Create a regular user with system-auditor (read-only) permissions
Then follow https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/administration/metrics.html to add this to your prometheus custom instance.
If you used
agnosticd ansible-tower config to deploy Dark-Tower, then node-exporter
is installed on all tower masters and the support1 instance (postgresql). The port 9100 is open.
On your custom prometheus instance, edit the config file prometheus.yml
and add your config to scrape_configs:
- job_name: "babylon-tower-nodes"
- targets:
oc get secret prometheus-k8s-htpasswd -o yaml -n openshift-monitoring
convert to file
add an entry (new user/password) using the htpasswd command
convert the file to using base64 command
edit the secret and replace the data
restart the prometheus-k8s-* pods in the openshift-monitoring namespace
go to granafan and add the datasource using the https route and the basic auth login/password you just added in the htpasswd