraints and runtime class definition.

Finally, apart from the pods under test, it also deploys, in one of the namespaces:

Note the operator will only be installed if tnf_install_operator flag is set to true.

  • A Helm chart, based on fredco samplechart, in order to execute certsuite tests over this Helm chart.

The specific operator and Helm chart that are deployed depend on the tnf_test_example DCI component used. Currently, we support v0.0.1 (it uses simple-demo-operator is used) and v0.0.2 (the latest one, where mongodb-enterprise operator is used). By using dci_components_by_query variable in your settings file, you can select the component that best suits you.

Note that the component defines some data that is used by the hooks. Here you have an example that you can check. If you click in Data > See content, you will see a JSON string containing the following variables (which needs to be declared):

  • tnf_app_image: image to be used in the pods under test. In our case, the specification, obtained from this repository, is a suitable one for passing all the test suites from the CNF Test Suite.
  • tnf_operator_to_install: information related to the operator to be installed. It must include the following variables within it:
    • operator_name: name of the operator.
    • operator_version: version of the operator.
    • operator_bundle: bundle Image SHA of the operator to be installed. This is used to create a custom catalog for disconnected environments.
  • tnf_helm_chart_to_install: information related to the Helm chart to be deployed. It must include the following variables within it:
    • chart_url: URL to the chart.tgz file that includes the Helm chart.
    • image_repository: public image used within the Helm chart.
    • app_version: (only needed in disconnected environments) version linked to image_repository image, so that the image would be image_repository:app_version.

These resources create services in the namespace that are updated to PreferDualStack IP family policy, then obtaining an IPv6 IP address if the OCP cluster is configured in dual-stack mode.

Example of values for these variables are the following (in connected, it will use; in disconnected, the image must be present in a dci_local_registry):

tnf_app_image: redhat-best-practices-for-k8s/certsuite-sample-workload:latest
  operator_name: mongodb-enterprise
  operator_version: v1.17.0
  app_version: 1-42

For further information, you can check the following blog posts:

Note that, in case you are not using components, operator and Helm chart will not be tested, but you can still run the job. For this, you need to define tnf_app_image explicitly in your settings or pipelines, else the job will fail in pre-run stage.