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Deployment of VeraId Authority with Awala support to GCP

This Terraform module provides an example of how to deploy VeraId Authority to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and MongoDB Atlas using serverless resources. It also assumes you'll be using Google as the identity provider.

For a simpler example without Awala, refer to the basic example.


  1. Configure authentication. Go to Credentials in the Google Cloud Console, and create a new OAuth2 client ID with the following parameters:

    • Application type: Web application.
    • Authorised redirect URIs:

    Then copy the client id.

  2. Log in to Google using the following URL, replacing YOUR_CLIENT_ID with the id you got above:

    You'll be redirected to with a JWT in the URL. Copy the value of the sub claim.

  3. Initialise this module with the required variables. For example:

      module "veraid-authority-awala" {
        source  = "relaycorp/veraid-authority/google//examples/basic"
        version = "<INSERT VERSION HERE>"
        google_project_id = "your-project"
        # Use environment variables in production
        google_credentials_path = "/home/you/Desktop/google-credentials.json"
        mongodbatlas_public_key  = "your-public-key-id"
        mongodbatlas_private_key = "your-private-key"
        mongodbatlas_project_id  = "your-project-id"
        api_auth_audience        = "your-oauth2-client-id"
        superadmin_email_address = "your-jwt-sub" # The "sub" claim of the JWT you got above
        awala_internet_address       = "your-domain-name" # e.g., ""
        awala_internet_pohttp_domain = "your-pohttp-domain" # e.g., "
  4. Run terraform init, followed by terraform apply.

  5. Copy the outputs pohttp_server_ip_address and bootstrap_job_name to complete the setup of the Awala Internet Gateway per the instructions of the Awala Internet Endpoint module.