yaml-language-server use a non-standard LSP request to resolve schemas content on client #359
Add in non-standard lsp request for resolving schemas on the client-side #395
Fix error on completion 'null' value #360
Select schemas based of on their priority #362
Keep space before word after inserting completion #363
Update readme with example of an array of glob patterns for schema #366
Add Dockerfile #335
Fix: Code completion list empty on empty file #349
Fix: Autocompletion missing space in value for default snippets when autocompleting on root node #364
Check if dynamic registration is enabled before executing onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders #378
Fix: Array indentation in autocomplete is broken after upgrade to 0.13 #376
Added folding ranges provider implementation #337
Fix: Hover doesn't work when there is no symbol after property #382
Fix: Code completion array new line ending with no indent #384
Fix: Code completion with defaultSnippet and markdown #385
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